Cleanup old daml-helper code dealing with da.yaml (#5340)

The old assistant is long gone (since 0.12.x), so it doesn't make sense to hold on to this code.

This commit is contained in:
associahedron 2020-04-01 14:07:33 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 5ddf7ef497
commit 114bb1eca1
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -383,16 +383,7 @@ getTemplatesFolder = fmap (</> "templates") getSdkPath
-- 4. If the target folder is inside a daml project (transitively) but
-- is not the project root, it will do nothing and print out a warning.
-- 5. If the target folder is a da project root, it will create a
-- daml.yaml config file from the da.yaml config file, and let the
-- user know that it did that.
-- 6. If the target folder is inside a da project (transitively) but
-- is not the project root, it will error out with a message that lets
-- the user know what the project root is and suggests the user run
-- daml init on the project root.
-- 7. If none of the above, it will create a daml.yaml from scratch.
-- 5. If none of the above, it will create a daml.yaml from scratch.
-- It will attempt to find a Main.daml source file in the project
-- directory tree, but if it does not it will use daml/Main.daml
-- as the default.
@ -437,73 +428,7 @@ runInit targetFolderM = do
-- cases 5 or 6
daProjectRootM <- findDaProjectRoot targetFolderAbs
whenJust daProjectRootM $ \projectRoot -> do
when (targetFolderAbs /= projectRoot) $ do
let projectRootRel = makeRelative currentDir projectRoot
hPutStr stderr $ unlines
[ "ERROR: daml init target is not DA project root."
, " daml init target = " <> targetFolder
, " DA project root = " <> projectRootRel
, ""
, "To proceed with da.yaml migration, please use the project root:"
, " " <> showCommandForUser "daml" ["init", projectRootRel]
let legacyConfigPath = projectRoot </> legacyConfigName
legacyConfigRel = normalise (targetFolderRel </> legacyConfigName)
-- ^ for display purposes
daYaml <- requiredE ("Failed to parse " <> T.pack legacyConfigPath) =<<
Y.decodeFileEither (projectRoot </> legacyConfigName)
putStr $ unlines
[ "Detected DA project."
, "Migrating " <> legacyConfigRel <> " to " <> projectConfigRel
let getField :: Y.FromJSON t => T.Text -> IO t
getField name =
required ("Failed to parse project." <> name <> " from " <> T.pack legacyConfigPath) $
flip Y.parseMaybe daYaml $ \y -> do
p <- y Y..: "project"
p Y..: name
minimumSdkVersion <- getMinimumSdkVersion
projSdkVersion :: SdkVersion <- getField "sdk-version"
let newProjSdkVersion = max projSdkVersion minimumSdkVersion
when (projSdkVersion < minimumSdkVersion) $ do
putStr $ unlines
[ ""
, "WARNING: da.yaml SDK version " <> versionToString projSdkVersion <> " is too old for the new"
, "assistant, so daml.yaml will use SDK version " <> versionToString newProjSdkVersion <> " instead."
, ""
projSource :: T.Text <- getField "source"
projParties :: [T.Text] <- getField "parties"
projName :: T.Text <- getField "name"
projScenario :: T.Text <- getField "scenario"
BS.writeFile (projectRoot </> projectConfigName) . Y.encodePretty yamlConfig $ Y.object
[ ("sdk-version", Y.String (versionToText newProjSdkVersion))
, ("name", Y.String projName)
, ("source", Y.String projSource)
, ("scenario", Y.String projScenario)
, ("parties", Y.array (map Y.String projParties))
, ("version", Y.String "1.0.0")
, ("exposed-modules", Y.array [Y.String "Main"])
, ("dependencies", Y.array [Y.String "daml-prim", Y.String "daml-stdlib"])
, ("sandbox-options", Y.array [Y.String "--wall-clock-time"])
putStrLn ("Done! Please verify " <> projectConfigRel)
-- case 7
-- case 5
putStrLn ("Generating " <> projectConfigRel)
currentSdkVersion <- getSdkVersion
@ -534,11 +459,6 @@ runInit targetFolderM = do
getMinimumSdkVersion :: IO SdkVersion
getMinimumSdkVersion =
requiredE "BUG: Expected 0.12.15 to be valid SDK version" $
parseVersion "0.12.15"
fieldOrder :: [T.Text]
fieldOrder =
[ "sdk-version"
@ -621,18 +541,6 @@ runNew targetFolder templateNameM = do
daRootM <- findDaProjectRoot targetFolderAbs
whenJust daRootM $ \daRoot -> do
hPutStr stderr $ unlines
[ "Target directory is inside existing DA project " <> show daRoot
, "Please convert DA project to DAML using 'daml init':"
, ""
, " " <> showCommandForUser "daml" ["init", daRoot]
, ""
, "Or specify a new directory outside an existing project."
-- Copy the template over.
copyDirectory templateFolder targetFolder
files <- listFilesRecursive targetFolder
@ -702,15 +610,9 @@ runCreateDamlApp targetFolder = do
defaultProjectTemplate :: String
defaultProjectTemplate = "skeleton"
legacyConfigName :: FilePath
legacyConfigName = "da.yaml"
findDamlProjectRoot :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findDamlProjectRoot = findAscendantWithFile projectConfigName
findDaProjectRoot :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findDaProjectRoot = findAscendantWithFile legacyConfigName
findAscendantWithFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findAscendantWithFile filename path =
findM (\p -> doesFileExist (p </> filename)) (ascendants path)