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2019-04-04 11:33:38 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf8
## Idempotently add DA copyright headers to source files.
# To check that all files have required headers:
# $ dade-copyright-headers check
# To add/update the copyright headers:
# $ dade-copyright-headers update
# To ignore files under a certain directory and below:
# $ touch some/directory/NO_AUTO_COPYRIGHT
# $ git add some/directory/NO_AUTO_COPYRIGHT
import subprocess
import re
import os
import string
import sys
# File-type configuration
# start: The start marker of the block.
# line: The prefix for the notice text.
# end: The end marker of the block.
# skip: Optional prefix for lines to skip when adding header initially.
filetypes = \
{ 'daml' : { 'start' : '-' * 80 , 'line' : '--' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'hs' : { 'start' : '-' * 80 , 'line' : '--' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '', 'skip' : '#!' } ,
'lhs' : { 'start' : '-' * 80 , 'line' : '--' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'chs' : { 'start' : '-' * 80 , 'line' : '--' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'js' : { 'start' : '' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'ts' : { 'start' : '' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'tsx' : { 'start' : '' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'java' : { 'start' : '' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'scala' : { 'start' : '' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'rst' : { 'start' : '' , 'line' : '..' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'tex' : { 'start' : '%' * 80 , 'line' : '%' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'py' : { 'start' : '#' * 80 , 'line' : '#' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '', 'skip' : '#!' } ,
'proto' : { 'start' : '/*' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'c' : { 'start' : '/*' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'cpp' : { 'start' : '/*' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'cc' : { 'start' : '/*' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'h' : { 'start' : '/*' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'hpp' : { 'start' : '/*' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'hh' : { 'start' : '/*' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'groovy' : { 'start' : '/*' , 'line' : '//' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'sql' : { 'start' : '/*' , 'line' : '--' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'sh' : { 'start' : '#' * 80 , 'line' : '#' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '', 'skip' : '#!' } ,
'bats' : { 'start' : '#' * 80 , 'line' : '#' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '', 'skip' : '#!' } ,
'html' : { 'start' : '<!--' , 'line' : '' , 'end' : '-->' , 'skip' : '<!' } ,
'bat' : { 'start' : '::' , 'line' : '::' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'cmd' : { 'start' : '::' , 'line' : '::' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'bazel' : { 'start' : '#' * 80 , 'line' : '#' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '', 'skip': '#!' } ,
'bzl' : { 'start' : '#' * 80 , 'line' : '#' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '', 'skip': '#!' } ,
'rb' : { 'start' : '#' * 80 , 'line' : '#' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'tf' : { 'start' : '#' * 80 , 'line' : '#' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'css' : { 'start' : '/*' , 'line' : '' , 'end' : ' */' } ,
'scss' : { 'start' : '/*' , 'line' : '' , 'end' : ' */' } ,
'yml' : { 'start' : '#' * 80 , 'line' : '#' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
'yaml' : { 'start' : '#' * 80 , 'line' : '#' , 'end' : '' , 'empty_line' : '' } ,
2019-04-04 11:33:38 +03:00
# Switch the current working directory to the root of the repository.
def chdir_to_toplevel():
toplevel = subprocess \
.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"], universal_newlines=True) \
# Find all files from the provided directory (defaults to '.')
# using git ls-files, ignoring all prefixes specified in the root
# .copyright-ignore file.
def list_files(dir):
if dir is None:
dir = "."
all_files = subprocess \
.check_output(["git", "ls-files", dir], universal_newlines=True) \
.strip() \
# Find all 'NO_AUTO_COPYRIGHT' paths
ignores = [ os.path.dirname(f) + "/" for f in all_files
if os.path.basename(f) == 'NO_AUTO_COPYRIGHT' ]
# Filter out files under directories that contained
unignored = [ f for f in all_files
if not any(map(lambda x: f.startswith(x), ignores)) ]
# Filter out symlinks
return [ f for f in unignored if not os.path.islink(f) ]
def process_file(filename, check_only):
(_, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename)
ext = ext[1:]
if ext not in filetypes:
#print "skipping %s" % filename
return True
start_mark = filetypes[ext]['start'] + "\n"
line_mark = filetypes[ext]['line']
# filetypes[ext]['start'] + ' ' + line + ' ' + filetypes[ext]['end']
empty_line_mark = filetypes[ext].get('empty_line', line_mark)
end_mark = filetypes[ext]['end'] + "\n"
def comment(line):
if line == '':
return empty_line_mark
if line_mark == '':
return filetypes[ext]['start'] + ' ' + line + ' ' + filetypes[ext]['end']
return line_mark + ' ' + line
notice_lines = list(map(comment, LEGAL_NOTICES))
header = suffix.join(notice_lines) + "\n"
# Read all lines from the file
with open(filename, 'r', encoding="UTF-8") as fp:
lines = fp.readlines()
# Pretend that the file has extra empty line at the end to handle files,
# which consist only of the copyright notice and nothing else.
2019-04-04 11:33:38 +03:00
# Process the file:
# If we find an existing copyright header with the same starting line
# compare against it. If no copyright header exists or it's different
# remove the existing one and prepend the new header to the file.
2019-04-04 11:33:38 +03:00
index=0 # Current index to copyright notice text when comparing
before_header=[] # Lines in the file before possible copyright header
after_header=[] # Lines in the file after the header
for line in lines:
# looking for start comment block
if state == 'start':
if (line.strip(filetypes[ext]['line']).strip(filetypes[ext]['start'])[0:19] == " Copyright (c) 2020"):
2019-04-04 11:33:38 +03:00
if line != notice_lines[0]+"\n":
print("{0}: notice text mismatch:\n actual: {1}\n expected: {2}" \
.format(filename, line.strip(), notice_lines[index].strip()))
index += 1
# looking for notice start
elif state == 'notice':
if (line != notice_lines[1] + "\n"):
# not a copyright block, switch back to looking for start
# match, found the copyright block, start comparing.
index += 1
# comparing notice texts
elif state == 'compare':
if index == len(notice_lines):
if line != end_mark and not line.endswith(end_mark) and line != empty_line_mark + "\n":
print(f"end marker invalid: {line} vs {end_mark}")
elif line != notice_lines[index]+"\n":
print("{0}: notice text mismatch:\n actual: {1}\n expected: {2}" \
.format(filename, line.strip(), notice_lines[index].strip()))
index += 1
# skip comment lines until end mark and fail
elif state == 'find_end_and_fail':
if not line.startswith(line_mark) \
and not line.startswith(' *') \
and not line.startswith(' ') \
or line == end_mark\
or line.endswith(end_mark)\
or line == empty_line_mark + "\n":
state = 'fail'
elif state == 'fail' or state == 'ok':
sys.exit("abort: unknown state %s" % state)
if state == 'ok':
#print "%s: ok." % filename
return True
if not check_only:
print(f"{filename}: copyright header missing or out-of-date, updating.")
with open(filename, 'w') as fp:
if state == 'fail':
# copyright header existed, but was out of date, replace it.
# remove additional blank line added at ADD_BLANK_LINE
2019-04-04 11:33:38 +03:00
elif 'skip' in filetypes[ext]:
# no copyright header, but file type requires skipping lines
skip_prefix = filetypes[ext]['skip']
# skip lines matching the given prefix
while index < len(before_header):
line = before_header[index]
if line.startswith(skip_prefix):
index += 1
fp.write(header + "\n")
# write the rest of the file.
while index < len(before_header):
index += 1
# no copyright header, prepend it.
fp.write(header + "\n")
Unify semantic test between sandbox IT and Ledger API Test Tool (#1171) * Add RemoteApiProxy fixture type. This is in preparation for using Sandbox IT suite as part of the Ledger API Test Tool. * ledger-api-test-tool: Drop reset functionality. This is no longer necessary for the tool and it does not scale with the types of tests in the suite. * integration-tests: Fail if the server under fixture is stuck. This makes sure that a server getting stuck will get detected by a test, instead of ignoring it and potentially allowing the server to linger. * integration-test: Make semantic testing runs independent. It manges parties and command identifier to include a unique (random) suffix in all ledger-commited identifiers. This allows the test to run against a Ledger API without reseting it. * ledger-api-test-tool: Unify test code using scenario runner with IT suite. This reuses the scenario runner test code from the IT suite, instead of reimplementing it. This should be a no-op (except for tests reports formatting). * Review fixes. * Ledger API Test Tool: Provide logback config. This quites Ledger API Test Tool output. * Make sure akka threads are terminated at end of test runs. This makrs Akka threads to be daemons, hence forcing them to be closed at the end of Ledger Api Test Tool. * Use Ledger API Test Tool in tests of reference server. * Add Apache commons-lang3. * Ledger API Test Tool: Implement custom test reporter. This addresses two needs: - avoid using buggy scalatest test reporter; - pretty-prints test results prettier. * dade-copyright-headers: return success on successful reformatting.
2019-05-28 12:58:58 +03:00
return True
2019-04-04 11:33:38 +03:00
if state == 'fail':
print(f"{filename}s: copyright header out-of-date")
print(f"{filename}: copyright header missing")
Unify semantic test between sandbox IT and Ledger API Test Tool (#1171) * Add RemoteApiProxy fixture type. This is in preparation for using Sandbox IT suite as part of the Ledger API Test Tool. * ledger-api-test-tool: Drop reset functionality. This is no longer necessary for the tool and it does not scale with the types of tests in the suite. * integration-tests: Fail if the server under fixture is stuck. This makes sure that a server getting stuck will get detected by a test, instead of ignoring it and potentially allowing the server to linger. * integration-test: Make semantic testing runs independent. It manges parties and command identifier to include a unique (random) suffix in all ledger-commited identifiers. This allows the test to run against a Ledger API without reseting it. * ledger-api-test-tool: Unify test code using scenario runner with IT suite. This reuses the scenario runner test code from the IT suite, instead of reimplementing it. This should be a no-op (except for tests reports formatting). * Review fixes. * Ledger API Test Tool: Provide logback config. This quites Ledger API Test Tool output. * Make sure akka threads are terminated at end of test runs. This makrs Akka threads to be daemons, hence forcing them to be closed at the end of Ledger Api Test Tool. * Use Ledger API Test Tool in tests of reference server. * Add Apache commons-lang3. * Ledger API Test Tool: Implement custom test reporter. This addresses two needs: - avoid using buggy scalatest test reporter; - pretty-prints test results prettier. * dade-copyright-headers: return success on successful reformatting.
2019-05-28 12:58:58 +03:00
return False
2019-04-04 11:33:38 +03:00
# Main
def usage():
print("usage: dade-copyright-headers <check|update> [DIRECTORY]")
print(" If DIRECTORY is provided, checks only in that directory")
print(" Otherwise, checks in 'pkgs'.")
print(" Note that the provided directory must be relative to the")
print(" root of the git repository.")
with open('COPY', 'r') as f:
2019-04-04 11:33:38 +03:00
LEGAL_NOTICES = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), f.readlines()))
if len(sys.argv) != 2 and len(sys.argv) != 3:
if sys.argv[1] == "update":
check_only = False
elif sys.argv[1] == "check":
check_only = True
dir = None
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
dir = sys.argv[2]
for file in list_files(dir):
if not process_file(file, check_only):
if failed and check_only:
print("\nCopyright header check failed.\nPlease update copyright headers by running 'dade-copyright-headers update'")