mirror of https://github.com/coot/free-category.git synced 2024-09-11 14:17:30 +03:00
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2022-09-07 12:45:15 +02:00

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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 902
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Test.Cat (tests) where
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Category
import Data.Function (on)
import Text.Show.Functions ()
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Control.Algebra.Free2
import Control.Category.Free
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty)
tests :: TestTree
tests =
testGroup "Control.Category.Free"
[ testProperty "Queue" prop_Queue
, testProperty "C" prop_C
, testGroup "Category laws"
[ testProperty "ListTr id" prop_id_ListTr
, testProperty "ListTr associativity" prop_associativity_ListTr
, testProperty "Queue id" prop_id_Queue
, testProperty "Queue associativity" prop_associativity_Queue
, testProperty "C id" prop_id_C
, testProperty "C associativity" prop_associativity_C
, testGroup "foldFree2 and foldMap"
[ testProperty "foldFree ListTr" prop_foldListTr
, testProperty "foldFree Queue" prop_foldQueue
, testProperty "foldFree C" prop_foldC
data Tr a b where
-- Num transition
NumTr :: Num a => (a -> a) -> Tr a a
FromInteger :: Num b => Tr Integer b
-- Integral transition
ToInteger :: Integral a => Tr a Integer
interpretTr :: Tr a b -> a -> b
interpretTr (NumTr f) = f
interpretTr FromInteger = fromInteger
interpretTr ToInteger = toInteger
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Tr a b) where
show (NumTr f) = "NumTr " ++ show f
show FromInteger = "FromInteger"
show ToInteger = "ToInteger"
data SomeNumTr f a where
SomeNumTr :: Num a
=> f Tr a a
-> SomeNumTr f a
instance Show (f Tr a a) => Show (SomeNumTr f a) where
show (SomeNumTr f) = "SomeNumTr " ++ show f
data SomeIntegralTr f a where
SomeIntegralTr :: Integral a
=> f Tr a a
-> SomeIntegralTr f a
instance Show (f Tr a a) => Show (SomeIntegralTr f a) where
show (SomeIntegralTr f) = "SomeIntegralTr " ++ show f
-- A 'fromIntegral' transition in any free category @f@.
fromIntegralTr :: ( Integral a
, Num b
, Category (f Tr)
, AlgebraType0 f Tr
, FreeAlgebra2 f
) => f Tr a b
fromIntegralTr = liftFree2 FromInteger . liftFree2 ToInteger
data Sing a where
SInt :: Sing Int
SInteger :: Sing Integer
SNatural :: Sing Natural
instance Show (Sing a) where
show SInt = "SInt"
show SInteger = "SInteger"
show SNatural = "SNatural"
data AnySing where
AnySing :: Eq a => Sing a -> AnySing
instance Eq AnySing where
AnySing SInt == AnySing SInt = True
AnySing SInteger == AnySing SInteger = True
AnySing SNatural == AnySing SNatural = True
_ == _ = False
instance Show AnySing where
show (AnySing sing) = show sing
instance Arbitrary AnySing where
arbitrary = oneof
[ pure $ AnySing SInt
, pure $ AnySing SInteger
, pure $ AnySing SNatural
instance Arbitrary Natural where
arbitrary =
fromIntegral . getPositive <$> (arbitrary :: Gen (Positive Integer))
instance CoArbitrary Natural where
coarbitrary a = variant (fromIntegral a :: Int)
data AnyListTr b where
AnyListTr :: Eq c => ListTr Tr b c -> Sing c -> AnyListTr b
genNextTr :: Sing b
-> Gen (AnyListTr b)
genNextTr b = do
AnySing c <- arbitrary
case (b, c) of
(SInt, SInt) ->
(\f -> AnyListTr (ConsTr (NumTr f) NilTr) c) <$> arbitrary
(SInteger, SInteger) ->
(\f -> AnyListTr (ConsTr (NumTr f) NilTr) c) <$> arbitrary
(SNatural, SNatural) ->
(\f -> AnyListTr (ConsTr (NumTr f) NilTr) c) <$> arbitrary
(SInt, SInteger) ->
pure $ AnyListTr fromIntegralTr c
(SInt, SNatural) ->
pure $ AnyListTr (fromIntegralTr . liftFree2 (NumTr abs)) c
(SInteger, SInt) ->
pure $ AnyListTr fromIntegralTr c
(SNatural, SInt) ->
pure $ AnyListTr fromIntegralTr c
(SNatural, SInteger) ->
pure $ AnyListTr fromIntegralTr c
(SInteger, SNatural) ->
pure $ AnyListTr (fromIntegralTr . liftFree2 (NumTr abs)) c
data ArbListTr where
ArbListTr :: Eq b => ListTr Tr a b -> Sing a -> Sing b -> ArbListTr
instance (forall x y. Show (Tr x y)) => Show ArbListTr where
show (ArbListTr listTr a b) =
"ArbListTr "
++ show a
++ " -> "
++ show b
++ " "
++ show listTr
instance Arbitrary ArbListTr where
arbitrary = sized $ \n -> do
k <- choose (0, n)
AnySing a <- arbitrary
go k a (AnyListTr NilTr a)
go 0 a (AnyListTr ab b) = pure $ ArbListTr ab a b
go n a (AnyListTr ab b) = do
AnyListTr bc c <- genNextTr b
-- (.) can be used as (++) for ListTr
go (n - 1) a $ AnyListTr (bc . ab) c
-- test 'Cat' and 'C' treating 'ListTr' as a model to compare to.
prop_Queue, prop_C
:: Blind ArbListTr -> Bool
prop_Queue (Blind (ArbListTr listTr SInt _)) =
foldNatFree2 interpretTr (hoistFreeH2 @_ @Queue listTr) 0
foldNatFree2 interpretTr listTr 0
prop_Queue (Blind (ArbListTr listTr SInteger _)) =
foldNatFree2 interpretTr (hoistFreeH2 @_ @Queue listTr) 0
foldNatFree2 interpretTr listTr 0
prop_Queue (Blind (ArbListTr listTr SNatural _)) =
foldNatFree2 interpretTr (hoistFreeH2 @_ @Queue listTr) 0
foldNatFree2 interpretTr listTr 0
prop_C (Blind (ArbListTr listTr SInt _)) =
foldNatFree2 interpretTr (hoistFreeH2 @_ @C listTr) 0
foldNatFree2 interpretTr listTr 0
prop_C (Blind (ArbListTr listTr SInteger _)) =
foldNatFree2 interpretTr (hoistFreeH2 @_ @C listTr) 0
foldNatFree2 interpretTr listTr 0
prop_C (Blind (ArbListTr listTr SNatural _)) =
foldNatFree2 interpretTr (hoistFreeH2 @_ @C listTr) 0
foldNatFree2 interpretTr listTr 0
-- Test Category Laws
-- @
-- f . id == f == id . f
-- f . g . h == (f . g) . h
-- @
prop_id :: Category c
=> (c a b -> c a b -> Bool)
-> c a b
-> Bool
prop_id eqCat f = eqCat (f . id) f && eqCat (id . f) f
prop_associativity :: Category c
=> (c x w -> c x w -> Bool)
-> c z w -> c y z -> c x y
-> Bool
prop_associativity eqCat f g h =
(f . g . h) `eqCat` ((f . g) . h)
-- | Integers form commutative monoid, and thus a category (a groupoid to be
-- precise) with a single object.
data IntCat (a :: ()) (b :: ()) where
IntCat :: Int -> IntCat a a
instance Show (IntCat a b) where
show (IntCat i) = "IntCat " ++ show i
instance Eq (IntCat a b) where
IntCat i == IntCat j = i == j
instance Category IntCat where
id = IntCat 0
IntCat a . IntCat b = IntCat (a + b)
instance Semigroup (IntCat '() '()) where
IntCat a <> IntCat b = IntCat (a + b)
instance Monoid (IntCat '() '()) where
mempty = IntCat 0
instance Arbitrary (IntCat '() '()) where
arbitrary = IntCat <$> arbitrary
fromList :: forall k (a :: k) m f.
( FreeAlgebra2 m
, AlgebraType0 m f
, Category (m f)
) => [f a a] -> m f a a
fromList [] = id
fromList (f : fs) = liftFree2 f . fromList fs
toList :: ( FreeAlgebra2 m
, AlgebraType0 m IntCat
, AlgebraType m (ListTr IntCat)
=> m IntCat '() '()
-> [IntCat '() '()]
toList c = go (hoistFreeH2 c)
go :: ListTr IntCat '() '() -> [IntCat '() '()]
go NilTr = []
go (ConsTr tr@IntCat{} xs) = tr : go xs
-- 'C' category laws
newtype ArbIntC = ArbIntC (C IntCat '() '())
instance Show ArbIntC where
show (ArbIntC c) = show c
instance Arbitrary ArbIntC where
arbitrary = ArbIntC . fromList <$> arbitrary
shrink (ArbIntC c) =
map (ArbIntC . fromList)
$ shrinkList (const [])
$ toList c
prop_id_C :: ArbIntC -> Bool
prop_id_C (ArbIntC f) =
prop_id (on (==) toList) f
:: ArbIntC -> ArbIntC -> ArbIntC
-> Bool
prop_associativity_C (ArbIntC f0)
(ArbIntC f1)
(ArbIntC f2) =
prop_associativity (on (==) toList) f0 f1 f2
-- 'Queue' category laws
newtype ArbIntQueue = ArbIntQueue (Queue IntCat '() '())
instance Show ArbIntQueue where
show (ArbIntQueue f) = show (toList f)
instance Arbitrary ArbIntQueue where
arbitrary = ArbIntQueue . fromList <$> arbitrary
shrink (ArbIntQueue c) =
map (ArbIntQueue . fromList)
$ shrinkList (const [])
$ toList c
prop_id_Queue :: ArbIntQueue -> Bool
prop_id_Queue (ArbIntQueue f) =
prop_id (on (==) toList) f
:: ArbIntQueue -> ArbIntQueue -> ArbIntQueue
-> Bool
prop_associativity_Queue (ArbIntQueue f0)
(ArbIntQueue f1)
(ArbIntQueue f2) =
prop_associativity (on (==) toList) f0 f1 f2
-- 'ListTr' category laws
newtype ArbIntListTr = ArbIntListTr (ListTr IntCat '() '())
instance Show ArbIntListTr where
show (ArbIntListTr f) = show (toList f)
instance Arbitrary ArbIntListTr where
arbitrary = ArbIntListTr . fromList <$> arbitrary
shrink (ArbIntListTr c) =
map (ArbIntListTr . fromList)
$ shrinkList (const [])
$ toList c
prop_id_ListTr :: ArbIntListTr -> Bool
prop_id_ListTr (ArbIntListTr f) =
prop_id (on (==) toList) f
:: ArbIntListTr -> ArbIntListTr -> ArbIntListTr
-> Bool
prop_associativity_ListTr (ArbIntListTr f0)
(ArbIntListTr f1)
(ArbIntListTr f2) =
prop_associativity (on (==) toList) f0 f1 f2
-- Compatibility between 'foldFree2' and 'foldMap' for 'IntCat'
prop_foldListTr :: ArbIntListTr -> Bool
prop_foldListTr (ArbIntListTr f)
= foldFree2 f == foldMap id (toList f)
prop_foldQueue :: ArbIntQueue -> Bool
prop_foldQueue (ArbIntQueue f)
= foldFree2 f == foldMap id (toList f)
prop_foldC :: (Blind ArbIntC) -> Bool
prop_foldC (Blind (ArbIntC f))
= foldFree2 f == foldMap id (toList f)