mirror of https://github.com/coot/free-category.git synced 2024-09-11 14:17:30 +03:00

Modify example

Simplify types, but use 'KleisliS' newtype wrapper.
This commit is contained in:
Marcin Szamotulski 2019-09-29 13:03:27 +01:00
parent 8678e87081
commit 6702b0974d

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
@ -12,6 +14,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Arrow (Kleisli (..))
import Control.Category (Category (..))
import Control.Monad (void)
-- import Control.Algebra.Free2
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
@ -60,32 +63,36 @@ runLoggedOut (LoggedOut a) = a
-- category (e.g. @'Kleisli' m@) then the data will be avalable on
-- @'LoggedOut{} :: 'State' a st@.
data Tr a from to where
data Tr a (from :: StateType) (to :: StateType) where
:: SStateType to
-> Tr a (State a 'LoggedOutType) (State a to)
-> Tr a 'LoggedOutType to
:: Maybe a
-> Tr a (State a 'LoggedInType) (State a 'LoggedOutType)
-> Tr a 'LoggedInType 'LoggedOutType
:: Tr a (State a 'LoggedInType) (State a 'LoggedInType)
:: Tr a 'LoggedInType 'LoggedInType
login :: Monad m
=> SStateType st
-> EffCat m (Cat (Tr a)) (State a 'LoggedOutType) (State a st)
-> EffCat m (Cat (Tr a)) 'LoggedOutType st
login = liftEffect . Login
logout :: Monad m
=> Maybe a
-> EffCat m (Cat (Tr a)) (State a 'LoggedInType) (State a 'LoggedOutType)
-> EffCat m (Cat (Tr a)) 'LoggedInType 'LoggedOutType
logout = liftEffect . Logout
access :: Monad m
=> EffCat m (Cat (Tr a)) (State a 'LoggedInType) (State a 'LoggedInType)
=> EffCat m (Cat (Tr a)) 'LoggedInType 'LoggedInType
access = liftEffect Access
-- Public API
type Username = String
-- * Data representation of the state machine.
@ -148,6 +155,10 @@ handleLoginPure passwds passwd secret = HandleLogin
handleAccess = AccessHandler (pure secret) $ \_ -> return LogoutHandler
-- Abstract State Machine Description
-- | Abstract access function
@ -157,22 +168,43 @@ accessSecret
-- @'HandleLogin'@ (with a small modifications) but this way we are able to
-- test it with a pure @'HandleLogin'@ (see @'handleLoginPure'@).
-> HandleLogin m String a
-> EffCat m (Cat (Tr a)) (State a 'LoggedOutType) (State a 'LoggedOutType)
accessSecret 0 HandleLogin{handleAccessDenied} = effect $ handleAccessDenied $> id
accessSecret n HandleLogin{handleLogin} = effect $ do
st <- handleLogin
case st of
-- login success
Right accessHandler -> return $ handle accessHandler Nothing . login SLoggedIn
-- login failure
Left handler' -> return $ accessSecret (pred n) handler'
handle :: HandleAccess m a -> Maybe a -> EffCat m (Cat (Tr a)) (State a 'LoggedInType) (State a 'LoggedOutType)
handle LogoutHandler ma = logout ma
handle (AccessHandler accessHandler dataHandler) _ = effect $ do
a <- accessHandler
accessHandler' <- dataHandler a
return $ handle accessHandler' (Just a)
-> EffCat m (Cat (Tr a)) 'LoggedOutType 'LoggedOutType
accessSecret 0 HandleLogin{handleAccessDenied}
= effect $ handleAccessDenied $> id
accessSecret n HandleLogin{handleLogin}
= effect $ do
st <- handleLogin
case st of
-- login success
Right accessHandler -> return $ handle accessHandler Nothing . login SLoggedIn
-- login failure
Left handler' -> return $ accessSecret (pred n) handler'
handle :: HandleAccess m a
-> Maybe a
-> EffCat m (Cat (Tr a)) 'LoggedInType 'LoggedOutType
handle LogoutHandler ma = logout ma
handle (AccessHandler accessHandler dataHandler) _ = effect $ do
a <- accessHandler
accessHandler' <- dataHandler a
return $ handle accessHandler' (Just a)
-- Run Abstract State Machine
newtype KleisliS m a (from :: StateType) (to :: StateType)
= KleisliS { runKleisliS :: Kleisli m (State a from) (State a to) }
instance Monad m => Category (KleisliS m a) where
id = KleisliS id
KleisliS f . KleisliS g = KleisliS (f . g)
instance Monad m => EffectCategory (KleisliS m a) m where
effect mf = KleisliS $ Kleisli $ \a -> mg >>= \g -> g a
mg = runKleisli . runKleisliS <$> mf
-- | Get data following the protocol defined by the state machine.
@ -180,12 +212,12 @@ accessSecret n HandleLogin{handleLogin} = effect $ do
-- @'Identity'@ monad. To avoid this we use the @'runLoggedOut'@ function.
:: forall m a . Monad m
=> (forall x y. Tr a x y -> Kleisli m x y)
=> (forall x y. Tr a x y -> KleisliS m a x y)
-> Natural
-> HandleLogin m String a
-> m (Maybe a)
getData nat n handleLogin = case foldNatEffCat nat (accessSecret n handleLogin) of
Kleisli fn -> do
KleisliS (Kleisli fn) -> do
ma <- runLoggedOut <$> fn (LoggedOut Nothing)
return ma
@ -200,16 +232,22 @@ getData nat n handleLogin = case foldNatEffCat nat (accessSecret n handleLogin)
-- This is because we will need the monad whn @'foldNatLift'@ will walk over the
-- constructors of the '@FreeLifting'@ category.
natPure :: forall m a from to. Monad m => Tr a from to -> Kleisli m from to
natPure = liftKleisli . nat
natPure :: forall m a from to.
Monad m
=> Tr a from to
-> KleisliS m a from to
natPure = KleisliS . liftKleisli . nat
-- a natural trasformation to @'->'@
nat :: Tr a from to -> (from -> to)
nat :: Tr a from to
-> (State a from -> State a to)
nat (Login SLoggedIn) = \_ -> LoggedIn
nat (Login SLoggedOut) = \_ -> LoggedOut Nothing
nat (Logout ma) = \_ -> LoggedOut ma
nat Access = \_ -> LoggedIn
-- | QuickCheck property test using 'Identity' monad (e.g. pure monad)
:: NonEmptyList String
-> String