Example of a runner for instrumenting user code with a simple cost model

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Danel Ahman 2019-10-24 17:47:35 +02:00
parent 32f8029245
commit 182b5e1d4e
3 changed files with 168 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
Module : IntStateTests
Description : Example use cases of the runner for cost model instrumentation from `Control.Runner.Cost`
Copyright : (c) Danel Ahman, 2019
License : MIT
Maintainer : danel.ahman@eesti.ee
Stability : experimental
This module provides example use cases of the runner for
cost model instrumentation from `Control.Runner.Cost`.
module CostTests where
import Control.Runner
import Control.Runner.Cost
import Control.Runner.MLState
import Control.Runner.FileIO
import System.IO hiding (withFile)
-- Instrumenting ML-style state with a simple cost model
test1 :: Int -> Int -> User '[MLState] (Int,Int)
test1 x y =
do r <- alloc x;
r' <- alloc y;
x' <- (!) r;
y' <- (!) r';
return (x',y')
test2 =
mlTopLevel (costInstrumentation (test1 4 2)) -- expected result ((4,2),4)
test3 :: Int -> User '[MLState] Int
test3 x =
do r <- alloc x;
r =:= (x + 2);
y <- (!) r;
return y
test4 = mlTopLevel (costInstrumentation (test3 4)) -- expected result (6,3)
test5 :: String -> (String -> Int) -> User '[MLState] Int
test5 s f =
do r <- alloc f; -- storing a higher-order (pure) function argument in the state
x <- test3 42;
g <- (!) r;
return (g s + x) -- length s + 44
test6 = mlTopLevel (costInstrumentation (test5 "foobar" length)) -- expected result (50,5)
-- 2 operation calls from test5,
-- and 3 operation calls from test3
-- Instrumenting file IO state with a simple cost model
writeLines :: Member File sig => [String] -> User sig ()
writeLines [] = return ()
writeLines (l:ls) = do fWrite l;
fWrite "\n";
writeLines ls
exampleLines = ["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
"Cras sit amet felis arcu.",
"Maecenas ac mollis mauris, vel fermentum nibh."]
test7 :: User '[IO] ()
test7 = -- in IO signature, using IO container
( -- in FileIO signature, using FIO runner
(fioFhInitialiser "./out.txt")
( -- in File signature, using FH runner
writeLines exampleLines
test8 = ioTopLevel (costInstrumentation test7) -- expected result ((),11)
-- 6 operation calls from writeLines
-- 4 operation calls from fioFhInitialiser
-- 1 operation call from fioFhFinaliser
-- 0 operation calls from ioFioInitialiser and ioFioFinaliser

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ library
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ library

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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
Module : Control.Runner.Cost
Description : Runner for instrumenting a user computation with a simple cost model
Copyright : (c) Danel Ahman, 2019
License : MIT
Maintainer : danel.ahman@eesti.ee
Stability : experimental
This module implements a runner that provides a means
to instrument user code with a very simple cost model
that simply counts the total number of operation calls
that the user code makes, with the corresponding
finaliser `costFinaliser` then reporting the final cost.
For simplicity, the finaliser `costFinaliser`
simply returns a pair of the user code's return value
and the final cost of the computation. One can of course
envisage both more elaborate cost models, but also
finalisers that act on the final cost with other effects,
e.g., by writing the final cost of the computation to IO.
module Control.Runner.Cost (
costRunner, costInitialiser, costFinaliser, costInstrumentation
) where
import Control.Runner
-- | The co-operations of the runner `costRunner`.
costCoOps :: Member eff sig => eff a -> Kernel sig Int a
costCoOps e =
do c <- getEnv;
setEnv (c + 1);
performK e
-- | Runner that instruments a user computation with a simple
-- cost model that simply counts the number of operation calls
-- the user code makes (storing the count in its runtime state).
costRunner :: Member eff sig => Runner '[eff] sig Int
costRunner = mkRunner costCoOps
-- | Initialiser for the runner `costRunner`.
-- It sets the number of operation calls to zero.
costInitialiser :: User sig Int
costInitialiser = return 0
-- | Finaliser for the runner `costRunner`.
-- It returns the pair of the return value and the
-- final cost of the user computation that was run.
costFinaliser :: a -> Int -> User sig (a,Int)
costFinaliser x c = return (x,c)
-- | Sugar for inserting the runner `costRunner` inbetween
-- the user code @m@ and some enveloping runner.
-- As it stands, `costInstrumentation` is defined for a single
-- effect @eff@. For instrumenting code that uses more than one
-- effect, one can union the runner `costRunner` with itself
-- using `unionRunners` suitably many times.
costInstrumentation :: Member eff sig => User '[eff] a -> User sig (a,Int)
costInstrumentation m =