Ben Olden-Cooligan 0e429b2143 Fix metadata serialization model
Protos to the rescue again.
2019-07-16 22:41:22 -04:00

26 lines
449 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package NAPS2.Serialization;
message SerializedImage {
bool transferOwnership = 1;
oneof image {
string filePath = 2;
bytes fileContent = 3;
SerializedImageMetadata metadata = 4;
bytes thumbnail = 5;
string renderedFilePath = 6;
message SerializedImageMetadata {
string transformListXml = 1;
enum BitDepth {
Color = 0;
Grayscale = 1;
BlackAndWhite = 2;
BitDepth bitDepth = 2;
bool lossless = 3;