2024-03-09 22:11:11 -08:00

168 lines
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using Eto.Drawing;
using NAPS2.EtoForms.Layout;
using NAPS2.Scan;
namespace NAPS2.EtoForms.Ui;
public class CombineForm : ImageFormBase
private readonly IIconProvider _iconProvider;
private readonly ScanningContext _scanningContext;
private readonly LayoutVisibility _horizontalOrientationVis = new(false);
private readonly LayoutVisibility _alignVis = new(true);
private CombineOrientation _orientation;
private double _hOffset = 0.5;
private double _vOffset = 0.5;
public CombineForm(Naps2Config config, UiImageList imageList, ThumbnailController thumbnailController,
IIconProvider iconProvider, ScanningContext scanningContext) :
base(config, imageList, thumbnailController)
_iconProvider = iconProvider;
_scanningContext = scanningContext;
Icon = new Icon(1f, Icons.combine.ToEtoImage());
Title = UiStrings.Combine;
private UiImage Image1 { get; set; } = null!;
private UiImage Image2 { get; set; } = null!;
private IMemoryImage WorkingImage1 { get; set; } = null!;
private IMemoryImage WorkingImage2 { get; set; } = null!;
protected override LayoutElement CreateControls()
return L.Row(
C.IconButton(_iconProvider.GetIcon("shape_align_left")!, () => SetHOffset(0)),
C.IconButton(_iconProvider.GetIcon("shape_align_center")!, () => SetHOffset(0.5)),
C.IconButton(_iconProvider.GetIcon("shape_align_right")!, () => SetHOffset(1.0))
C.IconButton(_iconProvider.GetIcon("combine_hor")!, () => SetOrientation(CombineOrientation.Horizontal))
.Padding(left: 20),
C.IconButton(_iconProvider.GetIcon("switch_ver")!, SwapImages)
C.IconButton(_iconProvider.GetIcon("shape_align_top")!, () => SetVOffset(0)),
C.IconButton(_iconProvider.GetIcon("shape_align_middle")!, () => SetVOffset(0.5)),
C.IconButton(_iconProvider.GetIcon("shape_align_bottom")!, () => SetVOffset(1.0))
C.IconButton(_iconProvider.GetIcon("combine_ver")!, () => SetOrientation(CombineOrientation.Vertical))
.Padding(left: 20),
C.IconButton(_iconProvider.GetIcon("switch_hor")!, SwapImages)
private void SwapImages()
(Image1, Image2) = (Image2, Image1);
(WorkingImage1, WorkingImage2) = (WorkingImage2, WorkingImage1);
private void SetHOffset(double value)
_hOffset = value;
private void SetVOffset(double value)
_vOffset = value;
private void SetOrientation(CombineOrientation orientation)
_orientation = orientation;
_horizontalOrientationVis.IsVisible = _orientation == CombineOrientation.Horizontal;
protected override void InitDisplayImage()
// If there's an image after this one, then this is the first image, and the subsequent image is the second.
// Otherwise, we look for the previous image in the list, which should be considered the first image, and then
// this image is the second.
var nextImage = SelectedImages?.ElementAtOrDefault(1) ??
ImageList.Images.ElementAtOrDefault(ImageList.Images.IndexOf(Image) + 1);
Image1 = nextImage != null
? Image
: ImageList.Images.ElementAtOrDefault(ImageList.Images.IndexOf(Image) - 1) ??
throw new InvalidOperationException("No image to combine with");
Image2 = nextImage ?? Image;
using var processedImage1 = Image1.GetClonedImage();
WorkingImage1 = processedImage1.Render();
using var processedImage2 = Image2.GetClonedImage();
WorkingImage2 = processedImage2.Render();
_orientation = WorkingImage1.Width + WorkingImage2.Width > WorkingImage1.Height + WorkingImage2.Height
? CombineOrientation.Vertical
: CombineOrientation.Horizontal;
_horizontalOrientationVis.IsVisible = _orientation == CombineOrientation.Horizontal;
// We could make these visibilities different (i.e. hAlignVis + vAlignVis), but
// that means the button alignment can change underneath the mouse which isn't great.
_alignVis.IsVisible =
WorkingImage1.Width != WorkingImage2.Width || WorkingImage1.Height != WorkingImage2.Height;
var workingArea = GetScreenWorkingArea();
var widthRatio1 = WorkingImage1.Width / workingArea.Width;
var heightRatio1 = WorkingImage1.Height / workingArea.Height;
var widthRatio2 = WorkingImage1.Width / workingArea.Width;
var heightRatio2 = WorkingImage1.Height / workingArea.Height;
var maxRatio = new[] { widthRatio1, heightRatio1, widthRatio2, heightRatio2 }.Max();
if (maxRatio > 1)
WorkingImage1 = WorkingImage1.PerformTransform(new ScaleTransform(1 / maxRatio));
WorkingImage2 = WorkingImage2.PerformTransform(new ScaleTransform(1 / maxRatio));
// TODO: We probably want to scale up any lower-res images to match the higher resolution. Here and in Apply().
DisplayImage = RenderPreview();
protected override IMemoryImage RenderPreview()
return CombineImages(WorkingImage1, WorkingImage2);
private IMemoryImage CombineImages(IMemoryImage first, IMemoryImage second)
return MoreImageTransforms.Combine(first, second, _orientation,
_orientation == CombineOrientation.Horizontal ? _vOffset : _hOffset);
protected override void Apply()
// TODO: Consider the latency of this, especially with "Apply all". Does it make sense to be async? Have a operation?
using var processedImage1 = Image1.GetClonedImage();
using var renderedImage1 = processedImage1.Render();
using var processedImage2 = Image2.GetClonedImage();
using var renderedImage2 = processedImage2.Render();
using var combinedImage = CombineImages(renderedImage1, renderedImage2);
// TODO: Use working images for thumbnail?
var thumbnail = combinedImage.Clone().PerformTransform(new ThumbnailTransform(ThumbnailController.RenderSize));
var ppd = new PostProcessingData { Thumbnail = thumbnail, ThumbnailTransformState = TransformState.Empty };
var processedImage = _scanningContext.CreateProcessedImage(combinedImage).WithPostProcessingData(ppd, true);
ImageList.Mutate(new ListMutation<UiImage>.InsertAfter(new UiImage(processedImage), Image));
// TODO: Maybe have a checkbox to keep the original images?
ImageList.Mutate(new ListMutation<UiImage>.DeleteSelected(), ListSelection.Of(Image1, Image2));
protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e)