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XSD Diagram is a free xml schema definition diagram viewer (http://regis.cosnier.free.fr).
Version 1.2alpha Copyright (c) 2006-2017 Regis Cosnier, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software and may be distributed
according to the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
- GPL (Part of the source code are dual licensed with LGPL and MS-PL)
- Need of the Microsoft Framework.NET 2.0 (if not already install) or Mono
- Display the elements, the groups and the attributes
- Show and display the text/HTML documentation of element and attribute when available
- Walk the displayed tree with the keyboard
- Print the diagram
2016-02-28 00:18:53 +03:00
- Export the diagram to TXT, SVG, PNG, JPG and EMF (EMF only with Windows)
- Zoom the diagram with the mouse wheel while holding the control key
- XML validation based on the loaded XSD file
2016-02-28 00:18:53 +03:00
- Registration in the Windows Explorer contextual menu (for Windows administrator only)
- Drag'n drop a xsd file or url on the main window header
- Command line image generation
- Open an xsd file.
- The xsd file and all its dependencies files are loaded in tab pages.
- Either:
- Select a toplevel element in the toolbar (The first one is already selected).
- Push the add button to put the element on the diagram
- Or double click in the right panel list.
- Then, on the diagram element, click on the + box or walk the tree with arrow keys.
> XSDDiagram.exe [-o output.svg] [-os EXTENSION] [-r RootElement[@namespace]]* [-e N] [-d] [-z N] [-y] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [file.xsd or URL]
or on Windows use 'XSDDiagramConsole.exe' instead of 'XSDDiagram.exe' if you need the console:
> XSDDiagramConsole.exe [-o output.svg] [-os EXTENSION] [-r RootElement[@namespace]]* [-e N] [-d] [-z N] [-f PATH,NAME,TYPE,NAMESPACE,COMMENT] [-a] [-y] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [file.xsd or URL]
2013-12-23 03:17:46 +04:00
specifies the output image. '.png','.jpg', '.svg', '.txt', '.csv' ('.emf' on Windows) are allowed.
If not present, the GUI is shown.
specifies the output image is streamed through the standard
2013-12-23 03:17:46 +04:00
output. EXTENSION can be: png, jpg, svg, txt, csv.
If not present, the GUI is shown.
specifies the root element of the tree.
You can put several -r options = several root elements in the tree.
-e N
specifies the expand level (from 0 to what you want).
Be carefull, the result image can be huge.
Display the documentation.
-z N
specifies the zoom percentage from 10% to 1000% (only for .png image).
Work only with the '-o', '-os png' or '-os jpg' option.
specifies the fields you want to output when rendering to a txt or csf file.
outputs the attributes in text mode only (.txt and .csv).
force huge image generation without user prompt.
specifies a username to authenticate when a xsd dependency
(import or include) is a secured url.
specifies a password to authenticate when a xsd dependency
(import or include) is a secured url.
2016-11-24 19:26:05 +03:00
prevents the graphical interface to be opened.
Example 1:
> XSDDiagramConsole.exe -o file.png -r TotoRoot -r TotoComplexType@http://mynamespace -e 3 -d -z 200 ./folder1/toto.xsd
will generate a PNG image from a diagram with a root elements
'TotoRoot' and 'TotoComplexType', and expanding the tree
from the root until the 3rd level, with the documentation.
Example 2:
> XSDDiagram.exe ./folder1/toto.xsd
will load the xsd file in the GUI window.
Example 3:
> XSDDiagram.exe -r TotoRoot -e 2 ./folder1/toto.xsd
will load the xsd file in the GUI window with a root element
'TotoRoot' and expanding the tree from the root until the 2nd level.
Example 4:
> XSDDiagramConsole.exe -os svg -r TotoRoot -e 3 ./folder1/toto.xsd
will write a SVG image in the standard output from a diagram with a root element
'TotoRoot' and expanding the tree from the root until the 3rd level.
2013-12-23 03:17:46 +04:00
Example 5:
> XSDDiagramConsole.exe -os txt -r TotoRoot -e 3 -f PATH,TYPE,COMMENT -a ./folder1/toto.xsd
2013-12-23 03:17:46 +04:00
will write a textual representation in the standard output from a diagram with a root element
'TotoRoot' and expanding the tree from the root until the 3rd level.
- With Mono on Linux, to prevent an exception with a missing assembly, please install the package "libmono-winforms2.0-cil"
(Prevent the error: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows.Forms').
2017-01-04 13:30:35 +03:00
- Add an icon "Go to Diagram" on tool bar, to help working with lot of includes (Majo).
2016-10-10 10:29:16 +03:00
- Show/hide group elements in the settings (Mario M.).
- Font look blurry on Windows, add default font size in the settings (Mario M.).
2016-09-05 00:26:09 +03:00
- Add the infer XSD file in the command line.
- NoukNouk suggestions:
+ Add some display parameter like font type / size for tags / annotation... background color, vertical margin between tags...
+ Element window should be logically sorted - for example I think that name, type, minoccur, maxoccur,
nillable should be on the top of this windows... and other unquoted data can remain in alphabetical order after these 5 first...
+ In element window again, type is showing the related namespace. It could be great to have the possibilty
to hide it (or maybe duplicate type with a full type with namespace and short type W/O namespace)
+ "Pattern" tab addition with the Annotation / Element window in order to show tag restriction/pattern
like this one: <xs:restriction base="xs:string"><xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}" /></xs:restriction>
- BUG: Cascading substitution groups may appear weird.
- Add include a possibility to show the length of an element (J<>rg S.)
- Add the attributes to the element in the diagram (suggested by bob)
- Tooltips above the diagram element with a summary (xpath/attributes/doc) (display 200ms after the mouse move -> avoid 100 %CPU)
o The optional display of attributes inside the diagram
- Columns in the element/attributes tabs for restrictions (length/pattern/enumerations)
- Multi-selection (i.e.: to remove several element at once)
- Save the current UI state (open file/diagram/zoom/...)
- XML sample (skeleton) generation (the ability to generate random test XML files complying with the open schema)
- Download .dtd dependency file
version 1.2alpha (2017-02-??)
2016-09-05 00:26:09 +03:00
- Add infer XSD from XML menu.
- Fix a null reference exception in the documentation (Thanks Mario M.).
2016-11-24 19:26:05 +03:00
- Add the namespace in the command line option -r (Thanks Kevin).
- Add the option --no-gui to prevent the UI to be shown (Thanks Kevin).
- Add multi-(language) documentation (https://github.com/dgis/xsddiagram/issues/8).
- Fix the URL escaping in the import (https://github.com/dgis/xsddiagram/issues/11).
- Add the attributes of an element with the option -a for text output only.
2016-09-05 00:26:09 +03:00
version 1.1 (2016-07-08)
2016-03-01 21:05:09 +03:00
- Fix SVG page size.
- The error dialog should now appear if a local dependency cannot be loaded.
- Fix the "use" field of an attribute with a reference (Thanks Christelle S.).
- I increase the minimum width of an element when showing the documentation for an easier reading (Thanks Stefan B.).
2016-03-01 21:05:09 +03:00
version 1.0 (2016-02-28)
- Add the documentation in the diagram.
- Add a close entry in the File menu.
- Add a recently opened list.
2016-02-26 21:00:57 +03:00
- Add the selection of an element in the diagram and allow to move from one element to another with the arrow key.
- Show the Windows Explorer registration menu only if we have the adminitrative right.
- Disable the impossible actions in the menu and the toolbar when XSD file are not loaded.
- Increase the icon resolution.
- From AlexM: oh, and allow the specification of a complex type in the command line as a root (-r element1 -r complexType2 -r ...).
- Fixed min/maxOccurs for group references (Thanks Cleric-K).
- Fixed the node expansion group of type 'All' (Thanks Carsten).
- Fix a bug when printing with margin!
- On Linux with Mono, the horizontal and vertical scrollbars should now appear.
- Fix an UTF8 bug when downloading from a URL.
- Fix bug when zooming the fonts.
version 0.17 (2015-09-02)
2013-12-23 03:17:46 +04:00
- Add CSV and TXT output rendering following the Christian's idea.
- Log errors in the standard error console (when launched via command line).
2014-10-29 14:56:31 +03:00
- Set the culture to invariant (prevent comma in floating numbers).
- Fix a typo with "Attributes".
2013-12-23 03:17:46 +04:00
version 0.16 (2013-01-23)
- Fix an issue to prevent the cycles in the imported files.
2013-01-23 18:47:23 +04:00
- Add a dialog to download a xsd file with its URL.
version 0.15 (2013-01-13)
- Show the enumerates documentation.
- Add Ctrl+0 to reset the zoom
version 0.14 (2012-12-01)
- Accept all kind of https certificates when the xsd dependencies (import or include) point to a TLS/SSL url.
- Prompt the user to authenticate when the xsd dependencies (import or include) point toward a secured url.
- Add the corresponding command line "-u USERNAME" and "-p PASSWORD" options to authenticate the url download.
- It is now possible to drag'n drop an url pointing to a xsd file on the main window.
version 0.13
version 0.12 (2012-09-19)
- Improve the error message in case the image is too big to be generated.
- Some element (complex type derived from a restriction) could cause an exception. These element are now display but can not be expanded.
version 0.11 (2012-07-22)
- Remove the "Order" attributes in the source file XmlSchema.cs which are imcompatible with mono > 2.6!
- Add the option "-y" to force huge image generation without user prompt.
- Fix some hashtable to dictionary issues due to the previous refactoring.
version 0.10 (2011-12-18)
- Refactor within a core library "XSDDiagrams.dll" under the LGPL/MS-PL license.
- Add the XSD Diagrams core library, thanks to Paul's refactoring !
- Add the XML validation operation using the currently loaded XSD schema in the Tools menu.
- When the WebBrowser is not available, use a TextBox instead (For Mono without WebBrowser support).
- Mono version 2.10 does not work anymore with XML deserialization :-(
version 0.9 (2011-05-17)
- Allow to expand restriction type (Thanks to Hermann).
- Fix an unicode issue with infinity character when building xsd diagram on linux.
version 0.8 (2010-10-31)
- Add support for JPG.
- Add command line options to generate PNG, JPG or SVG image without the GUI window.
version 0.7 (2010-07-14)
- Inversion of the mouse wheel direction to zoom
- Add the SVG diagram export
- Add the Tiago Daitx's code about the PNG diagram export
- Improve the diagram quality
version 0.6 (2010-06-27)
- Fix the print function.
- Add as much as possible the support for Mono 2.6.3 on Linux.
- Fix the import/include opening on Linux.
- Fix the print font clipping bug on Linux.
- Fix the tab page selection corruption on Linux.
- On Linux, the export to EMF does not work because it seems the libgdiplus does not support this feature.
version 0.5 (2008-11-11)
- The element panel has been added again. This is not very user friendly because this should not be editable.
- The contextual menu in element list has an entry: "Add to diagramm" + drag'n drop on the diagram.
version 0.4 (2007-03-10)
- Add contextual menu in the panels to copy the list/selected line in the clipboard
- Displays enumerate type in a new panel
- The element panel has been removed
- The combobox must be wider or the same size as the widest element
- Fix an exception if no printer install when clicking on print setup/preview
- Fix an exception if selecting the attribute '*' in the XMLSchema.xsd schema file
- Fix a bug about bad simple content element displays
- Fix Ctrl+Tab that did not work in the browser view
- Fix some attributes not display
- Fix an exception on loading a dependent xml document
- Fix when selecting a browser view, the browser should have the focus
- Fix some zoom bound issues
version 0.3 (2006-11-20)
- Allow to edit the attributes label in order to copy a label in the clipboard
- Put *.xsd as default load extension
- Put xpath (/) instead of chevrons in the path
- Add the abstract element support
- Zoom accuracy
- Fix some bugs (sequence/choice/group not always display in complexType)
version 0.2 (2006-10-09)
- Automatic download of non local import
- Print per page
- Vast virtual scrolling diagram
- Top/Center/Bottom alignments
- Put chevrons in the path
- Fix some bugs (simple type and documentation space)
version 0.1 (2006-09-14)
- First version
Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Regis COSNIER, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software and may be distributed
according to the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
2013-12-23 03:17:46 +04:00
Regis Cosnier (Initial developer)
Mathieu Malaterre (Debian and Ubuntu package)
Paul Selormey (Refactoring)
Adrian Covrig
Hermann Swart
Arjan Kloosterboer
Christian Renninger
Peter Butkovic