2024-01-03 15:55:02 -08:00

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using NAPS2.Images.Bitwise;
namespace NAPS2.Images.Mac;
public class MacImage : IMemoryImage
public MacImage(ImageContext imageContext, NSImage image)
if (imageContext is not MacImageContext) throw new ArgumentException("Expected MacImageContext");
ImageContext = imageContext;
NsImage = image ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(image));
var reps = NsImage.Representations();
if (reps.Length != 1)
foreach (var rep in reps)
throw new ArgumentException("Expected NSImage with exactly one representation");
lock (MacImageContext.ConstructorLock)
Rep = new NSBitmapImageRep(reps[0].Handle, false);
Rep = (NSBitmapImageRep) reps[0];
PixelFormat = GetPixelFormat(Rep);
// TODO: Any replacement for deprecated ColorSpaceName?
#pragma warning disable CA1416,CA1422
bool isDeviceColorSpace = Rep.ColorSpaceName == NSColorSpace.DeviceRGB ||
Rep.ColorSpaceName == NSColorSpace.DeviceWhite;
#pragma warning restore CA1416,CA1422
if (PixelFormat == ImagePixelFormat.Unknown)
var rep = MacBitmapHelper.CopyRep(Rep);
else if (!isDeviceColorSpace)
var newColorSpace = Rep.ColorSpace.ColorComponents == 1
? NSColorSpace.DeviceGrayColorSpace
: NSColorSpace.DeviceRGBColorSpace;
var rep = Rep.ConvertingToColorSpace(newColorSpace, NSColorRenderingIntent.Default);
rep.Size = Rep.Size;
private void ReplaceRep(NSBitmapImageRep rep)
Rep = rep;
PixelFormat = GetPixelFormat(Rep);
private static ImagePixelFormat GetPixelFormat(NSBitmapImageRep rep)
return rep switch
{ BitsPerPixel: 32, BitsPerSample: 8, SamplesPerPixel: 4 } => ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32,
{ BitsPerPixel: 32, BitsPerSample: 8, SamplesPerPixel: 3 } => ImagePixelFormat.RGB24,
{ BitsPerPixel: 8, BitsPerSample: 8, SamplesPerPixel: 1 } => ImagePixelFormat.Gray8,
{ BitsPerPixel: 1, BitsPerSample: 1, SamplesPerPixel: 1 } => ImagePixelFormat.BW1,
_ => ImagePixelFormat.Unknown
public ImageContext ImageContext { get; }
public NSImage NsImage { get; }
internal NSBitmapImageRep Rep { get; private set; }
public int Width => (int) Rep.PixelsWide;
public int Height => (int) Rep.PixelsHigh;
public float HorizontalResolution => (float) (Width / NsImage.Size.Width * 72).ToDouble();
public float VerticalResolution => (float) (Height / NsImage.Size.Height * 72).ToDouble();
public void SetResolution(float xDpi, float yDpi)
if (xDpi > 0 && yDpi > 0)
NsImage.Size = Rep.Size = new CGSize(Width / xDpi * 72, Height / yDpi * 72);
public ImagePixelFormat PixelFormat { get; private set; }
public ImageLockState Lock(LockMode lockMode, out BitwiseImageData imageData)
if (lockMode != LockMode.ReadOnly)
LogicalPixelFormat = ImagePixelFormat.Unknown;
var ptr = Rep.BitmapData;
var stride = (int) Rep.BytesPerRow;
var subPixelType = PixelFormat switch
ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32 => SubPixelType.Rgba,
ImagePixelFormat.RGB24 => SubPixelType.Rgbn,
ImagePixelFormat.Gray8 => SubPixelType.Gray,
ImagePixelFormat.BW1 => SubPixelType.Bit,
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported pixel format")
imageData = new BitwiseImageData(ptr, new PixelInfo(Width, Height, subPixelType, stride));
return new MacImageLockState();
// TODO: Should we implement some kind of actual locking?
public class MacImageLockState : ImageLockState
public override void Dispose()
public ImageFileFormat OriginalFileFormat { get; set; }
public ImagePixelFormat LogicalPixelFormat { get; set; }
public void Save(string path, ImageFileFormat imageFormat = ImageFileFormat.Unknown,
ImageSaveOptions? options = null)
if (imageFormat == ImageFileFormat.Unknown)
imageFormat = ImageContext.GetFileFormatFromExtension(path);
var rep = GetRepForSaving(imageFormat, options);
if (!rep.Save(path, false, out var error))
throw new IOException(error!.Description);
public void Save(Stream stream, ImageFileFormat imageFormat, ImageSaveOptions? options = null)
if (imageFormat == ImageFileFormat.Unknown)
throw new ArgumentException("Format required to save to a stream", nameof(imageFormat));
var rep = GetRepForSaving(imageFormat, options);
private NSData GetRepForSaving(ImageFileFormat imageFormat, ImageSaveOptions? options)
options ??= new ImageSaveOptions();
lock (MacImageContext.ConstructorLock)
var fileType = imageFormat switch
// TODO: Any replacement for deprecated UTType?
#pragma warning disable CA1416,CA1422
ImageFileFormat.Jpeg => UTType.JPEG,
ImageFileFormat.Png => UTType.PNG,
ImageFileFormat.Bmp => UTType.BMP,
ImageFileFormat.Tiff => UTType.TIFF,
ImageFileFormat.Jpeg2000 => UTType.JPEG2000,
#pragma warning restore CA1416,CA1422
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported image format")
var targetFormat = options.PixelFormatHint;
if (imageFormat == ImageFileFormat.Bmp && targetFormat == ImagePixelFormat.Unknown &&
PixelFormat == ImagePixelFormat.Gray8)
// Workaround for issue in some macOS versions with 8bit BMPs
targetFormat = ImagePixelFormat.RGB24;
using var helper = PixelFormatHelper.Create(this, targetFormat);
var cgImage = helper.Image.Rep.CGImage; //RepresentationUsingTypeProperties(fileType, props);
var data = new NSMutableData();
var props = new NSMutableDictionary();
props.Add((NSString) "DPIWidth", NSObject.FromObject(HorizontalResolution));
props.Add((NSString) "DPIHeight", NSObject.FromObject(VerticalResolution));
if (options.Quality != -1 && imageFormat is ImageFileFormat.Jpeg or ImageFileFormat.Jpeg2000)
props.Add((NSString) "kCGImageDestinationLossyCompressionQuality", NSNumber.FromFloat(options.Quality / 100.0f));
using var dest = CGImageDestination.FromData(data, fileType, 1);
using var dest = CGImageDestination.Create(data, fileType.ToString(), 1)!;
dest.AddImage(cgImage, props);
return data;
public IMemoryImage Clone()
lock (MacImageContext.ConstructorLock)
if (PixelFormat == ImagePixelFormat.BW1)
// Workaround for NSImage issue copying 1bit images
return this.Copy();
var nsImage = new NSImage(NsImage.Copy().Handle, true);
var nsImage = (NSImage) NsImage.Copy();
return new MacImage(ImageContext, nsImage)
OriginalFileFormat = OriginalFileFormat,
LogicalPixelFormat = LogicalPixelFormat
public void Dispose()