
153 lines
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using NAPS2.Images.Gdi;
namespace NAPS2.Images;
public abstract class Deskewer
// Conceptually, Hough Line deskewing works like this:
// 1. Convert the image to black and white.
// 2. Create an array with an int for every possible line in the image
// within 20 degrees of horizontal. Each line is represented by the distance
// from the origin and the angle (in math terms, a parametric line).
// 3. Find all black pixels with white pixels below (i.e. bottom edges).
// 4. For each pixel, do some trigonometry to find every one of those lines
// it intersects with, and increment the value in the array for each line.
// 5. By looking for the largest array entries you find the lines that are
// most aligned with the bottom edges of the letters/shapes in the image.
// 6. Among the best lines, look for a cluster of similar angles.
// 7. If it's a big enough cluster, return the average of those angles.
// 8. Otherwise, a consistent skew angle couldn't be found, so return 0.
private const double ANGLE_MIN = -20;
private const double ANGLE_MAX = 20;
private const int ANGLE_STEPS = 201; // 0.2 degree step size
private const int BEST_MAX_COUNT = 100;
private const int BEST_THRESHOLD_INDEX = 9;
private const double BEST_THRESOLD_FACTOR = 0.5;
private const double CLUSTER_TARGET_SPREAD = 2.01;
private const double IGNORE_EDGE_FRACTION = 0.01;
public static RotationTransform GetDeskewTransform(IMemoryImage image) => new RotationTransform(-GetSkewAngle(image));
public static double GetSkewAngle(IMemoryImage image)
var bitArrays = UnsafeImageOps.ConvertToBitArrays(image);
int h = image.Height;
int w = image.Width;
// Ignore a bit of the top/bottom so that artifacts from the edge
// of the scan area aren't counted. (Left/right don't matter since
// we only look at near-horizontal lines.)
int yOffset = (int)Math.Round(h * IGNORE_EDGE_FRACTION);
var sinCos = PrecalculateSinCos();
// TODO: Consider reducing the precision of distance or angle,
// TODO: possibly with a second pass to restore precision.
int dCount = 2 * (w + h);
int[,] scores = new int[dCount, ANGLE_STEPS];
// TODO: This should be a good candidate for OpenCL optimization.
// TODO: If you parallelize over the angle, you're operating over
// TODO: the same input data with the same branches.
for (int y = 1 + yOffset; y <= h - 2 - yOffset; y++)
for (int x = 1; x <= w - 2; x++)
if (bitArrays[y][x] && !bitArrays[y + 1][x])
for (int i = 0; i < ANGLE_STEPS; i++)
var sc = sinCos[i];
int d = (int)(y * sc.cos - x * sc.sin + w);
scores[d, i]++;
var angles = GetAnglesOfBestLines(scores, dCount);
var cluster = ClusterAngles(angles);
if (cluster.Length < angles.Length / 2)
// Could not find a consistent skew angle
return 0;
return cluster.Sum() / cluster.Length;
private static double[] ClusterAngles(double[] angles)
angles = angles.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
int n = angles.Length;
int largestCluster = 0;
int largestClusterIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int clusterSize = angles
.TakeWhile(x => x < angles[i] + CLUSTER_TARGET_SPREAD)
if (clusterSize > largestCluster)
largestCluster = clusterSize;
largestClusterIndex = i;
return angles
.TakeWhile(x => x < angles[largestClusterIndex] + CLUSTER_TARGET_SPREAD)
private static double[] GetAnglesOfBestLines(int[,] scores, int dCount)
var best = new (int angleIndex, int count)[BEST_MAX_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < dCount; i++)
for (int angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < ANGLE_STEPS; angleIndex++)
int count = scores[i, angleIndex];
if (count > best[BEST_MAX_COUNT - 1].count)
best[BEST_MAX_COUNT - 1] = (angleIndex, count);
for (int j = BEST_MAX_COUNT - 2; j >= 0; j--)
if (count > best[j].count)
(best[j], best[j + 1]) = (best[j + 1], best[j]);
// Skip "insignificant" lines whose counts aren't close enough to the top 10
int threshold = (int)(best[BEST_THRESHOLD_INDEX].count * BEST_THRESOLD_FACTOR);
var bestWithinThreshold = best.Where(x => x.count >= threshold);
double angleStepSize = (ANGLE_MAX - ANGLE_MIN) / (ANGLE_STEPS - 1);
var angles = bestWithinThreshold.Select(x => ANGLE_MIN + angleStepSize * x.angleIndex);
return angles.ToArray();
private static SinCos[] PrecalculateSinCos()
var sinCos = new SinCos[ANGLE_STEPS];
double angleStepSize = (ANGLE_MAX - ANGLE_MIN) / (ANGLE_STEPS - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < ANGLE_STEPS; i++)
double angle = (ANGLE_MIN + angleStepSize * i) * Math.PI / 180.0;
sinCos[i].sin = (float)Math.Sin(angle);
sinCos[i].cos = (float)Math.Cos(angle);
return sinCos;
private struct SinCos
public float sin;
public float cos;