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synced 2024-11-22 07:20:15 +03:00
When running System.Net.WebClient locally it results in a non-descriptive "An exception occurred during a WebClient request" error message. Invoke-WebRequest is an alternative that works so switch to that.
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1004 B
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$qli_install_version = '2019.05.26.1'
$qt_version = '5.13.0'
New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Path ".\deps\"
Write-Output 'Downloading QLI Installer'
Invoke-WebRequest "https://github.com/nelsonjchen/qli-installer/archive/v$qli_install_version.zip" -OutFile '.\deps\qli-installer.zip' ;
Write-Output 'Downloaded QLI Installer'
Write-Output 'Extracting QLI Installer'
Expand-Archive deps\qli-installer.zip deps\
Move-Item .\deps\qli-installer-$qli_install_version\ .\deps\qli-installer
Write-Output 'Extracted QLI Installer'
Write-Output 'Installing QLI Installer Dependencies'
pip install -r .\deps\qli-installer\requirements.txt
Write-Output 'Installed QLI Installer Dependencies'
Write-Output 'Starting QT Installer'
$Env:QLI_OUT_DIR = ".\deps\Qt\Qt$qt_version"
$Env:QLI_BASE_URL = "https://download.qt.io/online/qtsdkrepository/"
python .\deps\qli-installer\qli-installer.py $qt_version windows desktop win64_msvc2017_64
Write-Output 'Installed QT Installer'