daml2ts : sum-of-product rewrite (#4047)

* Wip

* Checkpoint

* It works!

* Refactor


Co-authored-by: Shayne Fletcher <shayne.fletcher@digitalasset.com>
This commit is contained in:
Shayne Fletcher 2020-01-14 16:37:21 -05:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 3381681874
commit 1542e4c29b

View File

@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Options.Applicative
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.FilePath hiding ((<.>))
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
data Options = Options
{ optInputDar :: FilePath
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ daml2ts Options{..} pkgId pkg mbPkgName = do
["export default '" <> unPackageId pkgId <> "';"]
forM_ (packageModules pkg) $ \mod -> do
whenJust (genModule pkgId mod) $ \modTxt -> do
let outputFile = outputDir </> joinPath (map T.unpack (unModuleName (moduleName mod))) <.> "ts"
let outputFile = outputDir </> joinPath (map T.unpack (unModuleName (moduleName mod))) FP.<.> "ts"
putStrLn $ "Generating " ++ outputFile
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory outputFile)
T.writeFileUtf8 outputFile modTxt
@ -76,6 +77,10 @@ daml2ts Options{..} pkgId pkg mbPkgName = do
dup :: a -> (a, a)
dup x = (x, x)
infixr 6 <.> -- This is the same fixity as '<>'.
(<.>) :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
(<.>) u v = u <> "." <> v
genModule :: PackageId -> Module -> Maybe T.Text
genModule curPkgId mod
| null serDefs = Nothing
@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ genModule curPkgId mod
lenModName = length (unModuleName curModName)
tpls = moduleTemplates mod
(defSers, refs) = unzip (map (genDataDef curPkgId curModName tpls) serDefs)
(defSers, refs) = unzip (map (genDataDef curPkgId mod tpls) serDefs)
header =
["// Generated from " <> T.intercalate "/" (unModuleName curModName) <> ".daml"
,"/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/camelcase */"
@ -107,31 +112,68 @@ genModule curPkgId mod
Just $ T.unlines $ intercalate [""] $ filter (not . null) $ header : imports : defs
serDefs = filter (getIsSerializable . dataSerializable) (NM.toList (moduleDataTypes mod))
serDefs = defDataTypes mod
genDataDef :: PackageId -> ModuleName -> NM.NameMap Template -> DefDataType -> (([T.Text], [T.Text]), Set.Set ModuleRef)
genDataDef curPkgId curModName tpls def = case unTypeConName (dataTypeCon def) of
defDataTypes :: Module -> [DefDataType]
defDataTypes mod = filter (getIsSerializable . dataSerializable) (NM.toList (moduleDataTypes mod))
genDataDef :: PackageId -> Module -> NM.NameMap Template -> DefDataType -> (([T.Text], [T.Text]), Set.Set ModuleRef)
genDataDef curPkgId mod tpls def = case unTypeConName (dataTypeCon def) of
[] -> error "IMPOSSIBLE: empty type constructor name"
_: _: _: _ -> error "IMPOSSIBLE: multi-part type constructor of more than two names"
[conName] -> genDefDataType curPkgId conName curModName tpls def
[c1, c2] -> ((makeNamespace $ map (" " <>) typs, makeNamespace $ map (" " <>) sers), refs)
[conName] -> genDefDataType curPkgId conName mod tpls def
[c1, c2] -> ((makeNamespace $ map (" " <>) typs, []), refs)
((typs, sers), refs) = genDefDataType curPkgId c2 curModName tpls def
ns = c1 <> "_NS"
((typs, _), refs) = genDefDataType curPkgId c2 mod tpls def
makeNamespace stuff =
[ "// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace"
, "export namespace " <> ns <> " {"] ++ stuff ++ ["} //namespace " <> ns] ++ [""]
, "export namespace " <> c1 <> " {"] ++ stuff ++ ["} //namespace " <> c1]
genDefDataType :: PackageId -> T.Text -> ModuleName -> NM.NameMap Template -> DefDataType -> (([T.Text], [T.Text]), Set.Set ModuleRef)
genDefDataType curPkgId conName curModName tpls def =
genDefDataType :: PackageId -> T.Text -> Module -> NM.NameMap Template -> DefDataType -> (([T.Text], [T.Text]), Set.Set ModuleRef)
genDefDataType curPkgId conName mod tpls def =
case dataCons def of
DataVariant bs ->
(typs, sers) = unzip $ map genBranch bs
typeDesc = [""] ++ typs
serDesc = ["() => jtv.oneOf<" <> conName <> typeParams <> ">("] ++ sers ++ [")"]
((makeType typeDesc, makeSer serDesc), Set.unions $ map (Set.setOf typeModuleRef . snd) bs)
typeDesc = makeType ([""] ++ typs)
typ = conName <> typeParams -- Type of the variant.
serDesc =
if not $ null paramNames -- Polymorphic type.
then -- Companion function.
-- Any associated serializers.
assocSers = map (\(n, d) -> serFromDef id n d) assocDefDataTypes
-- The variant deserializer.
function = onLast (<> ";") (makeSer ( ["() => jtv.oneOf<" <> typ <> ">("] ++ sers ++ [")"]));
props = -- Fix the first and last line of each serializer.
concatMap (onHead (fromJust . T.stripPrefix (T.pack "export const ")) . onLast (<> ";")) assocSers
-- The complete definition of the companion function.
in function ++ props
-- To-do: Can we formulate a static implements
-- serializable check that works for companion
-- functions?
else -- Companion object.
assocNames = map fst assocDefDataTypes
-- Any associated serializers, dropping the first line
-- of each.
assocSers = map (\(n, d) -> (n, serFromDef (drop 1) n d)) assocDefDataTypes
-- Type of the companion object.
typ' = "daml.Serializable<" <> conName <> "> & {\n" <>
T.concat (map (\n -> " " <> n <> ": daml.Serializable<" <> (conName <.> n) <> ">;\n") assocNames) <>
" }"
-- Body of the companion object.
body = map (" " <>) $
-- The variant deserializer.
["decoder: () => jtv.oneOf<" <> typ <> ">("] ++ sers ++ ["),"] ++
-- Remember how we dropped the first line of each
-- associated serializer above? This replaces them.
concatMap (\(n, ser) -> n <> ": ({" : onLast (<> ",") ser) assocSers
-- The complete definition of the companion object.
in ["export const " <> conName <> ":\n " <> typ' <> " = ({"] ++ body ++ ["});"] ++
["daml.STATIC_IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE_CHECK<" <> conName <> ">(" <> conName <> ")"]
in ((typeDesc, serDesc), Set.unions $ map (Set.setOf typeModuleRef . snd) bs)
DataEnum enumCons ->
typeDesc =
@ -142,14 +184,14 @@ genDefDataType curPkgId conName curModName tpls def =
, "daml.STATIC_IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE_CHECK<" <> conName <> ">(" <> conName <> ")"
serDesc =
["() => jtv.oneOf("] ++
["() => jtv.oneOf<" <> conName <> ">" <> "("] ++
[" jtv.constant(" <> conName <> "." <> cons <> ")," | VariantConName cons <- enumCons] ++
((typeDesc, makeNameSpace serDesc), Set.empty)
DataRecord fields ->
let (fieldNames, fieldTypesLf) = unzip [(unFieldName x, t) | (x, t) <- fields]
(fieldTypesTs, fieldSers) = unzip (map (genType curModName) fieldTypesLf)
(fieldTypesTs, fieldSers) = unzip (map (genType (moduleName mod)) fieldTypesLf)
fieldRefs = map (Set.setOf typeModuleRef . snd) fields
typeDesc =
["{"] ++
@ -168,14 +210,14 @@ genDefDataType curPkgId conName curModName tpls def =
| chc <- NM.toList (tplChoices tpl)
, let tLf = snd (chcArgBinder chc)
, let rLf = chcReturnType chc
, let (t, _) = genType curModName tLf
, let (rtyp, rser) = genType curModName rLf
, let (t, _) = genType (moduleName mod) tLf
, let (rtyp, rser) = genType (moduleName mod) rLf
, let argRefs = Set.setOf typeModuleRef tLf
(keyTypeTs, keySer) = case tplKey tpl of
Nothing -> ("undefined", "() => jtv.constant(undefined)")
Just key ->
let (keyTypeTs, keySer) = genType curModName (tplKeyType key)
let (keyTypeTs, keySer) = genType (moduleName mod) (tplKeyType key)
(keyTypeTs, "() => " <> keySer <> ".decoder()")
dict =
@ -183,7 +225,7 @@ genDefDataType curPkgId conName curModName tpls def =
[" " <> x <> ": daml.Choice<" <> conName <> ", " <> t <> ", " <> rtyp <> ", " <> keyTypeTs <> ">;" | (x, t, rtyp, _) <- chcs] ++
["} = {"
] ++
[" templateId: '" <> unPackageId curPkgId <> ":" <> T.intercalate "." (unModuleName curModName) <> ":" <> conName <> "',"
[" templateId: '" <> unPackageId curPkgId <> ":" <> T.intercalate "." (unModuleName (moduleName mod)) <> ":" <> conName <> "',"
," keyDecoder: " <> keySer <> ","
] ++
map (" " <>) (onHead ("decoder: " <>) serDesc) ++
@ -225,7 +267,7 @@ genDefDataType curPkgId conName curModName tpls def =
makeSer serDesc =
["export const " <> conName <> serHeader <> " ({"] ++
map (" " <>) (onHead ("decoder: " <>) serDesc) ++
makeNameSpace serDesc =
[ "// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace"
, "export namespace " <> conName <> " {"
@ -233,10 +275,24 @@ genDefDataType curPkgId conName curModName tpls def =
map (" " <>) (onHead ("export const decoder = " <>) serDesc) ++
genBranch (VariantConName cons, t) =
let (typ, ser) = genType curModName t in
let (typ, ser) = genType (moduleName mod) t in
( " | { tag: '" <> cons <> "'; value: " <> typ <> " }"
, " jtv.object({tag: jtv.constant('" <> cons <> "'), value: jtv.lazy(() => " <> ser <> ".decoder())}),"
-- A type such as
-- data Q = C { x: Int, y: Text }| G { z: Bool }
-- has a DAML-LF representation like,
-- record Q.C = { x: Int, y: String }
-- record Q.G = { z: Bool }
-- variant Q = C Q.C | G Q.G
-- This constant is the definitions of 'Q.C' and 'Q.G' given
-- 'Q'.
assocDefDataTypes =
[(sub, def) | def <- defDataTypes mod
, [sup, sub] <- [unTypeConName (dataTypeCon def)], sup == conName]
-- Extract the serialization code associated with a data type
-- definition.
serFromDef f c2 = f . snd . fst . genDefDataType curPkgId (conName <.> c2) mod tpls
genType :: ModuleName -> Type -> (T.Text, T.Text)
genType curModName = go
@ -295,13 +351,12 @@ genTypeCon curModName (Qualified pkgRef modName conParts) =
[] -> error "IMPOSSIBLE: empty type constructor name"
_: _: _: _ -> error "TODO(MH): multi-part type constructor names"
[c1 ,c2]
| modRef == (PRSelf, curModName) -> dup $ cat (c1, c2)
| otherwise -> dup $ genModuleRef modRef <> cat (c1, c2)
| modRef == (PRSelf, curModName) -> dup $ c1 <.> c2
| otherwise -> dup $ genModuleRef modRef <> c1 <.> c2
| modRef == (PRSelf, curModName) -> dup conName
| otherwise -> dup $ genModuleRef modRef <> "." <> conName
| otherwise -> dup $ genModuleRef modRef <.> conName
cat (u, v) = u <> "_NS." <> v
modRef = (pkgRef, modName)
genModuleRef :: ModuleRef -> T.Text
@ -315,3 +370,9 @@ onHead :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
onHead f = \case
[] -> []
x:xs -> f x:xs
onLast :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
onLast f = \case
[] -> []
[l] -> [f l]
x : xs -> x : onLast f xs