Adding fields to template graphs (#2673)

* Adding more info to dor

* Adding fields to the graph

* Spelling mistakes and params

* Removing single line function

* Moving the duplicated code

* Revert "Moving the duplicated code"

This reverts commit 520b5d9b0d.

* Adding more structure to graph

* Working tests with graph which is more easy to understand and change.
have few more tests to migrate

* Adding edge details

* One more to go

* Adding more verbose field information

* All tests now tests the fields that are being added

* Removing unused Import

* defined not refined

* Unused imports

* Names need to be consitent

* Acutal and Expected, not expected and expected

* Removing unused export

* Lints
This commit is contained in:
Anup Kalburgi 2019-09-05 11:57:58 -04:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 1fa15ffb1d
commit 0a9e0a8911
5 changed files with 133 additions and 96 deletions

View File

@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
-- | Testing framework for Shake API.
module Development.IDE.Core.API.Testing
( ShakeTest
, TemplateProp(..)
, ExpectedChoice(..)
, GoToDefinitionPattern (..)
, HoverExpectation (..)
, D.DiagnosticSeverity(..)
, ExpectedChoiceAction(..)
, ExpectedGraph(..)
, ExpectedSubGraph(..)
, ExpectedChoiceDetails(..)
, runShakeTest
, makeFile
, makeModule
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.API.Testing
, expectNoVirtualResource
, expectVirtualResourceNote
, expectNoVirtualResourceNote
, expectedTemplatePoperties
, expectedGraph
, timedSection
, example
) where
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ import DA.Test.Util (standardizeQuotes)
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages (FromServerMessage(..))
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import qualified DA.Daml.Visual as V
import qualified DA.Pretty as DAP
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Ast as LF
-- * external dependencies
@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ data ShakeTestError
| ExpectedVirtualResourceNote VirtualResource T.Text (Map VirtualResource T.Text)
| ExpectedNoVirtualResourceNote VirtualResource (Map VirtualResource T.Text)
| ExpectedNoErrors [D.FileDiagnostic]
| ExpectedTemplateProps (Set.Set TemplateProp) (Set.Set TemplateProp)
| ExpectedGraphProps ExpectedGraph V.Graph
| ExpectedDefinition Cursor GoToDefinitionPattern (Maybe D.Location)
| ExpectedHoverText Cursor HoverExpectation [T.Text]
| TimedSectionTookTooLong Clock.NominalDiffTime Clock.NominalDiffTime
@ -127,20 +126,21 @@ data ShakeTestEnv = ShakeTestEnv
type TemplateName = String
type ChoiceName = String
data ExpectedChoiceAction
= Create TemplateName
| Exercise TemplateName ChoiceName deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ExpectedChoice = ExpectedChoice
{ _cName :: String
, _consuming :: Bool
, _action :: Set.Set ExpectedChoiceAction
data ExpectedChoiceDetails = ExpectedChoiceDetails
{ expectedConsuming :: Bool
, expectedName :: String
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show )
data TemplateProp = TemplateProp
{ _tplName :: T.Text
, _choices :: Set.Set ExpectedChoice
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ExpectedSubGraph = ExpectedSubGraph
{ expectedNodes :: [ChoiceName]
, expectedTplFields :: [String]
, expectedTemplate :: TemplateName
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show )
data ExpectedGraph = ExpectedGraph
{ expectedSubgraphs :: [ExpectedSubGraph]
, expectedEdges :: [(ExpectedChoiceDetails, ExpectedChoiceDetails)]
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show )
-- | Monad for specifying Shake API tests. This type is abstract.
newtype ShakeTest t = ShakeTest (ExceptT ShakeTestError (ReaderT ShakeTestEnv IO) t)
@ -538,33 +538,34 @@ timedSection targetDiffTime block = do
throwError $ TimedSectionTookTooLong targetDiffTime actualDiffTime
return value
actionsToChoiceActions :: Set.Set V.Action -> Set.Set ExpectedChoiceAction
actionsToChoiceActions acts = expectedChcAction acts
where expectedChcAction = \case
V.ACreate tcon -> Create (DAP.renderPretty tcon)
V.AExercise tcon choice -> Exercise (DAP.renderPretty tcon) (DAP.renderPretty choice)
subgraphToExpectedSubgraph :: V.SubGraph -> ExpectedSubGraph
subgraphToExpectedSubgraph vSubgraph = ExpectedSubGraph vNodes vFields vTplName
where vNodes = map (T.unpack . LF.unChoiceName . V.displayChoiceName) (V.nodes vSubgraph)
vFields = map T.unpack (V.templateFields vSubgraph)
vTplName = T.unpack $ V.tplNameUnqual (V.clusterTemplate vSubgraph)
templateChoicesToProps :: V.TemplateChoices -> TemplateProp
templateChoicesToProps tca = TemplateProp tName choicesInTpl
where tName = V.tplNameUnqual (V.template tca)
choicesInTpl = Set.fromList $ map (\ca -> ExpectedChoice (DAP.renderPretty $ V.choiceName ca) (V.choiceConsuming ca) (actionsToChoiceActions $ V.actions ca)) (V.choiceAndActions tca)
graphToExpectedGraph :: V.Graph -> ExpectedGraph
graphToExpectedGraph vGraph = ExpectedGraph vSubgrpaghs vEdges
where vSubgrpaghs = map subgraphToExpectedSubgraph (V.subgraphs vGraph)
vEdges = map (\(c1,c2) -> (expectedChcDetails c1, expectedChcDetails c2)) (V.edges vGraph)
expectedChcDetails chc = ExpectedChoiceDetails (V.consuming chc)
((T.unpack . LF.unChoiceName . V.displayChoiceName) chc)
graphTest :: LF.World -> LF.Package -> Set.Set TemplateProp -> ShakeTest ()
graphTest wrld lfPkg expectedProps = do
let actual = Set.fromList $ map templateChoicesToProps tplPropsActual
tplPropsActual = concatMap (V.moduleAndTemplates wrld) (NM.toList $ LF.packageModules lfPkg)
unless (expectedProps == actual) $
throwError $ ExpectedTemplateProps expectedProps actual
graphTest :: LF.World -> LF.Package -> ExpectedGraph -> ShakeTest ()
graphTest wrld pkg expectedGraph = do
let actualGraph = V.graphFromModule (NM.toList $ LF.packageModules pkg) wrld
unless (expectedGraph == graphToExpectedGraph actualGraph) $
throwError $ ExpectedGraphProps expectedGraph actualGraph
expectedTemplatePoperties :: D.NormalizedFilePath -> Set.Set TemplateProp -> ShakeTest ()
expectedTemplatePoperties damlFilePath expectedProps = do
-- Not using the ide call as we do not have a rule defined for visualization because of memory overhead
expectedGraph :: D.NormalizedFilePath -> ExpectedGraph -> ShakeTest ()
expectedGraph damlFilePath expectedGraph = do
ideState <- ShakeTest $ Reader.asks steService
mbDalf <- liftIO $ API.runAction ideState (API.getDalf damlFilePath)
Just lfPkg <- pure mbDalf
wrld <- Reader.liftIO $ API.runAction ideState (API.worldForFile damlFilePath)
graphTest wrld lfPkg expectedProps
graphTest wrld lfPkg expectedGraph
-- | Example testing scenario.
example :: ShakeTest ()

View File

@ -4,12 +4,15 @@
-- | Main entry-point of the DAML compiler
module DA.Daml.Visual
( execVisual
, moduleAndTemplates
, tplNameUnqual
, TemplateChoices(..)
, ChoiceAndAction(..)
, Action(..)
, Graph(..)
, SubGraph(..)
, ChoiceDetails(..)
, dotFileGen
, graphFromModule
) where
@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ data ChoiceAndAction = ChoiceAndAction
data TemplateChoices = TemplateChoices
{ template :: LF.Template
, modName :: LF.ModuleName
, choiceAndActions :: [ChoiceAndAction]
} deriving (Show)
@ -50,12 +54,18 @@ data ChoiceDetails = ChoiceDetails
{ nodeId :: Int
, consuming :: Bool
, displayChoiceName :: LF.ChoiceName
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data SubGraph = SubGraph
{ nodes :: [ChoiceDetails]
, templateFields :: [T.Text]
, clusterTemplate :: LF.Template
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Graph = Graph
{ subgraphs :: [SubGraph]
, edges :: [(ChoiceDetails, ChoiceDetails)]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
startFromUpdate :: Set.Set (LF.Qualified LF.ExprValName) -> LF.World -> LF.Update -> Set.Set Action
startFromUpdate seen world update = case update of
@ -116,7 +126,7 @@ templatePossibleUpdates world tpl = map toActions $ NM.toList $ LF.tplChoices tp
moduleAndTemplates :: LF.World -> LF.Module -> [TemplateChoices]
moduleAndTemplates world mod = map (\t -> TemplateChoices t (templatePossibleUpdates world t)) $ NM.toList $ LF.moduleTemplates mod
moduleAndTemplates world mod = map (\t -> TemplateChoices t (LF.moduleName mod) (templatePossibleUpdates world t)) $ NM.toList $ LF.moduleTemplates mod
dalfBytesToPakage :: BSL.ByteString -> ExternalPackage
dalfBytesToPakage bytes = case Archive.decodeArchive $ BSL.toStrict bytes of
@ -153,10 +163,29 @@ addCreateChoice :: TemplateChoices -> Map.Map LF.ChoiceName ChoiceDetails -> Cho
addCreateChoice TemplateChoices {..} lookupData = nodeIdForChoice lookupData tplNameCreateChoice
where tplNameCreateChoice = LF.ChoiceName $ T.pack $ DAP.renderPretty (headNote "addCreateChoice" (LF.unTypeConName (LF.tplTypeCon template))) ++ "_Create"
constructSubgraphsWithLables :: Map.Map LF.ChoiceName ChoiceDetails -> TemplateChoices -> SubGraph
constructSubgraphsWithLables lookupData tpla@TemplateChoices {..} = SubGraph nodesWithCreate template
labledField :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
labledField fname "" = fname
labledField fname label = fname <> "." <> label
typeConFieldsNames :: LF.World -> (LF.FieldName, LF.Type) -> [T.Text]
typeConFieldsNames world (LF.FieldName fName, LF.TConApp tcn _) = map (labledField fName) (typeConFields tcn world)
typeConFieldsNames _ (LF.FieldName fName, _) = [fName]
-- TODO: Anup This will fail if we were to recursively continue exploring the AST.
typeConFields :: LF.Qualified LF.TypeConName -> LF.World -> [T.Text]
typeConFields qName world = case LF.lookupDataType qName world of
Right dataType -> case LF.dataCons dataType of
LF.DataRecord re -> concatMap (typeConFieldsNames world) re
LF.DataVariant _ -> [""]
LF.DataEnum _ -> [""]
Left _ -> error "malformed template constructor"
constructSubgraphsWithLables :: LF.World -> Map.Map LF.ChoiceName ChoiceDetails -> TemplateChoices -> SubGraph
constructSubgraphsWithLables wrld lookupData tpla@TemplateChoices {..} = SubGraph nodesWithCreate fieldsInTemplate template
where choicesInTemplate = map internalChcName choiceAndActions
fieldsInTemplate = typeConFields qualTpl wrld
nodes = map (nodeIdForChoice lookupData) choicesInTemplate
qualTpl = LF.Qualified LF.PRSelf modName (LF.tplTypeCon template)
nodesWithCreate = addCreateChoice tpla lookupData : nodes
tplNamet :: LF.TypeConName -> T.Text
@ -175,8 +204,8 @@ graphEdges lookupData tplChcActions = map (\(chn1, chn2) -> (nodeIdForChoice loo
where chcActionsFromAllTemplates = concatMap choiceAndActions tplChcActions
choicePairsForTemplates = concatMap choiceActionToChoicePairs chcActionsFromAllTemplates
subGraphHeader :: LF.Template -> String
subGraphHeader tpl = "subgraph cluster_" ++ (DAP.renderPretty $ head (LF.unTypeConName $ LF.tplTypeCon tpl)) ++ "{\n"
subGraphHeader :: SubGraph -> String
subGraphHeader sg = "subgraph cluster_" ++ (DAP.renderPretty $ head (LF.unTypeConName $ LF.tplTypeCon $ clusterTemplate sg)) ++ "{\n"
choiceDetailsColorCode :: IsConsuming -> String
choiceDetailsColorCode True = "red"
@ -185,28 +214,36 @@ choiceDetailsColorCode False = "green"
subGraphBodyLine :: ChoiceDetails -> String
subGraphBodyLine chc = "n" ++ show (nodeId chc)++ "[label=" ++ DAP.renderPretty (displayChoiceName chc) ++"][color=" ++ choiceDetailsColorCode (consuming chc) ++"]; "
subGraphEnd :: LF.Template -> String
subGraphEnd tpl = "label=" ++ DAP.renderPretty (LF.tplTypeCon tpl) ++ ";color=" ++ "blue" ++ "\n}"
subGraphEnd :: SubGraph -> String
subGraphEnd sg = "label=<" ++ tHeader ++ tTitle ++ tBody ++ tclose ++ ">" ++ ";color=" ++ "blue" ++ "\n}"
where tHeader = "<table align = \"left\" border=\"0\" cellborder=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n"
tTitle = "<tr><td align=\"center\"><b>" ++ DAP.renderPretty (LF.tplTypeCon $ clusterTemplate sg) ++ "</b></td></tr>"
tBody = concatMap fieldTableLine (templateFields sg)
fieldTableLine field = "<tr><td align=\"left\">" ++ T.unpack field ++ "</td></tr> \n"
tclose = "</table>"
subGraphCluster :: SubGraph -> String
subGraphCluster SubGraph {..} = subGraphHeader clusterTemplate ++ unlines (map subGraphBodyLine nodes) ++ subGraphEnd clusterTemplate
subGraphCluster sg@SubGraph {..} = subGraphHeader sg ++ unlines (map subGraphBodyLine nodes) ++ subGraphEnd sg
drawEdge :: ChoiceDetails -> ChoiceDetails -> String
drawEdge n1 n2 = "n" ++ show (nodeId n1) ++ "->" ++ "n" ++ show (nodeId n2)
constructDotGraph :: [SubGraph] -> [(ChoiceDetails, ChoiceDetails)] -> String
constructDotGraph subgraphs edges = "digraph G {\ncompound=true;\n" ++ "rankdir=LR;\n"++ graphLines ++ "\n}\n"
where subgraphsLines = concatMap subGraphCluster subgraphs
edgesLines = unlines $ map (uncurry drawEdge) edges
constructDotGraph :: Graph -> String
constructDotGraph graph = "digraph G {\ncompound=true;\n" ++ "rankdir=LR;\n"++ graphLines ++ "\n}\n"
where subgraphsLines = concatMap subGraphCluster (subgraphs graph)
edgesLines = unlines $ map (uncurry drawEdge) (edges graph)
graphLines = subgraphsLines ++ edgesLines
graphFromModule :: [LF.Module] -> LF.World -> Graph
graphFromModule modules world = Graph subGraphs edges
where templatesAndModules = concatMap (moduleAndTemplates world) modules
nodes = choiceNameWithId templatesAndModules
subGraphs = map (constructSubgraphsWithLables world nodes) templatesAndModules
edges = graphEdges nodes templatesAndModules
dotFileGen :: [LF.Module] -> LF.World -> String
dotFileGen modules world = constructDotGraph subgraphClusters graphConnectedEdges
where templatesAndModules = concatMap (moduleAndTemplates world) modules
nodeWorld = choiceNameWithId templatesAndModules
subgraphClusters = map (constructSubgraphsWithLables nodeWorld) templatesAndModules
graphConnectedEdges = graphEdges nodeWorld templatesAndModules
dotFileGen modules world = constructDotGraph $ graphFromModule modules world
execVisual :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IO ()
execVisual darFilePath dotFilePath = do

View File

@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ da_haskell_test(

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as Tasty
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T
import Data.Either
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.Directory
import System.Environment.Blank (setEnv)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
@ -955,14 +954,13 @@ visualDamlTests = Tasty.testGroup "Visual Tests"
, " do return ()"
setFilesOfInterest [foo]
expectedTemplatePoperties foo $ Set.fromList
[TemplateProp "Coin"
[ExpectedChoice "Archive" True Set.empty,
ExpectedChoice "Delete" True Set.empty
expectedGraph foo (
ExpectedGraph {expectedSubgraphs =
[ExpectedSubGraph {expectedNodes = ["Create","Archive","Delete"]
, expectedTplFields = ["owner"]
, expectedTemplate = "Coin"}
, expectedEdges = []})
, testCase' "Fetch shoud not be an create action" $ do
fetchTest <- makeModule "F"
[ "template Coin"
@ -980,13 +978,11 @@ visualDamlTests = Tasty.testGroup "Visual Tests"
setFilesOfInterest [fetchTest]
expectedTemplatePoperties fetchTest $ Set.fromList
[TemplateProp "Coin"
[ ExpectedChoice "Archive" True Set.empty,
ExpectedChoice "ReducedCoin" False Set.empty
expectedGraph fetchTest ( ExpectedGraph {expectedSubgraphs =
[ExpectedSubGraph {expectedNodes = ["Create","Archive","ReducedCoin"]
, expectedTplFields = ["owner","amount"]
, expectedTemplate = "Coin"}]
, expectedEdges = []})
, testCase' "Exercise should add an edge" $ do
exerciseTest <- makeModule "F"
[ "template TT"
@ -1009,18 +1005,20 @@ visualDamlTests = Tasty.testGroup "Visual Tests"
setFilesOfInterest [exerciseTest]
expectedTemplatePoperties exerciseTest $ Set.fromList
[TemplateProp "Coin"
[ ExpectedChoice "Archive" True Set.empty,
ExpectedChoice "Delete" True Set.empty
, TemplateProp "TT"
[ ExpectedChoice "Consume" True (Set.fromList [Exercise "F:Coin" "Delete"]),
ExpectedChoice "Archive" True Set.empty
expectedGraph exerciseTest (ExpectedGraph
[ ExpectedSubGraph { expectedNodes = ["Create", "Archive", "Delete"]
, expectedTplFields = ["owner"]
, expectedTemplate = "Coin"
, ExpectedSubGraph { expectedNodes = ["Create", "Archive", "Consume"]
, expectedTplFields = ["owner"]
, expectedTemplate = "TT"}]
[(ExpectedChoiceDetails {expectedConsuming = True
, expectedName = "Consume"},
ExpectedChoiceDetails {expectedConsuming = True
, expectedName = "Delete"})
, testCase' "Create on other template should be edge" $ do
createTest <- makeModule "F"
[ "template TT"
@ -1039,16 +1037,16 @@ visualDamlTests = Tasty.testGroup "Visual Tests"
setFilesOfInterest [createTest]
expectedTemplatePoperties createTest $ Set.fromList
[TemplateProp "Coin"
[ExpectedChoice "Archive" True Set.empty])
, TemplateProp "TT"
[ ExpectedChoice "CreateCoin" True (Set.fromList [Create "F:Coin"]),
ExpectedChoice "Archive" True Set.empty
expectedGraph createTest (ExpectedGraph
{expectedSubgraphs = [ExpectedSubGraph {expectedNodes = ["Create","Archive"]
, expectedTplFields = ["owner"]
, expectedTemplate = "Coin"}
, ExpectedSubGraph {expectedNodes = ["Create","Archive","CreateCoin"]
, expectedTplFields = ["owner"]
, expectedTemplate = "TT"}]
, expectedEdges = [(ExpectedChoiceDetails {expectedConsuming = True, expectedName = "CreateCoin"}
,ExpectedChoiceDetails {expectedConsuming = False, expectedName = "Create"})]})
testCase' = testCase Nothing

View File

@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ executeCommandTests run _ = testGroup "execute command"
Just escapedFp <- pure $ uriToFilePath (main' ^. uri)
actualDotString :: ExecuteCommandResponse <- LSP.request WorkspaceExecuteCommand $ ExecuteCommandParams
"daml/damlVisualize" (Just (List [Aeson.String $ T.pack escapedFp]))
let expectedDotString = "digraph G {\ncompound=true;\nrankdir=LR;\nsubgraph cluster_Coin{\nn0[label=Create][color=green]; \nn1[label=Archive][color=red]; \nn2[label=Delete][color=red]; \nlabel=Coin;color=blue\n}\n}\n"
let expectedDotString = "digraph G {\ncompound=true;\nrankdir=LR;\nsubgraph cluster_Coin{\nn0[label=Create][color=green]; \nn1[label=Archive][color=red]; \nn2[label=Delete][color=red]; \nlabel=<<table align = \"left\" border=\"0\" cellborder=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n<tr><td align=\"center\"><b>Coin</b></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">owner</td></tr> \n</table>>;color=blue\n}\n}\n"
liftIO $ assertEqual "Visulization command" (Just expectedDotString) (_result actualDotString)
closeDoc main'
, testCase "Invalid commands result in empty response" $ run $ do