Thomas Scholtes 1feeeac87a
Default kind and apiVersion values
The `kind` and `apiVersion` properties of a Kubernetes resource are
already implicitly determined by the resource. We adjust the default
functions so that they do not require the `kind` and `apiVersion`
parameters for resources.

We obtain the implied values by inspecting the
`x-kubernetes-group-version-kind` key from the OpenAPI schema for that
resource. The [Kubernetes OpenAPI Spec Readme][1] explains how these
values determine the resource values.

[1]: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/api/openapi-spec/README.md#x-kubernetes-group-version-kind
2018-07-08 11:34:03 +02:00

8 lines
456 B

\(_params : {metadata : (../types/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta.dhall), roleRef : (../types/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.RoleRef.dhall)}) ->
{ apiVersion = ("rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1" : Text)
, kind = ("ClusterRoleBinding" : Text)
, metadata = _params.metadata
, roleRef = _params.roleRef
, subjects = ([] : Optional (List ../types/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.Subject.dhall))
} : ../types/io.k8s.api.rbac.v1beta1.ClusterRoleBinding.dhall