
173 lines
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using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using EmbedIO;
using EmbedIO.WebApi;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
namespace NAPS2.Escl.Server;
public class EsclServer : IEsclServer
static EsclServer()
private readonly Dictionary<EsclDeviceConfig, DeviceContext> _devices = new();
private bool _started;
private CancellationTokenSource? _cts;
public EsclSecurityPolicy SecurityPolicy { get; set; }
public X509Certificate2? Certificate { get; set; }
public ILogger Logger { get; set; } = NullLogger.Instance;
public void AddDevice(EsclDeviceConfig deviceConfig)
var deviceCtx = new DeviceContext(deviceConfig);
_devices[deviceConfig] = deviceCtx;
if (_started)
Task.Run(() => StartServerAndAdvertise(deviceCtx));
public void RemoveDevice(EsclDeviceConfig deviceConfig)
var deviceCtx = _devices[deviceConfig];
if (_started)
deviceCtx.StartTask?.ContinueWith(_ => deviceCtx.Advertiser.Dispose());
public async Task Start()
if (_started)
if (SecurityPolicy.HasFlag(EsclSecurityPolicy.ServerRequireHttps) &&
throw new EsclSecurityPolicyViolationException(
$"EsclSecurityPolicy of {SecurityPolicy} is inconsistent");
if (SecurityPolicy.HasFlag(EsclSecurityPolicy.ServerRequireTrustedCertificate) && Certificate == null)
throw new EsclSecurityPolicyViolationException(
$"EsclSecurityPolicy of {SecurityPolicy} needs a certificate to be specified");
_started = true;
_cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
// Try to generate a self-signed certificate if the caller hasn't provided one
if (!SecurityPolicy.HasFlag(EsclSecurityPolicy.ServerDisableHttps) && Certificate == null)
await Task.Run(() => Certificate = CertificateHelper.GenerateSelfSignedCertificate(Logger));
if (SecurityPolicy.HasFlag(EsclSecurityPolicy.ServerRequireHttps) && Certificate == null)
throw new EsclSecurityPolicyViolationException(
$"EsclSecurityPolicy of {SecurityPolicy} needs a certificate to be specified");
var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var device in _devices.Keys)
var deviceCtx = _devices[device];
deviceCtx.StartTask = Task.Run(() => StartServerAndAdvertise(deviceCtx));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
private async Task StartServerAndAdvertise(DeviceContext deviceCtx)
var cancelToken = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(_cts!.Token, deviceCtx.Cts.Token).Token;
// Try to run the server with the port specified in the EsclDeviceConfig first. If that fails, try random ports
// instead, and store the actually-used port back in EsclDeviceConfig so it can be advertised correctly.
bool hasHttp = !SecurityPolicy.HasFlag(EsclSecurityPolicy.ServerRequireHttps);
bool hasHttps = !SecurityPolicy.HasFlag(EsclSecurityPolicy.ServerDisableHttps) && Certificate != null;
if (hasHttp)
await PortFinder.RunWithSpecifiedOrRandomPort(deviceCtx.Config.Port, async port =>
await StartServer(deviceCtx, port, false, cancelToken);
deviceCtx.Config.Port = port;
}, cancelToken);
if (hasHttps)
await PortFinder.RunWithSpecifiedOrRandomPort(deviceCtx.Config.TlsPort, async tlsPort =>
await StartServer(deviceCtx, tlsPort, true, cancelToken);
deviceCtx.Config.TlsPort = tlsPort;
}, cancelToken);
deviceCtx.Advertiser.AdvertiseDevice(deviceCtx.Config, hasHttp, hasHttps);
private async Task StartServer(DeviceContext deviceCtx, int port, bool tls, CancellationToken cancelToken)
var protocol = tls ? "https" : "http";
var url = $"{protocol}://+:{port}/";
deviceCtx.ServerState = new EsclServerState();
var server = new WebServer(o => o
.WithCertificate((tls ? Certificate : null)!))
m => m.WithController(() =>
new EsclApiController(deviceCtx.Config, deviceCtx.ServerState, SecurityPolicy, Logger)));
await server.StartAsync(cancelToken);
private Task UnhandledServerException(IHttpContext ctx, Exception ex)
Logger.LogError(ex, "Unhandled ESCL server error");
return Task.CompletedTask;
public Task Stop()
if (!_started)
return Task.CompletedTask;
_started = false;
var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var device in _devices.Keys)
var deviceCtx = _devices[device];
if (deviceCtx.StartTask != null)
tasks.Add(deviceCtx.StartTask.ContinueWith(_ => deviceCtx.Advertiser.UnadvertiseDevice(device)));
_cts = null;
return Task.WhenAll(tasks);
public void Dispose()
if (_started)
private record DeviceContext(EsclDeviceConfig Config)
public MdnsAdvertiser Advertiser { get; } = new();
public CancellationTokenSource Cts { get; } = new();
public Task? StartTask { get; set; }
public EsclServerState? ServerState { get; set; }