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# Change Log
All user visible changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/), as described
for Rust libraries in [RFC #1105](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1105-api-evolution.md)
## Unreleased
### Added
Add support for `INSERT INTO table (...) SELECT ...` This feature has been in the works for a very long time, and has a lot of context... I've added headers so if you already know about the iteration of the API and the evolution of `InsertStatement` internally, skip to the third section. Getting to this API === I'd like to give a bit of context on the APIs that have been considered, and how I landed on this one. To preface, all of the iterations around this have been trying to carefully balance three things: - Easy to discover in the API - Being syntactically close to the generated SQL - Avoiding rightward drift For most of Diesel's life, our API was `insert(values).into(table)`. That API was originally introduced in 0.2 "to mirror `update` and `delete` (it didn't mirror them. It was backwards. It's always been backwards). My main concern with the old API actually was related to this feature. I couldn't come up with a decent API that had you specify the column list (you basically always need to specify the column list for this feature). So in 0.99 we changed it to what we have now, and I had toyed around with `insert_into(table).columns(columns).values(select)`, as well as `insert_into(table).from_select(columns, select)`. I was leaning towards the second one for a while (I didn't realize at the time that it was exactly SQLAlchemy's API). I hated the `columns` method because it was unclear what it was doing until you saw you were inserting from a select statement. It also implied an interaction with tuples that didn't exist. However, another thing that happened in 0.99 was that we deprecated our old upsert API. The `from_select` form reminded me far too much of the old `on_conflict` API, which we had just removed. In practice what that API would give you was something like this: ```rust insert_into(posts::table) .from_select( (posts::user_id, posts::title), users::table .select(( users::id, users::name.concat("'s First Post"), )), ) ``` That's just far too much rightward drift for me. Yes, you can assign the args to local variables, but they're awkward to name and now your code reads weird. I thought moving the columns list to another method call would help, but it doesn't. ```rust insert_into(posts::table) .from_select( users::table .select(( users::id, users::name.concat("'s First Post"), )), ) .into_columns((posts::user_id, posts::title)) ``` Eventually a member of the Diesel team had the idea of making this an `insert_into` method on select statements. This solves all of my concerns around rightward drift, though at the cost of the other two priorities. The API now looked like this: ``` users::table .select(( users::id, users::name.concat("'s First Post"), )) .insert_into(posts::table) .into_columns((posts::user_id, posts::title)) ``` I liked the way the code flowed, but I had concerns around discoverability, and didn't like how backwards it was from SQL. But I could live with it and started implementing. Up until this point I had been assuming that we would have an `InsertFromSelectStatement` struct, which was distinct from `InsertStatement` and necessitated the differently named methods. I realized when I started digging into it though, that we really just want to re-use `InsertStatement` for this. It seems obvious in hindsight. And if we were going to use that structure, that meant that it wouldn't be much harder to just make passing `SelectStatement` to `values` work. This automatically solves most of my concerns around discoverability, since it now just works exactly like every other form of insert. That said, I really don't like the rightward drift. I liked the `.insert_into` form for being able to avoid that. But for the final implementation, I just generalized that feature. *Anything* that can be written as `insert_into(table).values(values)` can now be written as `values.insert_into(table)`. Context around InsertStatement === This file has churned more than just about any other part of Diesel. I feel like I've re-written it nearly every release at this point. I think the reason it's churned so much is for two reasons. The first is that it's kept a fundamental design flaw through 1.1 (which I'll get to), and we've been constantly working around it. The second is that `INSERT` is actually one of the most complex queries in SQL. It has less variations than `SELECT`, but far more of its variations are backend specific, or have different syntaxes between backends. `InsertStatement` was originally added for 0.2 in c9894b35 which has a very helpful commit message "WIP" (good job past Sean). At the time we only supported PG, so we actually had two versions -- `InsertStatement` and `InsertQuery`, the latter having a returning clause. I'm honestly not sure why I didn't do the `ReturningClause<T>` `NoReturningClause` dance we do now and did back then in `SelectStatement`. Maybe I thought it'd be easier? Anyway this file had to go through some pretty major changes in 0.5 when we added SQLite support. We needed to disallow batch insert and returning clauses on that backend. Additionally, the way we handle default values had to work differently on SQLite since it doesn't support the `DEFAULT` keyword. At this point though, it still a few things. The query starts with `INSERT INTO`, had a columns list, then the word `VALUES` and then some values. It also managed all parenthesis. (Yes it was trivial to make it generate invalid SQL at that point). Fast forward to 0.9, I decided to support batch insert on SQLite. This needs to do one query per row, and I felt that meant we needed a separate struct. I didn't want to have `BatchInsertStatement` and `BatchInsertQuery` and `InsertStatement` and `InsertQuery`, so we got the `NoReturningClause` struct, and got a little closer to how literally every other part of Diesel works. In 0.14 we added `insert_default_values` which left us with `InsertStatement`, `BatchInsertStatement`, and `DefaultInsertStatement`, which eventually went back down to the two. The last time the file went through a big rewrite was in 0.99 when I finally unified it down to the one struct we have today. However, it still had the fatal flaw I mentioned earlier. It was trying to handle too much logic, and was too disjoint from the rest of the query builder. It assumed that the two forms were `DEFAULT VALUES` or `(columns) VALUES ...`, and also handled parens. We've gone through a lot of refactoring to get rid of that. I finally think this struct is at a point where it will stop churning, mostly because it looks like the rest of Diesel now. It doesn't do anything at all, and the only thing it assumes is that the word `INTO` appears in the query (which I'm pretty sure actually is true). The actual implementation of this commit ==== With all that said, this commit is relatively simple. The main addition is the `InsertFromSelect` struct. It's definitely a Diesel struct, in that it basically does nothing, and all the logic is in its `where` clauses. I tried to make `Insertable` work roughly everywhere that methods like `filter` work. I couldn't actually do a blanket impl for tables in Rust itself, because it made rustc vomit on recursion with our impls on `Option`. That shouldn't be happening, but I suspect it's a lot of work to fix that in the language. I've also implemented it for references, since most of the time that you pass values to `.values`, you pass a reference. That should "just work" here unless we have a good reason not to. The majority of the additions here are tests. This is a feature that fundamentally interacts with many of our most complex features, and I've tried to be exhaustive. Theres ~3 lines of tests for every line of code added. I've done at least a minimal test of this feature's interaction with every other feature on inserts that I could think of. I am not so much worried about whether they work, but I was worried about if there was a syntactic edge case I didn't know about. There weren't. Same with the compile tests, I've tried to think of every way the feature could be accidentally misused (bad arguments to `into_columns` basically), as well as all the nonsense things we should make sure don't work (putting it in a tuple or vec). I didn't add any compile tests on making sure that the select statement itself is valid. The fact that the `Query` bound only matches valid complete select statements is already very well tested, and we don't need to re-test that here. I also did not explicitly disallow selecting from the same table as the insert, as this appears to be one of the few places where the table can appear twice with no ambiguity. Fixes #1106
2018-01-18 22:27:23 +03:00
* Added support for `INSERT INTO table (...) SELECT ...` queries. Tables, select
select statements, and boxed select statements can now be used just like any
other `Insertable` value.
* Any insert query written as `insert_into(table).values(values)` can now be
written as `values.insert_into(table)`. This is particularly useful when
inserting from a select statement, as select statements tend to span multiple
* Added support for specifying `ISOLATION LEVEL`, `DEFERRABLE`, and `READ ONLY`
on PG transactions. See [`PgConnection::build_transaction`] for details.
[`PgConnection::build_transaction`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/pg/struct.PgConnection.html#method.build_transaction
* Added support for `BEGIN IMMEDIATE` and `BEGIN EXCLUSIVE` on SQLite.
See [`SqliteConnection::immediate_transaction`] and
[`SqliteConnection::exclusive_transaction`] for details
[`SqliteConnection::immediate_transaction`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/sqlite/struct.SqliteConnection.html#method.immediate_transaction
[`SqliteConnection::exclusive_transaction`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/sqlite/struct.SqliteConnection.html#method.exclusive_transaction
* Tables with more than 56 columns are now supported by enabling the
`128-column-tables` feature.
2018-01-20 23:34:21 +03:00
### Changed
* The bounds on `impl ToSql for Cow<'a, T>` have been loosened to no longer
require that `T::Owned: ToSql`.
### Deprecated
* `ne_any` has been renamed to `ne_all`.
### Fixed
2018-01-23 21:54:55 +03:00
* `diesel database setup` now correctly handles database URLs containing query
* `diesel migration list` shows the proper migration order when mixing
old and new timestamp formats. (The migrations were always run in the correct
order, this only affects the display logic of `migration list`)
## [1.1.1] - 2018-01-16
### Added
* Added `diesel::r2d2::PoolError` as an alias for `r2d2::Error`. Previously this
type was inaccessible due to `diesel::r2d2::Error`.
Release v1.1.0 Improved Support for Adding New Types ------------------------------------- The primary focus of this release was improving the ergonomics of adding support for new types in Diesel. For implementing new SQL types, we've added `#[derive(SqlType)]` which implements many traits that you need to implement for every SQL type. See the documentation for `HasSqlType` for details on this derive. For implementing new mappings, we've added `#[derive(FromSqlRow)]` and `#[derive(AsExpression)]`. These derives will replace the majority of the boilerplate that was previously required when supporting new types. Adding support for new types in Diesel 1.1 should only require implementing `FromSql` and `ToSql`. The derives will handle the rest. We've also provided `FromSql` impls for `*const str` and `*const [u8]`. Due to the design of `FromSql`, we can't provide impls for `&str` and `&[u8]` without a breaking change. However many impls just need to parse a string or some bytes, and don't need the allocation that would come from `String` or `Vec<u8>`. This will require unsafe code to use, but should make certain implementations more efficient. Finally, we've restructured how our serialize/deserialize modules are structured, and provided type aliases to make implementations of `FromSql` and `ToSql` more consise. `r2d2_diesel` is Now Part of Diesel ----------------------------------- Finally, this release merges `r2d2_diesel` into Diesel itself. The main benefit of doing this is that we can implement `Connection` for `PooledConnection`, removing the need for explicit `&*` when using r2d2. This should also help to prevent version mismatches when changing Diesel versions. To use the new r2d2 support, remove `r2d2` and `r2d2_diesel` from your Cargo.toml. Add the `r2d2` to your enabled features on `diesel`. Replace `extern crate r2d2` with `pub use diesel::r2d2`. Replace any `r2d2_diesel::` with `diesel::r2d2::`. Thanks ------ In addition to the headline features, there were dozens of smaller additions which should make using Diesel even better! As always, you can check the CHANGELOG for a full list of changes in this release. In addition to the Diesel core team, 8 people contributed to this release. A huge thank you to: - Ashe Connor - Chris Pick - Evan - Georg Semmler - MarcManiez - Martin Lindhe - Oliver Schneider - Ryan Blecher
2018-01-15 18:34:57 +03:00
## [1.1.0] - 2018-01-15
### Added
* `r2d2-diesel` has been merged into Diesel proper. You should no longer rely
directly on `r2d2-diesel` or `r2d2`. The functionality of both is exposed from
* `r2d2::PooledConnection` now implements `Connection`. This means that you
should no longer need to write `&*connection` when using `r2d2`.
* The `BINARY` column type name is now supported for SQLite.
* The `QueryId` trait can now be derived.
2018-01-09 00:20:13 +03:00
* `FromSqlRow` can now be derived for types which implement `FromSql`.
* `AsExpression` can now be derived for types which implement `ToSql`.
* `HasSqlType`, `NotNull`, and `SingleValue` can now be derived with
`#[derive(SqlType)]`. See the docs for those traits for more information.
* The return type of `FromSql`, `FromSqlRow`, and `QueryableByName` can now be
written as `deserialize::Result<Self>`.
* The return type of `ToSql` can now be written as `serialize::Result`.
2018-01-09 23:10:47 +03:00
* Added support for SQLite's `INSERT OR IGNORE` and MySQL's `INSERT IGNORE`
via the `insert_or_ignore` function.
* `min` and `max` can now be used with array expressions.
2018-01-12 22:43:39 +03:00
* Added `diesel::dsl::array`, which corresponds to a PG `ARRAY[]` literal.
* Added the `not_none!` macro, used by implementations of `FromSql` which do not
expect `NULL`.
* Added `result::UnexpectedNullError`, an `Error` type indicating that an
unexpected `NULL` was received during deserialization.
* Added `.or_filter`, which behaves identically to `.filter`, but using `OR`
instead of `AND`.
* `helper_types` now contains a type for every method defined in
`expression_methods`, and every function in `dsl`.
* Added `FromSql` impls for `*const str` and `*const [u8]` everywhere that
`String` and `Vec` are supported. These impls do not allocate, and are
intended for use by other impls which need to parse a string or bytes, and
don't want to allocate. These impls should never be used outside of another
`FromSql` impl.
### Deprecated
2018-01-15 19:21:05 +03:00
* *IMPORTANT NOTE* Due to [several][rust-deprecation-bug-1]
[bugs][rust-deprecation-bug-2] in Rust, many of the deprecations in this
release may not show a warning. If you want to ensure you are not using any
deprecated items, we recommend attempting to compile your code without the
`with-deprecated` feature by adding `default-features = false` to
[rust-deprecation-bug-1]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/47236
[rust-deprecation-bug-2]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/47237
* Deprecated `impl_query_id!` in favor of `#[derive(QueryId)]`
* Deprecated specifying a column name as `#[column_name(foo)]`. `#[column_name =
"foo"]` should be used instead.
* The `types` module has been deprecated. It has been split into `sql_types`,
`serialize`, and `deserialize`.
* `query_source::Queryable` and `query_source::QueryableByName` have been
deprecated. These traits have been moved to `deserialize`.
* `backend::TypeMetadata` has been deprecated. It has been moved to `sql_types`.
* `types::ToSqlOutput` has been deprecated. It has been renamed to
* `helper_types::Not` is now `helper_types::not`
### Fixed
* `infer_schema!` generates valid code when run against a database with no
Release v1.0.0 We didn't quite make it for 2017, but Diesel 1.0 is finally here! There are no changes between Diesel 1.0 and 1.0.0-rc1. 1.0.0 marks stability for Diesel. While there are many more features that will be added in the future, there will be no breaking changes from this point forward without a major version bump (which we do not anticipate happening for many years). A lot has happened since Diesel 0.1 was released over 2 years ago. While it would be impossible to list every major change that has happened since then, here are a few highlights: - Expanded from a PostgreSQL specific library to supporting SQLite and MySQL - Went from nightly-only to nightly-optional to working purely on stable Rust - `diesel print-schema` replaced `infer_schema!` as the go-to way to infer your database schema. - Added support for a significant portion of SQL queries which could not be represented in 0.1 It's been a great honor to watch this community grow and thrive as this library has developed. I look forward to continuing to evolve Diesel, and seeing how far it can go. In addition to the Diesel core team, 98 people have contributed to Diesel. A huge thank you to everyone who made this and every prior release possible: - Adam Perry adam.n.perry@gmail.com - Adrian Perez de Castro aperez@igalia.com - Alex Alvarez dominalexican@gmail.com - Alex Kitchens alexcameron98@gmail.com - Alexey Zabelin hello@alexeyzabelin.com - Andrew Lazarus lazarus@squareup.com - Andrew Ryan Lazarus nerdrew@gmail.com - Arnar Mar Sig antab@antab.is - Barosl Lee vcs@barosl.com - Blake Pettersson blake.pettersson@gmail.com - Bob nottxy@gmail.com - Boris-Chengbiao Zhou bobo1239@web.de - Brandon W Maister bwm@knewton.com - Cameron Alexander emptyflash@gmail.com - Cengiz Can cengizIO@users.noreply.github.com - Christopher Brickley brickley@gmail.com - Cyryl Płotnicki cyplo@cyplo.net - Daniel Durante durango@users.noreply.github.com - Danilo Bargen mail@dbrgn.ch - David Szotten davidszotten@gmail.com - Derek Prior derekprior@gmail.com - Dimiter Petrov crackofdusk@gmail.com - Dorian Scheidt dorian.scheidt@gmail.com - Enether familyguyuser192@windowslive.com - Eric Kidd git@randomhacks.net - Erich Cordoba erich.cm@yandex.com - FliegendeWurst 2012gdwu@web.de - Flux Xu fluxxu@gmail.com - Garrett Squire garrettsquire@gmail.com - Georg Semmler georg_semmler_05@web.de - Graham Grochowski ggrochow@gmail.com - JD Gonzales jd_gonzales@icloud.com - Jake Goulding shepmaster@mac.com - Jakob Gillich jakob@gillich.me - James Kominick james.kominick@gmail.com - Jethro Beekman jethro@fortanix.com - Jim McGrath jimmc2@gmail.com - Jimmy Cuadra jimmy@jimmycuadra.com - John Gallagher jgallagher@bignerdranch.com - Jordan alatiera@users.noreply.github.com - Josh Holmer jholmer.in@gmail.com - Jovansonlee Cesar ivanceras@gmail.com - Katrina Brock keb266@cornell.edu - Kieran kieran.eglin@gmail.com - Konstantinos Sideris sideris.konstantin@gmail.com - Lance Carlson lancecarlson@gmail.com - Lauri Apple lauri.apple@zalando.de - Maciej Dziardziel fiedzia@gmail.com - Mark Catley mark.catley@harmoney.co.nz - Martijn de Haan martijn@ff00ff.nl - Mathieu Rochette mathieu@rochette.cc - Matt Casper matthewvcasper@gmail.com - Maxime “pep” Buquet pep@collabora.com - Michael Macias zaeleus@gmail.com - Michael Stock mikeastock@gmail.com - Mike Piccolo mfpiccolo@gmail.com - Mrmaxmeier Mrmaxmeier@gmail.com - Natalie Boehm nmb56@pitt.edu - Patrick Fernie patrick.fernie@gmail.com - Paul Lange palango@gmx.de - Peter Marheine peter@taricorp.net - Pyry Kontio pyry.kontio@drasa.eu - Rasmus Kaj kaj@kth.se - Richard Dodd richard.o.dodd@gmail.com - Robert Balicki robert.balicki@gmail.com - Robert Maloney robertjamesmaloney@gmail.com - Ruben De Smet ruben.de.smet@rubdos.be - Ryan Blecher notryanb@gmail.com - Sam Phippen samphippen@googlemail.com - Sebastian Blei iamsebastian@users.noreply.github.com - Sergio Benitez sb@sergio.bz - Severen Redwood severen@shrike.me - Sharad Chand sharad.d.chand@gmail.com - Sid Ngeth sngeth@gmail.com - Stu Black trurl@freeshell.org - Sunrin SHIMURA (keen) 3han5chou7@gmail.com - Tamir Duberstein tamird@gmail.com - Taryn Hill taryn@phrohdoh.com - Tess Griffin tessjgriffin@gmail.com - Tim Brooks brooks@cern.ch - Tobias Schottdorf tobias.schottdorf@gmail.com - Tom Houlé tom@tohou.fr - Tshepang Lekhonkhobe tshepang@gmail.com - William Murphy willmurphyscode@gmail.com - benaryorg binary@benary.org - bippityboppity 32622279+bippityboppity@users.noreply.github.com - debris marek.kotewicz@gmail.com - derekdreery rodododouk@hotmail.com - jacob jacob@localhost.localdomain - jethrogb github@jbeekman.nl - kardeiz kardeiz@gmail.com - katrinabrock keb266@cornell.edu - king6cong king6cong@gmail.com - klieth klieth@users.noreply.github.com - notryanb notryanb@gmail.com - pfernie patrick.fernie@gmail.com - theduke reg@theduke.at - wangcong king6cong@gmail.com
2018-01-03 01:52:08 +03:00
## [1.0.0] - 2018-01-02
### Added
* `#[derive(QueryableByName)]` can now handle structs that have no associated
table. If the `#[table_name]` annotation is left off, you must annotate each
field with `#[sql_type = "Integer"]`
* `#[derive(QueryableByName)]` can now handle embedding other structs. To have a
field whose type is a struct which implements `QueryableByName`, rather than a
single column in the query, add the annotation `#[diesel(embed)]`
* The `QueryDsl` trait encompasses the majority of the traits that were
previously in the `query_dsl` module.
2017-12-13 01:08:59 +03:00
### Fixed
* Executing select statements on SQLite will no longer panic when the database
returns `SQLITE_BUSY`
2017-12-14 00:37:48 +03:00
* `table!`s which use the `Datetime` type with MySQL will now compile correctly,
even without the `chrono` feature enabled.
* `#[derive(QueryableByName)]` will now compile correctly when there is a shadowed `Result` type in scope.
* `BoxableExpression` can now be used with types that are not `'static`
### Changed
Release v1.0.0 We didn't quite make it for 2017, but Diesel 1.0 is finally here! There are no changes between Diesel 1.0 and 1.0.0-rc1. 1.0.0 marks stability for Diesel. While there are many more features that will be added in the future, there will be no breaking changes from this point forward without a major version bump (which we do not anticipate happening for many years). A lot has happened since Diesel 0.1 was released over 2 years ago. While it would be impossible to list every major change that has happened since then, here are a few highlights: - Expanded from a PostgreSQL specific library to supporting SQLite and MySQL - Went from nightly-only to nightly-optional to working purely on stable Rust - `diesel print-schema` replaced `infer_schema!` as the go-to way to infer your database schema. - Added support for a significant portion of SQL queries which could not be represented in 0.1 It's been a great honor to watch this community grow and thrive as this library has developed. I look forward to continuing to evolve Diesel, and seeing how far it can go. In addition to the Diesel core team, 98 people have contributed to Diesel. A huge thank you to everyone who made this and every prior release possible: - Adam Perry adam.n.perry@gmail.com - Adrian Perez de Castro aperez@igalia.com - Alex Alvarez dominalexican@gmail.com - Alex Kitchens alexcameron98@gmail.com - Alexey Zabelin hello@alexeyzabelin.com - Andrew Lazarus lazarus@squareup.com - Andrew Ryan Lazarus nerdrew@gmail.com - Arnar Mar Sig antab@antab.is - Barosl Lee vcs@barosl.com - Blake Pettersson blake.pettersson@gmail.com - Bob nottxy@gmail.com - Boris-Chengbiao Zhou bobo1239@web.de - Brandon W Maister bwm@knewton.com - Cameron Alexander emptyflash@gmail.com - Cengiz Can cengizIO@users.noreply.github.com - Christopher Brickley brickley@gmail.com - Cyryl Płotnicki cyplo@cyplo.net - Daniel Durante durango@users.noreply.github.com - Danilo Bargen mail@dbrgn.ch - David Szotten davidszotten@gmail.com - Derek Prior derekprior@gmail.com - Dimiter Petrov crackofdusk@gmail.com - Dorian Scheidt dorian.scheidt@gmail.com - Enether familyguyuser192@windowslive.com - Eric Kidd git@randomhacks.net - Erich Cordoba erich.cm@yandex.com - FliegendeWurst 2012gdwu@web.de - Flux Xu fluxxu@gmail.com - Garrett Squire garrettsquire@gmail.com - Georg Semmler georg_semmler_05@web.de - Graham Grochowski ggrochow@gmail.com - JD Gonzales jd_gonzales@icloud.com - Jake Goulding shepmaster@mac.com - Jakob Gillich jakob@gillich.me - James Kominick james.kominick@gmail.com - Jethro Beekman jethro@fortanix.com - Jim McGrath jimmc2@gmail.com - Jimmy Cuadra jimmy@jimmycuadra.com - John Gallagher jgallagher@bignerdranch.com - Jordan alatiera@users.noreply.github.com - Josh Holmer jholmer.in@gmail.com - Jovansonlee Cesar ivanceras@gmail.com - Katrina Brock keb266@cornell.edu - Kieran kieran.eglin@gmail.com - Konstantinos Sideris sideris.konstantin@gmail.com - Lance Carlson lancecarlson@gmail.com - Lauri Apple lauri.apple@zalando.de - Maciej Dziardziel fiedzia@gmail.com - Mark Catley mark.catley@harmoney.co.nz - Martijn de Haan martijn@ff00ff.nl - Mathieu Rochette mathieu@rochette.cc - Matt Casper matthewvcasper@gmail.com - Maxime “pep” Buquet pep@collabora.com - Michael Macias zaeleus@gmail.com - Michael Stock mikeastock@gmail.com - Mike Piccolo mfpiccolo@gmail.com - Mrmaxmeier Mrmaxmeier@gmail.com - Natalie Boehm nmb56@pitt.edu - Patrick Fernie patrick.fernie@gmail.com - Paul Lange palango@gmx.de - Peter Marheine peter@taricorp.net - Pyry Kontio pyry.kontio@drasa.eu - Rasmus Kaj kaj@kth.se - Richard Dodd richard.o.dodd@gmail.com - Robert Balicki robert.balicki@gmail.com - Robert Maloney robertjamesmaloney@gmail.com - Ruben De Smet ruben.de.smet@rubdos.be - Ryan Blecher notryanb@gmail.com - Sam Phippen samphippen@googlemail.com - Sebastian Blei iamsebastian@users.noreply.github.com - Sergio Benitez sb@sergio.bz - Severen Redwood severen@shrike.me - Sharad Chand sharad.d.chand@gmail.com - Sid Ngeth sngeth@gmail.com - Stu Black trurl@freeshell.org - Sunrin SHIMURA (keen) 3han5chou7@gmail.com - Tamir Duberstein tamird@gmail.com - Taryn Hill taryn@phrohdoh.com - Tess Griffin tessjgriffin@gmail.com - Tim Brooks brooks@cern.ch - Tobias Schottdorf tobias.schottdorf@gmail.com - Tom Houlé tom@tohou.fr - Tshepang Lekhonkhobe tshepang@gmail.com - William Murphy willmurphyscode@gmail.com - benaryorg binary@benary.org - bippityboppity 32622279+bippityboppity@users.noreply.github.com - debris marek.kotewicz@gmail.com - derekdreery rodododouk@hotmail.com - jacob jacob@localhost.localdomain - jethrogb github@jbeekman.nl - kardeiz kardeiz@gmail.com - katrinabrock keb266@cornell.edu - king6cong king6cong@gmail.com - klieth klieth@users.noreply.github.com - notryanb notryanb@gmail.com - pfernie patrick.fernie@gmail.com - theduke reg@theduke.at - wangcong king6cong@gmail.com
2018-01-03 01:52:08 +03:00
* `Connection::test_transaction` now requires that the error returned implement `Debug`.
2017-12-23 23:35:36 +03:00
* `query_builder::insert_statement::InsertStatement` is now accessed as
* `query_builder::insert_statement::UndecoratedInsertRecord` is now accessed as
* `#[derive(QueryableByName)]` now requires that the table name be explicitly
Unify most of the traits in `query_dsl` into a single trait This moves most traits that represent a single method into a new `QueryBuilder` trait. While I said I didn't want to do any more big changes until post-1.0, this change is primarily motivated by making our documentation easier to browse. This change will need a 0.99.2 release. In addition to making our docs easier to read, this may improve our error messages slightly in a few places that required using UFCS to get a decent error message. `SelectStatement`, `BoxedSelectStatement`, and `Table` now unconditionally implement this trait, so the method will always be present and error messages will be about why the where clause failed. That said, those cases will be pretty small. Most places where you end up doing the UFCS trick are related to `.execute` and `.load`. I think it would make sense to do a similar change there (maybe we call it `RunQueryDsl`?) There were two traits which did not make sense to keep around -- `CountDsl` and `JoinDsl`. There's perhaps an argument for keeping `CountDsl` separate, as you could have relied on it from generic code. However, any code that was using `JoinDsl` already would have needed the where clauses required to use it from `QueryDsl`. I've opted to add an inherent method for `filter` back onto update and delete statements, rather than implementing `QueryDsl` for them. `filter` is the only method that would ever work on those types, and having it be an inherent method makes the docs for those methods more visible. I've opted to leave the `impl FilterDsl` in place though, because having some generic code which adds a where clause to both select statements and update statements is totally a reasonable thing to do 🙃.
2017-12-03 01:49:38 +03:00
* Most of the traits in `query_dsl` have been moved to `query_dsl::methods`.
These traits are no longer exported in `prelude`. This should not affect most
apps, as the behavior of these traits is provided by `QueryDsl`. However, if
you were using these traits in `where` clauses for generic code, you will need
to explicitly do `use diesel::query_dsl::methods::WhateverDsl`. You may also
need to use UFCS in these cases.
* If you have a type which implemented `QueryFragment` or `Query`, which you
intended to be able to call `execute` or `load` on, you will need to manually
implement `RunQueryDsl` for that type. The trait should be unconditionally
implemented (no where clause beyond what your type requires), and the body
should be empty.
2017-11-30 18:16:10 +03:00
### Removed
* All deprecated items have been removed.
* `LoadDsl` and `FirstDsl` have been removed. Their functionality now lives in
## [0.99.1] - 2017-12-01
### Changed
* Diesel CLI now properly restricts its `clap` dependency. 0.99.0 mistakenly had
no upper bound on the version.
Release v0.99.0 (It's basically 1.0 except it's not) This release is by far the largest Diesel has ever had. It serves 2 purposes. You can consider this release to be a beta for 1.0. However, 1.0 will have an important significant difference. Anything that is deprecated as of this release will not be present in the 1.0 release. This includes functions which were newly deprecated in 0.99. We know this may introduce a migration burden for some people, so we will continue to support the 0.99 line with bug fixes as long as there is demand and it is reasonable to do so. Headline Features ---- This release is mainly focused on ergonomics. Our main new feature is the [`sql_query`][] function. This is a new API which behaves similarly to [`sql`][], but it is entirely focused on cases where you want to write the *entire* query yourself. The main difference from `sql` is that you do not need to specify the return type of the query, and values are fetched by name rather than by index. This feature is still early, and there's a lot of features still to come (specifically evolving `#[derive(QueryableByName)]`, but we think this feature will ease a lot of pains for cases where Diesel doesn't quite do what you need. [`sql_query`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/fn.sql_query.html [`sql`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/sql/fn.sql.html Additionally, you can now use tuples for inserts the same as you can for updates. If you've ever wanted to insert a row with just 1 or 2 values, and been annoyed that you needed a struct that you're only using in this one place, this feature will make you happy. We'll have new guides highlighting this feature soon. Additionally, this release comes with a ton of quality of life features. Many of these changes are focused around making it easier to introduce line breaks naturally in your code. For example, `.filter` is now implemented on `UpdateStatement`, meaning you can write `update(foo).filter(bar)` instead of `update(foo.filter(bar))`. We've also introduced new APIs for `insert` and PG upsert which will have similar readability improvements. Breaking Changes ---- This release includes more deprecations than any release prior. In particular, `insert` has been deprecated, along with our entire PG upsert API. All deprecations in this release have direct replacements, which will lead to code which formats much more nicely. It should be a mostly mechanical replacement for most apps. See [the CHANGELOG file][] for details. [the CHANGELOG file]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.99.0/CHANGELOG.md Growing the Team ---- With this release, we'd like to welcome several new members to the Diesel committer team. @weiznich, @notryanb, and @katrinabrock you've all done excellent work and we're very excited to officially welcome you to the team! Additional Thanks ---- In addition to the Diesel core and committer teams, 10 people contributed to this release. A huge thank you to: - Adam Perry - Alex Kitchens - Alexey Zabelin - Arnar Mar Sig - Bob - Jordan - Lauri Apple - Maxime “pep” Buquet - William Murphy - bippityboppity Our only remaining blockers from this release and 1.0 are documentation changes, and having this tested in the wild. Thank you to every one of our users for your support, and we look forward to Diesel 1.0 by the end of the year!
2017-11-29 02:26:30 +03:00
## [0.99.0] - 2017-11-28
2017-09-05 19:43:55 +03:00
### Added
* The `.for_update()` method has been added to select statements, allowing
construction of `SELECT ... FOR UPDATE`.
* Added `insert_into(table).default_values()` as a replacement for
2017-09-15 18:22:33 +03:00
* Added `insert_into(table).values(values)` as a replacement for
* Added support for MySQL's `REPLACE INTO` as `replace_into(table)`.
* Added `replace_into(table).values(values)` as a replacement for
* Added `on_conflict_do_nothing` on `InsertStatement` as a replacement for
`on_conflict_do_nothing` on `Insertable` structs.
* Added `on_conflict` on `InsertStatement` as a replacement for
`on_conflict` on `Insertable` structs.
* `filter` can now be called on update and delete statements. This means that
instead of `update(users.filter(...))` you can write
`update(users).filter(...)`. This allows line breaks to more naturally be
2017-09-26 16:40:24 +03:00
* Subselects can now reference columns from the outer table. For example,
`users.filter(exists(posts.filter(user_id.eq(users::id))))` will now compile.
* `TextExpressionMethods` is now implemented for expressions of type
`Nullable<Text>` as well as `Text`.
* `allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!` can now take more than 2 tables, and is the same
as invoking it separately for every combination of those tables.
Implement a new raw SQL API geared towards complete queries `sql` has always been a bit clunky to use if you wanted to write a whole query with it. You have to specify the SQL type of the query, which also means you have to list every column out explicitly to ensure they're in the expected order. This adds a replacement API that more geared towards writing complete queries. There are two notable differences. The first is that the SQL type of each field is specified during deserialization, not when the query is constructed. The types are never checked anyway (other than to make sure the deserialization is valid), so it makes sense to defer this to a place where we can derive it. The second difference is that columns are deserialized by name, not by index. This has all of the gotchas that are associated with doing that with other libraries (name conflicts between tables, etc) I had originally planned on having `NamedRow::get` optionally also take a table name. However, PG gives you the OID not the name, so we'd need to do another query to get the table name. SQLite only gives you the table/column name if compiled with a flag to enable it, which the system sqlite3 on mac does not. For those two reasons, I've opted to use the column name alone. This means that the derived `QueryableByName` is unlikely to be usable with joins, but that's a price we'll have to pay for now. I'd like to expand the number of cases that our derive impl can handle (e.g. allow providing a sql type in addition to a column name), but this is a good bare minimum place to start. Fixes #650.
2017-09-27 18:30:30 +03:00
* Added `sql_query`, a new API for dropping to raw SQL that is more pleasant to
use than `sql` for complete queries. The main difference from `sql` is that
you do not need to state the return type, and data is loaded from the query by
name rather than by index.
* Added a way to rename a table in the `table!` macro with `#[sql_name="the_table_name"]`
Release v0.99.0 (It's basically 1.0 except it's not) This release is by far the largest Diesel has ever had. It serves 2 purposes. You can consider this release to be a beta for 1.0. However, 1.0 will have an important significant difference. Anything that is deprecated as of this release will not be present in the 1.0 release. This includes functions which were newly deprecated in 0.99. We know this may introduce a migration burden for some people, so we will continue to support the 0.99 line with bug fixes as long as there is demand and it is reasonable to do so. Headline Features ---- This release is mainly focused on ergonomics. Our main new feature is the [`sql_query`][] function. This is a new API which behaves similarly to [`sql`][], but it is entirely focused on cases where you want to write the *entire* query yourself. The main difference from `sql` is that you do not need to specify the return type of the query, and values are fetched by name rather than by index. This feature is still early, and there's a lot of features still to come (specifically evolving `#[derive(QueryableByName)]`, but we think this feature will ease a lot of pains for cases where Diesel doesn't quite do what you need. [`sql_query`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/fn.sql_query.html [`sql`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/sql/fn.sql.html Additionally, you can now use tuples for inserts the same as you can for updates. If you've ever wanted to insert a row with just 1 or 2 values, and been annoyed that you needed a struct that you're only using in this one place, this feature will make you happy. We'll have new guides highlighting this feature soon. Additionally, this release comes with a ton of quality of life features. Many of these changes are focused around making it easier to introduce line breaks naturally in your code. For example, `.filter` is now implemented on `UpdateStatement`, meaning you can write `update(foo).filter(bar)` instead of `update(foo.filter(bar))`. We've also introduced new APIs for `insert` and PG upsert which will have similar readability improvements. Breaking Changes ---- This release includes more deprecations than any release prior. In particular, `insert` has been deprecated, along with our entire PG upsert API. All deprecations in this release have direct replacements, which will lead to code which formats much more nicely. It should be a mostly mechanical replacement for most apps. See [the CHANGELOG file][] for details. [the CHANGELOG file]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.99.0/CHANGELOG.md Growing the Team ---- With this release, we'd like to welcome several new members to the Diesel committer team. @weiznich, @notryanb, and @katrinabrock you've all done excellent work and we're very excited to officially welcome you to the team! Additional Thanks ---- In addition to the Diesel core and committer teams, 10 people contributed to this release. A huge thank you to: - Adam Perry - Alex Kitchens - Alexey Zabelin - Arnar Mar Sig - Bob - Jordan - Lauri Apple - Maxime “pep” Buquet - William Murphy - bippityboppity Our only remaining blockers from this release and 1.0 are documentation changes, and having this tested in the wild. Thank you to every one of our users for your support, and we look forward to Diesel 1.0 by the end of the year!
2017-11-29 02:26:30 +03:00
* Added support for PostgreSQL's `DISTINCT ON`. See
[`.distinct_on()`][0.99.0-distinct-on] for more details
2017-09-05 19:43:55 +03:00
### Changed
* The signatures of `QueryId`, `Column`, and `FromSqlRow` have all changed to
use associated constants where appropriate.
* You will now need to invoke `allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!` any time two tables
2018-01-04 01:26:13 +03:00
appear together in the same query, even if there is a `joinable!` invocation for those tables.
2017-10-20 13:44:09 +03:00
* `diesel_codegen` should no longer explicitly be used as a dependency. Unless
you are using `infer_schema!` or `embed_migrations!`, you can simply remove it
from your `Cargo.toml`. All other functionality is now provided by `diesel`
2017-11-27 21:12:35 +03:00
* Code using `infer_schema!` or `infer_table_from_schema!` must now add
`diesel_infer_schema` to `Cargo.toml`, and `#[macro_use] extern crate
diesel_infer_schema` to `src/lib.rs`
Release v0.99.0 (It's basically 1.0 except it's not) This release is by far the largest Diesel has ever had. It serves 2 purposes. You can consider this release to be a beta for 1.0. However, 1.0 will have an important significant difference. Anything that is deprecated as of this release will not be present in the 1.0 release. This includes functions which were newly deprecated in 0.99. We know this may introduce a migration burden for some people, so we will continue to support the 0.99 line with bug fixes as long as there is demand and it is reasonable to do so. Headline Features ---- This release is mainly focused on ergonomics. Our main new feature is the [`sql_query`][] function. This is a new API which behaves similarly to [`sql`][], but it is entirely focused on cases where you want to write the *entire* query yourself. The main difference from `sql` is that you do not need to specify the return type of the query, and values are fetched by name rather than by index. This feature is still early, and there's a lot of features still to come (specifically evolving `#[derive(QueryableByName)]`, but we think this feature will ease a lot of pains for cases where Diesel doesn't quite do what you need. [`sql_query`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/fn.sql_query.html [`sql`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/sql/fn.sql.html Additionally, you can now use tuples for inserts the same as you can for updates. If you've ever wanted to insert a row with just 1 or 2 values, and been annoyed that you needed a struct that you're only using in this one place, this feature will make you happy. We'll have new guides highlighting this feature soon. Additionally, this release comes with a ton of quality of life features. Many of these changes are focused around making it easier to introduce line breaks naturally in your code. For example, `.filter` is now implemented on `UpdateStatement`, meaning you can write `update(foo).filter(bar)` instead of `update(foo.filter(bar))`. We've also introduced new APIs for `insert` and PG upsert which will have similar readability improvements. Breaking Changes ---- This release includes more deprecations than any release prior. In particular, `insert` has been deprecated, along with our entire PG upsert API. All deprecations in this release have direct replacements, which will lead to code which formats much more nicely. It should be a mostly mechanical replacement for most apps. See [the CHANGELOG file][] for details. [the CHANGELOG file]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.99.0/CHANGELOG.md Growing the Team ---- With this release, we'd like to welcome several new members to the Diesel committer team. @weiznich, @notryanb, and @katrinabrock you've all done excellent work and we're very excited to officially welcome you to the team! Additional Thanks ---- In addition to the Diesel core and committer teams, 10 people contributed to this release. A huge thank you to: - Adam Perry - Alex Kitchens - Alexey Zabelin - Arnar Mar Sig - Bob - Jordan - Lauri Apple - Maxime “pep” Buquet - William Murphy - bippityboppity Our only remaining blockers from this release and 1.0 are documentation changes, and having this tested in the wild. Thank you to every one of our users for your support, and we look forward to Diesel 1.0 by the end of the year!
2017-11-29 02:26:30 +03:00
* Code using `embed_migrations!` must now add `diesel_migrations` to `Cargo.toml`,
and `#[macro_use] extern crate diesel_migrations` to `src/lib.rs`
* The `migrations` module has been moved out of `diesel` and into
2017-09-15 18:22:33 +03:00
### Deprecated
* Deprecated `insert_default_values()` in favor of
* Deprecated `insert(values).into(table)` in favor of
* Deprecated `insert_or_replace(values).into(table)` in favor of
2017-09-15 18:22:33 +03:00
* Deprecated `.values(x.on_conflict_do_nothing())` in favor of
* Deprecated `.values(x.on_conflict(y, do_nothing()))` in favor of
* Deprecated `.values(x.on_conflict(y, do_update().set(z)))` in favor of
* Deprecated `enable_multi_table_joins` in favor of
Implement a new raw SQL API geared towards complete queries `sql` has always been a bit clunky to use if you wanted to write a whole query with it. You have to specify the SQL type of the query, which also means you have to list every column out explicitly to ensure they're in the expected order. This adds a replacement API that more geared towards writing complete queries. There are two notable differences. The first is that the SQL type of each field is specified during deserialization, not when the query is constructed. The types are never checked anyway (other than to make sure the deserialization is valid), so it makes sense to defer this to a place where we can derive it. The second difference is that columns are deserialized by name, not by index. This has all of the gotchas that are associated with doing that with other libraries (name conflicts between tables, etc) I had originally planned on having `NamedRow::get` optionally also take a table name. However, PG gives you the OID not the name, so we'd need to do another query to get the table name. SQLite only gives you the table/column name if compiled with a flag to enable it, which the system sqlite3 on mac does not. For those two reasons, I've opted to use the column name alone. This means that the derived `QueryableByName` is unlikely to be usable with joins, but that's a price we'll have to pay for now. I'd like to expand the number of cases that our derive impl can handle (e.g. allow providing a sql type in addition to a column name), but this is a good bare minimum place to start. Fixes #650.
2017-09-27 18:30:30 +03:00
* Deprecated `SqlLiteral#bind`. `sql` is intended for use with small fragments
of SQL, not complete queries. Writing bind parameters in raw SQL when you are
not writing the whole query is error-prone. Use `sql_query` if you need raw
SQL with bind parameters.
### Removed
* `IntoInsertStatement` and `BatchInsertStatement` have been removed. It's
unlikely that your application is using these types, but `InsertStatement` is
now the only "insert statement" type.
* `Citext` as a type alias for `Text` has been removed. Writing
`citext_column.eq("foo")` would perform a case-sensitive comparison. More
fleshed out support will be required.
### Fixed
* When using MySQL and SQLite, dates which cannot be represented by `chrono`
(such as `0000-00-00`) will now properly return an error instead of panicking.
2017-09-30 16:00:38 +03:00
* MySQL URLs will now properly percent decode the username and password.
* References to types other than `str` and slice can now appear on structs which
derive `Insertable` or `AsChangeset`.
* Deserializing a date/time/timestamp column into a chrono type on SQLite will
now handle any value that is in a format documented as valid for SQLite's
`strftime` function except for the string `'now'`.
Release v0.99.0 (It's basically 1.0 except it's not) This release is by far the largest Diesel has ever had. It serves 2 purposes. You can consider this release to be a beta for 1.0. However, 1.0 will have an important significant difference. Anything that is deprecated as of this release will not be present in the 1.0 release. This includes functions which were newly deprecated in 0.99. We know this may introduce a migration burden for some people, so we will continue to support the 0.99 line with bug fixes as long as there is demand and it is reasonable to do so. Headline Features ---- This release is mainly focused on ergonomics. Our main new feature is the [`sql_query`][] function. This is a new API which behaves similarly to [`sql`][], but it is entirely focused on cases where you want to write the *entire* query yourself. The main difference from `sql` is that you do not need to specify the return type of the query, and values are fetched by name rather than by index. This feature is still early, and there's a lot of features still to come (specifically evolving `#[derive(QueryableByName)]`, but we think this feature will ease a lot of pains for cases where Diesel doesn't quite do what you need. [`sql_query`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/fn.sql_query.html [`sql`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/sql/fn.sql.html Additionally, you can now use tuples for inserts the same as you can for updates. If you've ever wanted to insert a row with just 1 or 2 values, and been annoyed that you needed a struct that you're only using in this one place, this feature will make you happy. We'll have new guides highlighting this feature soon. Additionally, this release comes with a ton of quality of life features. Many of these changes are focused around making it easier to introduce line breaks naturally in your code. For example, `.filter` is now implemented on `UpdateStatement`, meaning you can write `update(foo).filter(bar)` instead of `update(foo.filter(bar))`. We've also introduced new APIs for `insert` and PG upsert which will have similar readability improvements. Breaking Changes ---- This release includes more deprecations than any release prior. In particular, `insert` has been deprecated, along with our entire PG upsert API. All deprecations in this release have direct replacements, which will lead to code which formats much more nicely. It should be a mostly mechanical replacement for most apps. See [the CHANGELOG file][] for details. [the CHANGELOG file]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.99.0/CHANGELOG.md Growing the Team ---- With this release, we'd like to welcome several new members to the Diesel committer team. @weiznich, @notryanb, and @katrinabrock you've all done excellent work and we're very excited to officially welcome you to the team! Additional Thanks ---- In addition to the Diesel core and committer teams, 10 people contributed to this release. A huge thank you to: - Adam Perry - Alex Kitchens - Alexey Zabelin - Arnar Mar Sig - Bob - Jordan - Lauri Apple - Maxime “pep” Buquet - William Murphy - bippityboppity Our only remaining blockers from this release and 1.0 are documentation changes, and having this tested in the wild. Thank you to every one of our users for your support, and we look forward to Diesel 1.0 by the end of the year!
2017-11-29 02:26:30 +03:00
[0.99.0-distinct-on]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/query_dsl/trait.DistinctOnDsl.html#tymethod.distinct_on
## [0.16.0] - 2017-08-24
2017-07-25 01:00:17 +03:00
### Added
* Added helper types for inner join and left outer join
* `diesel::debug_query` has been added as a replacement for `debug_sql!`. This
function differs from the macro by allowing you to specify the backend, and
will generate the actual query which will be run. The returned value will
implement `Display` and `Debug` to show the query in different ways
* `diesel::pg::PgConnection`, `diesel::mysql::MysqlConnection`, and
`diesel::sqlite::SqliteConnection` are now exported from `diesel::prelude`.
You should no longer need to import these types explicitly.
2017-07-12 07:09:37 +03:00
* Added support for the Decimal datatype on MySQL, using the [BigDecimal crate][bigdecimal-0.16.0].
* Added support for the [Range][range-0.16.0] type on postgreSQL.
* Added support for the Datetime type on MySQL.
* Added support for the Blob type on MySQL.
2017-08-05 22:48:39 +03:00
* `infer_schema!` will now automatically detect which tables can be joined based
on the presence of foreign key constraints.
* Added support for `Add` and `Sub` to timestamp types.
2017-08-05 22:48:39 +03:00
* Added a way to rename columns in the table macro with `#[sql_name="the_column_name"]`
* Schema inference now also generates documentation comments for tables and
columns. For `infer_schema!`, this is enabled by default. If you are using
Diesel's CLI tool, pass the new `--with-docs` parameter:
`diesel print-schema --with-docs`.
* `infer_schema!` now automatically renames columns that conflict with
a Rust keyword by placing a _ at the end of the name. For example,
a column called `type` will be referenced as `type_` in Rust.
### Changed
* The deprecated `debug_sql!` and `print_sql!` functions will now generate
backend specific SQL. (The specific backend they will generate for will be
arbitrarily chosen based on the backends enabled).
2017-08-04 20:00:21 +03:00
* `#[belongs_to]` will no longer generate the code required to join between two
2017-08-05 22:48:39 +03:00
tables. You will need to explicitly invoke `joinable!` instead, unless you are
using `infer_schema!`
2017-08-04 20:00:21 +03:00
* Changed the migration directory name format to `%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S`.
* `between` and `not_between` now take two arguments, rather than a range.
### Removed
* `debug_sql!` has been deprecated in favor of `diesel::debug_query`.
* `print_sql!` has been deprecated without replacement.
* `diesel::backend::Debug` has been removed.
2017-08-04 20:00:21 +03:00
### Fixed
* Diesel now properly supports joins in the form:
`grandchild.join(child.join(parent))`. Previously only
`parent.join(child.join(grandchild))` would compile.
Refactor encoding `BigDecimal` on PG I had originally worked on this as part of 0.15.2, but have been sitting on it until a new version was released so we could use `to_bigint_and_exponent`. The new code takes a different approach to the encoding. I've specifically broken the code into a `From` impl to make it easier for us to test the output. There was an impedence mismatch in the old code. Ultimately the way `BigDecimal` is represented is as a `BigInteger` with a scale. The way we're transmitting it is as a `BigInteger` with a weight and scale. Splitting it into separate integral and fractional parts, and applying different logic was making the code difficult to understand, and introducing unneccessary complications. There are two differences to how `BigUint` is represented vs how PG wants it. The first is that PG is base 10000, while `BigUint` is base 2^16. The second is that in `BigUint`, `scale` represents both the number of significant digits, *and* the position of the decimal point. In PG, `scale` only represents the number of significant digits, and there is a separate `weight` to represent the position of the decimal point. This means that `BigUint` will store trailing zeroes that we need to strip, but PG will need to ensure that the decimal falls on a digit boundary in base 10k. The majority of the logic here is to handle that portion. I've tried to make it as clear as possible what's going on through proper naming. Unfortunately the fairly simple code of iterating over the digits in base 10k gets drowned out by the cleanup. The code could potentially be simplified if we could easily iterate over the digits in big-endian order, but I could find an easy way to do that mathematically.
2017-08-07 20:13:32 +03:00
* When encoding a `BigDecimal` on PG, `1.0` is no longer encoded as if it were
[bigdecimal-0.16.0]: https://crates.io/crates/bigdecimal
[range-0.16.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/pg/types/sql_types/struct.Range.html
2017-07-12 07:09:37 +03:00
## [0.15.2] - 2017-07-28
### Fixed
* `BigDecimal` now properly encodes numbers starting with `10000` on postgres.
See [issue #1044][] for details.
[issue #1044]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/issues/1044
## [0.15.1] - 2017-07-24
* No changes to public API
## [0.15.0] - 2017-07-23
### Added
* Added support for the PG `IS DISTINCT FROM` operator
* The `ON` clause of a join can now be manually specified. See [the
docs][join-on-dsl-0.15.0] for details.
[join-on-dsl-0.15.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/prelude/trait.JoinOnDsl.html#method.on
### Changed
* Diesel will now automatically invoke `numeric_expr!` for your columns in the
common cases. You will likely need to delete any manual invocations of this
* `Insertable` no longer treats all fields as nullable for type checking. What
this means for you is that if you had an impl like `impl
AsExpression<Nullable<SqlType>, DB> for CustomType` in your code base, you can
remove the `Nullable` portion (Unless you are using it with fields that are
actually nullable)
* Connections will now explicitly set the session time zone to UTC when the
connection is established
## [0.14.1] - 2017-07-10
### Changed
* The return type of `sum` and `avg` is now always considered to be `Nullable`,
as these functions return `NULL` when against on an empty table.
Release v0.14.0 (The one with all the joins) One of the oldest issues in Diesel was that we limited the number of tables that could appear in a single query to 2. The problem was never about having more than 2 tables, but safely and correctly proving in the type system what would and could not be selected from that join. With 0.14, that restriction has been removed. The query builder now supports joins containing an arbitrary number of tables. You may find that you need to call `enable_multi_table_joins!` for a few tables, but that need should go away in the future as specialization matures. In addition to the headline feature, this release includes support for several new datatypes (including `NUMERIC`/`DECIMAL` which has been widely requested), and other small quality of life improvements. As always, you can see [the CHANGELOG](https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.14.0/CHANGELOG.md) for the full release notes. The Road to 1.0 ------ A recent point of discussion among the core team has been what remaining blockers we have for releasing a version 1.0. The roadmap doesn't necessarily include everything that would make us "feature complete". It focuses on the set of changes that we think are likely to require breaking changes. We expect that this will be the last 0.x release. You can follow the milestone [here](https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A1.0). Additionally, we all agreed that the biggest blocker to a 1.0 release is improvements to our documentation. We're going to be doing a big push in the coming months to clean things up, and are looking for help from the community. You can follow that project [here](https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/projects/1), or just come join us in [our gitter room](https://gitter.im/diesel-rs/diesel?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge) to talk about how you can help. There will be a blog post with more details about this in the coming weeks. Contributors ----- In addition to the core team, 10 people contributed to this release. A huge thank you to: * Dorian Scheidt * FliegendeWurst * Georg Semmler * JD Gonzales * Jim McGrath * Kieran * Ruben De Smet * Sunrin SHIMURA (keen) * Tshepang Lekhonkhobe * theduke Core Team Changes ------ With this release, we are also making some changes to the core team to better reflect the current active maintainers. In recognition of his fantastic work, we're pleased to welcome @Eijebong to the core team. Many early members of the team have also since moved onto other projects. To reflect that, Mike Piccolo, Matt Casper, and Sam Phippen are all being moved to the core team alumni.
2017-07-04 17:56:56 +03:00
## [0.14.0] - 2017-07-04
### Added
* Added support for joining between more than two tables. The query builder can
now be used to join between any number of tables in a single query. See the
documentation for [`JoinDsl`][join-dsl-0.14.0] for details
[join-dsl-0.14.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/prelude/trait.JoinDsl.html
* Added support for the [PostgreSQL network types][pg-network-0.14.0] `MACADDR`.
2017-05-29 08:55:59 +03:00
2017-06-21 14:51:43 +03:00
* Added support for the Numeric datatypes, using the [BigDecimal crate][bigdecimal-0.14.0].
* Added a function which maps to SQL `NOT`. See [the docs][not-0.14.0] for more
* Added the [`insert_default_values`][insert-default-0.14.0] function.
[pg-network-0.14.0]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/datatype-net-types.html
[not-0.14.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/expression/dsl/fn.not.html
[insert-default-0.14.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/fn.insert_default_values.html
2017-07-04 19:05:50 +03:00
[bigdecimal-0.14.0]: https://crates.io/crates/bigdecimal
Refactor `infix_predicate!`, add a prefix version I've refactored `infix_predicate!` and `postfix_predicate!` to share nearly all of their code, and added a prefix version. I've moved `not` to use the generated operator, and renamed all of these to names I'm comfortable with for 1.0. I want a `diesel_` prefix since these aren't likely to be called from user code much, only plugins. I like `operator` better here, since it's not a predicate if the return type is something other than bool, and it's not an expression if the return type is (). As a result of this change, `diesel_postfix_operator!` (previously `postfix_predicate!`) gained all the functionality it was missing that the infix form has (specifically, the ability to specify a backend). Most of the macro was actually extremely easy to share. The only difference between `infix_predicate_body` and `postfix_predicate_body!` for most of the code was the number of type parameters, and the names of the fields. This is easily solved with macro repeaters. The two main places where the code had to differ I've moved to seprate submacros. The first was the behavior of the body of `walk_ast`, which needed to change based on whether it was prefix, postfix, or infix. Secondly, if we're generating the `QueryFragment` impl for a specific backend rather than all backends, we need to generate a second impl for the `Debug` backend as well. Both of these were pretty easy to solve. The resulting code is perhaps a bit more gnarly if you're not used to macros, but I think it's better composed than the `global_infix_predicate_to_sql!` stuff we had before.
2017-06-11 15:24:42 +03:00
* Added `diesel_prefix_operator!` which behaves identically to
`diesel_postfix_operator!` (previously `postfix_predicate!`), but for
operators like `NOT` which use prefix notation.
### Changed
* `infix_predicate!` and `infix_expression!` have been renamed to
* `postfix_predicate!` and `postfix_expression!` have been renamed to
Refactor `LoadDsl` to make it easier to introduce the raw SQL API One of the things that's going to make our upcoming raw SQL escape hatch different from our current `sql` function is that it's not going to require specifying the SQL type fo the query, and it's going to load parameters by name instead of by index. This does mean that we'll need to provide a parallel trait to `Queryable`, but I'd prefer to avoid introducing a parallel version of `LoadDsl`. So in order to make the type we will introduce for this compatible with `LoadDsl`, we needed to remove all mentions of `Queryable` from the trait itself, and move it to bounds on the impl instead. This means we need a new trait that is generic over the type we're deserializing, and changed `LoadDsl` to entirely base its bounds on that. I've opted for the name `LoadQuery` instead of something like `InternalLoadDsl`, as this trait is one that may end up in bounds for user code, and will certainly show up in error messages. I had to keep a bunch of redundant bounds on `LoadDsl` in order to make the impls of `SaveChangesDsl` remain disjoint. This is because associated types are basically ignored for purposes of disjointness. While we know that `Update<T, T>: !LoadQuery<SqliteConnection, U>`, since there is that second unconstrained type parameter, we cannot use `LoadQuery` for disjointness either since someone could in theory write a blanket impl of `impl<T, Conn> LoadQuery<Conn, MyType> for T` (possibly slightly more specific than that). Finally, as some bits for clarity, I've moved `Connection#query_one` over to `LoadDsl`, since it had no real reason to exist on the connection. I've renamed `query_all` to `query_by_index`, since that's how it will differ from other methods starting with `query_`. Finally, I've moved `LoadDsl#first` off to its own trait, since the bounds are verbose to write if you wanted to call `.first` otherwise.
2017-06-09 16:36:33 +03:00
* Trait bounds along the lines of `T: LoadDsl<Conn>, U: Queryable<T::SqlType,
Conn::Backend>` should be changed to `T: LoadQuery<Conn, U>`.
* Diesel now uses a migration to set up its timestamp helpers. To generate this
migration for your project, run `diesel database setup`.
Remove `#[has_many]`, it has become useless This attribute was originally required back when we were generating brute force impls of `SelectableExpression` for every column on both sides of a join. That went away a few versions back, and this attribute became mostly useless (in 0.13 you can do `child.joins(parent)` with just `BelongsTo`, but `parent.joins(child)` requires the `has_many`). One accidental side effect of how I implemented multi-table joins was that the `has_many` became mandatory again. This was very unfortunate (and means that 0.14 will generate really confusing error messages during the upgrade) so I've just gone ahead and removed it entirely. I expected this to be a lot simpler than it actually was. The problem is that `#[belongs_to]` does not directly have access to the parent table. The only way it can access it is by doing `<User as HasTable>::Table`. Even though that is a fully monomorphic projection on a local type, where the result is also a local type, Rust does not currently consider this to be a local type (I think this might be a bug or oversight). So to work around this, we instead implement the child to parent join twice, wrapping the parent table in a marker struct for the second impl. We then have blanket impls for every table that look for this marker, and generate the inverse impl that we actually want. It's a kludge, but ultimately an invisible one. The blanket impls need to be in the generated code for tables and not in Diesel core, since if you replace the parameter to `PleaseGenerateInverseJoinImpls` with a type parameter, Rust will start checking infinitely recursive forms of `PleaseGenerateInverseJoinImpls<PleaseGenerateInverseJoinImpls<...>>` whenever a projection on that parameter is evaluated. The problem with the impls being in the generated code is that downstream crates cannot rely on the fact that `SelectStatement` and friends are not tables. This was resolved by simply not having a `Table` constraint, which lets us remove a bunch of impls in Diesel core instead.
2017-06-11 19:18:13 +03:00
### Removed
* `#[has_many]` has been removed. Its functionality is now provided by
`#[belongs_to]` on the child struct. If there is no child struct to
put `#[belongs_to]` on, you can invoke `joinable!` directly instead.
## [0.13.0] - 2017-05-15
2017-04-17 05:12:20 +03:00
### Added
* Added support for chrono types with SQLite.
* Bind values can now be supplied to queries constructed using raw SQL. See [the
docs][sql-bind-0.13.0] for more details.
[sql-bind-0.13.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/expression/sql_literal/struct.SqlLiteral.html#method.bind
* Added support for the [PostgreSQL network types][pg-network-0.13.0] `CIDR` and
2017-05-11 17:41:33 +03:00
[pg-network-0.13.0]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/datatype-net-types.html
* Added support for `ILIKE` in PostgreSQL.
2017-05-15 19:49:26 +03:00
* `diesel migration list` will show all migrations, marking those that have been
2017-04-17 05:12:20 +03:00
2017-05-15 19:49:26 +03:00
* `diesel migration pending` will list any migrations which have not been run.
2017-05-15 19:49:26 +03:00
* Added support for numeric operations with nullable types.
2017-05-15 19:49:26 +03:00
* Added [`migrations::any_pending_migrations`][pending-migrations-0.13.0].
[pending-migrations-0.13.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/migrations/fn.any_pending_migrations.html
2017-04-21 00:05:08 +03:00
### Fixed
2017-05-15 19:49:26 +03:00
* Diesel CLI now respects the `--migration-dir` argument or the
`MIGRATION_DIRECTORY` environment variable for all commands.
2017-05-15 19:49:26 +03:00
* Diesel CLI now properly escapes the database name.
## [0.12.1] - 2017-05-07
### Changed
* Locked the chrono dependency to require exactly `0.3.0` instead of a semver
restriction. This restriction is required for the 0.12 line of releases to
continue compiling, as the chrono project is including breaking changes in
patch releases.
## [0.12.0] - 2017-03-16
### Added
* Added support for the majority of PG upsert (`INSERT ON CONFLICT`). We now
support specifying the constraint, as well as `DO UPDATE` in addition to `DO
NOTHING`. See [the module docs][upsert-0.12.0] for details.
[upsert-0.12.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/pg/upsert/index.html
* Added support for the SQL concatenation operator `||`. See [the docs for
2017-03-04 18:56:55 +03:00
`.concat`][concat-0.12.0] for more details.
[concat-0.12.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/expression/expression_methods/text_expression_methods/trait.TextExpressionMethods.html#method.concat
2017-03-04 18:56:55 +03:00
* Added support for the PostgreSQL [`Money` type][pg-money-0.12.0].
[pg-money-0.12.0]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/datatype-money.html
* Diesel CLI: Added `db` as an alias for `database`, so you can now write `diesel db setup` (which is almost 40% faster!).
* The `table!` macro now allows you to use types from crates outside of Diesel.
You can specify where types should be imported from by doing: `table! { use
some_modules::*; foo { columns... }`. Not specifying any any modules is
equivalent to `use diesel::types::*;`.
### Fixed
* `diesel_codegen` will provide a more useful error message when it encounters
an unsupported type that contains a space in MySQL.
* `#[derive(AsChangeset)]` will now respect custom `#[primary_key]` annotations,
and avoid setting those columns.
### Removed
* `WithDsl` and `Aliased` have been removed. They were a feature that was
actually closer to a cross join than the names implied, and wasn't fully
thought out. The functionality they provided will return as joins are further
* The internal use macro `select_column_workaround!` has been removed. If you
were relying on this internal macro, you can simply delete the line that was
calling it.
2017-02-27 04:10:46 +03:00
* Columns from the right side of a left join will now need to have `.nullable()`
explicitly called to be passed to `.select`. This allows it to compose better
with functions that don't normally take nullable columns (e.g.
## [0.11.4] - 2017-02-21
### Fixed
* Corrected a memory safety violation when using MySQL.
## 0.11.3 - 2017-02-21
* No changes
## [0.11.2] - 2017-02-19
### Changed
* `pq-sys` and `mysqlclient-sys` will no longer attempt to generate bindings at
compile time. Generating the bindings required a bleeding edge version of
clang, which caused too many issues.
## [0.11.1] - 2017-02-17
### Fixed
* `.on_conflict_do_nothing()` now interacts with slices properly.
* `MysqlConnection` now implements `Send`, which is required for connection
Relase v0.11.0 (The one where we support MySQL) The headline features for this release are MySQL support and limited PG upsert support. MySQL support works exactly as you'd expect. Just add `features = ["mysql"]` to your Cargo.toml, pass a connection URL (where the scheme is `mysql://` and the path is the name of the database) to `MysqlConnection::establish` and you're off. Keep in mind that if you're following the getting started guide, MySQL does not support the `RETURNING` clause, so methods like `get_result` and `get_results` won't work. PostgreSQL upsert was a feature added in PG 9.5 and has been one of our most requested features. The full upsert API is quite complex, but we've added support for `ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING`, as this covered the highest percentage of use cases with the lowest amount of work. You can see examples in [the docs][on-conflict-do-nothing]. Support for the full upsert syntax will be coming in 0.12. In addition to the headline features, there were plenty of quality of life improvements and bug fixes. As always, you can see a full list of changes by reading [the changelog][changelog]. [on-conflict-do-nothing]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/pg/upsert/trait.OnConflictExtension.html#method.on_conflict_do_nothing [changelog]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.11.0/CHANGELOG.md In addition to the Diesel core team, 6 additional contributors worked on this release. A huge thank you to: - Brandon W Maister - Eijebong - Georg Semmler - Jimmy Cuadra - Jovansonlee Cesar - jacob I'd also like to thank everybody who helped this release by opening issues, finding bugs, and asking/answering questions in our gitter room.
2017-02-16 22:49:59 +03:00
## [0.11.0] - 2017-02-16
### Added
* Added support for MySQL as an additional backend. Diesel CLI will install with
MySQL support by default. To enable it for Diesel and Diesel Codegen, add
2017-02-16 22:33:18 +03:00
`features = ["mysql"]` to Cargo.toml. See [the docs][mysql-0.11.0] for details.
[mysql-0.11.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/mysql/index.html
* Added support for PG's `ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING` clause. See [the
docs][on-conflict-0.11.0] for details.
[on-conflict-0.11.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/pg/upsert/trait.OnConflictExtension.html#method.on_conflict_do_nothing
* Queries constructed using [`diesel::select`][select-0.11.0] now work properly
when [boxed][boxed-0.11.0].
Relase v0.11.0 (The one where we support MySQL) The headline features for this release are MySQL support and limited PG upsert support. MySQL support works exactly as you'd expect. Just add `features = ["mysql"]` to your Cargo.toml, pass a connection URL (where the scheme is `mysql://` and the path is the name of the database) to `MysqlConnection::establish` and you're off. Keep in mind that if you're following the getting started guide, MySQL does not support the `RETURNING` clause, so methods like `get_result` and `get_results` won't work. PostgreSQL upsert was a feature added in PG 9.5 and has been one of our most requested features. The full upsert API is quite complex, but we've added support for `ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING`, as this covered the highest percentage of use cases with the lowest amount of work. You can see examples in [the docs][on-conflict-do-nothing]. Support for the full upsert syntax will be coming in 0.12. In addition to the headline features, there were plenty of quality of life improvements and bug fixes. As always, you can see a full list of changes by reading [the changelog][changelog]. [on-conflict-do-nothing]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/pg/upsert/trait.OnConflictExtension.html#method.on_conflict_do_nothing [changelog]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.11.0/CHANGELOG.md In addition to the Diesel core team, 6 additional contributors worked on this release. A huge thank you to: - Brandon W Maister - Eijebong - Georg Semmler - Jimmy Cuadra - Jovansonlee Cesar - jacob I'd also like to thank everybody who helped this release by opening issues, finding bugs, and asking/answering questions in our gitter room.
2017-02-16 22:49:59 +03:00
[select-0.11.0]: https://docs.rs/diesel/0.11.0/diesel/fn.select.html
2017-11-04 04:18:59 +03:00
[boxed-0.11.0]: https://docs.rs/diesel/0.11.0/prelude/trait.BoxedDsl.html
2017-02-13 17:41:37 +03:00
* Arrays containing null are now supported. `infer_schema!` will never infer an
array that contains null, but a `table!` definition which specifies a type of
`Array<Nullable<X>>` can now be deserialized to `Vec<Option<T>>`
* [`#[belongs_to]`][belongs-to-0.11.0] associations can now be self referential.
This will generate the code required for
[`belonging_to`][belonging-to-0.11.0], without generating code for performing
a join.
Relase v0.11.0 (The one where we support MySQL) The headline features for this release are MySQL support and limited PG upsert support. MySQL support works exactly as you'd expect. Just add `features = ["mysql"]` to your Cargo.toml, pass a connection URL (where the scheme is `mysql://` and the path is the name of the database) to `MysqlConnection::establish` and you're off. Keep in mind that if you're following the getting started guide, MySQL does not support the `RETURNING` clause, so methods like `get_result` and `get_results` won't work. PostgreSQL upsert was a feature added in PG 9.5 and has been one of our most requested features. The full upsert API is quite complex, but we've added support for `ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING`, as this covered the highest percentage of use cases with the lowest amount of work. You can see examples in [the docs][on-conflict-do-nothing]. Support for the full upsert syntax will be coming in 0.12. In addition to the headline features, there were plenty of quality of life improvements and bug fixes. As always, you can see a full list of changes by reading [the changelog][changelog]. [on-conflict-do-nothing]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/pg/upsert/trait.OnConflictExtension.html#method.on_conflict_do_nothing [changelog]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.11.0/CHANGELOG.md In addition to the Diesel core team, 6 additional contributors worked on this release. A huge thank you to: - Brandon W Maister - Eijebong - Georg Semmler - Jimmy Cuadra - Jovansonlee Cesar - jacob I'd also like to thank everybody who helped this release by opening issues, finding bugs, and asking/answering questions in our gitter room.
2017-02-16 22:49:59 +03:00
[belongs-to-0.11.0]: https://docs.rs/diesel/0.11.0/diesel/associations/trait.BelongsTo.html
[belonging-to-0.11.0]: https://docs.rs/diesel/0.11.0/diesel/prelude/trait.BelongingToDsl.html#tymethod.belonging_to
* Added support for the `rust-lang-deprecated/time` crate on PostgreSQL. To use
it, add `features = ["deprecated-time"]`
### Changed
* It is no longer possible to exhaustively match against
2017-02-07 02:06:26 +03:00
* Updated chrono to version 0.3.
* [`max`][max-0.11.0] and [`min`][min-0.11.0] are now always nullable. The database will
return `NULL` when the table is empty.
[max-0.11.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/expression/dsl/fn.max.html
[min-0.11.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/expression/dsl/fn.min.html
* [`now`][now-0.11.0] can now be used as an expression of type `Timestamptz`.
[now-0.11.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/expression/dsl/struct.now.html
* [`Connection::transaction`][transaction-0.11.0] now returns your error
directly instead of wrapping it in `TransactionError`. It requires that the
error implement `From<diesel::result::Error>`
[transaction-0.11.0]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/connection/trait.Connection.html#method.transaction
Use associated types for `SelectableExpression` The `SelectableExpression` trait serves two purposes for us. The first and most important role it fills is to ensure that columns from tables that aren't in the from clause cannot be used. The second way that we use it to make columns which are on the right side of a left outer join be nullable. There were two reasons that we used a type parameter instead of an associated type. The first was to make it so that `(Nullable<X>, Nullable<Y>)` could be treated as `Nullable<(X, Y)>`. We did this because the return type of `users.left_outer_join(posts)` should be `(User, Option<Post>)`, not `(User, Post)` where every field of `Post` is an `Option`. Since we now provide a `.nullable()` method in the core DSL, I think we can simply require calling that method explicitly if you want that tuple conversion to occur. I think that the most common time that conversion will even be used is when the default select clause is used, where we can just handle it for our users automatically. The other reason that we went with a type parameter originally was that it was easier, since we can provide a default value for a type parameter but not an associated type. This turned out to actually be a drawback, as it led to #104. This PR actually brings back aspects of that issue, which I'll get to in a moment. It's expected that any expression which implements `SelectableExpression<QS>` have a `T: SelectableExpression<QS>` bound for each of its parts. The problem is, the missing second parameter is defaulting to `T::SqlType`, which means we are implicitly saying that this bound only applies for `QS` which does not change the SQL type (anything except a left outer join). This ultimately led to #621. However, with our current structure, it is impossible to fix #621 without re-introducing at least some aspects of #104. In https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/issues/104#issuecomment-172281522 I said that we didn't need to worry about `1 + NULL`, because we didn't implement add for any nullable types. However, I'm not sure I considered joins when I made that statement. The statement applied to joins previously because of that implicit "sql type doesn't change" constraint. This commit removes that constraint, meaning #104 will be back at least when the nullability comes from being on the right side of a left join. I don't think this is a serious enough issue that we need to immediately address it, as the types of queries which would cause the issue still just don't happen in practice. We should come up with a long term plan for it, though. Ultimately the nullability of a field really only matters in the select clause. Since any operation on null returns null, and you basically want null to act as false in the where clasue, it doesn't matter there. So one partial step we could take is to break this out into two separate traits. One for the "make sure this is valid given the from clause", and one for the "make this nullable sometimes" case and only constrain on the first one in the where clause. We could then re-add the "sql type doesn't change" constraint on the problem cases, which will bring back aspects of #621, but only for select clauses which is a smaller problem. I'm not sure if I ultimately want to go the two traits route or not. If nothing else, the problem cases are much more obvious with this commit. Anywhere that has `type SqlTypeForSelect = Self::SqlType` is likely a problem case when joins are involved. This will make it easier to find all the places to apply a solution when I come up with one that I'm happy with. Fixes #621.
2017-02-15 15:28:24 +03:00
* The way tuples of columns from the right side of left outer joins interact
with `.select` has changed. If you are deserializing into an option of a tuple
(instead of a tuple of options), you will need to explicitly call
`.nullable()`. (e.g. `.select(users::name, (posts::title,
### Removed
* `result::TransactionError`
* `result::TransactionResult`
## [0.10.1] - 2017-02-08
### Fixed
* `infer_table_from_schema!` properly handles table names with a custom schema
### Changed
2017-02-07 14:08:55 +03:00
* Updated uuid to version 0.4.
Release v0.10.0 (The one where we work on stable) ![It's happening](http://i.imgur.com/7drHiqr.gif) v0.10.0 drops support for Rust 1.14 and earlier, and adds support for Rust 1.15 (ON STABLE). `diesel_codegen_syntex` has been removed, and is no longer supported. Additionally, this release adds initial support for the JSON data type in PostgreSQL. There is also a new `print-schema` subcommand in Diesel CLI which will show you the code generated by `infer_schema!()`. As always, you can find a full list of what has changed in [the changelog][changelog]. In addition to the Diesel core team, 7 contributors worked on this release. A huge thank you to - Adrian Perez de Castro - Eric Kidd - Georg Semmler - Jake Goulding - Sergio Benitez - Severen Redwood - Stu Black I'd also like to thank everybody who helped this release by opening issues, finding bugs, and asking/answering questions in our gitter room. There were several big features that I had hoped to get done in time for this release, but my daughter inherited my troll gene and decided to come early. If you were hoping for MySQL support, blame Ruby. In the mean time, here is a picture of Ruby. ![baby ruby](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/7vUZONdvrati-NQXriSqzKQ0CHNz6KRulOSos9kJjzMNV-JI2UT6d4Kxex9fZGO-0GTlLrKHKRwiPaf2v6hCJlCU0IgK5kWd_JWz9nG61FrZfgVARZEqXOmjoXPb5CYrbTg7XlG2VEYlcm6_Lk9oviVPh7mx3gaXgVG6g-OJRHqY_gipU-Y2REPFDoJyPWZ9QoifZH1WDGSPdyYUQ1KWeTfFkxk1Z3VP1bKAyRhsDmnXvSLaWkBQ6r5CpRS2pfVMC0lPVAfPGmrjwmNw7JmFNfscQM5IY0FOqbbwJhPJvLtNb-jOgOQhz07S8HA9BBI_cWzzXXMxbGXzaPpKBYSrioMja3MkXcb1PGB8cG7ERtG_CWwpGriRlFbrj2B0OygkAu4Q6pRiQe6BojpHYp03uyRsmsVxTbQjlH3axed6tNV_IDYSd2vz15gB7yFKUF_Je3spUUdexLmybdPDR29DfD-hBBJfezy0gdzrf7dJMMXWgQ7CW6jH18uydl-iiK3_8Ha8FUuvrjcA-Dvv0nQEXqajcb_NFCpobr92fNQvDCg6UNj3o7E7bv55Oj6sOk7N7xARchy-MmAV8Tzzc1Sx-4GKHhikH5WGMb5AzYSnoNcvWr7mD4vqAF1Wn_60Huz1KCNC5m2aBbPz9G6hBcM3pMe8J5pIM4epvKFvKUKtK98=w792-h1056-no) [changelog]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.10.0/CHANGELOG.md
2017-02-02 21:17:47 +03:00
## [0.10.0] - 2017-02-02
### Added
* Added support for the PostgreSQL [`json` and `jsonb` types][pg-json]. They can
be mapped to/from `serde_json::Value`. The `serde` feature must be enabled to
use the JSON types.
[pg-json]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/datatype-json.html
* Added the `print-schema` command to Diesel CLI. This command will print the
output of the `infer_schema!` macro. For more information run `diesel help
### Changed
* When possible, we will use deprecation warnings for breaking changes.
Deprecated code requires the `with-deprecated` feature, which is enabled by
* The `postgres` feature is no longer enabled by default by `diesel` or
`diesel_codegen_syntex`. Add `features = ["postgres"]` to your `Cargo.toml`.
* The `persistable` module has been renamed to `insertable`.
### Fixed
* `#[derive(Insertable)]` allows fields of type `Option<T>` to be used with
columns that are not null if they have a default value.
### Removed
* `diesel_codegen_syntex` is no longer supported. `diesel_codegen` can now be
used on stable Rust.
* Dropped support for Rust 1.14 and earlier
## [0.9.1] - 2016-12-09
### Fixed
* Added missing impls for loading `chrono::NaiveDateTime` from a column of type
* `#[derive(AsChangeset)]` no longer assumes that `use diesel::prelude::*` has
been done.
* `debug_sql!` can now properly be used with types from `chrono` or
Construct error messages properly when libpq returns `NULL` result I had originally thought that this was some weird condition that was the result of the server getting a query with more than `34464` (`i16::MAX`) bind parameters, where we got back an error but it had no message. We panic in that case, as PG is documented that all errors have a message. It turns out I was wrong for two reasons. First, the number is 65535 (`u16::MAX`), not `34464`. (This might have been something changed on the PG side in 9.6 which was released since I last looked at this). Second, we were not getting back an error with no message, we were getting a `NULL` return value from libpq. From [their docs][]: [their docs]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/libpq-exec.html#LIBPQ-PQPREPARE > A null result indicates out-of-memory or inability to send the command > at all. Use PQerrorMessage to get more information about such errors. `PQerrorMessage` means the error is on the connection. The reason that we had no result was that the PG wire protocol uses a `u16` for the number of bind parameters, so there's no way for the driver to have even sent the message to the server. Once we realized the error condition that we were seeing is more general than just the bind parameter case, I've refactored the code to perform a not null check as early as possible, and hide the `*mut PGresult`. The test itself is written in a somewhat strange fashion. We're constructing a query that has 70_000 bind parameters, as this is the only case that I know of which will always cause libpq to return null. I don't care what the error message is, just that it's not an empty string. I've also written the test to explicitly match instead of unwrap and use `#[should_panic]` because I want to be sure that it *didn't* panic. Ideally we would never see `*mut PGresult` anywhere in the code, and use `Unique<PGresult>` instead. However, it is currently unstable. I had originally implemented this to use `Unique` if `feature = "unstable"` was set, but deleted it as the `#[cfg]` branches made the code harder to comprehend. The only real benefit `Unique` gives us here is clarity of intent. For the not-null and non-aliased hints to result in any optimization by the compiler would require libpq to be statically linked, and LTO to be happening at the LLVM layer, neither of which are commonly true. We know that `Send` and `Sync` are safe to implement on our new struct, because the pointer is unaliased. We can delete those impls if we switch to using `Unique` in the future, as it already implements those traits. Fixes #446.
2016-12-10 15:19:18 +03:00
* When using PostgreSQL, attempting to get the error message of a query which
could not be transmitted to the server (such as a query with greater than
65535 bind parameters) will no longer panic.
## [0.9.0] - 2016-12-08
2016-12-02 23:41:53 +03:00
### Added
* Added support for SQL `NOT IN` using the `ne_any` method.
* The `table!` macro now allows custom schemas to be specified. Example:
table! {
schema_1.table_1 {
id -> Integer,
The generated module will still be called `table_1`.
* The `infer_table_from_schema!` macro now allows custom schemas to be
specified. Example:
infer_table_from_schema!("dotenv:DATABASE_URL", "schema_1.table_1");
* The `infer_schema!` optionally allows a schema name as the second argument. Any
schemas other than `public` will be wrapped in a module with the same name as
the schema. For example, `schema_1.table_1` would be referenced as
* Added support for batch insert on SQLite. This means that you can now pass a
slice or vector to [`diesel::insert`][insert] on all backends.
[insert]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/fn.insert.html
* Added a function for SQL `EXISTS` expressions. See
[`diesel::expression::dsl::exists`][exists] for details.
[exists]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/expression/dsl/fn.sql.html
* `#[derive(Identifiable)]` can be used with structs that have primary keys
other than `id`, as well as structs with composite primary keys. You can now
annotate the struct with `#[primary_key(nonstandard)]` or `#[primary_key(foo,
### Changed
* All macros with the same name as traits we can derive (e.g. `Queryable!`) have
been renamed to `impl_Queryable!` or similar.
### Fixed
* `#[derive(Identifiable)]` now works on structs with lifetimes
* Attempting to insert an empty slice will no longer panic. It does not execute
any queries, but the result will indicate that we successfully inserted 0
* Attempting to update a record with no changes will no longer generate invalid
SQL. The result of attempting to execute the query will still be an error, but
but it will be a `Error::QueryBuilderError`, rather than a database error.
This means that it will not abort the current transaction, and can be handled
by applications.
* Calling `eq_any` or `ne_any` with an empty array no longer panics.
`eq_any(vec![])` will return no rows. `ne_any(vec![])` will return all rows.
## [0.8.2] - 2016-11-22
### Changed
* Fixed support for nightlies later than 2016-11-07
* Removed support for nightlies earlier than 2016-11-07
* Calls to `infer_table_from_schema!` will need to be wrapped in a module if
called more than once. This change is to work around further limitations of
the Macros 1.1 system. Example:
mod infer_users {
infer_table_from_schema!("dotenv:DATABASE_URL", "users");
pub use self::infer_users::*;
## [0.8.1] - 2016-11-01
### Added
* SQLite date and time columns can be deserialized to/from strings.
### Fixed
* Fixed an issue with `diesel_codegen` on nightlies >= 2016-10-20
## [0.8.0] - 2016-10-10
Reform types inferred by `infer_schema!` on SQLite (#277) `infer_schema!` is woefully undertested. Really our tests for it at the moment are "we use it for our test suite so the cases our suite covers work". However, even though I defined `tinyint` == `Bool`, I wanted to make sure that `TINYINT(1)` was treated as bool as well, as I wasn't certain how SQLite handles limit/precision/scale. The answer is that it doesn't, and it's way looser about allowed type names than I had thought. The process listed at https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html is a literal description, and any possible string is a valid type. This adds tests for every example given on that page, plus a few extras. We create a table with as many of these fields as possible, and do a trivial roundtrip to make sure that it *actually* infers something we can deserialize from, and that we're not doing anything dumb. The new logic for type inference matches pretty closely to how SQLite handles things with a few exceptions: - "boolean" or types containing "tiny" and "int" are treated as bool - smallint and bigint are separated from int - float is separated from double - varchar is separated from text - We do not accept random unrecognized type names as numeric Unresolved Questions -------------------- This actually starts to make me a bit more nervous about our semantics with SQLite. If you're just using Diesel, everything is fine. However, you can definitely insert values that would fail to deserialize with so little constraints on the backend. I'm starting to wonder if we should truly embrace SQLite's definitions and map exactly to that, allowing only the following types: - BigInt - VarChar (yes, it's the ANSI text type but we treat VarChar as the "default" string type) - Binary - Double We're omitting numeric, as there's no observable difference in SQLite between the real affinity and the numeric affinity. This would have several *major* implications. Aside from not being able to use basic things like an `i32`, it would also mean that there is no boolean type, and no dates/times/datetimes. Functions for those do exist on the SQLite side though, so some of the interactions might get super janky. That said, Diesel's goal is not to abstract away the backend. These are the semantics of the backend chosen, and maybe we should go whole hog and embrace them. I'm still unsure. In the meantime, with our current semantics, this should improve the reliability of `infer_schema!`
2016-04-17 23:42:11 +03:00
### Added
* Added partial support for composite primary keys.
2016-08-25 18:00:54 +03:00
* Added support for PostgreSQL `NULLS FIRST` and `NULLS LAST` when sorting.
See https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/prelude/trait.SortExpressionMethods.html
for details.
* Added support for the `timestamp with time zone` type in PostgreSQL (referred
to as `diesel::types::Timestamptz`)
* Diesel CLI can now generate bash completion. See [the readme][bash completion]
for details.
* `infer_schema!` and `infer_table_from_schema!` can now take `"env:foo"`
instead of `env!("foo")` and `"dotenv:foo"` instead of `dotenv!("foo")`. The
use of `dotenv` requires the `dotenv` feature on `diesel_codegen`, which is
included by default. Using `env!` and `dotenv!` will no longer work with
2018-01-04 01:26:13 +03:00
`diesel_codegen`. They continue to work with `diesel_codegen_syntex`, but that
crate will be deprecated when Macros 1.1 is in the beta channel for Rust.
[bash completion]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/b1a0d9901f0f2a8c8d530ccba8173b57f332b891/diesel_cli/README.md#bash-completion
### Changed
* Structs annotated with `#[has_many]` or `#[belongs_to]` now require
`#[derive(Associations)]`. This is to allow them to work with Macros 1.1.
* `embed_migrations!` now resolves paths relative to `Cargo.toml` instead of the
file the macro was called from. This change is required to allow this macro to
work with Macros 1.1.
### Fixed
* `diesel migrations run` will now respect migration directories overridden by
command line argument or environment variable
* The `infer_schema!` macro will no longer fetch views alongside with tables.
This was a source of trouble for people that had created views or are using
any extension that automatically creates views (e.g. PostGIS)
### Changed
* `#[changeset_for(foo)]` should now be written as
`#[derive(AsChangeset)] #[table_name="foo"]`. If you were specifying
`treat_none_as_null = "true"`, you should additionally have
`#[changeset_options(treat_none_as_null = "true")]`.
* `#[insertable_into(foo)]` should now be written as
`#[derive(Insertable)] #[table_name="foo"]`.
## [0.7.2] - 2016-08-20
* Updated nightly version and syntex support.
## [0.7.1] - 2016-08-11
### Changed
* The `Copy` constraint has been removed from `Identifiable::Id`, and
`Identifiable#id` now returns `&Identifiable::Id`.
### Fixed
* `#[belongs_to]` now respects the `foreign_key` option when using
`diesel_codegen` or `diesel_codegen_syntex`.
Release v0.7.0 The headline feature of this version is associations. Just add `#[belongs_to(User)]` above your struct, and it becomes incredibly easy to manipulate larger batches of data. See http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/associations/index.html for a full guide. Diesel is taking a slightly different approach to what you may have seen in the past, which I'm calling "non-invasive associations". In contrast to something like Active Record or Ecto, where the association lives on the parent, the data is completely independent. The type of a user and all its posts is `(User, Vec<Post>)`. This release also marks the elimination of Diesel's reliance on procedural macros. They're still available as an option, and their usage is recommended. However, a lot of people have had a desire to shy away from them. For all of our code generation that does not perform IO, there is now a completely stable non-procedural macro, which has been designed to work with the [custom_derive][custom-derive] crate. See [the CHANGELOG][changelog] for a full list. [custom-derive]: https://github.com/DanielKeep/rust-custom-derive [changelog]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.7.0/CHANGELOG.md `diesel_codegen` has been split into two crates. This is a breaking change which will affect 100% of our users. Please see https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/commit/36b8801bf5e9594443743e6a7c62e29d3dce36b7 for more information on how to migrate. This release has also had a contributor who has gone above and beyond to help out. I'd like to take this opportunity to announce the 4th addition to the Diesel core team, @killercup! Your contributions have been much appreciated, and your code review has been invaluable. Thank you to everybody who contributed to this release. - derekdreery - kardeiz - Michael Macias - Mike Piccolo - Pascal Hertleif - Richard Dodd - Tim Brooks On to 0.8! With this release, we are approaching the benchmarks I had set for 1.0. We will still have at least 2 more releases before the 1.0 release, but it's quickly becoming the next target. We will be publishing a roadmap soon.
2016-08-01 22:56:01 +03:00
## [0.7.0] - 2016-08-01
Provide a syntax extension free alternative to `#[insertable_into]` (#303) Provide a syntax extension free alternative to `#[insertable_into]` This provides a pure stable alternative to the `#[insertable_into]` annotation. The intention is to change the annotation to call this macro, rather than `impl Insertable` directly. However, there are some unaddressed issues for that, and I will submit that as a separate PR to attempt to keep the PR size reasonable. The tests for this are a bit messy, as the actual test body doesn't change much -- Just the struct definition. I moved the most common case out into a macro, but I opted to just leave the duplication for the remaining 4-5 cases that didn't fit, instead of trying to make it so dry it chafes. We will continue to support syntex as an option on stable, as we can provide much better error messages from a procedural macro. I would like to improve the error messages in some cases if possible though (in particular, we want to handle the case where a unit struct is passed or where a tuple struct has unannotated fields). The structure of the macro is intended to be compatible with the `custom_derive` crate. This is untested, but will be fully tested once I've moved all our annotations to stable macros. The goal is for any struct definition to be copy pasted into this macro, and the macro parses the struct body to create the proper implementation. For sufficiently large structs, we can hit the recursion limit, but there's really no way around that. People will just need to bump the limit. One case that this macro *doesn't* handle is when there are annotations on struct fields other than `#[column_name]`. I had originally planned to handle these, but I realized that the only recognized annotation that could be there on stable is `#[cfg]`, and we are *not* handling cfg attributes. We might handle that in the future, but it'd look *really* ugly. Related to #99
2016-04-25 03:35:15 +03:00
### Added
* The initial APIs have been added in the form of `#[has_many]` and
`#[belongs_to]`. See [the module documentation][associations-module] for more
Provide a syntax extension free alternative to `#[insertable_into]` (#303) Provide a syntax extension free alternative to `#[insertable_into]` This provides a pure stable alternative to the `#[insertable_into]` annotation. The intention is to change the annotation to call this macro, rather than `impl Insertable` directly. However, there are some unaddressed issues for that, and I will submit that as a separate PR to attempt to keep the PR size reasonable. The tests for this are a bit messy, as the actual test body doesn't change much -- Just the struct definition. I moved the most common case out into a macro, but I opted to just leave the duplication for the remaining 4-5 cases that didn't fit, instead of trying to make it so dry it chafes. We will continue to support syntex as an option on stable, as we can provide much better error messages from a procedural macro. I would like to improve the error messages in some cases if possible though (in particular, we want to handle the case where a unit struct is passed or where a tuple struct has unannotated fields). The structure of the macro is intended to be compatible with the `custom_derive` crate. This is untested, but will be fully tested once I've moved all our annotations to stable macros. The goal is for any struct definition to be copy pasted into this macro, and the macro parses the struct body to create the proper implementation. For sufficiently large structs, we can hit the recursion limit, but there's really no way around that. People will just need to bump the limit. One case that this macro *doesn't* handle is when there are annotations on struct fields other than `#[column_name]`. I had originally planned to handle these, but I realized that the only recognized annotation that could be there on stable is `#[cfg]`, and we are *not* handling cfg attributes. We might handle that in the future, but it'd look *really* ugly. Related to #99
2016-04-25 03:35:15 +03:00
* The `Insertable!` macro can now be used instead of `#[insertable_into]` for
those wishing to avoid syntax extensions from `diesel_codegen`. See
https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/macro.Insertable!.html for details.
Provide a syntax extension free alternative to `#[insertable_into]` (#303) Provide a syntax extension free alternative to `#[insertable_into]` This provides a pure stable alternative to the `#[insertable_into]` annotation. The intention is to change the annotation to call this macro, rather than `impl Insertable` directly. However, there are some unaddressed issues for that, and I will submit that as a separate PR to attempt to keep the PR size reasonable. The tests for this are a bit messy, as the actual test body doesn't change much -- Just the struct definition. I moved the most common case out into a macro, but I opted to just leave the duplication for the remaining 4-5 cases that didn't fit, instead of trying to make it so dry it chafes. We will continue to support syntex as an option on stable, as we can provide much better error messages from a procedural macro. I would like to improve the error messages in some cases if possible though (in particular, we want to handle the case where a unit struct is passed or where a tuple struct has unannotated fields). The structure of the macro is intended to be compatible with the `custom_derive` crate. This is untested, but will be fully tested once I've moved all our annotations to stable macros. The goal is for any struct definition to be copy pasted into this macro, and the macro parses the struct body to create the proper implementation. For sufficiently large structs, we can hit the recursion limit, but there's really no way around that. People will just need to bump the limit. One case that this macro *doesn't* handle is when there are annotations on struct fields other than `#[column_name]`. I had originally planned to handle these, but I realized that the only recognized annotation that could be there on stable is `#[cfg]`, and we are *not* handling cfg attributes. We might handle that in the future, but it'd look *really* ugly. Related to #99
2016-04-25 03:35:15 +03:00
* The `Queryable!` macro can now be used instead of `#[derive(Queryable)]` for
those wishing to avoid syntax extensions from `diesel_codegen`. See
https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/macro.Queryable!.html for details.
* The `Identifiable!` macro can now be used instead of `#[derive(Identifiable)]` for
those wishing to avoid syntax extensions from `diesel_codegen`. See
https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/macro.Identifiable!.html for details.
* The `AsChangeset!` macro can now be used instead of `#[changeset_for(table)]`
for those wishing to avoid syntax extensions from `diesel_codegen`. See
https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/macro.AsChangeset!.html for details.
* Added support for the PostgreSQL `ALL` operator. See
https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/pg/expression/dsl/fn.all.html for details.
* Added support for `RETURNING` expressions in `DELETE` statements. Implicitly
these queries will use `RETURNING *`.
Reform types inferred by `infer_schema!` on SQLite (#277) `infer_schema!` is woefully undertested. Really our tests for it at the moment are "we use it for our test suite so the cases our suite covers work". However, even though I defined `tinyint` == `Bool`, I wanted to make sure that `TINYINT(1)` was treated as bool as well, as I wasn't certain how SQLite handles limit/precision/scale. The answer is that it doesn't, and it's way looser about allowed type names than I had thought. The process listed at https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html is a literal description, and any possible string is a valid type. This adds tests for every example given on that page, plus a few extras. We create a table with as many of these fields as possible, and do a trivial roundtrip to make sure that it *actually* infers something we can deserialize from, and that we're not doing anything dumb. The new logic for type inference matches pretty closely to how SQLite handles things with a few exceptions: - "boolean" or types containing "tiny" and "int" are treated as bool - smallint and bigint are separated from int - float is separated from double - varchar is separated from text - We do not accept random unrecognized type names as numeric Unresolved Questions -------------------- This actually starts to make me a bit more nervous about our semantics with SQLite. If you're just using Diesel, everything is fine. However, you can definitely insert values that would fail to deserialize with so little constraints on the backend. I'm starting to wonder if we should truly embrace SQLite's definitions and map exactly to that, allowing only the following types: - BigInt - VarChar (yes, it's the ANSI text type but we treat VarChar as the "default" string type) - Binary - Double We're omitting numeric, as there's no observable difference in SQLite between the real affinity and the numeric affinity. This would have several *major* implications. Aside from not being able to use basic things like an `i32`, it would also mean that there is no boolean type, and no dates/times/datetimes. Functions for those do exist on the SQLite side though, so some of the interactions might get super janky. That said, Diesel's goal is not to abstract away the backend. These are the semantics of the backend chosen, and maybe we should go whole hog and embrace them. I'm still unsure. In the meantime, with our current semantics, this should improve the reliability of `infer_schema!`
2016-04-17 23:42:11 +03:00
### Changed
* Diesel now targets `nightly-2016-07-07`. Future releases will update to a
newer nightly version on the date that Rust releases.
* `diesel_codegen` has been split into two crates. `diesel_codegen` and
`diesel_codegen_syntex`. See [this commit][syntex-split] for migration
* Most structs that implement `Queryable` will now also need
Reform types inferred by `infer_schema!` on SQLite (#277) `infer_schema!` is woefully undertested. Really our tests for it at the moment are "we use it for our test suite so the cases our suite covers work". However, even though I defined `tinyint` == `Bool`, I wanted to make sure that `TINYINT(1)` was treated as bool as well, as I wasn't certain how SQLite handles limit/precision/scale. The answer is that it doesn't, and it's way looser about allowed type names than I had thought. The process listed at https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html is a literal description, and any possible string is a valid type. This adds tests for every example given on that page, plus a few extras. We create a table with as many of these fields as possible, and do a trivial roundtrip to make sure that it *actually* infers something we can deserialize from, and that we're not doing anything dumb. The new logic for type inference matches pretty closely to how SQLite handles things with a few exceptions: - "boolean" or types containing "tiny" and "int" are treated as bool - smallint and bigint are separated from int - float is separated from double - varchar is separated from text - We do not accept random unrecognized type names as numeric Unresolved Questions -------------------- This actually starts to make me a bit more nervous about our semantics with SQLite. If you're just using Diesel, everything is fine. However, you can definitely insert values that would fail to deserialize with so little constraints on the backend. I'm starting to wonder if we should truly embrace SQLite's definitions and map exactly to that, allowing only the following types: - BigInt - VarChar (yes, it's the ANSI text type but we treat VarChar as the "default" string type) - Binary - Double We're omitting numeric, as there's no observable difference in SQLite between the real affinity and the numeric affinity. This would have several *major* implications. Aside from not being able to use basic things like an `i32`, it would also mean that there is no boolean type, and no dates/times/datetimes. Functions for those do exist on the SQLite side though, so some of the interactions might get super janky. That said, Diesel's goal is not to abstract away the backend. These are the semantics of the backend chosen, and maybe we should go whole hog and embrace them. I'm still unsure. In the meantime, with our current semantics, this should improve the reliability of `infer_schema!`
2016-04-17 23:42:11 +03:00
* `infer_schema!` on SQLite now accepts a larger range of type names
* `types::VarChar` is now an alias for `types::Text`. Most code should be
unaffected by this. PG array columns are treated slightly differently,
however. If you are using `varchar[]`, you should switch to `text[]` instead.
* Struct fields annotated with `#[column_name="name"]` should be changed to
* The structure of `DatabaseError` has changed to hold more information. See
https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/result/enum.Error.html and
https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/result/trait.DatabaseErrorInformation.html for
more information
* Structs which implement `Identifiable` can now be passed to `update` and
`delete`. This means you can now write `delete(&user).execute(&connection)`
instead of `delete(users.find(user.id)).execute(&connection)`
[associations-module]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/associations/index.html
[syntex-split]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/commit/36b8801bf5e9594443743e6a7c62e29d3dce36b7
### Fixed
* `&&[T]` can now be used in queries. This allows using slices with things like
## [0.6.1] 2016-04-14
### Added
* Added the `escape` method to `Like` and `NotLike`, to specify the escape
character used in the pattern. See [EscapeExpressionMethods][escape] for
[escape]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/expression/expression_methods/escape_expression_methods/trait.EscapeExpressionMethods.html
### Fixed
* `diesel_codegen` and `diesel_cli` now properly rely on Diesel 0.6.0. The
restriction to 0.5.0 was an oversight.
2016-04-16 17:51:55 +03:00
* `infer_schema!` now properly excludes metadata tables on SQLite.
* `infer_schema!` now properly maps types on SQLite.
## [0.6.0] 2016-04-12
### Added
* Queries can now be boxed using the `into_boxed()` method. This is useful for
conditionally modifying queries without changing the type. See
[BoxedDsl][boxed_dsl] for more details.
* `infer_schema!` is now supported for use with SQLite3.
* The maximum table size can be increased to 52 by enabling the `huge-tables`
feature. This feature will substantially increase compile times.
* The `DISTINCT` keyword can now be added to queries via the `distinct()`
* `SqliteConnection` now implements `Send`
[boxed_dsl]: https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/prelude/trait.BoxedDsl.html
### Changed
* `diesel::result::Error` now implements `Send` and `Sync`. This required a
change in the return type of `ToSql` and `FromSql` to have those bounds as
* It is no longer possible to pass an owned value to `diesel::insert`. `insert`
will now give a more helpful error message when you accidentally try to pass
an owned value instead of a reference.
### Fixed
* `#[insertable_into]` can now be used with structs that have lifetimes with
names other than `'a'`.
* Tables with a single column now properly return a single element tuple. E.g.
if the column was of type integer, then `users::all_columns` is now `(id,)`
and not `id`.
* `infer_schema!` can now work with tables that have a primary key other than
### Removed
* Removed the `no select` option for the `table!` macro. This was a niche
feature that didn't fit with Diesel's philosophies. You can write a function
that calls `select` for you if you need this functionality.
## [0.5.4] 2016-03-23
* Updated `diesel_codegen` to allow syntex versions up to 0.30.0.
2016-03-13 01:44:54 +03:00
## [0.5.3] 2016-03-12
### Added
* Added helper function `diesel_manage_updated_at('TABLE_NAME')` to postgres
upon database setup. This function sets up a trigger on the specified table
that automatically updates the `updated_at` column to the `current_timestamp`
for each affected row in `UPDATE` statements.
* Added support for explicit `RETURNING` expressions in `INSERT` and `UPDATE`
queries. Implicitly these queries will still use `RETURNING *`.
2016-03-13 01:44:54 +03:00
### Fixed
* Updated to work on nightly from early March
## [0.5.2] 2016-02-27
* Updated to work on nightly from late February
## [0.5.1] 2016-02-11
* Diesel CLI no longer has a hard dependency on SQLite and PostgreSQL. It
assumes both by default, but if you need to install on a system that doesn't
have one or the other, you can install it with `cargo install diesel_cli
--no-default-features --features postgres` or `cargo install diesel_cli
--no-default-features --features sqlite`
## [0.5.0] 2016-02-05
### Added
2016-02-03 17:02:10 +03:00
* Added support for SQLite. Diesel still uses postgres by default. To use SQLite
instead, add `default-features = false, features = ["sqlite"]` to your
2016-02-06 00:33:36 +03:00
Cargo.toml. You'll also want to add `default-features = false, features =
["sqlite"]` to `diesel_codegen`.
2016-02-03 17:02:10 +03:00
Since SQLite is a much more limited database, it does not support our full set
of features. You can use SQLite and PostgreSQL in the same project if you
* Added support for mapping `types::Timestamp`, `types::Date`, and `types::Time`
to/from `chrono::NaiveDateTime`, `chrono::NaiveDate`, and `chrono::NaiveTime`.
Add `features = ["chrono"]` to enable.
* Added a `treat_none_as_null` option to `changeset_for`. When set to `true`,
a model will set a field to `Null` when an optional struct field is `None`,
instead of skipping the field entirely. The default value of the option is
`false`, as we think the current behavior is a much more common use case.
* Added `Expression#nullable()`, to allow comparisons of not null columns with
nullable ones when required.
2016-01-30 05:27:33 +03:00
* Added `sum` and `avg` functions.
* Added the `diesel setup`, `diesel database setup`, and `diesel database
reset` commands to the CLI.
2016-02-05 23:06:44 +03:00
* Added support for SQL `IN` statements through the `eq_any` method.
2016-02-06 00:33:36 +03:00
* Added a top level `select` function for select statements with no from clause.
This is primarily intended to be used for testing Diesel itself, but it has
been added to the public API as it will likely be useful for third party
crates in the future. `select(foo).from(bar)` might be a supported API in the
future as an alternative to `bar.select(foo)`.
* Added `expression::dsl::sql` as a helper function for constructing
`SqlLiteral` nodes. This is primarily intended to be used for testing Diesel
itself, but is part of the public API as an escape hatch if our query builder
DSL proves inadequate for a specific case. Use of this function in any
production code is discouraged as it is inherently unsafe and avoids real type
### Changed
2016-02-05 23:06:44 +03:00
* Moved most of our top level trait exports into a prelude module, and
re-exported our CRUD functions from the top level.
`diesel::query_builder::update` and friends are now `diesel::update`, and you
will get them by default if you import `diesel::*`. For a less aggressive
glob, you can import `diesel::prelude::*`, which will only export our traits.
* `Connection` is now a trait instead of a struct. The struct that was
previously known as `Connection` can be found at `diesel::pg::PgConnection`.
2016-01-15 19:29:27 +03:00
* Rename both the `#[derive(Queriable)]` attribute and the `Queriable` trait to
use the correct spelling `Queryable`.
2016-02-05 23:06:44 +03:00
* `load` and `get_results` now return a `Vec<Model>` instead of an iterator.
* Replaced `Connection#find(source, id)` with
2016-02-06 00:34:45 +03:00
* The `debug_sql!` macro now uses \` for identifier quoting, and `?` for bind
parameters, which is closer to a "generic" backend. The previous behavior had
no identifier quoting, and used PG specific bind params.
Make `ToSql` and `FromSql` generic over the backend This was a mostly mechanical change, but there were several points of interest. I've done my best to audit impls which I consider generic, vs impls that are PG specific. This implies that an impl even can be considered generic. This mostly doesn't apply to SQLite, since due to the way its bind parameters are handled I don't expect that types will go through `ToSql`. `FromSql` I'm still unclear on, and that might change further. However, after reading through the `MySQL` docs for bind params, I'm reasonably confident that for string types, binary types, and numeric types which have an equivalent C primitive, they will always be represented this way. SQL standard types which I believe will generally very by backend are date/time types, and decimal. As part of this change, our blanket impl causing `FromSql` implying `FromSqlRow` becomes invalid. I won't go into too much detail here, as I've written up a pre-RFC on a solution that goes into more detail at https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/pre-rfc-sealed-traits/3108/1, and I think this issue goes away once specialization is stable (which is tracked at https://github.com/sgrif/diesel/issues/130). With this change, I believe the only remaining trait which needs to be made generic is `NativeSqlType` (though I'm legitimately unsure if we actually want to do that, due to the complications it adds with our expression heirarchy related to `Bool`, and I do not think I want `Expression` to be generic over the backend)
2016-01-24 00:28:45 +03:00
* Many user facing types are now generic over the backend. This includes, but is
not limited to `Queryable` and `Changeset`. This change should not have much
impact, as most impls will have been generated by diesel_codegen, and that API
has not changed.
* The mostly internal `NativeSqlType` has been removed. It now requires a known
backend. `fn<T> foo() where T: NativeSqlType` is now `fn<T, DB> foo() where
DB: HasSqlType<T>`
### Removed
* `Connection#query_sql` and `Connection#query_sql_params` have been removed.
These methods were not part of the public API, and were only meant to be used
for testing Diesel itself. However, they were technically callable from any
crate, so the removal has been noted here. Their usage can be replaced with
bare `select` and `expression::dsl::sql`.
2016-01-11 23:17:30 +03:00
## [0.4.1] 2016-01-11
### Changed
* Diesel CLI will no longer output notices about `__diesel_schema_migrations`
already existing.
2016-01-11 23:17:30 +03:00
* Relicensed under MIT/Apache dual
## [0.4.0] 2016-01-08
### Added
* Added Diesel CLI, a tool for managing your schema.
See [the readme](https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.4.0/README.md#database-migrations)
for more information.
* Add the ability for diesel to maintain your schema for you automatically. See
the [migrations](https://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/migrations/index.html)
module for individual methods.
* Add DebugQueryBuilder to build sql without requiring a connection.
* Add print_sql! and debug_sql! macros to print out and return sql strings from
### Fixed
* `#[changeset_for]` can now be used with structs containing a `Vec`. Fixes
* No longer generate invalid SQL when an optional update field is not the first
field on a changeset. Fixes [#68](https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/issues/68).
* `#[changeset_for]` can now be used with structs containing only a single field
other than `id`. Fixes [#66](https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/issues/66).
* `infer_schema!` properly works with array columns. Fixes
## [0.3.0] 2015-12-04
### Changed
* `#[changeset_for(table)]` now treats `Option` fields as an optional update.
Previously a field with `None` for the value would insert `NULL` into the
database field. It now does not update the field if the value is `None`.
* `.save_changes` (generated by `#[changeset_for]`) now returns a new struct,
rather than mutating `self`. The returned struct can be any type that
2016-01-15 19:29:27 +03:00
implements `Queryable` for the right SQL type
### Fixed
2016-01-15 19:29:27 +03:00
* `#[derive(Queryable)]` now allows generic parameters on the struct.
* Table definitions can now support up to 26 columns. Because this increases our
compile time by 3x, `features = ["large-tables"]` is needed to support table
definitions above 16 columns.
### Added
* Quickcheck is now an optional dependency. When `features = ["quickcheck"]` is
added to `Cargo.toml`, you'll gain `Arbitrary` implementations for everything
in `diesel::data_types`.
2015-12-02 18:33:36 +03:00
* Added support for the SQL `MIN` function.
* Added support for the `Numeric` data type. Since there is no Big Decimal type
in the standard library, a dumb struct has been provided which mirrors what
Postgres provides, which can be converted into whatever crate you are using.
* Timestamp columns can now be used with `std::time::SystemTime` when compiled
with `--features unstable`
2015-12-03 02:45:47 +03:00
* Implemented `Send` on `Connection` (required for R2D2 support)
* Added `infer_schema!` and `infer_table_from_schema!`. Both macros take a
database URL, and will invoke `table!` for you automatically based on the
schema. `infer_schema!` queries for the table names, while
`infer_table_from_schema!` takes a table name as the second argument.
## [0.2.0] - 2015-11-30
### Added
* Added an `execute` method to `QueryFragment`, which is intended to replace
`Connection#execute_returning_count`. The old method still exists for use
under the hood, but has been hidden from docs and is not considered public
* Added `get_result` and `get_results`, which work similarly to `load` and
`first`, but are intended to make code read better when working with commands
like `create` and `update`. In the future, `get_result` may also check that
only a single row was affected.
* Added [`insert`][insert], which mirrors the pattern of `update` and `delete`.
### Changed
* Added a hidden `__Nonexhaustive` variant to `result::Error`. This is not
intended to be something you can exhaustively match on, but I do want people
to be able to check for specific cases, so `Box<std::error::Error>` is
not an option.
* `query_one`, `find`, and `first` now assume a single row is returned. For
cases where you actually expect 0 or 1 rows to be returned, the `optional`
method has been added to the result, in case having a `Result<Option<T>>` is
2018-01-04 01:26:13 +03:00
more idiomatic than checking for `Err(NotFound)`.
### Deprecated
* `Connection#insert` and `Connection#insert_returning_count` have been
deprecated in favor of [`insert`][insert]
## 0.1.0 - 2015-11-29
* Initial release
[0.2.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.1.0...v0.2.0
[0.3.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0
[0.4.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.3.0...v0.4.0
[0.4.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.4.0...v0.4.1
[0.5.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.4.1...v0.5.0
[0.5.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.5.0...v0.5.1
[0.5.2]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.5.1...v0.5.2
[0.5.3]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.5.2...v0.5.3
[0.5.4]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.5.3...v0.5.4
[0.6.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.5.4...v0.6.0
[0.6.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.6.0...v0.6.1
[0.7.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.6.1...v0.7.0
[0.7.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.7.0...v0.7.1
[0.7.2]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.7.1...v0.7.2
[0.8.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.7.2...v0.8.0
[0.8.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.8.0...v0.8.1
[0.8.2]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.8.1...v0.8.2
[0.9.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.8.2...v0.9.0
[0.9.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.9.0...v0.9.1
Release v0.10.0 (The one where we work on stable) ![It's happening](http://i.imgur.com/7drHiqr.gif) v0.10.0 drops support for Rust 1.14 and earlier, and adds support for Rust 1.15 (ON STABLE). `diesel_codegen_syntex` has been removed, and is no longer supported. Additionally, this release adds initial support for the JSON data type in PostgreSQL. There is also a new `print-schema` subcommand in Diesel CLI which will show you the code generated by `infer_schema!()`. As always, you can find a full list of what has changed in [the changelog][changelog]. In addition to the Diesel core team, 7 contributors worked on this release. A huge thank you to - Adrian Perez de Castro - Eric Kidd - Georg Semmler - Jake Goulding - Sergio Benitez - Severen Redwood - Stu Black I'd also like to thank everybody who helped this release by opening issues, finding bugs, and asking/answering questions in our gitter room. There were several big features that I had hoped to get done in time for this release, but my daughter inherited my troll gene and decided to come early. If you were hoping for MySQL support, blame Ruby. In the mean time, here is a picture of Ruby. ![baby ruby](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/7vUZONdvrati-NQXriSqzKQ0CHNz6KRulOSos9kJjzMNV-JI2UT6d4Kxex9fZGO-0GTlLrKHKRwiPaf2v6hCJlCU0IgK5kWd_JWz9nG61FrZfgVARZEqXOmjoXPb5CYrbTg7XlG2VEYlcm6_Lk9oviVPh7mx3gaXgVG6g-OJRHqY_gipU-Y2REPFDoJyPWZ9QoifZH1WDGSPdyYUQ1KWeTfFkxk1Z3VP1bKAyRhsDmnXvSLaWkBQ6r5CpRS2pfVMC0lPVAfPGmrjwmNw7JmFNfscQM5IY0FOqbbwJhPJvLtNb-jOgOQhz07S8HA9BBI_cWzzXXMxbGXzaPpKBYSrioMja3MkXcb1PGB8cG7ERtG_CWwpGriRlFbrj2B0OygkAu4Q6pRiQe6BojpHYp03uyRsmsVxTbQjlH3axed6tNV_IDYSd2vz15gB7yFKUF_Je3spUUdexLmybdPDR29DfD-hBBJfezy0gdzrf7dJMMXWgQ7CW6jH18uydl-iiK3_8Ha8FUuvrjcA-Dvv0nQEXqajcb_NFCpobr92fNQvDCg6UNj3o7E7bv55Oj6sOk7N7xARchy-MmAV8Tzzc1Sx-4GKHhikH5WGMb5AzYSnoNcvWr7mD4vqAF1Wn_60Huz1KCNC5m2aBbPz9G6hBcM3pMe8J5pIM4epvKFvKUKtK98=w792-h1056-no) [changelog]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.10.0/CHANGELOG.md
2017-02-02 21:17:47 +03:00
[0.10.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.9.1...v0.10.0
[0.10.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.10.0...v0.10.1
Relase v0.11.0 (The one where we support MySQL) The headline features for this release are MySQL support and limited PG upsert support. MySQL support works exactly as you'd expect. Just add `features = ["mysql"]` to your Cargo.toml, pass a connection URL (where the scheme is `mysql://` and the path is the name of the database) to `MysqlConnection::establish` and you're off. Keep in mind that if you're following the getting started guide, MySQL does not support the `RETURNING` clause, so methods like `get_result` and `get_results` won't work. PostgreSQL upsert was a feature added in PG 9.5 and has been one of our most requested features. The full upsert API is quite complex, but we've added support for `ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING`, as this covered the highest percentage of use cases with the lowest amount of work. You can see examples in [the docs][on-conflict-do-nothing]. Support for the full upsert syntax will be coming in 0.12. In addition to the headline features, there were plenty of quality of life improvements and bug fixes. As always, you can see a full list of changes by reading [the changelog][changelog]. [on-conflict-do-nothing]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/pg/upsert/trait.OnConflictExtension.html#method.on_conflict_do_nothing [changelog]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.11.0/CHANGELOG.md In addition to the Diesel core team, 6 additional contributors worked on this release. A huge thank you to: - Brandon W Maister - Eijebong - Georg Semmler - Jimmy Cuadra - Jovansonlee Cesar - jacob I'd also like to thank everybody who helped this release by opening issues, finding bugs, and asking/answering questions in our gitter room.
2017-02-16 22:49:59 +03:00
[0.11.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.10.1...v0.11.0
[0.11.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.11.0...v0.11.1
[0.11.2]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.11.1...v0.11.2
[0.11.4]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.11.2...v0.11.4
[0.12.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.11.4...v0.12.0
[0.12.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.12.0...v0.12.1
[0.13.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.12.1...v0.13.0
Release v0.14.0 (The one with all the joins) One of the oldest issues in Diesel was that we limited the number of tables that could appear in a single query to 2. The problem was never about having more than 2 tables, but safely and correctly proving in the type system what would and could not be selected from that join. With 0.14, that restriction has been removed. The query builder now supports joins containing an arbitrary number of tables. You may find that you need to call `enable_multi_table_joins!` for a few tables, but that need should go away in the future as specialization matures. In addition to the headline feature, this release includes support for several new datatypes (including `NUMERIC`/`DECIMAL` which has been widely requested), and other small quality of life improvements. As always, you can see [the CHANGELOG](https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.14.0/CHANGELOG.md) for the full release notes. The Road to 1.0 ------ A recent point of discussion among the core team has been what remaining blockers we have for releasing a version 1.0. The roadmap doesn't necessarily include everything that would make us "feature complete". It focuses on the set of changes that we think are likely to require breaking changes. We expect that this will be the last 0.x release. You can follow the milestone [here](https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A1.0). Additionally, we all agreed that the biggest blocker to a 1.0 release is improvements to our documentation. We're going to be doing a big push in the coming months to clean things up, and are looking for help from the community. You can follow that project [here](https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/projects/1), or just come join us in [our gitter room](https://gitter.im/diesel-rs/diesel?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge) to talk about how you can help. There will be a blog post with more details about this in the coming weeks. Contributors ----- In addition to the core team, 10 people contributed to this release. A huge thank you to: * Dorian Scheidt * FliegendeWurst * Georg Semmler * JD Gonzales * Jim McGrath * Kieran * Ruben De Smet * Sunrin SHIMURA (keen) * Tshepang Lekhonkhobe * theduke Core Team Changes ------ With this release, we are also making some changes to the core team to better reflect the current active maintainers. In recognition of his fantastic work, we're pleased to welcome @Eijebong to the core team. Many early members of the team have also since moved onto other projects. To reflect that, Mike Piccolo, Matt Casper, and Sam Phippen are all being moved to the core team alumni.
2017-07-04 17:56:56 +03:00
[0.14.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.13.0...v0.14.0
[0.14.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.14.0...v0.14.1
2017-07-23 12:45:18 +03:00
[0.15.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.14.1...v0.15.0
[0.15.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.15.0...v0.15.1
[0.15.2]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.15.1...v0.15.2
[0.16.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.15.2...v0.16.0
Release v0.99.0 (It's basically 1.0 except it's not) This release is by far the largest Diesel has ever had. It serves 2 purposes. You can consider this release to be a beta for 1.0. However, 1.0 will have an important significant difference. Anything that is deprecated as of this release will not be present in the 1.0 release. This includes functions which were newly deprecated in 0.99. We know this may introduce a migration burden for some people, so we will continue to support the 0.99 line with bug fixes as long as there is demand and it is reasonable to do so. Headline Features ---- This release is mainly focused on ergonomics. Our main new feature is the [`sql_query`][] function. This is a new API which behaves similarly to [`sql`][], but it is entirely focused on cases where you want to write the *entire* query yourself. The main difference from `sql` is that you do not need to specify the return type of the query, and values are fetched by name rather than by index. This feature is still early, and there's a lot of features still to come (specifically evolving `#[derive(QueryableByName)]`, but we think this feature will ease a lot of pains for cases where Diesel doesn't quite do what you need. [`sql_query`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/fn.sql_query.html [`sql`]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/sql/fn.sql.html Additionally, you can now use tuples for inserts the same as you can for updates. If you've ever wanted to insert a row with just 1 or 2 values, and been annoyed that you needed a struct that you're only using in this one place, this feature will make you happy. We'll have new guides highlighting this feature soon. Additionally, this release comes with a ton of quality of life features. Many of these changes are focused around making it easier to introduce line breaks naturally in your code. For example, `.filter` is now implemented on `UpdateStatement`, meaning you can write `update(foo).filter(bar)` instead of `update(foo.filter(bar))`. We've also introduced new APIs for `insert` and PG upsert which will have similar readability improvements. Breaking Changes ---- This release includes more deprecations than any release prior. In particular, `insert` has been deprecated, along with our entire PG upsert API. All deprecations in this release have direct replacements, which will lead to code which formats much more nicely. It should be a mostly mechanical replacement for most apps. See [the CHANGELOG file][] for details. [the CHANGELOG file]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/v0.99.0/CHANGELOG.md Growing the Team ---- With this release, we'd like to welcome several new members to the Diesel committer team. @weiznich, @notryanb, and @katrinabrock you've all done excellent work and we're very excited to officially welcome you to the team! Additional Thanks ---- In addition to the Diesel core and committer teams, 10 people contributed to this release. A huge thank you to: - Adam Perry - Alex Kitchens - Alexey Zabelin - Arnar Mar Sig - Bob - Jordan - Lauri Apple - Maxime “pep” Buquet - William Murphy - bippityboppity Our only remaining blockers from this release and 1.0 are documentation changes, and having this tested in the wild. Thank you to every one of our users for your support, and we look forward to Diesel 1.0 by the end of the year!
2017-11-29 02:26:30 +03:00
[0.99.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.16.0...v0.99.0
2017-12-04 22:31:00 +03:00
[0.99.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.99.0...v0.99.1
Release v1.0.0 We didn't quite make it for 2017, but Diesel 1.0 is finally here! There are no changes between Diesel 1.0 and 1.0.0-rc1. 1.0.0 marks stability for Diesel. While there are many more features that will be added in the future, there will be no breaking changes from this point forward without a major version bump (which we do not anticipate happening for many years). A lot has happened since Diesel 0.1 was released over 2 years ago. While it would be impossible to list every major change that has happened since then, here are a few highlights: - Expanded from a PostgreSQL specific library to supporting SQLite and MySQL - Went from nightly-only to nightly-optional to working purely on stable Rust - `diesel print-schema` replaced `infer_schema!` as the go-to way to infer your database schema. - Added support for a significant portion of SQL queries which could not be represented in 0.1 It's been a great honor to watch this community grow and thrive as this library has developed. I look forward to continuing to evolve Diesel, and seeing how far it can go. In addition to the Diesel core team, 98 people have contributed to Diesel. A huge thank you to everyone who made this and every prior release possible: - Adam Perry adam.n.perry@gmail.com - Adrian Perez de Castro aperez@igalia.com - Alex Alvarez dominalexican@gmail.com - Alex Kitchens alexcameron98@gmail.com - Alexey Zabelin hello@alexeyzabelin.com - Andrew Lazarus lazarus@squareup.com - Andrew Ryan Lazarus nerdrew@gmail.com - Arnar Mar Sig antab@antab.is - Barosl Lee vcs@barosl.com - Blake Pettersson blake.pettersson@gmail.com - Bob nottxy@gmail.com - Boris-Chengbiao Zhou bobo1239@web.de - Brandon W Maister bwm@knewton.com - Cameron Alexander emptyflash@gmail.com - Cengiz Can cengizIO@users.noreply.github.com - Christopher Brickley brickley@gmail.com - Cyryl Płotnicki cyplo@cyplo.net - Daniel Durante durango@users.noreply.github.com - Danilo Bargen mail@dbrgn.ch - David Szotten davidszotten@gmail.com - Derek Prior derekprior@gmail.com - Dimiter Petrov crackofdusk@gmail.com - Dorian Scheidt dorian.scheidt@gmail.com - Enether familyguyuser192@windowslive.com - Eric Kidd git@randomhacks.net - Erich Cordoba erich.cm@yandex.com - FliegendeWurst 2012gdwu@web.de - Flux Xu fluxxu@gmail.com - Garrett Squire garrettsquire@gmail.com - Georg Semmler georg_semmler_05@web.de - Graham Grochowski ggrochow@gmail.com - JD Gonzales jd_gonzales@icloud.com - Jake Goulding shepmaster@mac.com - Jakob Gillich jakob@gillich.me - James Kominick james.kominick@gmail.com - Jethro Beekman jethro@fortanix.com - Jim McGrath jimmc2@gmail.com - Jimmy Cuadra jimmy@jimmycuadra.com - John Gallagher jgallagher@bignerdranch.com - Jordan alatiera@users.noreply.github.com - Josh Holmer jholmer.in@gmail.com - Jovansonlee Cesar ivanceras@gmail.com - Katrina Brock keb266@cornell.edu - Kieran kieran.eglin@gmail.com - Konstantinos Sideris sideris.konstantin@gmail.com - Lance Carlson lancecarlson@gmail.com - Lauri Apple lauri.apple@zalando.de - Maciej Dziardziel fiedzia@gmail.com - Mark Catley mark.catley@harmoney.co.nz - Martijn de Haan martijn@ff00ff.nl - Mathieu Rochette mathieu@rochette.cc - Matt Casper matthewvcasper@gmail.com - Maxime “pep” Buquet pep@collabora.com - Michael Macias zaeleus@gmail.com - Michael Stock mikeastock@gmail.com - Mike Piccolo mfpiccolo@gmail.com - Mrmaxmeier Mrmaxmeier@gmail.com - Natalie Boehm nmb56@pitt.edu - Patrick Fernie patrick.fernie@gmail.com - Paul Lange palango@gmx.de - Peter Marheine peter@taricorp.net - Pyry Kontio pyry.kontio@drasa.eu - Rasmus Kaj kaj@kth.se - Richard Dodd richard.o.dodd@gmail.com - Robert Balicki robert.balicki@gmail.com - Robert Maloney robertjamesmaloney@gmail.com - Ruben De Smet ruben.de.smet@rubdos.be - Ryan Blecher notryanb@gmail.com - Sam Phippen samphippen@googlemail.com - Sebastian Blei iamsebastian@users.noreply.github.com - Sergio Benitez sb@sergio.bz - Severen Redwood severen@shrike.me - Sharad Chand sharad.d.chand@gmail.com - Sid Ngeth sngeth@gmail.com - Stu Black trurl@freeshell.org - Sunrin SHIMURA (keen) 3han5chou7@gmail.com - Tamir Duberstein tamird@gmail.com - Taryn Hill taryn@phrohdoh.com - Tess Griffin tessjgriffin@gmail.com - Tim Brooks brooks@cern.ch - Tobias Schottdorf tobias.schottdorf@gmail.com - Tom Houlé tom@tohou.fr - Tshepang Lekhonkhobe tshepang@gmail.com - William Murphy willmurphyscode@gmail.com - benaryorg binary@benary.org - bippityboppity 32622279+bippityboppity@users.noreply.github.com - debris marek.kotewicz@gmail.com - derekdreery rodododouk@hotmail.com - jacob jacob@localhost.localdomain - jethrogb github@jbeekman.nl - kardeiz kardeiz@gmail.com - katrinabrock keb266@cornell.edu - king6cong king6cong@gmail.com - klieth klieth@users.noreply.github.com - notryanb notryanb@gmail.com - pfernie patrick.fernie@gmail.com - theduke reg@theduke.at - wangcong king6cong@gmail.com
2018-01-03 01:52:08 +03:00
[1.0.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v0.99.1...v1.0.0
Release v1.1.0 Improved Support for Adding New Types ------------------------------------- The primary focus of this release was improving the ergonomics of adding support for new types in Diesel. For implementing new SQL types, we've added `#[derive(SqlType)]` which implements many traits that you need to implement for every SQL type. See the documentation for `HasSqlType` for details on this derive. For implementing new mappings, we've added `#[derive(FromSqlRow)]` and `#[derive(AsExpression)]`. These derives will replace the majority of the boilerplate that was previously required when supporting new types. Adding support for new types in Diesel 1.1 should only require implementing `FromSql` and `ToSql`. The derives will handle the rest. We've also provided `FromSql` impls for `*const str` and `*const [u8]`. Due to the design of `FromSql`, we can't provide impls for `&str` and `&[u8]` without a breaking change. However many impls just need to parse a string or some bytes, and don't need the allocation that would come from `String` or `Vec<u8>`. This will require unsafe code to use, but should make certain implementations more efficient. Finally, we've restructured how our serialize/deserialize modules are structured, and provided type aliases to make implementations of `FromSql` and `ToSql` more consise. `r2d2_diesel` is Now Part of Diesel ----------------------------------- Finally, this release merges `r2d2_diesel` into Diesel itself. The main benefit of doing this is that we can implement `Connection` for `PooledConnection`, removing the need for explicit `&*` when using r2d2. This should also help to prevent version mismatches when changing Diesel versions. To use the new r2d2 support, remove `r2d2` and `r2d2_diesel` from your Cargo.toml. Add the `r2d2` to your enabled features on `diesel`. Replace `extern crate r2d2` with `pub use diesel::r2d2`. Replace any `r2d2_diesel::` with `diesel::r2d2::`. Thanks ------ In addition to the headline features, there were dozens of smaller additions which should make using Diesel even better! As always, you can check the CHANGELOG for a full list of changes in this release. In addition to the Diesel core team, 8 people contributed to this release. A huge thank you to: - Ashe Connor - Chris Pick - Evan - Georg Semmler - MarcManiez - Martin Lindhe - Oliver Schneider - Ryan Blecher
2018-01-15 18:34:57 +03:00
[1.1.0]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v1.0.0...v1.1.0
[1.1.1]: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/compare/v1.1.0...v1.1.1