crs 19559d4b4e Updated keyboard handling on win32. Still needs some work to
avoid shadowing key state in multiple places.  Also got locked
to screen and reported key appeared to be wrong.
2004-03-17 20:59:25 +00:00

297 lines
8.3 KiB

* synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility
* Copyright (C) 2002 Chris Schoeneman
* This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file.
* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "IPlatformScreen.h"
#include "CMSWindowsKeyMapper.h"
#include "CSynergyHook.h"
#include "CCondVar.h"
#include "CMutex.h"
#include "CString.h"
#include <windows.h>
class CEventQueueTimer;
class CMSWindowsScreenSaver;
class CThread;
class IJob;
//! Implementation of IPlatformScreen for Microsoft Windows
class CMSWindowsScreen : public IPlatformScreen {
CMSWindowsScreen(bool isPrimary, IJob* suspend, IJob* resume);
virtual ~CMSWindowsScreen();
//! @name manipulators
//! Initialize
Saves the application's HINSTANCE. This \b must be called by
WinMain with the HINSTANCE it was passed.
static void init(HINSTANCE);
//! @name accessors
//! Get instance
Returns the application instance handle passed to init().
static HINSTANCE getInstance();
// IPlatformScreen overrides
virtual void setKeyState(IKeyState*);
virtual void enable();
virtual void disable();
virtual void enter();
virtual bool leave();
virtual bool setClipboard(ClipboardID, const IClipboard*);
virtual void checkClipboards();
virtual void openScreensaver(bool notify);
virtual void closeScreensaver();
virtual void screensaver(bool activate);
virtual void resetOptions();
virtual void setOptions(const COptionsList& options);
virtual void updateKeys();
virtual void setSequenceNumber(UInt32);
virtual bool isPrimary() const;
// IScreen overrides
virtual void* getEventTarget() const;
virtual bool getClipboard(ClipboardID id, IClipboard*) const;
virtual void getShape(SInt32& x, SInt32& y,
SInt32& width, SInt32& height) const;
virtual void getCursorPos(SInt32& x, SInt32& y) const;
// IPrimaryScreen overrides
virtual void reconfigure(UInt32 activeSides);
virtual void warpCursor(SInt32 x, SInt32 y);
virtual SInt32 getJumpZoneSize() const;
virtual bool isAnyMouseButtonDown() const;
virtual KeyModifierMask getActiveModifiers() const;
virtual void getCursorCenter(SInt32& x, SInt32& y) const;
virtual const char* getKeyName(KeyButton) const;
// ISecondaryScreen overrides
virtual void fakeKeyEvent(KeyButton id, bool press) const;
virtual bool fakeCtrlAltDel() const;
virtual void fakeMouseButton(ButtonID id, bool press) const;
virtual void fakeMouseMove(SInt32 x, SInt32 y) const;
virtual void fakeMouseWheel(SInt32 delta) const;
virtual KeyButton mapKey(IKeyState::Keystrokes&,
const IKeyState& keyState, KeyID id,
KeyModifierMask desiredMask,
bool isAutoRepeat) const;
class CDesk {
CString m_name;
CThread* m_thread;
DWORD m_threadID;
DWORD m_targetID;
HDESK m_desk;
HWND m_window;
bool m_lowLevel;
typedef std::map<CString, CDesk*> CDesks;
// initialization and shutdown operations
HINSTANCE openHookLibrary(const char* name);
void closeHookLibrary(HINSTANCE hookLibrary) const;
HCURSOR createBlankCursor() const;
void destroyCursor(HCURSOR cursor) const;
ATOM createWindowClass() const;
ATOM createDeskWindowClass(bool isPrimary) const;
void destroyClass(ATOM windowClass) const;
HWND createWindow(ATOM windowClass, const char* name) const;
void destroyWindow(HWND) const;
// convenience function to send events
void sendEvent(CEvent::Type type, void* = NULL);
void sendClipboardEvent(CEvent::Type type, ClipboardID id);
// system event handler (does DispatchMessage)
void handleSystemEvent(const CEvent& event, void*);
// handle message before it gets dispatched. returns true iff
// the message should not be dispatched.
bool onPreDispatch(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM);
// handle message before it gets dispatched. returns true iff
// the message should not be dispatched.
bool onPreDispatchPrimary(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM);
// handle message. returns true iff handled and optionally sets
// \c *result (which defaults to 0).
bool onEvent(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT* result);
// message handlers
bool onMark(UInt32 mark);
bool onKey(WPARAM, LPARAM);
bool onMouseButton(WPARAM, LPARAM);
bool onMouseMove(SInt32 x, SInt32 y);
bool onMouseWheel(SInt32 delta);
bool onScreensaver(bool activated);
bool onDisplayChange();
bool onClipboardChange();
// warp cursor without discarding queued events
void warpCursorNoFlush(SInt32 x, SInt32 y);
// discard posted messages
void nextMark();
// test if event should be ignored
bool ignore() const;
// update screen size cache
void updateScreenShape();
// enable/disable special key combinations so we can catch/pass them
void enableSpecialKeys(bool) const;
// send fake key up if shadow state says virtualKey is down but
// system says it isn't.
void fixKey(UINT virtualKey);
// map a button ID and action to a mouse event
DWORD mapButtonToEvent(ButtonID button,
bool press, DWORD* inData) const;
// map a button event to a button ID
ButtonID mapButtonFromEvent(WPARAM msg, LPARAM button) const;
// return true iff the given virtual key is a modifier
bool isModifier(UINT vkCode) const;
// send ctrl+alt+del hotkey event
static void ctrlAltDelThread(void*);
// our window proc
// our desk window procs
void deskMouseMove(SInt32 x, SInt32 y) const;
void deskEnter(CDesk* desk);
void deskLeave(CDesk* desk, HKL keyLayout);
void deskThread(void* vdesk);
CDesk* addDesk(const CString& name, HDESK hdesk);
void removeDesks();
void checkDesk();
bool isDeskAccessible(const CDesk* desk) const;
void sendDeskMessage(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) const;
void waitForDesk() const;
void handleCheckDesk(const CEvent& event, void*);
static HINSTANCE s_instance;
// true if screen is being used as a primary screen, false otherwise
bool m_isPrimary;
// true if windows 95/98/me
bool m_is95Family;
// true if mouse has entered the screen
bool m_isOnScreen;
// our resources
ATOM m_class;
ATOM m_deskClass;
HCURSOR m_cursor;
// screen shape stuff
SInt32 m_x, m_y;
SInt32 m_w, m_h;
SInt32 m_xCenter, m_yCenter;
// true if system appears to have multiple monitors
bool m_multimon;
// last mouse position
SInt32 m_xCursor, m_yCursor;
UInt32 m_sequenceNumber;
// used to discard queued messages that are no longer needed
UInt32 m_mark;
UInt32 m_markReceived;
// the main loop's thread id
DWORD m_threadID;
// the keyboard layout to use when off primary screen
HKL m_keyLayout;
// the timer used to check for desktop switching
CEventQueueTimer* m_timer;
// screen saver stuff
CMSWindowsScreenSaver* m_screensaver;
bool m_screensaverNotify;
// clipboard stuff. our window is used mainly as a clipboard
// owner and as a link in the clipboard viewer chain.
HWND m_window;
HWND m_nextClipboardWindow;
bool m_ownClipboard;
// the current desk and it's name
CDesk* m_activeDesk;
CString m_activeDeskName;
// one desk per desktop and a cond var to communicate with it
CMutex m_mutex;
CCondVar<bool> m_deskReady;
CDesks m_desks;
// hook library stuff
HINSTANCE m_hookLibrary;
InitFunc m_init;
CleanupFunc m_cleanup;
InstallFunc m_install;
UninstallFunc m_uninstall;
SetSidesFunc m_setSides;
SetZoneFunc m_setZone;
SetModeFunc m_setMode;
InstallScreenSaverFunc m_installScreensaver;
UninstallScreenSaverFunc m_uninstallScreensaver;
// keyboard stuff
IKeyState* m_keyState;
CMSWindowsKeyMapper m_keyMapper;
// map of button state
BYTE m_buttons[1 + kButtonExtra0 + 1];
// suspend/resume callbacks
IJob* m_suspend;
IJob* m_resume;
static CMSWindowsScreen* s_screen;