2024-01-03 15:55:02 -08:00

181 lines
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using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using NAPS2.Images.Bitwise;
using NAPS2.Util;
namespace NAPS2.Images.Wpf;
public class WpfImage : IMemoryImage
private static MethodInfo? _detachFromDispatcher;
private static void DetachFromDispatcher(DispatcherObject dispatcherObject)
_detachFromDispatcher ??=
typeof(DispatcherObject).GetMethod("DetachFromDispatcher", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
_detachFromDispatcher!.Invoke(dispatcherObject, Array.Empty<object>());
private bool _disposed;
public WpfImage(ImageContext imageContext, WriteableBitmap bitmap)
if (imageContext is not WpfImageContext) throw new ArgumentException("Expected WpfImageContext");
ImageContext = imageContext;
// TODO: Something similar to MacImage where if it's not a supported pixel type we convert
WpfPixelFormatFixer.MaybeFixPixelFormat(ref bitmap);
Bitmap = bitmap;
public ImageContext ImageContext { get; }
public WriteableBitmap Bitmap { get; private set; }
public int Width => Bitmap.PixelWidth;
public int Height => Bitmap.PixelHeight;
public float HorizontalResolution => (float) Bitmap.DpiX;
public float VerticalResolution => (float) Bitmap.DpiY;
public void SetResolution(float xDpi, float yDpi)
var src = Bitmap.BackBuffer;
var srcInfo = new PixelInfo(Width, Height, GetSubPixelType(), Bitmap.BackBufferStride);
var newImage = new WriteableBitmap(Width, Height, xDpi, yDpi, Bitmap.Format, null);
var dst = newImage.BackBuffer;
var dstInfo = new PixelInfo(Width, Height, GetSubPixelType(), newImage.BackBufferStride);
new CopyBitwiseImageOp().Perform(src, srcInfo, dst, dstInfo);
Bitmap = newImage;
public ImagePixelFormat PixelFormat => Bitmap.Format switch
{ BitsPerPixel: 1 } => ImagePixelFormat.BW1,
{ BitsPerPixel: 8 } => ImagePixelFormat.Gray8,
{ BitsPerPixel: 24 } => ImagePixelFormat.RGB24,
{ BitsPerPixel: 32 } => ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32,
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported pixel format")
public unsafe ImageLockState Lock(LockMode lockMode, out BitwiseImageData imageData)
if (_disposed) throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (lockMode != LockMode.ReadOnly)
LogicalPixelFormat = ImagePixelFormat.Unknown;
var subPixelType = GetSubPixelType();
imageData = new BitwiseImageData((byte*) Bitmap.BackBuffer,
new PixelInfo(Width, Height, subPixelType, Bitmap.BackBufferStride));
return new WpfImageLockState();
private class WpfImageLockState : ImageLockState
public override void Dispose()
private SubPixelType GetSubPixelType() => PixelFormat switch
ImagePixelFormat.RGB24 => SubPixelType.Bgr,
ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32 => SubPixelType.Bgra,
ImagePixelFormat.Gray8 => SubPixelType.Gray,
ImagePixelFormat.BW1 => SubPixelType.Bit,
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported pixel format")
public ImageFileFormat OriginalFileFormat { get; set; }
public ImagePixelFormat LogicalPixelFormat { get; set; }
public void Save(string path, ImageFileFormat imageFormat = ImageFileFormat.Unknown,
ImageSaveOptions? options = null)
if (_disposed) throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (imageFormat == ImageFileFormat.Unknown)
imageFormat = ImageContext.GetFileFormatFromExtension(path);
options ??= new ImageSaveOptions();
using var helper = PixelFormatHelper.Create(this, options.PixelFormatHint, minFormat: ImagePixelFormat.Gray8);
var encoder = GetImageEncoder(imageFormat, options);
using var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
public void Save(Stream stream, ImageFileFormat imageFormat, ImageSaveOptions? options = null)
if (_disposed) throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (imageFormat == ImageFileFormat.Unknown)
throw new ArgumentException("Format required to save to a stream", nameof(imageFormat));
options ??= new ImageSaveOptions();
using var helper = PixelFormatHelper.Create(this, options.PixelFormatHint, minFormat: ImagePixelFormat.Gray8);
var encoder = GetImageEncoder(imageFormat, options);
SaveMaybeWithoutSeeking(stream, encoder);
private static void SaveMaybeWithoutSeeking(Stream stream, BitmapEncoder encoder)
if (stream.CanSeek)
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
private static BitmapEncoder GetImageEncoder(ImageFileFormat imageFormat, ImageSaveOptions options)
var encoder = imageFormat switch
ImageFileFormat.Bmp => (BitmapEncoder) new BmpBitmapEncoder(),
ImageFileFormat.Png => new PngBitmapEncoder(),
ImageFileFormat.Jpeg => new JpegBitmapEncoder
QualityLevel = options.Quality == -1 ? 75 : options.Quality
ImageFileFormat.Tiff => new TiffBitmapEncoder(),
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException()
return encoder;
public IMemoryImage Clone()
if (_disposed) throw new InvalidOperationException();
return new WpfImage(ImageContext, Bitmap.Clone())
OriginalFileFormat = OriginalFileFormat,
LogicalPixelFormat = LogicalPixelFormat
public void Dispose()
_disposed = true;