If you need to build, test, deploy or develop [`ghc-lib`](https://github.com/digital-asset/ghc-lib) as used by Daml and utilizing the Digital Asset [GHC fork](https://github.com/digital-asset/ghc) these notes are for you.
Here are instructions for when working on Daml surface syntax, as implemented in the the digital-assert fork of `ghc`. (linked in via `ghc-lib`, see [ghc-lib](/bazel_tools/ghc-lib/).
2.`./_build/stage1/bin/ghc ./Example.hs -ddump-parsed | tee desugar.out`
Step 1 gives immediate feedback on build failures, but takes about 2-3 minutes when successful. For Step 2 you need a Daml example file. The input file must end in `.hs` suffix. It must begin with the pragma: `{-# LANGUAGE DamlSyntax #-}`
3. Checkout the version of interest (usually `GHC_REV` from [`/bazel_tools/ghc-lib/version.bzl`]) and update the submodules:
git checkout da-master-8.8.1
git submodule update --init --recursive
4. Add `WORKSPACE` and `BUILD` file:
cp ../daml/bazel_tools/ghc-lib/BUILD.ghc BUILD
5. Make changes...
6. Build referencing your local checkout of GHC:
cd ../daml
bazel build --override_repository=da-ghc="$( cd ../ghc ; pwd )" //...
After you are satisfied with your changes, just open a PR on the GHC repository and after it is merged update the SHA value in `GHC_REV` in [`/bazel_tools/ghc-lib/version.bzl`] and create a PR for the `daml` project.