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XSD Diagram is a free xml schema definition diagram viewer (http://regis.cosnier.free.fr).
Version 1.1 Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Regis Cosnier, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software and may be distributed
according to the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
- GPL (Part of the source code are dual licensed with LGPL and MS-PL)
- Need of the Microsoft Framework.NET 2.0 (if not already install) or Mono
- Display the elements, the groups and the attributes
- Show and display the text/HTML documentation of element and attribute when available
- Walk the displayed tree with the keyboard
- Print the diagram
- Export the diagram to TXT, SVG, PNG, JPG and EMF (EMF only with Windows)
- Zoom the diagram with the mouse wheel while holding the control key
- XML validation based on the loaded XSD file
- Registration in the Windows Explorer contextual menu (for Windows administrator only)
- Drag'n drop a xsd file or url on the main window header
- Command line image generation
- Open an xsd file.
- The xsd file and all its dependencies files are loaded in tab pages.
- Either:
- Select a toplevel element in the toolbar (The first one is already selected).
- Push the add button to put the element on the diagram
- Or double click in the right panel list.
- Then, on the diagram element, click on the + box or walk the tree with arrow keys.
> XSDDiagram.exe [-o output.svg] [-os EXTENSION] [-r RootElement]* [-e N] [-d] [-z N] [-y] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [file.xsd or URL]
or on Windows use 'XSDDiagramConsole.exe' instead of 'XSDDiagram.exe' if you need the console:
> XSDDiagramConsole.exe [-o output.svg] [-os EXTENSION] [-r RootElement]* [-e N] [-d] [-z N] [-f PATH,NAME,TYPE,NAMESPACE,COMMENT] [-y] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [file.xsd or URL]
specifies the output image. '.png','.jpg', '.svg', '.txt', '.csv' ('.emf' on Windows) are allowed.
If not present, the GUI is shown.
specifies the output image is streamed through the standard
output. EXTENSION can be: png, jpg, svg, txt, csv.
If not present, the GUI is shown.
specifies the root element of the tree.
You can put several -r options = several root elements in the tree.
-e N
specifies the expand level (from 0 to what you want).
Be carefull, the result image can be huge.
Display the documentation.
-z N
specifies the zoom percentage from 10% to 1000% (only for .png image).
Work only with the '-o', '-os png' or '-os jpg' option.
specifies the fields you want to output when rendering to a txt or csf file.
force huge image generation without user prompt.
specifies a username to authenticate when a xsd dependency
(import or include) is a secured url.
specifies a password to authenticate when a xsd dependency
(import or include) is a secured url.
Example 1:
> XSDDiagramConsole.exe -o file.png -r TotoRoot -r TotoComplexType -e 3 -d -z 200 ./folder1/toto.xsd
will generate a PNG image from a diagram with a root elements
'TotoRoot' and 'TotoComplexType', and expanding the tree
from the root until the 3rd level, with the documentation.
Example 2:
> XSDDiagram.exe ./folder1/toto.xsd
will load the xsd file in the GUI window.
Example 3:
> XSDDiagram.exe -r TotoRoot -e 2 ./folder1/toto.xsd
will load the xsd file in the GUI window with a root element
'TotoRoot' and expanding the tree from the root until the 2nd level.
Example 4:
> XSDDiagramConsole.exe -os svg -r TotoRoot -e 3 ./folder1/toto.xsd
will write a SVG image in the standard output from a diagram with a root element
'TotoRoot' and expanding the tree from the root until the 3rd level.
Example 5:
> XSDDiagramConsole.exe -os txt -r TotoRoot -e 3 -f NAME,TYPE,COMMENT ./folder1/toto.xsd
will write a textual representation in the standard output from a diagram with a root element
'TotoRoot' and expanding the tree from the root until the 3rd level.
- With Mono on Linux, to prevent an exception with a missing assembly, please install the package "libmono-winforms2.0-cil"
(Prevent the error: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows.Forms').
- BUG: Cascading substitution groups may appear weird.
- Add include a possibility to show the length of an element (J<>rg S.)
- Add the attributes to the element in the diagram (suggested by bob)
- Tooltips above the diagram element with a summary (xpath/attributes/doc) (display 200ms after the mouse move -> avoid 100 %CPU)
o The optional display of attributes inside the diagram
- Columns in the element/attributes tabs for restrictions (length/pattern/enumerations)
- Multi-selection (i.e.: to remove several element at once)
- Save the current UI state (open file/diagram/zoom/...)
- XML sample (skeleton) generation (the ability to generate random test XML files complying with the open schema)
- Download .dtd dependency file
version 1.1 (Not released yet)
- Fix SVG page size.
version 1.0 (2016-02-28)
- Add the documentation in the diagram.
- Add a close entry in the File menu.
- Add a recently opened list.
- Add the selection of an element in the diagram and allow to move from one element to another with the arrow key.
- Show the Windows Explorer registration menu only if we have the adminitrative right.
- Disable the impossible actions in the menu and the toolbar when XSD file are not loaded.
- Increase the icon resolution.
- From AlexM: oh, and allow the specification of a complex type in the command line as a root (-r element1 -r complexType2 -r ...).
- Fixed min/maxOccurs for group references (Thanks Cleric-K).
- Fixed the node expansion group of type 'All' (Thanks Carsten).
- Fix a bug when printing with margin!
- On Linux with Mono, the horizontal and vertical scrollbars should now appear.
- Fix an UTF8 bug when downloading from a URL.
- Fix bug when zooming the fonts.
version 0.17 (2015-09-02)
- Add CSV and TXT output rendering following the Christian's idea.
- Log errors in the standard error console (when launched via command line).
- Set the culture to invariant (prevent comma in floating numbers).
- Fix a typo with "Attributes".
version 0.16 (2013-01-23)
- Fix an issue to prevent the cylcles in the imported files.
- Add a dialog to download a xsd file with its URL.
version 0.15 (2013-01-13)
- Show the enumerates documentation.
- Add Ctrl+0 to reset the zoom
version 0.14 (2012-12-01)
- Accept all kind of https certificates when the xsd dependencies (import or include) point to a TLS/SSL url.
- Prompt the user to authenticate when the xsd dependencies (import or include) point toward a secured url.
- Add the corresponding command line "-u USERNAME" and "-p PASSWORD" options to authenticate the url download.
- It is now possible to drag'n drop an url pointing to a xsd file on the main window.
version 0.13
version 0.12 (2012-09-19)
- Improve the error message in case the image is too big to be generated.
- Some element (complex type derived from a restriction) could cause an exception. These element are now display but can not be expanded.
version 0.11 (2012-07-22)
- Remove the "Order" attributes in the source file XmlSchema.cs which are imcompatible with mono > 2.6!
- Add the option "-y" to force huge image generation without user prompt.
- Fix some hashtable to dictionary issues due to the previous refactoring.
version 0.10 (2011-12-18)
- Refactor within a core library "XSDDiagrams.dll" under the LGPL/MS-PL license.
- Add the XSD Diagrams core library, thanks to Paul's refactoring !
- Add the XML validation operation using the currently loaded XSD schema in the Tools menu.
- When the WebBrowser is not available, use a TextBox instead (For Mono without WebBrowser support).
- Mono version 2.10 does not work anymore with XML deserialization :-(
version 0.9 (2011-05-17)
- Allow to expand restriction type (Thanks to Hermann).
- Fix an unicode issue with infinity character when building xsd diagram on linux.
version 0.8 (2010-10-31)
- Add support for JPG.
- Add command line options to generate PNG, JPG or SVG image without the GUI window.
version 0.7 (2010-07-14)
- Inversion of the mouse wheel direction to zoom
- Add the SVG diagram export
- Add the Tiago Daitx's code about the PNG diagram export
- Improve the diagram quality
version 0.6 (2010-06-27)
- Fix the print function.
- Add as much as possible the support for Mono 2.6.3 on Linux.
- Fix the import/include opening on Linux.
- Fix the print font clipping bug on Linux.
- Fix the tab page selection corruption on Linux.
- On Linux, the export to EMF does not work because it seems the libgdiplus does not support this feature.
version 0.5 (2008-11-11)
- The element panel has been added again. This is not very user friendly because this should not be editable.
- The contextual menu in element list has an entry: "Add to diagramm" + drag'n drop on the diagram.
version 0.4 (2007-03-10)
- Add contextual menu in the panels to copy the list/selected line in the clipboard
- Displays enumerate type in a new panel
- The element panel has been removed
- The combobox must be wider or the same size as the widest element
- Fix an exception if no printer install when clicking on print setup/preview
- Fix an exception if selecting the attribute '*' in the XMLSchema.xsd schema file
- Fix a bug about bad simple content element displays
- Fix Ctrl+Tab that did not work in the browser view
- Fix some attributes not display
- Fix an exception on loading a dependent xml document
- Fix when selecting a browser view, the browser should have the focus
- Fix some zoom bound issues
version 0.3 (2006-11-20)
- Allow to edit the attributes label in order to copy a label in the clipboard
- Put *.xsd as default load extension
- Put xpath (/) instead of chevrons in the path
- Add the abstract element support
- Zoom accuracy
- Fix some bugs (sequence/choice/group not always display in complexType)
version 0.2 (2006-10-09)
- Automatic download of non local import
- Print per page
- Vast virtual scrolling diagram
- Top/Center/Bottom alignments
- Put chevrons in the path
- Fix some bugs (simple type and documentation space)
version 0.1 (2006-09-14)
- First version
Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Regis COSNIER, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software and may be distributed
according to the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Regis Cosnier (Initial developer)
Mathieu Malaterre (Debian and Ubuntu package)
Paul Selormey (Refactoring)
Adrian Covrig
Hermann Swart
Arjan Kloosterboer
Christian Renninger
Peter Butkovic