2024-01-29 18:05:39 -08:00

251 lines
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using Eto.Drawing;
namespace NAPS2.EtoForms.Layout;
// Ignore unreachable code for DEBUG_LAYOUT
#pragma warning disable CS0162
/// <summary>
/// Abstract base class for LayoutColumn and LayoutRow. We use this class to generalize column and row layout logic.
/// </summary>
public abstract class LayoutLine : LayoutContainer
protected LayoutLine(IEnumerable<LayoutElement> children) : base(children)
protected Padding? Padding { get; init; }
protected int? Spacing { get; init; }
protected bool Aligned { get; set; }
protected abstract bool IsOrthogonalTo(LayoutLine other);
protected abstract PointF UpdatePosition(PointF position, float delta);
protected abstract PointF UpdateOrthogonalPosition(PointF position, float delta);
protected abstract SizeF UpdateTotalSize(SizeF size, SizeF childSize, int spacing);
protected abstract float GetBreadth(SizeF size);
protected abstract float GetLength(SizeF size);
protected abstract SizeF GetSize(float length, float breadth);
public override void DoLayout(LayoutContext context, RectangleF bounds)
Debug.WriteLine($"{new string(' ', context.Depth)}{GetType().Name} layout with bounds {bounds}");
if (Padding is { } padding)
bounds = new RectangleF(
bounds.X + padding.Left, bounds.Y + padding.Top,
bounds.Width - padding.Horizontal, bounds.Height - padding.Vertical);
var childContext = GetChildContext(context, bounds);
GetInitialCellLengthsAndScaling(context, childContext, bounds, out var cellLengths, out var cellScaling);
UpdateCellLengthsForAvailableSpace(cellLengths, cellScaling, bounds, context);
// The "cell" size and origin define the space the control can fit in, while the "child" size and origin define
// the actual space the control fills. The child always fills the cell length-wise, but breadth-wise it depends
// on the control alignment.
var cellOrigin = bounds.Location;
for (int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++)
var child = Children[i];
var cellSize = GetSize(cellLengths[i], GetBreadth(bounds.Size));
GetChildSizeAndOrigin(child, childContext, cellSize, cellOrigin,
out var childSize, out var childOrigin);
child.DoLayout(childContext, new RectangleF(childOrigin, childSize));
cellOrigin = UpdatePosition(cellOrigin, GetLength(childSize) + GetSpacing(i, context));
private int GetSpacing(int i, LayoutContext context)
if (Children.Skip(i + 1).All(child => !child.IsVisible))
return 0;
if (!Children[i].IsVisible) return 0;
return GetSpacingCore(i, context);
protected virtual int GetSpacingCore(int i, LayoutContext context)
return Children[i].SpacingAfter ?? Spacing ?? context.DefaultSpacing;
private void GetChildSizeAndOrigin(LayoutElement child, LayoutContext childContext,
SizeF cellSize, PointF cellOrigin, out SizeF childSize, out PointF childOrigin)
var breadth = GetBreadth(
child.Alignment == LayoutAlignment.Fill
? cellSize
: child.GetPreferredSize(childContext, new RectangleF(cellOrigin, cellSize)));
var remainingBreadth = GetBreadth(cellSize) - breadth;
var alignmentOffset = child.Alignment switch
LayoutAlignment.Leading => 0,
LayoutAlignment.Center => remainingBreadth / 2,
LayoutAlignment.Trailing => remainingBreadth,
_ => 0
childSize = GetSize(GetLength(cellSize), breadth);
childOrigin = UpdateOrthogonalPosition(cellOrigin, alignmentOffset);
public override SizeF GetPreferredSize(LayoutContext context, RectangleF parentBounds)
var childContext = GetChildContext(context, parentBounds);
if (childContext.ParentVisibility?.IsVisible == false)
return SizeF.Empty;
var size = SizeF.Empty;
GetInitialCellLengthsAndScaling(context, childContext, parentBounds, out var cellLengths, out var cellScaling);
UpdateCellLengthsWithPreferredLength(cellLengths, cellScaling);
for (int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++)
var childSize = Children[i].GetPreferredSize(childContext, parentBounds);
var childLayoutSize = GetSize(cellLengths[i], GetBreadth(childSize));
size = UpdateTotalSize(size, childLayoutSize, GetSpacing(i, context));
size += new SizeF(Padding?.Horizontal ?? 0, Padding?.Vertical ?? 0);
return size;
private LayoutContext GetChildContext(LayoutContext context, RectangleF bounds)
return context with
CellLengths = GetChildCellLengths(context, bounds),
CellScaling = GetChildCellScaling(),
Depth = context.Depth + 1,
ParentVisibility = LayoutVisibility.Combine(context.ParentVisibility, Visibility)
private void GetInitialCellLengthsAndScaling(LayoutContext context, LayoutContext childContext, RectangleF bounds,
out List<float> cellLengths, out List<bool> cellScaling)
// If this line is supposed to be aligned with adjacent lines (e.g. 2 rows in a parent column or vice versa),
// then our parent will have pre-calculated our cell sizes and scaling for us.
if (Aligned && context.CellLengths != null && context.CellScaling != null)
cellLengths = context.CellLengths;
cellScaling = context.CellScaling;
// If we aren't aligned or we don't have a parent to do that pre-calculation, then we just determine our cell
// sizes and scaling directly without any special alignment constraints.
cellLengths = [];
cellScaling = [];
var lengthChildContext = childContext with { IsCellLengthQuery = true };
foreach (var child in Children)
cellLengths.Add(GetLength(child.GetPreferredSize(lengthChildContext, bounds)));
cellScaling.Add(child.IsVisible && child.Scale);
private void UpdateCellLengthsWithPreferredLength(List<float> cellLengths, List<bool> cellScaling)
if (!cellScaling.Any(scales => scales))
// If multiple cells scale, then they will end up with the same length. Therefore, the biggest initial length
// defines the preferred length for all scaled cells.
float maxScaledLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cellLengths.Count; i++)
if (cellScaling[i])
maxScaledLength = Math.Max(maxScaledLength, cellLengths[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < cellLengths.Count; i++)
if (cellScaling[i])
cellLengths[i] = maxScaledLength;
private void UpdateCellLengthsForAvailableSpace(List<float> cellLengths, List<bool> cellScaling, RectangleF bounds,
LayoutContext context)
var scaleCount = cellScaling.Count(scales => scales);
if (scaleCount == 0)
// If no controls scale, then they will all take up their preferred length.
// If some controls scale, then we take [excess = remaining space + length of all scaling controls],
// and divide that evenly among all scaling controls so they all have equal length.
var excess = GetLength(bounds.Size);
for (int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++)
if (!cellScaling[i])
excess -= cellLengths[i];
excess -= GetSpacing(i, context);
// TODO: This protects against both forms being shrunk below their minimum size, but also
// on Gtk apparently the bounds are wrong for non-resizable forms. This would become visible
// if we have a non-resizable form with extra layout size + scaling in the same direction.
if (excess <= 0) return;
// Update the lengths of scaling controls
var scaleAmount = Math.DivRem((int) excess, scaleCount, out int scaleExtra);
for (int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++)
if (cellScaling[i])
cellLengths[i] = scaleAmount + (scaleExtra-- > 0 ? 1 : 0);
private List<float> GetChildCellLengths(LayoutContext context, RectangleF bounds)
var cellLengths = new List<float>();
foreach (var child in Children)
if (child is LayoutLine { Aligned: true } opposite && IsOrthogonalTo(opposite))
for (int i = 0; i < opposite.Children.Count; i++)
if (cellLengths.Count <= i) cellLengths.Add(0);
// TODO: We should probably shrink the bounds if needed
var preferredLength = GetBreadth(opposite.Children[i].GetPreferredSize(context, bounds));
cellLengths[i] = Math.Max(cellLengths[i], preferredLength);
return cellLengths;
private List<bool> GetChildCellScaling()
var cellScaling = new List<bool>();
foreach (var child in Children)
if (child is LayoutLine { Aligned: true } opposite && IsOrthogonalTo(opposite))
for (int i = 0; i < opposite.Children.Count; i++)
if (cellScaling.Count <= i) cellScaling.Add(false);
cellScaling[i] = cellScaling[i] || opposite.Children[i].Scale;
return cellScaling;