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package handlers
import (
const (
earthRadius = 6378137.0
earthCircumference = math.Pi * earthRadius
initialResolution = 2 * earthCircumference / 256
dpi uint8 = 96
type tileCoord struct {
z uint8
x, y uint64
// tileCoordFromString parses and returns tileCoord coordinates and an optional
// extension from the three parameters. The parameter z is interpreted as the
// web mercator zoom level, it is supposed to be an unsigned integer that will
// fit into 8 bit. The parameters x and y are interpreted as longitude and
// latitude tile indices for that zoom level, both are supposed be integers in
// the integer interval [0,2^z). Additionally, y may also have an optional
// filename extension (e.g. "42.png") which is removed before parsing the
// number, and returned, too. In case an error occurred during parsing or if the
// values are not in the expected interval, the returned error is non-nil.
func tileCoordFromString(z, x, y string) (tc tileCoord, ext string, err error) {
var z64 uint64
if z64, err = strconv.ParseUint(z, 10, 8); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("cannot parse zoom level: %v", err)
tc.z = uint8(z64)
const (
errMsgParse = "cannot parse %s coordinate axis: %v"
errMsgOOB = "%s coordinate (%d) is out of bounds for zoom level %d"
if tc.x, err = strconv.ParseUint(x, 10, 64); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf(errMsgParse, "first", err)
if tc.x >= (1 << z64) {
err = fmt.Errorf(errMsgOOB, "x", tc.x, tc.z)
s := y
if l := strings.LastIndex(s, "."); l >= 0 {
s, ext = s[:l], s[l:]
if tc.y, err = strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf(errMsgParse, "y", err)
if tc.y >= (1 << z64) {
err = fmt.Errorf(errMsgOOB, "y", tc.y, tc.z)
func calcScaleResolution(zoomLevel uint8, dpi uint8) (float64, float64) {
var denom = 1 << zoomLevel
resolution := initialResolution / float64(denom)
scale := float64(dpi) * 39.37 * resolution // 39.37 in/m
return scale, resolution