WIP: Apple scan driver based on ImageCaptureCore

This commit is contained in:
Ben Olden-Cooligan 2022-09-24 19:56:32 -07:00
parent bd7d19b876
commit c8f724efd5
6 changed files with 368 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
<!-- TODO: Somehow the build process is generating this icon file rather than using the one we already have in the project folder -->

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
namespace NAPS2.Images.Mac;
// TODO: We might need to dispose things more aggressively
public class MacImage : IMemoryImage
public MacImage(ImageContext imageContext, NSImage image)

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#if MAC
using System.Threading;
using ImageCaptureCore;
using NAPS2.Scan.Exceptions;
namespace NAPS2.Scan.Internal.Apple;
internal class AppleScanDriver : IScanDriver
private readonly ScanningContext _scanningContext;
public AppleScanDriver(ScanningContext scanningContext)
_scanningContext = scanningContext;
public async Task<List<ScanDevice>> GetDeviceList(ScanOptions options)
using var reader = new DeviceReader();
await Task.Delay(2000);
return reader.Devices.Select(x => new ScanDevice(x.Uuid, x.Name)).ToList();
public async Task Scan(ScanOptions options, CancellationToken cancelToken, IScanEvents scanEvents,
Action<IMemoryImage> callback)
using var reader = new DeviceReader();
using var device = await GetDevice(reader, options.Device!);
using var oper =
new DeviceOperator(_scanningContext, device, options, cancelToken, scanEvents, callback);
await oper.Scan();
private async Task<ICScannerDevice> GetDevice(DeviceReader reader, ScanDevice scanDevice)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<ICScannerDevice>();
reader.DeviceFound += (_, args) =>
if (args.Device.Uuid == scanDevice.ID)
Task.Delay(2000).ContinueWith(_ => tcs.TrySetCanceled()).AssertNoAwait();
return await tcs.Task;
catch (TaskCanceledException)
throw new DeviceException(SdkResources.DeviceOffline);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
#if MAC
using System.Threading;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using ImageCaptureCore;
using NAPS2.Images.Bitwise;
using NAPS2.Scan.Exceptions;
namespace NAPS2.Scan.Internal.Apple;
internal class DeviceOperator : ICScannerDeviceDelegate
private readonly ScanningContext _scanningContext;
private readonly ICScannerDevice _device;
private readonly ScanOptions _options;
private readonly IScanEvents _scanEvents;
private readonly Action<IMemoryImage> _callback;
private readonly TaskCompletionSource _openSessionTcs = new();
private readonly TaskCompletionSource _readyTcs = new();
private TaskCompletionSource<ICScannerFunctionalUnit> _unitTcs = new();
private readonly TaskCompletionSource _scanTcs = new();
private readonly TaskCompletionSource _closeTcs = new();
private MemoryStream? _buffer;
public DeviceOperator(ScanningContext scanningContext, ICScannerDevice device, ScanOptions options,
CancellationToken cancelToken, IScanEvents scanEvents, Action<IMemoryImage> callback)
_scanningContext = scanningContext;
_device = device;
_options = options;
_scanEvents = scanEvents;
_callback = callback;
cancelToken.Register(() =>
public override void DidOpenSession(ICDevice device, NSError? error)
SetResultOrError(_openSessionTcs, error);
public override void DidBecomeReady(ICDevice device)
public override void DidCloseSession(ICDevice device, NSError? error)
SetResultOrError(_closeTcs, error);
public override void DidReceiveStatusInformation(ICDevice device, NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> status)
var state = status[ICStatusNotificationKeys.NotificationKey] as NSString;
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(DidReceiveStatusInformation)}: Status: {status} State {state}");
if (state == ICScannerStatus.WarmingUp)
public override void DidEncounterError(ICDevice device, NSError? error)
var ex = new DeviceException(error.Description);
// TODO: Put these in a list or something
// TODO: This will be called if the scanner is in use. We can consider waiting a couple seconds for the scanner
// TODO: to become available before sending a busy error.
public override void DidBecomeAvailable(ICScannerDevice scanner)
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(DidBecomeAvailable)}: {scanner}");
public override void DidSelectFunctionalUnit(
ICScannerDevice scanner, ICScannerFunctionalUnit functionalUnit, NSError? error)
SetResultOrError(_unitTcs, functionalUnit, error);
public override void DidScanToBandData(ICScannerDevice scanner, ICScannerBandData data)
var (pixelFormat, subPixelType) = (data.PixelDataType, data.NumComponents, data.BitsPerComponent) switch
(ICScannerPixelDataType.BW, 1, 1) => (ImagePixelFormat.BW1, SubPixelType.Bit),
(ICScannerPixelDataType.Gray, 1, 8) => (ImagePixelFormat.Gray8, SubPixelType.Gray),
(ICScannerPixelDataType.Rgb, 3, 8) => (ImagePixelFormat.RGB24, SubPixelType.Rgb),
(ICScannerPixelDataType.Rgb, 4, 8) => (ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32, SubPixelType.Rgba),
_ => (ImagePixelFormat.Unsupported, null)
if (pixelFormat == ImagePixelFormat.Unsupported)
// TODO: Set errors
var bufferInfo = new PixelInfo(
(int) data.FullImageWidth,
(int) data.FullImageHeight,
(int) data.BytesPerRow);
_buffer ??= new MemoryStream((int) bufferInfo.Length);
// TODO: The buffer gets written pretty much all at once, at least for escl - maybe we can/should reuse TwainProgressEstimator
_scanEvents.PageProgress(_buffer.Length / (double) bufferInfo.Length);
if (_buffer.Length >= bufferInfo.Length)
var image = _scanningContext.ImageContext.Create(
(int) data.FullImageWidth, (int) data.FullImageHeight, pixelFormat);
new CopyBitwiseImageOp().Perform(_buffer.GetBuffer(), bufferInfo, image);
_buffer = null;
public override void DidCompleteScan(ICScannerDevice scanner, NSError? error)
SetResultOrError(_scanTcs, error);
private void SetResultOrError(TaskCompletionSource tcs, NSError? error)
if (error != null)
private void SetResultOrError<T>(TaskCompletionSource<T> tcs, T value, NSError? error)
if (error != null)
private Exception GetException(NSError error)
return new DeviceException(error.LocalizedDescription);
public override void DidRemoveDevice(ICDevice device)
public async Task Scan()
_device.Delegate = this;
await _openSessionTcs.Task;
await _readyTcs.Task;
var unit = await SelectUnit(_options.PaperSource == PaperSource.Flatbed
? ICScannerFunctionalUnitType.Flatbed
: ICScannerFunctionalUnitType.DocumentFeeder);
// TODO: Check supported resolutions?
unit.Resolution = (nuint) _options.Dpi;
unit.BitDepth = _options.BitDepth == BitDepth.BlackAndWhite
? ICScannerBitDepth.Bits1
: ICScannerBitDepth.Bits8;
unit.PixelDataType = _options.BitDepth switch
BitDepth.BlackAndWhite => ICScannerPixelDataType.BW,
BitDepth.Grayscale => ICScannerPixelDataType.Gray,
_ => ICScannerPixelDataType.Rgb
_device.TransferMode = ICScannerTransferMode.MemoryBased;
// TODO: increase? or maybe not as this could still be useful progress for twain scanners
_device.MaxMemoryBandSize = 65536;
await _scanTcs.Task;
await _closeTcs.Task;
catch (TaskCanceledException)
// TODO: Cancellation not working
if (_device.HasOpenSession)
private void SetScanArea(ICScannerFunctionalUnit unit)
unit.MeasurementUnit = ICScannerMeasurementUnit.Inches;
var maxSize = unit.PhysicalSize;
var width = Math.Min((double) _options.PageSize!.WidthInInches, maxSize.Width);
var height = Math.Min((double) _options.PageSize.HeightInInches, maxSize.Height);
var deltaX = maxSize.Width - width;
var offsetX = _options.PageAlign switch
HorizontalAlign.Left => deltaX,
HorizontalAlign.Center => deltaX / 2,
_ => 0
unit.ScanArea = new CGRect(offsetX, 0, offsetX + width, height);
private async Task<ICScannerFunctionalUnit> SelectUnit(ICScannerFunctionalUnitType unitType)
// TODO: Can we clean this up at all?
var availableUnits = _device.AvailableFunctionalUnitTypes.Select(x =>
(ICScannerFunctionalUnitType) (int) x).ToList();
await _unitTcs.Task;
_unitTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<ICScannerFunctionalUnit>();
if (availableUnits.Contains(unitType))
var result = await _unitTcs.Task;
return result;
return _device.SelectedFunctionalUnit;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#if MAC
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using ImageCaptureCore;
namespace NAPS2.Scan.Internal.Apple;
internal class DeviceReader : ICDeviceBrowserDelegate
private readonly ICDeviceBrowser _browser = new();
public DeviceReader()
_browser.Delegate = this;
_browser.BrowsedDeviceTypeMask =
ICBrowsedDeviceType.Scanner | ICBrowsedDeviceType.Local | ICBrowsedDeviceType.Remote;
public ImmutableList<ICScannerDevice> Devices { get; private set; } = ImmutableList<ICScannerDevice>.Empty;
public void Start()
public event EventHandler<DeviceEventArgs>? DeviceFound;
public override void DidAddDevice(ICDeviceBrowser browser, ICDevice device, bool moreComing)
// TODO: Use moreComing
if (device.Type.HasFlag(ICDeviceType.Scanner))
var scannerDevice = (ICScannerDevice) device;
Devices = Devices.Add(scannerDevice);
DeviceFound?.Invoke(this, new DeviceEventArgs(scannerDevice));
public override void DidRemoveDevice(ICDeviceBrowser browser, ICDevice device, bool moreGoing)
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
// _browser.Stop();
// _browser.Dispose();
internal record DeviceEventArgs(ICScannerDevice Device);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
using NAPS2.Scan.Internal.Sane;
using NAPS2.Scan.Internal.Twain;
using NAPS2.Scan.Internal.Wia;
namespace NAPS2.Scan.Internal;
namespace NAPS2.Scan.Internal;
internal class ScanDriverFactory : IScanDriverFactory
@ -17,18 +13,23 @@ internal class ScanDriverFactory : IScanDriverFactory
switch (options.Driver)
#if !MAC
#if MAC
case Driver.Apple:
return new Apple.AppleScanDriver(_scanningContext);
case Driver.Wia:
return new WiaScanDriver(_scanningContext);
return new Wia.WiaScanDriver(_scanningContext);
case Driver.Twain:
return options.TwainOptions.Adapter == TwainAdapter.Legacy
? new LegacyTwainScanDriver()
: new TwainScanDriver(_scanningContext);
? new Twain.LegacyTwainScanDriver()
: new Twain.TwainScanDriver(_scanningContext);
case Driver.Sane:
return new SaneScanDriver(_scanningContext);
return new Sane.SaneScanDriver(_scanningContext);
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unsupported driver: {options.Driver}");
throw new NotSupportedException(
$"Unsupported driver: {options.Driver}. " +
"Make sure you're using the right framework target (e.g. net6-macos10.15 for the Apple driver).");