2024-04-07 17:09:22 -07:00

82 lines
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using Cairo;
using Gdk;
using NAPS2.Images.Bitwise;
namespace NAPS2.Images.Gtk;
internal class GtkImageTransformer : AbstractImageTransformer<GtkImage>
public GtkImageTransformer(ImageContext imageContext) : base(imageContext)
protected override GtkImage PerformTransform(GtkImage image, RotationTransform transform)
var format = image.PixelFormat == ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32 ? Format.Argb32 : Format.Rgb24;
int width = image.Width, height = image.Height;
float xres = image.HorizontalResolution, yres = image.VerticalResolution;
if (transform.Angle is > 45.0 and < 135.0 or > 225.0 and < 315.0)
(width, height) = (height, width);
(xres, yres) = (yres, xres);
using var surface = new ImageSurface(format, width, height);
using var context = new Context(surface);
context.SetSourceColor(new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1));
context.Translate(width / 2.0, height / 2.0);
context.Rotate(transform.Angle * Math.PI / 180);
context.Translate(-image.Width / 2.0, -image.Height / 2.0);
CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf(context, image.Pixbuf, 0, 0);
var newImage = new GtkImage(new Pixbuf(surface, 0, 0, width, height));
OptimizePixelFormat(image, ref newImage);
newImage.LogicalPixelFormat = image.LogicalPixelFormat;
newImage.SetResolution(xres, yres);
return newImage;
protected override GtkImage PerformTransform(GtkImage image, ResizeTransform transform)
// TODO: Can we improve interpolation? Somehow integrate Cairo.Filter.Bilinear or Cairo.Filter.Best, though
// it's not clear how to reconcile that with SetSourcePixbuf.
var format = image.PixelFormat == ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32 ? Format.Argb32 : Format.Rgb24;
using var surface = new ImageSurface(format, transform.Width, transform.Height);
using var context = new Context(surface);
context.Scale(transform.Width / (double) image.Width, transform.Height / (double) image.Height);
CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf(context, image.Pixbuf, 0, 0);
var newImage = new GtkImage(new Pixbuf(surface, 0, 0, transform.Width, transform.Height));
newImage.LogicalPixelFormat = image.LogicalPixelFormat == ImagePixelFormat.BW1
? ImagePixelFormat.Gray8
: image.LogicalPixelFormat;
image.HorizontalResolution * image.Width / transform.Width,
image.VerticalResolution * image.Height / transform.Height);
return newImage;
protected override GtkImage PerformTransform(GtkImage image, BlackWhiteTransform transform)
new DecolorBitwiseImageOp(true)
BlackWhiteThreshold = (transform.Threshold + 1000) / 2000f
image.LogicalPixelFormat = ImagePixelFormat.BW1;
return image;
protected override GtkImage PerformTransform(GtkImage image, GrayscaleTransform transform)
new DecolorBitwiseImageOp(false).Perform(image);
if (image.LogicalPixelFormat != ImagePixelFormat.Unknown)
image.LogicalPixelFormat = ImagePixelFormat.Gray8;
return image;