Update to latest Dhall master and demonstrate the import hash bug

This commit is contained in:
Fabrizio Ferrai 2018-09-16 17:15:04 +03:00
parent f8be1d55bc
commit b5628ac3be
2 changed files with 54 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-- Prelude
let Prelude = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhall-lang/Prelude/v2.0.0/package.dhall
let Prelude = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhall-lang/Prelude/master/package.dhall
in let map = Prelude.`List`.map
in let Some = Prelude.`Optional`.Some
in let None = Prelude.`Optional`.None
in let kv = Prelude.JSON.keyText
-- Kubernetes types and defaults
@ -18,14 +16,14 @@ in let mkProbe : ./Probe → Optional Types.Probe =
λ(probe : ./Probe) →
Some Types.Probe
(default.probe //
{ initialDelaySeconds = Some Natural probe.initial
, periodSeconds = Some Natural probe.period
, httpGet = Some Types.HttpGet
{ initialDelaySeconds = Some probe.initial
, periodSeconds = Some probe.period
, httpGet = Some
{ port = default.Int probe.port } //
{ path = Some Text probe.path
{ path = Some probe.path
@ -36,7 +34,7 @@ in let mkEnvVar : KV → Types.EnvVar =
{ name = var.mapKey } //
{ value = Some Text var.mapValue }
{ value = Some var.mapValue }
in let mkEmptyVolume : { name : Text } → Types.Volume =
@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ in let mkEmptyVolume : { name : Text } → Types.Volume =
{ name = vol.name } //
{ emptyDir = Some Types.EmptyVolume default.emptyVolume }
{ emptyDir = Some default.emptyVolume }
in let mkSecretVolume : { name : Text } → Types.Volume =
@ -54,8 +52,8 @@ in let mkSecretVolume : { name : Text } → Types.Volume =
{ name = vol.name } //
{ secret = Some Types.SecretVolume
(default.secretVolume // { secretName = Some Text vol.name } )
{ secret = Some
(default.secretVolume // { secretName = Some vol.name } )
@ -65,7 +63,7 @@ in let mkPathVolume : { name : Text, path : Text } → Types.Volume =
{ name = vol.name } //
{ hostPath = Some Types.PathVolume
{ hostPath = Some
(default.pathVolume { path = vol.path })
@ -87,21 +85,21 @@ in let mkContainer : ./Container → Types.Container =
{ name = container.name } //
{ image = Some Text "${container.imageName}:${container.imageTag}"
, imagePullPolicy = Some Text container.imagePullPolicy
{ image = Some "${container.imageName}:${container.imageTag}"
, imagePullPolicy = Some container.imagePullPolicy
, ports = Optional/fold
(Optional (List Types.ContainerPort))
(λ(port : Natural) → Some (List Types.ContainerPort)
(λ(port : Natural) → Some
[(default.containerPort { containerPort = port })])
(None (List Types.ContainerPort))
, resources = Some Types.Resources
{ limits = Some ListKV [kv "cpu" "${Natural/show container.maxCPU}m"]
, requests = Some ListKV [kv "cpu" "${Natural/show container.minCPU}m"]
, resources = Some
{ limits = Some [kv "cpu" "${Natural/show container.maxCPU}m"]
, requests = Some [kv "cpu" "${Natural/show container.minCPU}m"]
, command = container.command
, volumeMounts = Some (List Types.Mount)
, volumeMounts = Some
(map ./Mount Types.Mount mkMount container.mounts)
-- Poll the container to see if the it's alive or we should restart it
, livenessProbe = Optional/fold
@ -117,7 +115,7 @@ in let mkContainer : ./Container → Types.Container =
(Optional Types.Probe)
(None Types.Probe)
, env = Some (List Types.EnvVar)
, env = Some
(map { mapKey : Text , mapValue : Text } Types.EnvVar mkEnvVar container.envVars)
@ -126,12 +124,12 @@ in let mkDeployment : ./Deployment → Types.Deployment =
λ(deployment : ./Deployment) →
let selector = Some ListKV [kv "app" deployment.name]
let selector = Some [kv "app" deployment.name]
in let emptyVolumes = map { name : Text } Types.Volume mkEmptyVolume deployment.emptyVolumes
in let secretVolumes = map { name : Text } Types.Volume mkSecretVolume deployment.secretVolumes
in let pathVolumes = map { name : Text, path : Text } Types.Volume mkPathVolume deployment.pathVolumes
in let volumes = Some (List Types.Volume) (emptyVolumes # secretVolumes # pathVolumes)
in let volumes = Some (emptyVolumes # secretVolumes # pathVolumes)
in let spec = default.spec
{ selector = default.selector // { matchLabels = selector }
@ -139,23 +137,23 @@ in let mkDeployment : ./Deployment → Types.Deployment =
{ metadata = default.meta
{ name = deployment.name } // { labels = selector }
} //
{ spec = Some Types.PodSpec (default.podSpec
{ spec = Some (default.podSpec
{ containers = map ./Container Types.Container mkContainer deployment.containers
} //
{ volumes = volumes
} //
{ replicas = Some Natural deployment.replicas
{ replicas = Some deployment.replicas
-- Don't keep all the ReplicaSets
, revisionHistoryLimit = Some Natural deployment.revisionHistoryLimit
, strategy = Some Types.Strategy
, revisionHistoryLimit = Some deployment.revisionHistoryLimit
, strategy = Some
-- Control the RollingUpdate so the app is always available. For more info see:
-- https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/
{ type = Some Text "RollingUpdate"
, rollingUpdate = Some Types.RollingUpdate
{ maxSurge = Some Types.IntOrString (default.Int deployment.maxSurge)
, maxUnavailable = Some Types.IntOrString (default.Int deployment.maxUnavailable)
{ type = Some "RollingUpdate"
, rollingUpdate = Some
{ maxSurge = Some (default.Int deployment.maxSurge)
, maxUnavailable = Some (default.Int deployment.maxUnavailable)
@ -163,8 +161,8 @@ in let mkDeployment : ./Deployment → Types.Deployment =
in default.deployment
{ metadata = default.meta { name = deployment.name }
} //
{ spec = Some Types.Spec spec
{ spec = Some spec
in mkDeployment
in mkDeployment

View File

@ -1,17 +1,24 @@
let config =
{ name = "nginx"
, replicas = 2
, containers =
[ ../api/Deployment/defaultContainer
{ name = "nginx"
, imageName = "nginx"
, imageTag = "1.15.3"
, port = [ 80 ] : Optional Natural
let config =
./../api/Deployment/default sha256:8962c123d535ca22b9a732bab99b3b61d62d8fc78ba1ec67bd8eb7df4ea9d711
⫽ { name =
, replicas =
, containers =
[ ./../api/Deployment/defaultContainer sha256:c502cc1d14729d0dd973f9a545c050ac46cb25940f493f998a668a4cca4846eb
⫽ { name =
, imageName =
, imageTag =
, port =
[ 80 ] : Optional Natural
in ../api/Deployment/mkDeployment config
in let mkDeployment =
./../api/Deployment/mkDeployment -- sha256:0f5f9ee0f213b50d5d49267b5ab1872d50ffdd94b94ef6ffbea28c0e2f0f8ff0
in mkDeployment config