2024-01-14 15:09:39 -08:00

176 lines
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using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using NAPS2.Images.Bitwise;
using NAPS2.Util;
namespace NAPS2.Images.Gtk;
internal class LibTiffIo : ITiffWriter
private readonly ImageContext _imageContext;
public LibTiffIo(ImageContext imageContext)
_imageContext = imageContext;
public bool SaveTiff(IList<IMemoryImage> images, string path,
TiffCompressionType compression = TiffCompressionType.Auto, ProgressHandler progress = default)
var tiff = LibTiff.TIFFOpen(path, "w");
return WriteTiff(tiff, null, images, compression, progress);
public bool SaveTiff(IList<IMemoryImage> images, Stream stream,
TiffCompressionType compression = TiffCompressionType.Auto, ProgressHandler progress = default)
var client = new LibTiffStreamClient(stream);
var tiff = client.TIFFClientOpen("w");
return WriteTiff(tiff, client, images, compression, progress);
private bool WriteTiff(IntPtr tiff, LibTiffStreamClient? client, IList<IMemoryImage> images,
TiffCompressionType compression, ProgressHandler progress = default)
int i = 0;
progress.Report(0, images.Count);
foreach (var image in images)
if (progress.IsCancellationRequested) return false;
var pixelFormat =
image.LogicalPixelFormat == ImagePixelFormat.BW1 || compression == TiffCompressionType.Ccitt4
? ImagePixelFormat.BW1
: image.LogicalPixelFormat;
WriteTiffMetadata(tiff, pixelFormat, compression, image);
WriteTiffImageData(tiff, pixelFormat, image);
if (images.Count > 1)
progress.Report(++i, images.Count);
return true;
private unsafe void WriteTiffImageData(IntPtr tiff, ImagePixelFormat pixelFormat, IMemoryImage image)
var bufferInfo = new PixelInfo(image.Width, image.Height, pixelFormat switch
ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32 => SubPixelType.Rgba,
ImagePixelFormat.RGB24 => SubPixelType.Rgb,
ImagePixelFormat.Gray8 => SubPixelType.Gray,
ImagePixelFormat.BW1 => SubPixelType.Bit,
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported pixel format")
var buffer = new byte[bufferInfo.Length];
new CopyBitwiseImageOp().Perform(image, buffer, bufferInfo);
fixed (byte* buf = buffer)
for (int i = 0; i < image.Height; i++)
LibTiff.TIFFWriteScanline(tiff, (IntPtr) (buf + bufferInfo.Stride * i), i, 0);
private static void WriteTiffMetadata(IntPtr tiff, ImagePixelFormat pixelFormat,
TiffCompressionType compression, IMemoryImage image)
// TODO: A lot of these types are wrong (e.g. int32 instead of int16)
LibTiff.TIFFSetFieldInt(tiff, TiffTag.ImageWidth, image.Width);
LibTiff.TIFFSetFieldInt(tiff, TiffTag.ImageHeight, image.Height);
LibTiff.TIFFSetFieldInt(tiff, TiffTag.PlanarConfig, 1);
LibTiff.TIFFSetFieldInt(tiff, TiffTag.Compression, (int) (compression switch
TiffCompressionType.Ccitt4 => TiffCompression.G4,
TiffCompressionType.Lzw => TiffCompression.Lzw,
TiffCompressionType.None => TiffCompression.None,
_ => pixelFormat == ImagePixelFormat.BW1
? TiffCompression.G4
: TiffCompression.Lzw
LibTiff.TIFFSetFieldInt(tiff, TiffTag.Orientation, 1);
LibTiff.TIFFSetFieldInt(tiff, TiffTag.BitsPerSample, pixelFormat == ImagePixelFormat.BW1 ? 1 : 8);
LibTiff.TIFFSetFieldInt(tiff, TiffTag.SamplesPerPixel, pixelFormat switch
ImagePixelFormat.RGB24 => 3,
ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32 => 4,
_ => 1
LibTiff.TIFFSetFieldInt(tiff, TiffTag.Photometric, (int) (pixelFormat switch
ImagePixelFormat.RGB24 or ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32 => TiffPhotometric.Rgb,
_ => TiffPhotometric.MinIsBlack
if (pixelFormat == ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32)
LibTiff.TIFFSetFieldShortArray(tiff, TiffTag.ExtraSamples, 1, new short[] { 2 });
if (image.HorizontalResolution != 0 && image.VerticalResolution != 0)
LibTiff.TIFFSetFieldInt(tiff, TiffTag.ResolutionUnit, 2);
// TODO: Why do we need to write as a double? It's supposed to be a float.
LibTiff.TIFFSetFieldDouble(tiff, TiffTag.XResolution, image.HorizontalResolution);
LibTiff.TIFFSetFieldDouble(tiff, TiffTag.YResolution, image.VerticalResolution);
public void LoadTiff(Action<IMemoryImage> produceImage, Stream stream, ProgressHandler progress)
var client = new LibTiffStreamClient(stream);
var tiff = client.TIFFClientOpen("r");
EnumerateTiffFrames(produceImage, tiff, progress, client);
private void EnumerateTiffFrames(Action<IMemoryImage> produceImage, IntPtr tiff,
ProgressHandler progress, LibTiffStreamClient client)
// We keep a reference to the client to avoid garbage collection
var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(client);
var count = LibTiff.TIFFNumberOfDirectories(tiff);
progress.Report(0, count);
int i = 0;
if (progress.IsCancellationRequested) break;
LibTiff.TIFFGetFieldInt(tiff, TiffTag.ImageWidth, out int w);
LibTiff.TIFFGetFieldInt(tiff, TiffTag.ImageHeight, out int h);
// TODO: Check return values
LibTiff.TIFFGetFieldFloat(tiff, TiffTag.XResolution, out float xres);
LibTiff.TIFFGetFieldFloat(tiff, TiffTag.YResolution, out float yres);
var img = _imageContext.Create(w, h, ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32);
img.SetResolution(xres, yres);
img.OriginalFileFormat = ImageFileFormat.Tiff;
using var imageLock = img.Lock(LockMode.WriteOnly, out var data);
ReadTiffFrame(data.safePtr, tiff, w, h);
// LibTiff always produces pre-multiplied alpha, which we don't want
new UnmultiplyAlphaOp().Perform(img);
progress.Report(++i, count);
} while (LibTiff.TIFFReadDirectory(tiff) == 1);
private static void ReadTiffFrame(IntPtr buffer, IntPtr tiff, int w, int h)
int r = LibTiff.TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented(tiff, w, h, buffer, 1, 0);
// TODO: Check return value