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using NAPS2.Recovery;
using NAPS2.Scan;
using NAPS2.Serialization;
namespace NAPS2.Images;
/// <summary>
/// Manages the lifetime of a recovery folder.
/// "Recovery" means that in the case of a crash (of the application or machine), there is enough information on disk to
/// restore any images that weren't previously disposed.
/// From a design perspective, there are several elements to recovery:
/// - The recovery folder. Created in RecoveryStorageManager.CreateFolder and deleted by RecoveryStorageManager.Dispose.
/// - The image files. Created in ScanningContext.CreateProcessedImage based on ScanningContext.FileStorageManager (which should have the same path as the RecoveryStorageManager).
/// - The recovery index. This is file named index.xml which stores the serialized metadata entries and is updated by RecoveryStorageManager.WriteIndex.
/// - The recovery lock. This is a file named .lock that has an exclusive write lock until RecoveryStorageManager is disposed.
/// If the process crashes without disposing RecoveryStorageManager, the lock will be automatically released.
/// Other processes can later detect that and initiate a recovery via RecoveryManager.
/// </summary>
public class RecoveryStorageManager : IDisposable
public const string LOCK_FILE_NAME = ".lock";
private static readonly TimeSpan WriteThrottleInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
private readonly ISerializer<RecoveryIndex> _serializer = new XmlSerializer<RecoveryIndex>();
private readonly DirectoryInfo _folder;
private readonly FileInfo _folderLockFile;
private readonly Stream _folderLock;
private readonly TimedThrottle _writeThrottle;
private UiImageList _imageList;
private bool _disposed;
public static RecoveryStorageManager CreateFolder(string recoveryFolderPath)
return new RecoveryStorageManager(recoveryFolderPath);
private RecoveryStorageManager(string recoveryFolderPath)
RecoveryFolderPath = recoveryFolderPath;
_folder = new DirectoryInfo(RecoveryFolderPath);
_folderLockFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(RecoveryFolderPath, LOCK_FILE_NAME));
_folderLock = _folderLockFile.Open(FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
_writeThrottle = new TimedThrottle(WriteIndexFromImageList, WriteThrottleInterval);
public string RecoveryFolderPath { get; }
// TODO: Maybe just make UiImageList part of the constructor?
public void RegisterForChanges(UiImageList imageList)
lock (this)
if (_disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(RecoveryStorageManager));
if (_imageList != null) throw new InvalidOperationException();
_imageList = imageList;
imageList.ImagesUpdated += ImageListUpdated;
private void ImageListUpdated(object? sender, EventArgs args)
private void WriteIndexFromImageList()
List<UiImage> images;
lock (_imageList)
images = _imageList.Images.ToList();
public void WriteIndex(IEnumerable<UiImage> images)
lock (this)
if (_disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(RecoveryStorageManager));
var recoveryIndex = RecoveryIndex.Create();
recoveryIndex.Images = images.Select(image =>
using var processedImage = image.GetClonedImage();
var storage = processedImage.Storage as ImageFileStorage
?? throw new InvalidOperationException("RecoveryStorageManager can only be used with FileStorage");
return new RecoveryIndexImage
FileName = Path.GetFileName(storage.FullPath),
BitDepth = processedImage.Metadata.BitDepth.ToScanBitDepth(),
HighQuality = processedImage.Metadata.Lossless,
TransformList = processedImage.TransformState.Transforms.ToList()
_serializer.SerializeToFile(Path.Combine(RecoveryFolderPath, "index.xml"), recoveryIndex);
public void ReleaseLockForTesting()
public void Dispose()
lock (this)
if (_disposed) return;
if (_imageList != null)
_imageList.ImagesUpdated -= ImageListUpdated;
_disposed = true;