diff --git a/NAPS2.Sdk/README.md b/NAPS2.Sdk/README.md index d017c6038..92b87e3f6 100644 --- a/NAPS2.Sdk/README.md +++ b/NAPS2.Sdk/README.md @@ -4,6 +4,33 @@ NAPS2.Sdk is a fully-featured scanning library, supporting WIA, TWAIN, SANE, and ESCL scanners on Windows, Mac, and Linux. +## Packages + +NAPS2.Sdk is modular, and depending on your needs you may have to reference a different set of packages. + +### Required Packages + +- **[NAPS2.Sdk](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NAPS2.Sdk/)** + - Contains core scanning functionality for all platforms. +- Exactly one of: + - **[NAPS2.Images.Gdi](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NAPS2.Images.Gdi/)** + - For working with `System.Drawing.Bitmap` images. (Windows Forms) + - **[NAPS2.Images.Gtk](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NAPS2.Images.Gtk/)** + - For working with `Gdk.Pixbuf` images. (Linux) + - **[NAPS2.Images.Mac](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NAPS2.Images.Mac/)** + - For working with `AppKit.NSImage` images. (Mac) + +### Optional Packages + +- **[NAPS2.Sdk.Worker](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NAPS2.Sdk.Worker/)** + - For scanning with a [worker process](). (You can also [build your own]() worker.) +- **[NAPS2.Pdfium.Binaries](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NAPS2.Pdfium.Binaries/)** + - For [importing PDFs](). +- **[NAPS2.Sane.Binaries](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NAPS2.Sane.Binaries/)** + - For [using SANE drivers]() on Mac. (Linux has them pre-installed, and Windows isn't supported.) +- **[NAPS2.Tesseract.Binaries](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NAPS2.Tesseract.Binaries/)** + - For [running OCR](). (You can also use a separate Tesseract installation if you like.) + ## Drivers | | Windows | Mac | Linux |