using System.Reflection; using System.Xml.Linq; using EmbedIO; using EmbedIO.Routing; using EmbedIO.WebApi; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace NAPS2.Escl.Server; internal class EsclApiController : WebApiController { private static readonly XNamespace ScanNs = EsclXmlHelper.ScanNs; private static readonly XNamespace PwgNs = EsclXmlHelper.PwgNs; private readonly EsclDeviceConfig _deviceConfig; private readonly EsclServerState _serverState; private readonly ILogger _logger; internal EsclApiController(EsclDeviceConfig deviceConfig, EsclServerState serverState, ILogger logger) { _deviceConfig = deviceConfig; _serverState = serverState; _logger = logger; } [Route(HttpVerbs.Get, "/ScannerCapabilities")] public async Task GetScannerCapabilities() { var caps = _deviceConfig.Capabilities; var iconUri = caps.IconPng != null ? $"http://naps2-{caps.Uuid}.local.:{_deviceConfig.Port}/eSCL/icon.png" : ""; var doc = EsclXmlHelper.CreateDocAsString( new XElement(ScanNs + "ScannerCapabilities", new XElement(PwgNs + "Version", caps.Version), new XElement(PwgNs + "MakeAndModel", caps.MakeAndModel), new XElement(PwgNs + "SerialNumber", caps.SerialNumber), new XElement(ScanNs + "UUID", caps.Uuid), new XElement(ScanNs + "AdminURI", ""), new XElement(ScanNs + "IconURI", iconUri), new XElement(ScanNs + "Naps2Extensions", "Progress;ErrorDetails"), new XElement(ScanNs + "Platen", new XElement(ScanNs + "PlatenInputCaps", GetCommonInputCaps())), new XElement(ScanNs + "Adf", new XElement(ScanNs + "AdfSimplexInputCaps", GetCommonInputCaps()), new XElement(ScanNs + "AdfDuplexInputCaps", GetCommonInputCaps())), new XElement(ScanNs + "CompressionFactorSupport", new XElement(ScanNs + "Min", 0), new XElement(ScanNs + "Max", 100), new XElement(ScanNs + "Normal", 75), new XElement(ScanNs + "Step", 1)))); Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; using var writer = new StreamWriter(HttpContext.OpenResponseStream()); await writer.WriteAsync(doc); } private object[] GetCommonInputCaps() { // TODO: After implementing scanner capabilities this should be scanner-specific return [ new XElement(ScanNs + "MinWidth", "1"), new XElement(ScanNs + "MaxWidth", EsclInputCaps.DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH), new XElement(ScanNs + "MinHeight", "1"), new XElement(ScanNs + "MaxHeight", EsclInputCaps.DEFAULT_MAX_HEIGHT), new XElement(ScanNs + "MaxScanRegions", "1"), new XElement(ScanNs + "SettingProfiles", new XElement(ScanNs + "SettingProfile", new XElement(ScanNs + "ColorModes", new XElement(ScanNs + "ColorMode", "BlackAndWhite1"), new XElement(ScanNs + "ColorMode", "Grayscale8"), new XElement(ScanNs + "ColorMode", "RGB24")), new XElement(ScanNs + "DocumentFormats", new XElement(PwgNs + "DocumentFormat", "application/pdf"), new XElement(PwgNs + "DocumentFormat", "image/jpeg"), new XElement(PwgNs + "DocumentFormat", "image/png"), new XElement(ScanNs + "DocumentFormatExt", "application/pdf"), new XElement(ScanNs + "DocumentFormatExt", "image/jpeg"), new XElement(ScanNs + "DocumentFormatExt", "image/png") ), new XElement(ScanNs + "SupportedResolutions", new XElement(ScanNs + "DiscreteResolutions", CreateResolution(100), CreateResolution(150), CreateResolution(200), CreateResolution(300), CreateResolution(400), CreateResolution(600), CreateResolution(800), CreateResolution(1200), CreateResolution(2400), CreateResolution(4800) )))) ]; } private XElement CreateResolution(int res) => new(ScanNs + "DiscreteResolution", new XElement(ScanNs + "XResolution", res.ToString()), new XElement(ScanNs + "YResolution", res.ToString())); [Route(HttpVerbs.Get, "/icon.png")] public async Task GetIcon() { if (_deviceConfig.Capabilities.IconPng != null) { Response.ContentType = "image/png"; using var stream = Response.OutputStream; var buffer = _deviceConfig.Capabilities.IconPng; await stream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } else { Response.StatusCode = 404; } } [Route(HttpVerbs.Get, "/ScannerStatus")] public async Task GetScannerStatus() { var jobsElement = new XElement(ScanNs + "Jobs"); foreach (var jobInfo in _serverState.Jobs.OrderBy(x => x.LastUpdated.ElapsedMilliseconds)) { jobsElement.Add(new XElement(ScanNs + "JobInfo", new XElement(PwgNs + "JobUri", $"/eSCL/ScanJobs/{jobInfo.Id}"), new XElement(PwgNs + "JobUuid", jobInfo.Id), new XElement(ScanNs + "Age", Math.Ceiling(jobInfo.LastUpdated.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)), new XElement(PwgNs + "ImagesCompleted", jobInfo.ImagesCompleted), new XElement(PwgNs + "ImagesToTransfer", jobInfo.ImagesToTransfer), new XElement(PwgNs + "JobState", jobInfo.State.ToString()), new XElement(PwgNs + "JobStateReasons", new XElement(PwgNs + "JobStateReason", jobInfo.State == EsclJobState.Processing ? "JobScanning" : "JobCompletedSuccessfully")))); } var scannerState = _serverState.IsProcessing ? EsclScannerState.Processing : EsclScannerState.Idle; var adfState = _serverState.IsProcessing ? EsclAdfState.ScannerAdfProcessing : EsclAdfState.ScannedAdfLoaded; var doc = EsclXmlHelper.CreateDocAsString( new XElement(ScanNs + "ScannerStatus", new XElement(PwgNs + "Version", "2.6"), new XElement(PwgNs + "State", scannerState), new XElement(ScanNs + "AdfState", adfState), jobsElement )); Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; using var writer = new StreamWriter(HttpContext.OpenResponseStream()); await writer.WriteAsync(doc); } [Route(HttpVerbs.Post, "/ScanJobs")] public void CreateScanJob() { // TODO: Actually use job input for scan options EsclScanSettings settings; try { var doc = XDocument.Load(Request.InputStream); settings = SettingsParser.Parse(doc); } catch (Exception) { Response.StatusCode = 400; // Bad request return; } if (_serverState.IsProcessing) { Response.StatusCode = 503; // Service unavailable return; } _serverState.IsProcessing = true; var jobInfo = JobInfo.CreateNewJob(_serverState, _deviceConfig.CreateJob(settings)); _serverState.AddJob(jobInfo); Response.Headers.Add("Location", $"{Request.Url}/{jobInfo.Id}"); Response.StatusCode = 201; // Created } [Route(HttpVerbs.Delete, "/ScanJobs/{jobId}")] public void CancelScanJob(string jobId) { if (_serverState.TryGetJob(jobId, out var jobState) && jobState.State is EsclJobState.Pending or EsclJobState.Processing) { jobState.Job.Cancel(); } else { Response.StatusCode = 404; } } [Route(HttpVerbs.Get, "/ScanJobs/{jobId}/ScanImageInfo")] public void GetImageinfo(string jobId) { } // This endpoint is a NAPS2-specific extension to the ESCL API. // It gives a chunked response where each line is a double between 0 and 1 representing the current page progress. // This endpoint should be called once before each call to NextDocument. [Route(HttpVerbs.Get, "/ScanJobs/{jobId}/Progress")] public async Task Progress(string jobId) { if (_serverState.TryGetJob(jobId, out var jobState) && jobState.State is EsclJobState.Pending or EsclJobState.Processing) { SetChunkedResponse(); using var stream = Response.OutputStream; await jobState.Job.WriteProgressTo(stream); } else { Response.StatusCode = 404; } } // This endpoint is a NAPS2-specific extension to the ESCL API. // The ESCL status-based model (where errors like "no paper in feeder" are encompassed by ScannerStatus that can be // polled every few seconds) is a good match to a physical scanner but a poor match to NAPS2's model. // Instead, we have a this ErrorDetails endpoint that we call when NextDocument returns a 500 error which gives us // XML-based details for the exception that occurred. [Route(HttpVerbs.Get, "/ScanJobs/{jobId}/ErrorDetails")] public async Task ErrorDetails(string jobId) { if (_serverState.TryGetJob(jobId, out var jobState)) { Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; using var stream = Response.OutputStream; await jobState.Job.WriteErrorDetailsTo(stream); } else { Response.StatusCode = 404; } } [Route(HttpVerbs.Get, "/ScanJobs/{jobId}/NextDocument")] public async Task NextDocument(string jobId) { if (!_serverState.TryGetJob(jobId, out var jobInfo)) { Response.StatusCode = 404; return; } if (jobInfo.State == EsclJobState.Aborted) { Response.StatusCode = 500; return; } if (jobInfo.State is not (EsclJobState.Pending or EsclJobState.Processing)) { Response.StatusCode = 404; return; } bool result; try { result = await jobInfo.Job.WaitForNextDocument(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogDebug(ex, "ESCL server error waiting for document"); jobInfo.TransitionState(EsclJobState.Processing, EsclJobState.Aborted); Response.StatusCode = 500; return; } if (result) { Response.Headers.Add("Content-Location", $"/eSCL/ScanJobs/{jobInfo.Id}/1"); SetChunkedResponse(); Response.ContentType = jobInfo.Job.ContentType; Response.ContentEncoding = null; using var stream = Response.OutputStream; await jobInfo.Job.WriteDocumentTo(stream); jobInfo.TransferredDocument(); } else { jobInfo.TransitionState(EsclJobState.Processing, EsclJobState.Completed); Response.StatusCode = 404; } } private void SetChunkedResponse() { // Bypass var field = Response.GetType().GetField("k__BackingField", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (field != null) { field.SetValue(Response, new Version(1, 1)); } Response.SendChunked = true; } }