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119 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Test.Queue (tests) where
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Text.Show.Functions ()
import Control.Category.Free.Internal
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty)
tests :: TestTree
tests =
testGroup "Queue"
[ testProperty "consQ" prop_consQ
, testProperty "unconsQ" prop_unconsQ
, testProperty "snocQ" prop_snocQ
, testProperty "foldrQ" (prop_foldr @Int)
, testProperty "foldrQ" (prop_foldl @Int)
data K = K
data Tr (a :: K) (b :: K) where
A :: Int -> Tr 'K 'K
instance Eq (Tr 'K 'K) where
A i == A j = i == j
instance Show (Tr a b) where
show (A i) = "A " ++ show i
instance Arbitrary (Tr 'K 'K) where
arbitrary = A <$> arbitrary
toList :: Queue Tr 'K 'K -> [Tr 'K 'K]
toList q = case q of
ConsQ a@A{} as -> a : toList as
_ -> []
fromList :: [Tr 'K 'K] -> Queue Tr 'K 'K
fromList [] = NilQ
fromList (a : as) = ConsQ a (fromList as)
instance Arbitrary (Queue Tr 'K 'K) where
arbitrary = fromList <$> arbitrary
shrink q = map fromList $ shrinkList (const []) (toList q)
prop_unconsQ :: Queue Tr 'K 'K -> Bool
prop_unconsQ q =
case q of
ConsQ a@A{} _ ->
case as of
a' : _ -> a == a'
[] -> False
NilQ -> null as
as = toList q
prop_consQ :: Tr 'K 'K -> Queue Tr 'K 'K -> Bool
prop_consQ a@A{} q = case consQ a q of
ConsQ a'@A{} _ -> a' == a'
_ -> False
prop_snocQ :: Tr 'K 'K -> Queue Tr 'K 'K -> Bool
prop_snocQ a@A{} q = last (toList (q `snocQ` a)) == a
data TrA a (x :: K) (y :: K) where
TrA :: a -> TrA a 'K 'K
instance Show a => Show (TrA a 'K 'K) where
show (TrA a) = "TrA " ++ show a
instance Eq a => Eq (TrA a k k) where
TrA a == TrA b = a == b
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (TrA a 'K 'K) where
arbitrary = TrA <$> arbitrary
shrink (TrA a) = map TrA (shrink a)
prop_foldr :: forall a.
Eq a
=> (Int -> a -> a)
-> TrA a 'K 'K
-> Queue Tr 'K 'K
-> Bool
prop_foldr f a q = foldrQ g a q == foldr g a (toList q)
g :: Tr y z-> TrA a x y -> TrA a x z
g (A i) (TrA j) = TrA (f i j)
prop_foldl :: forall a.
Eq a
=> (a -> Int -> a)
-> TrA a 'K 'K
-> Queue Tr 'K 'K
-> Bool
prop_foldl f a q = foldlQ g a q == foldl g a (toList q)
g :: TrA a y z-> Tr x y -> TrA a x z
g (TrA j) (A i) = TrA (f j i)