mirror of https://github.com/coot/free-category.git synced 2024-10-26 15:15:00 +03:00

Added proof that op = unsafeCoerce is safe

This commit is contained in:
Marcin Szamotulski 2019-09-05 09:04:37 +02:00
parent a8c7f5df27
commit 6906ee238a

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@ -128,22 +128,58 @@ foldCat nat (Cat q0 tr0) =
ConsQ zy q' -> go q' . foldCat nat (unOp zy)
{-# INLINE foldCat #-}
-- TODO: add a proof that unsafeCoerce is safe
-- > op Id = Id -- this is ok
-- | 'op' can be defined as
-- @
-- op :: Cat f x y -> Cat (Op f) y x
-- op Id = Id
-- op (Cat q tr) = Cat emptyQ (Op tr) . foldNatQ unDual q
-- @
-- where
-- @
-- unDual :: forall (f :: k -> k -> *) x y.
-- Cat (Op (Op f)) x y
-- -> Cat f x y
-- unDual Id = Id
-- unDual (Cat q (Op (Op tr))) = Cat (hoistQ unDual q) tr
-- @
-- But instead we use `unsafeCoerce`, which is safe by the following argument.
-- We use `l ~ r` to say that the left and right hand side have the same
-- representation. We want to show that `op g ~ g` for any `g :: Cat f x y`
-- It is easy to observe that `unDual g ~ g` for any `x :: Cat (Op (Op f)) x y`.
-- > op Id = Id
-- > ~ Id
-- > op (Cat q tr)
-- > = tr₀@(Cat emptyQ (Op tr)) . foldNatQ unDual q
-- -- we assume that q contains Op (Op tr₁),…, Op (Op trₙ)
-- > = tr₀ . tr₁@(Cat q₁` tr₁`) . ⋯ . trₙ@(Cat qₙ` trₙ`)
-- > = Cat (qₙ` :> trₙ₋₁ :> ⋯ :> tr₀) trₙ`
-- > = c₀@(Cat emptyQ (Op tr)) . foldNatQ unDual q
-- > Note that `.` here denotes composition in `Cat (Op f)`.
-- > Let us assume that `q = c₁ : c₂ : ⋯ : cₙ : NilQ`,
-- > where each `cᵢ :: Cat (Op (Op tr)) aᵢ aᵢ₊₁`
-- > unfolding 'foldNatQ' gives us
-- > = c₀ . unDual c₁ . ⋯ . unDual cₙ
-- > `unDual cᵢ :: Cat tr aᵢ aᵢ₊₁` has the same representation as cᵢ,
-- > at this step we also need to rewrite `.` composition in
-- > `Cat (Op f)` using composition in `Cat f`, this reverses the order
-- > ~ cₙ . ⋯ . c₁ . Cat emptyQ tr
-- > By definition of composition in `Cat f`
-- > = Cat q tr
-- This proves that `op` does not change the representation and thus it is safe
-- to use `unsafeCoerce` instead.
op :: forall (f :: k -> k -> *) x y.
Cat f x y
-> Cat (Op f) y x
op = unsafeCoerce
-- op Id = Id
-- op (Cat q tr) = Cat emptyQ (Op tr) . foldNatQ id q
{-# INLINE op #-}
-- TODO: add a proof that unsafeCoerce is safe
-- | Since `op` is an identity, it inverse `unOp` must be too. Thus we can
-- also use `unsafeCoerce`.
unOp :: forall (f :: k -> k -> *) x y.
Cat (Op f) x y
-> Cat f y x
@ -152,24 +188,6 @@ unOp = unsafeCoerce
-- unOp (Cat q (Op tr)) = Cat emptyQ tr . foldNatQ unDual q
{-# INLINE unOp #-}
dual :: forall (f :: k -> k -> *) x y.
Cat f x y
-> Cat (Op (Op f)) x y
dual Id = Id
dual (Cat q tr) = Cat (hoistQ dual q) (Op (Op tr))
{-# INLINE dual #-}
-- this is clearly safe
unDual :: forall (f :: k -> k -> *) x y.
Cat (Op (Op f)) x y
-> Cat f x y
-- unDual = unsafeCoerce
unDual Id = Id
unDual (Cat q (Op (Op tr))) = Cat (hoistQ unDual q) tr
{-# INLINE unDual #-}
instance Arrow f => Arrow (Cat f) where
arr = arrCat . arr
{-# INLINE arr #-}