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2019-08-13 19:23:03 +03:00
# Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
2019-04-04 11:33:38 +03:00
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# NOTE(JM): Temporary backport of pkg.bzl from latest Bazel.
# Needed to nicely package up daml-extension. Drop this when
# bazel is upgraded.
# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Rules for manipulation of various packaging."""
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:path.bzl", "compute_data_path", "dest_path")
# Filetype to restrict inputs
tar_filetype = [".tar", ".tar.gz", ".tgz", ".tar.xz", ".tar.bz2"]
deb_filetype = [".deb", ".udeb"]
def _remap(remap_paths, path):
"""If path starts with a key in remap_paths, rewrite it."""
for prefix, replacement in remap_paths.items():
if path.startswith(prefix):
return replacement + path[len(prefix):]
return path
def _quote(filename, protect = "="):
"""Quote the filename, by escaping = by \= and \ by \\ """
2019-04-04 11:33:38 +03:00
return filename.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace(protect, "\\" + protect)
def _pkg_tar_impl(ctx):
"""Implementation of the pkg_tar rule."""
# Compute the relative path
data_path = compute_data_path(ctx.outputs.out, ctx.attr.strip_prefix)
# Find a list of path remappings to apply.
remap_paths = ctx.attr.remap_paths
# Start building the arguments.
args = [
"--output=" + ctx.outputs.out.path,
"--directory=" + ctx.attr.package_dir,
"--mode=" + ctx.attr.mode,
"--owner=" + ctx.attr.owner,
"--owner_name=" + ctx.attr.ownername,
# Add runfiles if requested
file_inputs = []
if ctx.attr.include_runfiles:
runfiles_depsets = []
for f in ctx.attr.srcs:
default_runfiles = f[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles
if default_runfiles != None:
# deduplicates files in srcs attribute and their runfiles
file_inputs = depset(ctx.files.srcs, transitive = runfiles_depsets).to_list()
file_inputs = ctx.files.srcs[:]
args += [
"--file=%s=%s" % (_quote(f.path), _remap(remap_paths, dest_path(f, data_path)))
for f in file_inputs
for target, f_dest_path in ctx.attr.files.items():
target_files = target.files.to_list()
if len(target_files) != 1:
fail("Each input must describe exactly one file.", attr = "files")
file_inputs += target_files
args += ["--file=%s=%s" % (_quote(target_files[0].path), f_dest_path)]
if ctx.attr.modes:
args += [
"--modes=%s=%s" % (_quote(key), ctx.attr.modes[key])
for key in ctx.attr.modes
if ctx.attr.owners:
args += [
"--owners=%s=%s" % (_quote(key), ctx.attr.owners[key])
for key in ctx.attr.owners
if ctx.attr.ownernames:
args += [
"--owner_names=%s=%s" % (_quote(key), ctx.attr.ownernames[key])
for key in ctx.attr.ownernames
if ctx.attr.empty_files:
args += ["--empty_file=%s" % empty_file for empty_file in ctx.attr.empty_files]
if ctx.attr.empty_dirs:
args += ["--empty_dir=%s" % empty_dir for empty_dir in ctx.attr.empty_dirs]
if ctx.attr.extension:
dotPos = ctx.attr.extension.find(".")
if dotPos > 0:
dotPos += 1
args += ["--compression=%s" % ctx.attr.extension[dotPos:]]
elif ctx.attr.extension == "tgz":
args += ["--compression=gz"]
args += ["--tar=" + f.path for f in ctx.files.deps]
args += [
"--link=%s:%s" % (_quote(k, protect = ":"), ctx.attr.symlinks[k])
for k in ctx.attr.symlinks
arg_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + ".args")
ctx.actions.write(arg_file, "\n".join(args))
inputs = file_inputs + ctx.files.deps + [arg_file],
executable = ctx.executable.build_tar,
arguments = ["--flagfile", arg_file.path],
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
mnemonic = "PackageTar",
def _pkg_deb_impl(ctx):
"""The implementation for the pkg_deb rule."""
files = [ctx.file.data]
args = [
"--output=" + ctx.outputs.deb.path,
"--changes=" + ctx.outputs.changes.path,
"--data=" + ctx.file.data.path,
"--package=" + ctx.attr.package,
"--architecture=" + ctx.attr.architecture,
"--maintainer=" + ctx.attr.maintainer,
if ctx.attr.preinst:
args += ["--preinst=@" + ctx.file.preinst.path]
files += [ctx.file.preinst]
if ctx.attr.postinst:
args += ["--postinst=@" + ctx.file.postinst.path]
files += [ctx.file.postinst]
if ctx.attr.prerm:
args += ["--prerm=@" + ctx.file.prerm.path]
files += [ctx.file.prerm]
if ctx.attr.postrm:
args += ["--postrm=@" + ctx.file.postrm.path]
files += [ctx.file.postrm]
# Conffiles can be specified by a file or a string list
if ctx.attr.conffiles_file:
if ctx.attr.conffiles:
fail("Both conffiles and conffiles_file attributes were specified")
args += ["--conffile=@" + ctx.file.conffiles_file.path]
files += [ctx.file.conffiles_file]
elif ctx.attr.conffiles:
args += ["--conffile=%s" % cf for cf in ctx.attr.conffiles]
# Version and description can be specified by a file or inlined
if ctx.attr.version_file:
if ctx.attr.version:
fail("Both version and version_file attributes were specified")
args += ["--version=@" + ctx.file.version_file.path]
files += [ctx.file.version_file]
elif ctx.attr.version:
args += ["--version=" + ctx.attr.version]
fail("Neither version_file nor version attribute was specified")
if ctx.attr.description_file:
if ctx.attr.description:
fail("Both description and description_file attributes were specified")
args += ["--description=@" + ctx.file.description_file.path]
files += [ctx.file.description_file]
elif ctx.attr.description:
args += ["--description=" + ctx.attr.description]
fail("Neither description_file nor description attribute was specified")
# Built using can also be specified by a file or inlined (but is not mandatory)
if ctx.attr.built_using_file:
if ctx.attr.built_using:
fail("Both build_using and built_using_file attributes were specified")
args += ["--built_using=@" + ctx.file.built_using_file.path]
files += [ctx.file.built_using_file]
elif ctx.attr.built_using:
args += ["--built_using=" + ctx.attr.built_using]
if ctx.attr.priority:
args += ["--priority=" + ctx.attr.priority]
if ctx.attr.section:
args += ["--section=" + ctx.attr.section]
if ctx.attr.homepage:
args += ["--homepage=" + ctx.attr.homepage]
args += ["--distribution=" + ctx.attr.distribution]
args += ["--urgency=" + ctx.attr.urgency]
args += ["--depends=" + d for d in ctx.attr.depends]
args += ["--suggests=" + d for d in ctx.attr.suggests]
args += ["--enhances=" + d for d in ctx.attr.enhances]
args += ["--conflicts=" + d for d in ctx.attr.conflicts]
args += ["--pre_depends=" + d for d in ctx.attr.predepends]
args += ["--recommends=" + d for d in ctx.attr.recommends]
executable = ctx.executable.make_deb,
arguments = args,
inputs = files,
outputs = [ctx.outputs.deb, ctx.outputs.changes],
mnemonic = "MakeDeb",
command = "ln -s %s %s" % (ctx.outputs.deb.basename, ctx.outputs.out.path),
inputs = [ctx.outputs.deb],
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
# A rule for creating a tar file, see README.md
_real_pkg_tar = rule(
implementation = _pkg_tar_impl,
attrs = {
"strip_prefix": attr.string(),
"package_dir": attr.string(default = "/"),
"deps": attr.label_list(allow_files = tar_filetype),
"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"files": attr.label_keyed_string_dict(allow_files = True),
"mode": attr.string(default = "0555"),
"modes": attr.string_dict(),
"owner": attr.string(default = "0.0"),
"ownername": attr.string(default = "."),
"owners": attr.string_dict(),
"ownernames": attr.string_dict(),
"extension": attr.string(default = "tar"),
"symlinks": attr.string_dict(),
"empty_files": attr.string_list(),
"include_runfiles": attr.bool(),
"empty_dirs": attr.string_list(),
"remap_paths": attr.string_dict(),
# Implicit dependencies.
"build_tar": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:build_tar"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
outputs = {
"out": "%{name}.%{extension}",
def pkg_tar(**kwargs):
# Compatibility with older versions of pkg_tar that define files as
# a flat list of labels.
if "srcs" not in kwargs:
if "files" in kwargs:
if not hasattr(kwargs["files"], "items"):
label = "%s//%s:%s" % (native.repository_name(), native.package_name(), kwargs["name"])
print("%s: you provided a non dictionary to the pkg_tar `files` attribute. " % (label,) +
"This attribute was renamed to `srcs`. " +
"Consider renaming it in your BUILD file.")
kwargs["srcs"] = kwargs.pop("files")
Upload proto and deploy jars to maven (#3507) * Add helper to produce an empty zip files. This is used to generate empty sources and javadoc jars for deploy jars later on. * Create empty auxilliary jars. da_java_binary: - empty javadoc jar - empty sources jar da_java_proto_library: - empty javadoc jar - the sources jar is automatically generated by java_proto_library as a side effect da_scala_binary: - empty javadoc jar - empty sources jar * Support maven upload for jar-deploy and jar-proto For jar-deploy targets we don't check for internal dependencies, because these should already be contained in the (fat-)jar itself. Additionally, the release program now uploads javadocs and sources for jar-proto and jar-deploy as well to comply with maven central. * Upload ledger-api-test-tool and kvutils + dependencies to maven central. This is the diff running the output of the release without and with these changes. A few artifacts now also get their javadoc and sources uploaded (mostly to bintray, but now they are ready for a maven central upload). ledger-api-test-tool has the scala version removed from the artifact as it is a deploy jar and nobody should care which specific scala version is used. Only in release/com/daml/ledger/participant-state-kvutils-java-proto/100.13.35: participant-state-kvutils-java-proto-100.13.35-javadoc.jar Only in release/com/daml/ledger/participant-state-kvutils-java-proto/100.13.35: participant-state-kvutils-java-proto-100.13.35-sources.jar Only in release/com/daml/ledger/testtool: ledger-api-test-tool Only in release-before/com/daml/ledger/testtool: ledger-api-test-tool_2.12 Only in release/com/digitalasset/daml/lf/engine/trigger/runner_2.12/100.13.35: runner_2.12-100.13.35-javadoc.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/daml/lf/engine/trigger/runner_2.12/100.13.35: runner_2.12-100.13.35-sources.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/daml-lf-blindinginfo-java-proto/100.13.35: daml-lf-blindinginfo-java-proto-100.13.35-javadoc.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/daml-lf-blindinginfo-java-proto/100.13.35: daml-lf-blindinginfo-java-proto-100.13.35-sources.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/daml-lf-transaction-java-proto/100.13.35: daml-lf-transaction-java-proto-100.13.35-javadoc.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/daml-lf-transaction-java-proto/100.13.35: daml-lf-transaction-java-proto-100.13.35-sources.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/daml-lf-value-java-proto/100.13.35: daml-lf-value-java-proto-100.13.35-javadoc.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/daml-lf-value-java-proto/100.13.35: daml-lf-value-java-proto-100.13.35-sources.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/damlc/100.13.35: damlc-100.13.35-javadoc.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/damlc/100.13.35: damlc-100.13.35-sources.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/extractor/100.13.35: extractor-100.13.35-javadoc.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/extractor/100.13.35: extractor-100.13.35-sources.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/ledger-service/http-json-deploy/100.13.35: http-json-deploy-100.13.35-javadoc.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/ledger-service/http-json-deploy/100.13.35: http-json-deploy-100.13.35-sources.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/navigator/100.13.35: navigator-100.13.35-javadoc.jar Only in release/com/digitalasset/navigator/100.13.35: navigator-100.13.35-sources.jar
2019-11-18 16:40:15 +03:00
def pkg_empty_zip(name, out):
name = name,
srcs = [],
outs = [out],
# minimal empty zip file in Base64 encoding
cmd = "echo UEsFBgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA== | base64 -d > $@",