mirror of https://github.com/coot/free-category.git synced 2024-09-11 14:17:30 +03:00

Added more tests

* category laws
* compatibility for 'foldNatFree2' for categories and 'foldMap' for
This commit is contained in:
Marcin Szamotulski 2019-09-05 22:06:23 +02:00
parent 57924b4a72
commit 8152515847

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@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
@ -14,6 +18,11 @@ module Test.Cat (tests) where
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Category
import Data.Function (on)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Text.Show.Functions ()
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
@ -30,6 +39,19 @@ tests =
testGroup "Control.Category.Free"
[ testProperty "Cat" prop_Cat
, testProperty "C" prop_C
, testGroup "Category laws"
[ testProperty "Cat id" prop_id_Cat
, testProperty "Cat associativity" prop_associativity_Cat
, testProperty "C id" prop_id_C
, testProperty "C associativity" prop_associativity_C
, testProperty "ListTr id" prop_id_ListTr
, testProperty "ListTr associativity" prop_associativity_ListTr
, testGroup "foldFree2 and foldMap"
[ testProperty "foldFree Cat" prop_foldCat
, testProperty "foldFree C" prop_foldC
, testProperty "foldFree ListTr" prop_foldListTr
@ -216,3 +238,172 @@ prop_C (Blind (ArbListTr listTr SNatural _)) =
foldNatFree2 interpretTr (hoistFreeH2 @_ @C listTr) 0
foldNatFree2 interpretTr listTr 0
-- Test Category Laws
-- @
-- f . id == f == id . f
-- f . g . h == (f . g) . h
-- @
prop_id :: Category c
=> (c a b -> c a b -> Bool)
-> c a b
-> Bool
prop_id eqCat f = eqCat (f . id) f && eqCat (id . f) f
prop_associativity :: Category c
=> (c x w -> c x w -> Bool)
-> c z w -> c y z -> c x y
-> Bool
prop_associativity eqCat f g h =
(f . g . h) `eqCat` ((f . g) . h)
-- | Integers form commutative monoid, and thus a category (a groupoid to be
-- precise) with a single object.
data IntCat (a :: ()) (b :: ()) where
IntCat :: Int -> IntCat a a
instance Show (IntCat a b) where
show (IntCat i) = "IntCat " ++ show i
instance Eq (IntCat a b) where
IntCat i == IntCat j = i == j
instance Category IntCat where
id = IntCat 0
IntCat a . IntCat b = IntCat (a + b)
instance Semigroup (IntCat '() '()) where
IntCat a <> IntCat b = IntCat (a + b)
instance Monoid (IntCat '() '()) where
mempty = IntCat 0
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804
mappend = (<>)
instance Arbitrary (IntCat '() '()) where
arbitrary = IntCat <$> arbitrary
fromList :: forall (a :: k) m f.
( FreeAlgebra2 m
, AlgebraType0 m f
, Category (m f)
) => [f a a] -> m f a a
fromList [] = id
fromList (f : fs) = liftFree2 f . fromList fs
toList :: ( FreeAlgebra2 m
, AlgebraType0 m IntCat
, AlgebraType m (ListTr IntCat)
=> m IntCat '() '()
-> [IntCat '() '()]
toList c = go (hoistFreeH2 c)
go :: ListTr IntCat '() '() -> [IntCat '() '()]
go NilTr = []
go (ConsTr tr@IntCat{} xs) = tr : go xs
-- 'Cat' cateogry laws
newtype ArbIntCat = ArbIntCat (Cat IntCat '() '())
instance Show ArbIntCat where
show (ArbIntCat c) = show (toList c)
instance Arbitrary ArbIntCat where
arbitrary = ArbIntCat . fromList <$> arbitrary
shrink (ArbIntCat c) =
map (ArbIntCat . fromList)
$ shrinkList (const [])
$ toList c
prop_id_Cat :: ArbIntCat -> Bool
prop_id_Cat (ArbIntCat f) =
prop_id (on (==) toList) f
:: ArbIntCat -> ArbIntCat -> ArbIntCat
-> Bool
prop_associativity_Cat (ArbIntCat f0)
(ArbIntCat f1)
(ArbIntCat f2) =
prop_associativity (on (==) toList) f0 f1 f2
-- 'C' category laws
newtype ArbIntC = ArbIntC (C IntCat '() '())
instance Arbitrary ArbIntC where
arbitrary = ArbIntC . fromList <$> arbitrary
shrink (ArbIntC c) =
map (ArbIntC . fromList)
$ shrinkList (const [])
$ toList c
prop_id_C :: Blind ArbIntC -> Bool
prop_id_C (Blind (ArbIntC f)) =
prop_id (on (==) toList) f
:: Blind ArbIntC -> Blind ArbIntC -> Blind ArbIntC
-> Bool
prop_associativity_C (Blind (ArbIntC f0))
(Blind (ArbIntC f1))
(Blind (ArbIntC f2)) =
prop_associativity (on (==) toList) f0 f1 f2
-- 'ListTr' category laws
newtype ArbIntListTr = ArbIntListTr (ListTr IntCat '() '())
instance Show ArbIntListTr where
show (ArbIntListTr f) = show (toList f)
instance Arbitrary ArbIntListTr where
arbitrary = ArbIntListTr . fromList <$> arbitrary
shrink (ArbIntListTr c) =
map (ArbIntListTr . fromList)
$ shrinkList (const [])
$ toList c
prop_id_ListTr :: ArbIntListTr -> Bool
prop_id_ListTr (ArbIntListTr f) =
prop_id (on (==) toList) f
:: ArbIntListTr -> ArbIntListTr -> ArbIntListTr
-> Bool
prop_associativity_ListTr (ArbIntListTr f0)
(ArbIntListTr f1)
(ArbIntListTr f2) =
prop_associativity (on (==) toList) f0 f1 f2
-- Compatibility between 'foldFree2' and 'foldMap' for 'IntCat'
prop_foldCat :: ArbIntCat -> Bool
prop_foldCat (ArbIntCat f)
= foldFree2 f == foldMap id (toList f)
prop_foldC :: (Blind ArbIntC) -> Bool
prop_foldC (Blind (ArbIntC f))
= foldFree2 f == foldMap id (toList f)
prop_foldListTr :: ArbIntListTr -> Bool
prop_foldListTr (ArbIntListTr f)
= foldFree2 f == foldMap id (toList f)