2022-12-18 18:39:10 -08:00

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using System.Globalization;
using Gdk;
using NAPS2.Images.Bitwise;
using NAPS2.Util;
namespace NAPS2.Images.Gtk;
public class GtkImage : IMemoryImage
public GtkImage(ImageContext imageContext, Pixbuf pixbuf)
if (imageContext is not GtkImageContext) throw new ArgumentException("Expected GtkImageContext");
ImageContext = imageContext;
Pixbuf = pixbuf;
LogicalPixelFormat = PixelFormat;
HorizontalResolution = float.TryParse(pixbuf.GetOption("x-dpi"), out var xDpi) ? xDpi : 0;
VerticalResolution = float.TryParse(pixbuf.GetOption("y-dpi"), out var yDpi) ? yDpi : 0;
public ImageContext ImageContext { get; }
public Pixbuf Pixbuf { get; }
public int Width => Pixbuf.Width;
public int Height => Pixbuf.Height;
public float HorizontalResolution { get; private set; }
public float VerticalResolution { get; private set; }
public void SetResolution(float xDpi, float yDpi)
HorizontalResolution = xDpi;
VerticalResolution = yDpi;
public ImagePixelFormat PixelFormat => (Pixbuf.NChannels, Pixbuf.BitsPerSample) switch
(3, 8) => ImagePixelFormat.RGB24,
(4, 8) => ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32,
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported pixel format")
public ImageLockState Lock(LockMode lockMode, out BitwiseImageData imageData)
var ptr = Pixbuf.Pixels;
var stride = Pixbuf.Rowstride;
var subPixelType = PixelFormat switch
ImagePixelFormat.RGB24 => SubPixelType.Rgb,
ImagePixelFormat.ARGB32 => SubPixelType.Rgba,
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported pixel format")
imageData = new BitwiseImageData(ptr, new PixelInfo(Width, Height, subPixelType, stride));
return new GtkImageLockState();
// TODO: Should we implement some kind of actual locking?
public class GtkImageLockState : ImageLockState
public override void Dispose()
public ImageFileFormat OriginalFileFormat { get; set; }
public ImagePixelFormat LogicalPixelFormat { get; set; }
public void Save(string path, ImageFileFormat imageFormat = ImageFileFormat.Unspecified, int quality = -1)
if (imageFormat == ImageFileFormat.Unspecified)
imageFormat = ImageContext.GetFileFormatFromExtension(path);
if (imageFormat == ImageFileFormat.Tiff)
((GtkImageContext) ImageContext).TiffIo.SaveTiff(new List<IMemoryImage> { this }, path);
var type = GetType(imageFormat);
var (keys, values) = GetSaveOptions(imageFormat, quality);
Pixbuf.Savev(path, type, keys, values);
public void Save(Stream stream, ImageFileFormat imageFormat, int quality = -1)
if (imageFormat == ImageFileFormat.Unspecified)
throw new ArgumentException("Format required to save to a stream", nameof(imageFormat));
if (imageFormat == ImageFileFormat.Tiff)
((GtkImageContext) ImageContext).TiffIo.SaveTiff(new List<IMemoryImage> { this }, stream);
var type = GetType(imageFormat);
var (keys, values) = GetSaveOptions(imageFormat, quality);
// TODO: Map to OutputStream directly?
stream.Write(Pixbuf.SaveToBuffer(type, keys, values));
private string GetType(ImageFileFormat fileFormat) => fileFormat switch
ImageFileFormat.Jpeg => "jpeg",
ImageFileFormat.Png => "png",
ImageFileFormat.Bmp => "bmp",
ImageFileFormat.Tiff => "tiff",
_ => throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported file format")
private (string[] keys, string[] values) GetSaveOptions(ImageFileFormat imageFormat, int quality)
var keys = new List<string>();
var values = new List<string>();
if (HorizontalResolution > 0 && VerticalResolution > 0)
if (imageFormat == ImageFileFormat.Jpeg && quality != -1)
return (keys.ToArray(), values.ToArray());
public IMemoryImage Clone() => new GtkImage(ImageContext, (Pixbuf) Pixbuf.Clone())
OriginalFileFormat = OriginalFileFormat,
LogicalPixelFormat = LogicalPixelFormat,
HorizontalResolution = HorizontalResolution,
VerticalResolution = VerticalResolution
public void Dispose()