
This commit is contained in:
Danel Ahman 2019-10-22 12:02:55 +02:00
parent d7911e0627
commit 97e8ac2c26
2 changed files with 39 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -124,10 +124,6 @@ intMLCoOps (Assign r x) =
intMLRunner :: Runner '[IntMLState] sig Heap
intMLRunner = mkRunner intMLCoOps
-- Top-Level running of the ML-style memory.
-- | Initialiser for the runner `intMlRunner` that
-- initialises the heap with the empty partial map,
-- and sets the next address to be allocated to @Z@.

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@ -4,69 +4,83 @@
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- Integer-valued state with scoped allocation implemented using runners.
Module : Control.FPState
Description : Runner for integer-valued global state, using effect typing to ensure that only a given footprint is accessed
Copyright : (c) Danel Ahman, 2019
License : MIT
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
This module implements a runner that provides access to
integer-valued global state indexed by memory size (with
n-many locations, all storing integers).
We use effect typing to ensure that only locations in a
given footprint are allowed to be accessed. Specifically,
the `State` effect that this module provides is indexed by
a footprint, the size of the memory, specifying how many
locations/addresses are present, and thus can be accessed.
module Control.Runner.IntState (
Nat(..), Addr(..),
State(..), get, put,
Memory, withNewRef, runSt
Memory, stRunner, withNewRef, runSt
) where
import Control.Runner
import System.IO
-- Datatypes of natural numbers (for memory size).
-- | Type of natural numbers that we use for the size of the memory.
data Nat where
Z :: Nat
S :: Nat -> Nat
-- Datatype of addresses in a memory of given size.
-- | Type of memory addresses of a given size.
data Addr :: Nat -> * where
AZ :: Addr (S n)
AS :: Addr n -> Addr (S n)
-- Signature of the state effect for 0..memsize-1 references.
-- For simplicity, storing only integers.
-- | An memory size indexed effect for reading the value stored at
-- a given memory address, and writing a value to a given memory address.
data State (memsize :: Nat) :: * -> * where
-- | Algebraic operation for reading the value stored at a given memory address.
Get :: Addr memsize -> State memsize Int
-- | Algebraic operation for writing the value to a given memory address.
Put :: Addr memsize -> Int -> State memsize ()
-- Generic effects.
-- | Generic effect for reading the value stored at a given memory address.
get :: Addr memsize -> User '[State memsize] Int
get addr = performU (Get addr)
-- | Generic effect for writing the value to a given memory address.
put :: Addr memsize -> Int -> User '[State memsize] ()
put addr x = performU (Put addr x)
-- ST runner for memsize-many references
-- | The type of the runtime state of the runner `stRunner`.
type Memory = Int
-- | The co-operations of the runner `stRunner`.
stCoOps :: State (S memsize) a -> Kernel '[State memsize] Memory a
stCoOps (Get AZ) = getEnv
stCoOps (Get (AS addr)) = performK (Get addr)
stCoOps (Put AZ x) = setEnv x
stCoOps (Put (AS addr) x) = performK (Put addr x)
-- | Runner that implements the effect @State (S memsize)@
-- in an external context that provides the @State memsize@ effect.
-- The intuition is that every time we call `run` with `stRunner`,
-- we allocate a new "fresh" memory address. Internally then
-- this runner keeps only the value of the most recently
-- allocated memory address in its runtime state, and
-- delegates `Get` and `Put` operations to all other
-- addresses to some enveloping runner (implementing @State memsize@).
stRunner :: Runner '[State (S memsize)] '[State memsize] Memory
stRunner = mkRunner stCoOps
-- Derived with-new-ref construct, which extends the memory
-- with a new reference initialized to the given value init.
-- | Derived programming construct for running user code that
-- has access to one additional (freshly generated) memory address.
withNewRef :: Int
-> User '[State (S memsize)] a
-> User '[State memsize] a