2020-06-23 13:42:06 -07:00

109 lines
3.8 KiB

// Copyright 2020 cryptonote.social. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by
// the license found in the LICENSE file.
package csminer
import (
const (
APPLICATION_NAME = "cryptonote.social Monero miner"
STATS_WEBPAGE = "https://cryptonote.social/xmr"
DONATE_USERNAME = "donate-getmonero-org"
INVALID_EXCLUDE_FORMAT_MESSAGE = "invalid format for exclude specified. Specify XX-YY, e.g. 11-16 for 11:00am to 4:00pm."
var (
saver = flag.Bool("saver", true, "run only when screen is locked")
threads = flag.Int("threads", 1, "number of threads")
uname = flag.String("user", DONATE_USERNAME, "your pool username from https://cryptonote.social/xmr")
rigid = flag.String("rigid", "csminer", "your rig id")
tls = flag.Bool("tls", false, "whether to use TLS when connecting to the pool")
exclude = flag.String("exclude", "", "pause mining during these hours, e.g. -exclude=11-16 will pause mining between 11am and 4pm")
startDiff = flag.Int("start_diff", 0, "a starting difficulty value for the pool")
func MultiMain(s ScreenStater) {
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "==== %s %s ====\n", APPLICATION_NAME, VERSION_STRING)
`Usage of ./csminer
-user <string>
your pool username from https://cryptonote.social/xmr (default "donate-getmonero-org")
-saver <bool>
mine only when screen is locked (default true)
-exclude <string>
pause mining during the specified hours. Format is XX-YY where XX and YY are hours of
the day designated in 24 hour time. For example, -exclude=11-16 will pause mining betwen
11:00am and 4:00pm. This can be used, for example, to pause mining during times of high
machine usage or high electricity rates.
-threads <int>
number of threads (default 1)
-rigid <string>
your rig id (default "csminer")
-tls <bool>
whether to use TLS when connecting to the pool (default false)
-start_diff <int>
starting difficulty value for the pool
fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "\nMonitor your miner progress at: %s\n", STATS_WEBPAGE)
fmt.Fprint(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "Send feedback to: cryptonote.social@gmail.com\n")
var hr1, hr2 int
hr1 = -1
var err error
if len(*exclude) > 0 {
hrs := strings.Split(*exclude, "-")
if len(hrs) != 2 {
hr1, err = strconv.Atoi(hrs[0])
if err != nil {
hr2, err = strconv.Atoi(hrs[1])
if err != nil {
if hr1 > 24 || hr1 < 0 || hr2 > 24 || hr1 < 0 {
crylog.Error("INVALID_EXCLUDE_FORMAT_MESSAGE", ": XX and YY must each be between 0 and 24")
fmt.Printf("==== %s v%s ====\n", APPLICATION_NAME, VERSION_STRING)
if *uname == DONATE_USERNAME {
fmt.Printf("\nNo username specified, mining on behalf of donate.getmonero.org.\n")
if *saver {
fmt.Printf("\nNOTE: Mining only when screen is locked. Specify -saver=false to mine always.\n")
if *threads == 1 {
fmt.Printf("\nMining with only one thread. Specify -threads=X to use more.\n")
if hr1 != -1 {
fmt.Printf("\nMining will be paused between the hours of %v:00 and %v:00.\n", hr1, hr2)
fmt.Printf("\nMonitor your mining progress at: %s\n", STATS_WEBPAGE)
fmt.Printf("\nSend feedback to: cryptonote.social@gmail.com\n")
fmt.Println("\n==== Status/Debug output follows ====")
crylog.Info("Miner username:", *uname)
crylog.Info("Threads:", *threads)
if Mine(s, *threads, *uname, *rigid, *saver, hr1, hr2, *startDiff, *tls) != nil {
crylog.Error("Miner failed:", err)