2024-03-09 14:13:24 -08:00

304 lines
11 KiB

using Eto.Drawing;
using Eto.Forms;
namespace NAPS2.EtoForms.Ui;
public class CropForm : UnaryImageFormBase
private static CropTransform? _lastTransform;
private const int HANDLE_WIDTH = 3;
private const double HANDLE_LENGTH_RATIO = 0.07;
private const int HANDLE_MIN_LENGTH = 30;
private const int FREEFORM_MIN_SIZE = 10;
private readonly ColorScheme _colorScheme;
// TODO: Textboxes for direct editing
// Mouse down location
private PointF _mouseOrigin;
// Crop amounts from each side as a fraction of the total image size (updated as the user drags)
private float _cropL, _cropR, _cropT, _cropB;
// Crop amounts from each side as pixels of the image to be cropped (updated on mouse up)
private float _realL, _realR, _realT, _realB;
// The crop handle currently being moved by the user
private Handle _activeHandle;
private bool _freeformAvailable;
private bool _freeformActive;
public CropForm(Naps2Config config, UiImageList imageList, ThumbnailController thumbnailController,
ColorScheme colorScheme) :
base(config, imageList, thumbnailController)
_colorScheme = colorScheme;
Icon = new Icon(1f, Icons.transform_crop.ToEtoImage());
Title = UiStrings.Crop;
OverlayBorderSize = HANDLE_WIDTH;
Overlay.MouseDown += Overlay_MouseDown;
Overlay.MouseMove += Overlay_MouseMove;
Overlay.MouseUp += Overlay_MouseUp;
// The handle length is proportional to the window size
private int HandleLength =>
(int) Math.Max(Math.Round(Math.Min(_overlayH, _overlayW) * HANDLE_LENGTH_RATIO), HANDLE_MIN_LENGTH);
protected override void OnPreLoad(EventArgs e)
if (_lastTransform != null && _lastTransform.OriginalWidth == RealImageWidth &&
_lastTransform.OriginalHeight == RealImageHeight)
_realL = _lastTransform.Left;
_realR = _lastTransform.Right;
_realT = _lastTransform.Top;
_realB = _lastTransform.Bottom;
_cropL = _realL / RealImageWidth;
_cropR = _realR / RealImageWidth;
_cropT = _realT / RealImageHeight;
_cropB = _realB / RealImageHeight;
protected override void Apply()
_lastTransform = (CropTransform) Transforms.Single();
protected override void Revert()
_cropT = _cropL = _cropB = _cropR = _realT = _realL = _realB = _realR = 0;
protected override IMemoryImage RenderPreview()
return WorkingImage!.Clone();
protected override List<Transform> Transforms =>
new CropTransform(
(int) Math.Round(_realL),
(int) Math.Round(_realR),
(int) Math.Round(_realT),
(int) Math.Round(_realB),
private void Overlay_MouseDown(object? sender, MouseEventArgs e)
_activeHandle = GetHandleUnderMouse(e);
if (_activeHandle == Handle.None)
_freeformAvailable = true;
_mouseOrigin = e.Location;
private Handle GetHandleUnderMouse(MouseEventArgs e)
// We calculate the distance between the mouse and each handle side
// The 0.1 offset is to provide a bit of affinity so that if the crop size is 0 (so all distances are the same),
// you can still e.g. pick the top-left handle if you put the mouse a bit top-left of it.
var t = _overlayT + _realT * _overlayH / RealImageHeight;
var b = _overlayB - _realB * _overlayH / RealImageHeight;
var l = _overlayL + _realL * _overlayW / RealImageWidth;
var r = _overlayR - _realR * _overlayW / RealImageWidth;
var dyT = Math.Abs(e.Location.Y - (t - 0.1f));
var dyB = Math.Abs(e.Location.Y - (b + 0.1f));
var dyM = Math.Abs(e.Location.Y - (t + b) / 2);
var dxL = Math.Abs(e.Location.X - (l - 0.1f));
var dxR = Math.Abs(e.Location.X - (r + 0.1f));
var dxM = Math.Abs(e.Location.X - (l + r) / 2);
var dxMin = Math.Min(Math.Min(dxL, dxR), dxM);
var dyMin = Math.Min(Math.Min(dyT, dyB), dyM);
// The user can click/drag the handle even if they miss a bit
if (dxMin < HandleLength * 1.5 && dyMin < HandleLength * 1.5)
// ReSharper disable CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
if (dyT == dyMin && dxL == dxMin) return Handle.TopLeft;
if (dyT == dyMin && dxR == dxMin) return Handle.TopRight;
if (dyB == dyMin && dxL == dxMin) return Handle.BottomLeft;
if (dyB == dyMin && dxR == dxMin) return Handle.BottomRight;
if (dyT == dyMin && dxM == dxMin) return Handle.Top;
if (dyM == dyMin && dxL == dxMin) return Handle.Left;
if (dyB == dyMin && dxM == dxMin) return Handle.Bottom;
if (dyM == dyMin && dxR == dxMin) return Handle.Right;
return Handle.None;
private void Overlay_MouseUp(object? sender, MouseEventArgs e)
_realT = _cropT * RealImageHeight;
_realB = _cropB * RealImageHeight;
_realL = _cropL * RealImageWidth;
_realR = _cropR * RealImageWidth;
_activeHandle = Handle.None;
_freeformAvailable = false;
_freeformActive = false;
private void UpdateCrop(PointF mousePos)
var delta = mousePos - _mouseOrigin;
if (_freeformActive)
var origin = _mouseOrigin - new PointF(_overlayL, _overlayT);
var current = mousePos - new PointF(_overlayL, _overlayT);
if (delta.Y > 0)
_cropT = (origin.Y / _overlayH).Clamp(0, 1);
_cropB = (1 - current.Y / _overlayH).Clamp(0, 1);
_cropT = (current.Y / _overlayH).Clamp(0, 1);
_cropB = (1 - origin.Y / _overlayH).Clamp(0, 1);
if (delta.X > 0)
_cropL = (origin.X / _overlayW).Clamp(0, 1);
_cropR = (1 - current.X / _overlayW).Clamp(0, 1);
_cropL = (current.X / _overlayW).Clamp(0, 1);
_cropR = (1 - origin.X / _overlayW).Clamp(0, 1);
if (_activeHandle.HasFlag(Handle.Top))
_cropT = (_realT / RealImageHeight + delta.Y / _overlayH).Clamp(0, 1 - _cropB);
if (_activeHandle.HasFlag(Handle.Right))
_cropR = (_realR / RealImageWidth - delta.X / _overlayW).Clamp(0, 1 - _cropL);
if (_activeHandle.HasFlag(Handle.Bottom))
_cropB = (_realB / RealImageHeight - delta.Y / _overlayH).Clamp(0, 1 - _cropT);
if (_activeHandle.HasFlag(Handle.Left))
_cropL = (_realL / RealImageWidth + delta.X / _overlayW).Clamp(0, 1 - _cropR);
private void Overlay_MouseMove(object? sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Overlay.Cursor = _freeformAvailable || (_activeHandle == Handle.None && GetHandleUnderMouse(e) == Handle.None)
? Cursors.Crosshair
: Cursors.Pointer;
if (_freeformAvailable && (Math.Abs(e.Location.Y - _mouseOrigin.Y) > FREEFORM_MIN_SIZE ||
Math.Abs(e.Location.X - _mouseOrigin.X) > FREEFORM_MIN_SIZE))
_freeformActive = true;
protected override void PaintOverlay(object? sender, PaintEventArgs e)
base.PaintOverlay(sender, e);
if (_overlayW == 0 || _overlayH == 0)
var offsetL = _cropL * _overlayW;
var offsetT = _cropT * _overlayH;
var offsetR = _cropR * _overlayW;
var offsetB = _cropB * _overlayH;
var fillColor = new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.5f);
var handlePen = new Pen(_colorScheme.CropColor, HANDLE_WIDTH);
if (_overlayW >= 1 && _overlayH >= 1)
// Fade out cropped-out portions of the image
using var fade = new Bitmap((int) _overlayW, (int) _overlayH, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgba);
var fadeGraphics = new Graphics(fade);
fadeGraphics.FillRectangle(fillColor, 0, 0, _overlayW, _overlayH);
fadeGraphics.SetClip(new RectangleF(
offsetL, offsetT,
_overlayW - offsetL - offsetR,
_overlayH - offsetT - offsetB));
e.Graphics.DrawImage(fade, _overlayL, _overlayT);
var x1 = _overlayL + offsetL - HANDLE_WIDTH / 2f;
var y1 = _overlayT + offsetT - HANDLE_WIDTH / 2f;
var x2 = _overlayR - offsetR + HANDLE_WIDTH / 2f - 0.5f;
var y2 = _overlayB - offsetB + HANDLE_WIDTH / 2f - 0.5f;
var xMid = (x1 + x2) / 2;
var yMid = (y1 + y2) / 2;
// For a small crop selection, we shrink the handles so they don't overlap
var xHandleLen = Math.Min(HandleLength, (x2 - x1) / 5);
var yHandleLen = Math.Min(HandleLength, (y2 - y1) / 5);
if (_freeformActive)
// Draw border
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(_colorScheme.CropColor), x1, y1, x2 - x1 - 1, y2 - y1 - 1);
// Draw corner handles
new PointF(x1, y1 + yHandleLen),
new PointF(x1, y1),
new PointF(x1 + xHandleLen, y1));
new PointF(x1, y2 - yHandleLen),
new PointF(x1, y2),
new PointF(x1 + xHandleLen, y2));
new PointF(x2, y1 + yHandleLen),
new PointF(x2, y1),
new PointF(x2 - xHandleLen, y1));
new PointF(x2, y2 - yHandleLen),
new PointF(x2, y2),
new PointF(x2 - xHandleLen, y2));
// Draw edge handles
e.Graphics.DrawLine(handlePen, x1, yMid - yHandleLen / 2f, x1, yMid + yHandleLen / 2f);
e.Graphics.DrawLine(handlePen, x2, yMid - yHandleLen / 2f, x2, yMid + yHandleLen / 2f);
e.Graphics.DrawLine(handlePen, xMid - xHandleLen / 2f, y1, xMid + xHandleLen / 2f, y1);
e.Graphics.DrawLine(handlePen, xMid - xHandleLen / 2f, y2, xMid + xHandleLen / 2f, y2);
private enum Handle
None = 0,
Left = 1,
Right = 2,
Top = 4,
Bottom = 8,
TopLeft = Top | Left,
TopRight = Top | Right,
BottomLeft = Bottom | Left,
BottomRight = Bottom | Right