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An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
navi [command] [<args>...] [options]
search <cmd> Search for cheatsheets on online repositories
query <cmd> Pre-filter results
best <cmd> <args>... Considers the best match
widget <shell> Prints the path for the widget file to be sourced
--print Prevent script execution
--path List of :-separated paths to look for cheats
--no-interpolation Prevent argument interpolation
--no-preview Hide command preview window
--fzf-overrides Overrides for fzf commands [default: --with-nth 3,1,2 --exact]
--col-widths Set column widths [default: 15,50,0]
Environment variables:
NAVI_PATH List of :-separated paths to look for cheats
FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS Default fzf options (e.g. '--layout=reverse')
navi # default behavior
navi --print # doesn't execute the snippet
navi --path '/some/dir:/other/dir' # uses custom cheats
navi search docker # uses online data
navi query git # filter results by "git"
navi best 'sql create db' root mydb # uses a snippet as a CLI
source "$(navi widget zsh)" # loads the zsh widget
navi --col-widths 10,50,0 # limits the first two columns's width
navi --fzf-overrides '--with-nth 1,2' # shows only the comment and tag columns
navi --fzf-overrides '--nth 1,2' # search will consider only the first two columns
navi --fzf-overrides '--no-exact' # looser search algorithm
More info:
search is used for cheatsheet retrieval
please note that these cheatsheets may not work out of the box
always check the preview window before executing commands!
the number is the percentage relative to the terminal width
0 means that a column will be as wide as necessary
fzf's --with-nth
1 refers to the comment column; 2, snippet; 3, tag
full docs
please refer to the README at