deployment_target: macOS_deployment_target: 14 excluded: - "*/.build" analyzer_rules: - capture_variable - typesafe_array_init - unused_declaration - unused_import opt_in_rules: - array_init - closure_end_indentation - closure_spacing - collection_alignment - contains_over_filter_count - contains_over_filter_is_empty - contains_over_first_not_nil - discarded_notification_center_observer - discouraged_assert - empty_collection_literal - empty_string - empty_xctest_method - explicit_init - fallthrough - file_header - file_name_no_space - first_where - flatmap_over_map_reduce - ibinspectable_in_extension - identical_operands - joined_default_parameter - last_where - legacy_multiple - let_var_whitespace - lower_acl_than_parent - multiline_function_chains - multiline_parameters - multiline_parameters_brackets - nimble_operator - optional_enum_case_matching - overridden_super_call - prefer_self_type_over_type_of_self - prefer_zero_over_explicit_init - private_outlet - prohibited_super_call - quick_discouraged_call - quick_discouraged_focused_test - quick_discouraged_pending_test - raw_value_for_camel_cased_codable_enum - reduce_into - redundant_nil_coalescing - required_enum_case - single_test_class - sorted_first_last - toggle_bool - vertical_parameter_alignment_on_call - xct_specific_matcher - yoda_condition disabled_rules: - block_based_kvo - control_statement - force_cast - force_try - identifier_name - opening_brace - static_over_final_class - switch_case_alignment - trailing_comma - unneeded_override trailing_whitespace: ignores_empty_lines: true function_parameter_count: warning: 6 nesting: type_level: warning: 2 vertical_whitespace: max_empty_lines: 3 file_length: warning: 2000 line_length: warning: 1000 type_body_length: warning: 1000 function_body_length: warning: 350 large_tuple: warning: 3 cyclomatic_complexity: warning: 30 identifier_name: max_length: warning: 50 min_length: warning: 2 excluded: - x - y custom_rules: comment_space: name: "Space After Comment" regex: '//\S' match_kinds: - comment message: "There should be a space after a comment delimiter." severity: warning inline_comment_spaces: name: "Spaces Before Inline Comment" regex: '\S ?//' match_kinds: - comment message: "There should be more than 2 spaces before an inline comment." severity: warning empty_first_line: name: "Empty First Line" regex: '(^[ a-zA-Z ]*(?:protocol|extension|class|struct) (?!(?:var|let))[ a-zA-Z:]*\{\n *\S+)' message: "There should be an empty line after a declaration" severity: warning