2023-12-29 14:15:58 -08:00

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using NAPS2.Images.Gdi;
using NAPS2.Ocr;
using NAPS2.Pdf;
using NAPS2.Scan;
namespace NAPS2.Sdk.Samples;
public class OcrSample
public static async Task OcrAndExportPdf()
// Exporting PDFs with OCR requires the optional NAPS2.Tesseract.Binaries Nuget package to be installed.
// Or, alternatively, you can use the system-installed Tesseract or provide a custom path to a Tesseract EXE.
using var scanningContext = new ScanningContext(new GdiImageContext());
// The NAPS2.Tesseract.Binaries package doesn't include all the actual language data (1GB+ for 100+ languages).
// You can download .traineddata files from one of these repos:
// -
// -
// Then specify the folder where those .traineddata files are stored.
scanningContext.OcrEngine = TesseractOcrEngine.Bundled(@"C:\path\to\my\traineddata\files\");
// Or if you know Tesseract is installed on the system PATH you can just do this without needing any extra
// packages or downloads.
scanningContext.OcrEngine = TesseractOcrEngine.System();
// Or if you have a custom path to the tesseract EXE you can do this.
scanningContext.OcrEngine = TesseractOcrEngine.Custom(@"C:\path\to\tesseract.exe");
// Scan some images
var controller = new ScanController(scanningContext);
var devices = await controller.GetDeviceList();
var options = new ScanOptions { Device = devices.First() };
var images = await controller.Scan(options).ToListAsync();
// Export to PDF with OCR
var pdfExporter = new PdfExporter(scanningContext);
// We specify the language code for OCR. This is based on the name of the .traineddata file, and is found here:
await pdfExporter.Export("doc.pdf", images, ocrParams: new OcrParams("eng"));