Incorporate feedback from @Gabriel439

This commit is contained in:
Hunter Kelly 2019-11-22 17:57:15 +00:00
parent 99f4ecd3b9
commit a7c595b6c9
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 683C3834466A8CF5
4 changed files with 24 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ executable dhall-kubernetes-generator
dhall >= 1.22.0 && < 1.25 ,
megaparsec >= 7.0 && < 7.1 ,
optparse-applicative >= && < 0.15 ,
parser-combinators >= 1.0.3 && < 1.1 ,
prettyprinter >= && < 1.3 ,
sort >= 1.0 && < 1.1 ,
text >= && < 1.3 ,

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@ -64,11 +64,10 @@ pathFromRef (Ref r) = (Text.split (== '/') r) List.!! 2
-- | Build an import from path components (note: they need to be in reverse order)
-- and a filename
mkImport :: PrefixMap -> [Text] -> Text -> Dhall.Import
mkImport :: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import -> [Text] -> Text -> Dhall.Import
mkImport prefixMap components file =
case Data.Map.toList filteredPrefixMap of
[] -> localImport
[(_, imp)] -> imp <> localImport
xs -> (snd . head $ Sort.sortOn (Text.length . fst) xs) <> localImport
localImport = Dhall.Import{..}
@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ toTextLit str = Dhall.TextLit (Dhall.Chunks [] str)
-- Note: we cannot do 1-to-1 conversion and we need the whole Map because
-- many types reference other types so we need to access them to decide things
-- like "should this key be optional"
toTypes :: PrefixMap -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Expr
toTypes :: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Expr
toTypes prefixMap definitions = memo
memo = Data.Map.mapWithKey (\k -> convertToType (Just k)) definitions
@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ toTypes prefixMap definitions = memo
-- | Convert a Dhall Type to its default value
:: PrefixMap -- ^ Mapping of prefixes to import roots
:: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import -- ^ Mapping of prefixes to import roots
-> Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition -- ^ All the Swagger definitions
-> Data.Map.Map ModelName Expr -- ^ All the Dhall types generated from them
-> ModelName -- ^ The name of the object we're converting
@ -242,11 +241,11 @@ toDefault prefixMap definitions types modelName = go
-- | Get a Dhall.Map filled with imports, for creating giant Records or Unions of types or defaults
:: PrefixMap -- ^ Mapping of prefixes to import roots
-> DuplicateHandler -- ^ Duplicate name handler
-> [ModelName] -- ^ A list of all the object names
-> Text -- ^ The folder we should get imports from
-> [ModelName] -- ^ List of the object names we want to include in the Map
:: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import -- ^ Mapping of prefixes to import roots
-> DuplicateHandler -- ^ Duplicate name handler
-> [ModelName] -- ^ A list of all the object names
-> Text -- ^ The folder we should get imports from
-> [ModelName] -- ^ List of the object names we want to include in the Map
-> Dhall.Map.Map Text Expr
getImportsMap prefixMap duplicateNameHandler objectNames folder toInclude
= Dhall.Map.fromList

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ type Expr = Dhall.Expr Dhall.Src Dhall.Import
type DuplicateHandler = (Text, [ModelName]) -> Maybe ModelName
type PrefixMap = Data.Map.Map Text Dhall.Import
type Prefix = Text
{-| Type for the Swagger specification.

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main (main) where
@ -16,7 +17,8 @@ import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Options.Applicative
import Text.Megaparsec (some, optional, parse, (<|>), errorBundlePretty)
import Control.Applicative.Combinators (sepBy1)
import Text.Megaparsec (some, parse, (<|>), errorBundlePretty)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char, alphaNumChar)
import qualified Dhall.Kubernetes.Convert as Convert
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ import Dhall.Kubernetes.Types
-- | Top-level program options
data Options = Options
{ skipDuplicates :: Bool
, prefixMap :: PrefixMap
, prefixMap :: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import
, filename :: String
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ parseImport :: String -> Expr -> Dhall.Parser.Parser Dhall.Import
parseImport _ (Dhall.Note _ (Dhall.Embed l)) = pure l
parseImport prefix e = fail $ "Expected a Dhall import for " <> prefix <> " not:\n" <> show e
parsePrefixMap :: Options.Applicative.ReadM PrefixMap
parsePrefixMap :: Options.Applicative.ReadM (Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import)
parsePrefixMap =
Options.Applicative.eitherReader $ \s ->
bimap errorBundlePretty Data.Map.fromList $ result (pack s)
@ -72,9 +74,8 @@ parsePrefixMap =
char '='
e <- Dhall.Parser.expr
imp <- parseImport prefix e
optional $ char ','
return (pack prefix, imp)
result = parse (some (Dhall.Parser.unParser parser)) "MAPPING"
result = parse (Dhall.Parser.unParser parser `sepBy1` char ',') "MAPPING"
parseOptions :: Options.Applicative.Parser Options
parseOptions = Options <$> parseSkip <*> parsePrefixMap' <*> fileArg
@ -106,17 +107,17 @@ parserInfoOptions =
main :: IO ()
main = do
options <- Options.Applicative.execParser parserInfoOptions
let duplicateHandler = if skipDuplicates options then skipDuplicatesHandler else errorOnDuplicateHandler
Options{..} <- Options.Applicative.execParser parserInfoOptions
let duplicateHandler = if skipDuplicates then skipDuplicatesHandler else errorOnDuplicateHandler
-- Get the Swagger spec
Swagger{..} <- do
swaggerFile <- decodeFileStrict $ filename options
swaggerFile <- decodeFileStrict filename
case swaggerFile of
Nothing -> error "Unable to decode the Swagger file"
Just s -> pure s
-- Convert to Dhall types in a Map
let types = Convert.toTypes (prefixMap options)
let types = Convert.toTypes prefixMap
-- TODO: find a better way to deal with this cyclic import
$ Data.Map.adjust patchCyclicImports
(ModelName "io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.JSONSchemaProps")
@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ main = do
writeDhall path expr
-- Convert from Dhall types to defaults
let defaults = Data.Map.mapMaybeWithKey (Convert.toDefault (prefixMap options) definitions types) types
let defaults = Data.Map.mapMaybeWithKey (Convert.toDefault prefixMap definitions types) types
-- Output to defaults
Turtle.mktree "defaults"
@ -139,8 +140,8 @@ main = do
let toSchema (ModelName key) _ _ =
[ ("Type", Dhall.Embed (Convert.mkImport (prefixMap options) ["types", ".."] (key <> ".dhall")))
, ("default", Dhall.Embed (Convert.mkImport (prefixMap options) ["defaults", ".."] (key <> ".dhall")))
[ ("Type", Dhall.Embed (Convert.mkImport prefixMap ["types", ".."] (key <> ".dhall")))
, ("default", Dhall.Embed (Convert.mkImport prefixMap ["defaults", ".."] (key <> ".dhall")))
let schemas = Data.Map.intersectionWithKey toSchema types defaults
@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ main = do
writeDhall path expr
-- Output the types record, the defaults record, and the giant union type
let getImportsMap = Convert.getImportsMap (prefixMap options) duplicateHandler objectNames
let getImportsMap = Convert.getImportsMap prefixMap duplicateHandler objectNames
objectNames = Data.Map.keys types
typesMap = getImportsMap "types" $ Data.Map.keys types
defaultsMap = getImportsMap "defaults" $ Data.Map.keys defaults