crs fee4095624 Reorganized source tree. Moved client.cpp into cmd/synergy as
synergy.cpp and server.cpp into cmd/synergyd as synergyd.cpp.
Moved and renamed related files.  Moved remaining source files
into lib/....  Modified and added makefiles as appropriate.
Result is that library files are under lib with each library
in its own directory and program files are under cmd with each
command in its own directory.
2002-07-30 16:52:46 +00:00

177 lines
6.8 KiB

#ifndef KEYTYPES_H
#define KEYTYPES_H
#include "BasicTypes.h"
//! Key ID
Type to hold a key identifier. The encoding is UTF-32, using
U+E000 through U+EFFF for the various control keys (e.g. arrow
keys, function keys, modifier keys, etc).
typedef UInt32 KeyID;
//! Modifier key ID
Type to hold a bitmask of key modifiers (e.g. shift keys).
typedef UInt32 KeyModifierMask;
//! @name Modifier key identifiers
static const KeyModifierMask KeyModifierShift = 0x0001;
static const KeyModifierMask KeyModifierControl = 0x0002;
static const KeyModifierMask KeyModifierAlt = 0x0004;
static const KeyModifierMask KeyModifierMeta = 0x0008;
static const KeyModifierMask KeyModifierCapsLock = 0x1000;
static const KeyModifierMask KeyModifierNumLock = 0x2000;
static const KeyModifierMask KeyModifierScrollLock = 0x4000;
//! @name Key identifiers
// all identifiers except kKeyNone are equal to the corresponding
// X11 keysym - 0x1000.
// no key
static const KeyID kKeyNone = 0x0000;
// TTY functions
static const KeyID kKeyBackSpace = 0xEF08; /* back space, back char */
static const KeyID kKeyTab = 0xEF09;
static const KeyID kKeyLinefeed = 0xEF0A; /* Linefeed, LF */
static const KeyID kKeyClear = 0xEF0B;
static const KeyID kKeyReturn = 0xEF0D; /* Return, enter */
static const KeyID kKeyPause = 0xEF13; /* Pause, hold */
static const KeyID kKeyScrollLock = 0xEF14;
static const KeyID kKeySysReq = 0xEF15;
static const KeyID kKeyEscape = 0xEF1B;
static const KeyID kKeyDelete = 0xEFFF; /* Delete, rubout */
// multi-key character composition
static const KeyID kKeyMultiKey = 0xEF20; /* Multi-key character compose */
// cursor control
static const KeyID kKeyHome = 0xEF50;
static const KeyID kKeyLeft = 0xEF51; /* Move left, left arrow */
static const KeyID kKeyUp = 0xEF52; /* Move up, up arrow */
static const KeyID kKeyRight = 0xEF53; /* Move right, right arrow */
static const KeyID kKeyDown = 0xEF54; /* Move down, down arrow */
static const KeyID kKeyPageUp = 0xEF55;
static const KeyID kKeyPageDown = 0xEF56;
static const KeyID kKeyEnd = 0xEF57; /* EOL */
static const KeyID kKeyBegin = 0xEF58; /* BOL */
// misc functions
static const KeyID kKeySelect = 0xEF60; /* Select, mark */
static const KeyID kKeyPrint = 0xEF61;
static const KeyID kKeyExecute = 0xEF62; /* Execute, run, do */
static const KeyID kKeyInsert = 0xEF63; /* Insert, insert here */
static const KeyID kKeyUndo = 0xEF65; /* Undo, oops */
static const KeyID kKeyRedo = 0xEF66; /* redo, again */
static const KeyID kKeyMenu = 0xEF67;
static const KeyID kKeyFind = 0xEF68; /* Find, search */
static const KeyID kKeyCancel = 0xEF69; /* Cancel, stop, abort, exit */
static const KeyID kKeyHelp = 0xEF6A; /* Help */
static const KeyID kKeyBreak = 0xEF6B;
static const KeyID kKeyModeSwitch = 0xEF7E; /* Character set switch */
static const KeyID kKeyNumLock = 0xEF7F;
// keypad
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Space = 0xEF80; /* space */
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Tab = 0xEF89;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Enter = 0xEF8D; /* enter */
static const KeyID kKeyKP_F1 = 0xEF91; /* PF1, KP_A, ... */
static const KeyID kKeyKP_F2 = 0xEF92;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_F3 = 0xEF93;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_F4 = 0xEF94;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Home = 0xEF95;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Left = 0xEF96;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Up = 0xEF97;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Right = 0xEF98;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Down = 0xEF99;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Prior = 0xEF9A;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_PageUp = 0xEF9A;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Next = 0xEF9B;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_PageDown = 0xEF9B;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_End = 0xEF9C;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Begin = 0xEF9D;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Insert = 0xEF9E;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Delete = 0xEF9F;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Equal = 0xEFBD; /* equals */
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Multiply = 0xEFAA;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Add = 0xEFAB;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Separator= 0xEFAC; /* separator, often comma */
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Subtract = 0xEFAD;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Decimal = 0xEFAE;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_Divide = 0xEFAF;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_0 = 0xEFB0;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_1 = 0xEFB1;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_2 = 0xEFB2;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_3 = 0xEFB3;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_4 = 0xEFB4;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_5 = 0xEFB5;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_6 = 0xEFB6;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_7 = 0xEFB7;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_8 = 0xEFB8;
static const KeyID kKeyKP_9 = 0xEFB9;
// function keys
static const KeyID kKeyF1 = 0xEFBE;
static const KeyID kKeyF2 = 0xEFBF;
static const KeyID kKeyF3 = 0xEFC0;
static const KeyID kKeyF4 = 0xEFC1;
static const KeyID kKeyF5 = 0xEFC2;
static const KeyID kKeyF6 = 0xEFC3;
static const KeyID kKeyF7 = 0xEFC4;
static const KeyID kKeyF8 = 0xEFC5;
static const KeyID kKeyF9 = 0xEFC6;
static const KeyID kKeyF10 = 0xEFC7;
static const KeyID kKeyF11 = 0xEFC8;
static const KeyID kKeyF12 = 0xEFC9;
static const KeyID kKeyF13 = 0xEFCA;
static const KeyID kKeyF14 = 0xEFCB;
static const KeyID kKeyF15 = 0xEFCC;
static const KeyID kKeyF16 = 0xEFCD;
static const KeyID kKeyF17 = 0xEFCE;
static const KeyID kKeyF18 = 0xEFCF;
static const KeyID kKeyF19 = 0xEFD0;
static const KeyID kKeyF20 = 0xEFD1;
static const KeyID kKeyF21 = 0xEFD2;
static const KeyID kKeyF22 = 0xEFD3;
static const KeyID kKeyF23 = 0xEFD4;
static const KeyID kKeyF24 = 0xEFD5;
static const KeyID kKeyF25 = 0xEFD6;
static const KeyID kKeyF26 = 0xEFD7;
static const KeyID kKeyF27 = 0xEFD8;
static const KeyID kKeyF28 = 0xEFD9;
static const KeyID kKeyF29 = 0xEFDA;
static const KeyID kKeyF30 = 0xEFDB;
static const KeyID kKeyF31 = 0xEFDC;
static const KeyID kKeyF32 = 0xEFDD;
static const KeyID kKeyF33 = 0xEFDE;
static const KeyID kKeyF34 = 0xEFDF;
static const KeyID kKeyF35 = 0xEFE0;
// modifiers
static const KeyID kKeyShift_L = 0xEFE1; /* Left shift */
static const KeyID kKeyShift_R = 0xEFE2; /* Right shift */
static const KeyID kKeyControl_L = 0xEFE3; /* Left control */
static const KeyID kKeyControl_R = 0xEFE4; /* Right control */
static const KeyID kKeyCapsLock = 0xEFE5; /* Caps lock */
static const KeyID kKeyShiftLock = 0xEFE6; /* Shift lock */
static const KeyID kKeyMeta_L = 0xEFE7; /* Left meta */
static const KeyID kKeyMeta_R = 0xEFE8; /* Right meta */
static const KeyID kKeyAlt_L = 0xEFE9; /* Left alt */
static const KeyID kKeyAlt_R = 0xEFEA; /* Right alt */
static const KeyID kKeySuper_L = 0xEFEB; /* Left super */
static const KeyID kKeySuper_R = 0xEFEC; /* Right super */
static const KeyID kKeyHyper_L = 0xEFED; /* Left hyper */
static const KeyID kKeyHyper_R = 0xEFEE; /* Right hyper */
// more function and modifier keys
static const KeyID kKeyLeftTab = 0xEE20;