Pattern matching for RoundingMode (#9381)

* Pattern matching for RoundingMode

- Fix the order of RoundingMode constructors in GHC.Types to match the LF built-in order. Try to match this order across all code and documentation, and added a test for this order.
- Implements pattern matching for RoundingMode. The added machinery could also be useful for solving #5753 in the future.
- Implements Show instance for RoundingMode. (Mainly so we can use them in tests.) Moved BigNumeric Show instance to GHC.Show.


* mkScrutineeEquality typo

* fix roundingModeLiteralMap order

* Use custom type for building case body

* Factor GeneralisedCaseAlternative into GeneralisedCasePattern

* Fix finalize

* Remove unused bindings
This commit is contained in:
Sofia Faro 2021-04-13 16:47:16 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent b41e1ed9f3
commit 1627b70427
No known key found for this signature in database
11 changed files with 218 additions and 102 deletions

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@ -204,14 +204,15 @@ instance Pretty PartyLiteral where
pPrint = quotes . text . unPartyLiteral
prettyRounding :: RoundingModeLiteral -> String
prettyRounding LitRoundingUp = "ROUNDING_UP"
prettyRounding LitRoundingDown = "ROUNDING_DOWN"
prettyRounding LitRoundingCeiling = "ROUNDING_CEILING"
prettyRounding LitRoundingFloor = "ROUNDING_FLOOR"
prettyRounding LitRoundingHalfUp = "ROUNDING_HALF_UP"
prettyRounding LitRoundingHalfDown = "ROUNDING_HALF_DOWN"
prettyRounding LitRoundingHalfEven = "ROUNDING_HALF_EVEN"
prettyRounding LitRoundingUnnecessary = "ROUNDING_UNNECESSARY"
prettyRounding = \case
LitRoundingUp -> "ROUNDING_UP"
LitRoundingDown -> "ROUNDING_DOWN"
LitRoundingCeiling -> "ROUNDING_CEILING"
LitRoundingFloor -> "ROUNDING_FLOOR"
LitRoundingHalfUp -> "ROUNDING_HALF_UP"
LitRoundingHalfDown -> "ROUNDING_HALF_DOWN"
LitRoundingHalfEven -> "ROUNDING_HALF_EVEN"
LitRoundingUnnecessary -> "ROUNDING_UNNECESSARY"
instance Pretty BuiltinExpr where
pPrintPrec lvl prec = \case

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@ -770,8 +770,8 @@ decodePrimLit (LF1.PrimLit mbSum) = mayDecode "primLitSum" mbSum $ \case
Proto.Enumerated (Right mode) -> pure $ case mode of
LF1.PrimLit_RoundingModeUP -> BERoundingMode LitRoundingUp
LF1.PrimLit_RoundingModeDOWN -> BERoundingMode LitRoundingDown
LF1.PrimLit_RoundingModeFLOOR -> BERoundingMode LitRoundingFloor
LF1.PrimLit_RoundingModeCEILING -> BERoundingMode LitRoundingCeiling
LF1.PrimLit_RoundingModeFLOOR -> BERoundingMode LitRoundingFloor
LF1.PrimLit_RoundingModeHALF_UP -> BERoundingMode LitRoundingHalfUp
LF1.PrimLit_RoundingModeHALF_DOWN -> BERoundingMode LitRoundingHalfDown
LF1.PrimLit_RoundingModeHALF_EVEN -> BERoundingMode LitRoundingHalfEven

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@ -1144,14 +1144,8 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
go env (VarIn GHC_Tuple "()") args = pure (EUnit, args)
go env (VarIn GHC_Types "RoundingCeiling" ) args = pure (EBuiltin (BERoundingMode LitRoundingCeiling ), args)
go env (VarIn GHC_Types "RoundingFloor" ) args = pure (EBuiltin (BERoundingMode LitRoundingFloor ), args)
go env (VarIn GHC_Types "RoundingDown" ) args = pure (EBuiltin (BERoundingMode LitRoundingDown ), args)
go env (VarIn GHC_Types "RoundingUp" ) args = pure (EBuiltin (BERoundingMode LitRoundingUp ), args)
go env (VarIn GHC_Types "RoundingHalfDown" ) args = pure (EBuiltin (BERoundingMode LitRoundingHalfDown ), args)
go env (VarIn GHC_Types "RoundingHalfEven" ) args = pure (EBuiltin (BERoundingMode LitRoundingHalfEven ), args)
go env (VarIn GHC_Types "RoundingHalfUp" ) args = pure (EBuiltin (BERoundingMode LitRoundingHalfUp ), args)
go env (VarIn GHC_Types "RoundingUnnecessary") args = pure (EBuiltin (BERoundingMode LitRoundingUnnecessary), args)
go env (VarIn GHC_Types (RoundingModeName roundingModeLit)) args =
pure (EBuiltin (BERoundingMode roundingModeLit), args)
go env (VarIn GHC_Types "True") args = pure (mkBool True, args)
go env (VarIn GHC_Types "False") args = pure (mkBool False, args)
@ -1208,8 +1202,9 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
let fldName = fldNames !! fldIndex
recTyp <- convertType env (varType bind)
pure $ mkDictProj env (fromTCon recTyp) fldName scrutinee' `ETmApp` EUnit
go env o@(Case scrutinee bind _ [alt@(DataAlt con, vs, x)]) args = fmap (, args) $ do
go env o@(Case scrutinee bind resultType [alt@(DataAlt con, vs, x)]) args = fmap (, args) $ do
convertType env (varType bind) >>= \case
-- opaque types have no patterns that can be matched
TText -> asLet
TDecimal -> asLet
TNumeric _ -> asLet
@ -1233,32 +1228,96 @@ convertExpr env0 e = do
bind' <- convertExpr env (Var bind)
ty <- convertType env $ varType bind
alt' <- convertAlt env ty alt
pure $ ECase bind' [alt']
resultType' <- convertType env resultType
pure $ mkCase env ty resultType' bind' [alt']
asLet = convertLet env bind scrutinee $ \env -> convertExpr env x
go env (Case scrutinee bind typ []) args = fmap (, args) $ do
-- GHC only generates empty case alternatives if it is sure the scrutinee will fail, LF doesn't support empty alternatives
scrutinee' <- convertExpr env scrutinee
typ' <- convertType env typ
bind' <- convVarWithType env bind
pure $
ELet (Binding bind' scrutinee') $
ECase (EVar $ convVar bind) [CaseAlternative CPDefault $ EBuiltin BEError `ETyApp` typ' `ETmApp` EBuiltin (BEText "Unreachable")]
go env (Case scrutinee bind _ (defaultLast -> alts)) args = fmap (, args) $ do
go env (Case scrutinee bind resultType (defaultLast -> alts)) args = fmap (, args) $ do
scrutinee' <- convertExpr env scrutinee
bindTy <- convertType env $ varType bind
alts' <- mapM (convertAlt env bindTy) alts
bind' <- convVarWithType env bind
if isDeadOcc (occInfo (idInfo bind))
then pure $ ECase scrutinee' alts'
else pure $
resultType' <- convertType env resultType
if isDeadOcc (occInfo (idInfo bind)) && all isNormalCaseAlternative alts'
then pure $ mkCase env bindTy resultType' scrutinee' alts'
else pure $
ELet (Binding bind' scrutinee') $
ECase (EVar $ convVar bind) alts'
mkCase env bindTy resultType' (EVar $ convVar bind) alts'
go env (Let (Rec xs) _) args = unsupported "Local variables defined recursively - recursion can only happen at the top level" $ map fst xs
go env o@(Coercion _) args = unhandled "Coercion" o
go _ x args = unhandled "Expression" x
-- | Represents a generalised case pattern for a generalised case alternative.
data GeneralisedCasePattern
= GCPEquality LF.Expr
-- ^ Pattern matching via built-in equality.
| GCPNormal CasePattern
-- ^ Normal case alternative that is directly supported by LF.
-- This includes the default case (CPDefault).
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- | Generalised case alternative
data GeneralisedCaseAlternative = GCA GeneralisedCasePattern LF.Expr
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- | Is this a normal case alternative?
isNormalCaseAlternative :: GeneralisedCaseAlternative -> Bool
isNormalCaseAlternative = \case
GCA (GCPNormal _) _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | Represents the body of a generalised case expression.
data GeneralisedCaseBody
= GCBExpr LF.Expr
-- ^ Expression representing the generalised case.
| GCBAlts [CaseAlternative]
-- ^ Alternatives for a regular case statement.
-- | Make a case expression from GeneralisedCaseAlternatives.
-- The scrutinee will be evaluated multiple times unless all the
-- case alternatives are normal case alternatives. So to prevent
-- this, this function should only be used when either the scrutinee
-- is inert (e.g. a bound variable), or all the alternatives are
-- normal case alternatives ('GCANormal').
mkCase :: Env -> LF.Type -> LF.Type -> LF.Expr -> [GeneralisedCaseAlternative] -> LF.Expr
mkCase env scrutineeType resultType scrutinee galts =
finalize (foldr addCaseAlternative (GCBAlts []) galts)
finalize :: GeneralisedCaseBody -> LF.Expr
finalize = \case
GCBExpr e -> e
GCBAlts [] ->
ECase scrutinee
[ CaseAlternative CPDefault
$ EBuiltin BEError
`ETyApp` resultType
`ETmApp` EBuiltin (BEText "Unreachable") ]
-- GHC only generates empty case alternatives if it is sure the scrutinee will fail.
-- LF doesn't support empty alternatives, so we turn this into a non-empty alternative.
GCBAlts alts ->
ECase scrutinee alts
addCaseAlternative :: GeneralisedCaseAlternative -> GeneralisedCaseBody -> GeneralisedCaseBody
addCaseAlternative (GCA (GCPNormal pattern) rhs) (GCBAlts alts) =
GCBAlts (CaseAlternative pattern rhs : alts)
addCaseAlternative (GCA (GCPNormal pattern) rhs) (GCBExpr e) =
GCBAlts [CaseAlternative pattern rhs, CaseAlternative CPDefault e]
addCaseAlternative (GCA (GCPEquality expr) rhs) elseBranch =
GCBExpr (mkIf (mkScrutineeEquality expr) rhs (finalize elseBranch))
mkScrutineeEquality :: LF.Expr -> LF.Expr
mkScrutineeEquality pattern
| TBuiltin scrutineeBuiltinType <- scrutineeType
= mkBuiltinEqual (envLfVersion env) scrutineeBuiltinType `ETmApp` scrutinee `ETmApp` pattern
| envLfVersion env `supports` featureGenericComparison
= EBuiltin BEEqualGeneric `ETyApp` scrutineeType `ETmApp` scrutinee `ETmApp` pattern
| otherwise
= error "mkScrutineeEquality: No built-in equality exists for target LF version and type."
-- | Is this a constraint tuple?
isConstraintTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isConstraintTupleTyCon = (Just ConstraintTuple ==) . tyConTuple_maybe
@ -1441,20 +1500,27 @@ convertUnitId _thisUnitId pkgMap unitId = case unitId of
Just DalfPackage{..} -> pure $ LF.PRImport dalfPackageId
Nothing -> unknown unitId pkgMap
convertAlt :: Env -> LF.Type -> Alt Var -> ConvertM CaseAlternative
convertAlt env ty (DEFAULT, [], x) = CaseAlternative CPDefault <$> convertExpr env x
convertAlt :: Env -> LF.Type -> Alt Var -> ConvertM GeneralisedCaseAlternative
convertAlt env ty (DEFAULT, [], x) = GCA (GCPNormal CPDefault) <$> convertExpr env x
convertAlt env ty (DataAlt con, [], x)
| NameIn GHC_Types "True" <- con = CaseAlternative (CPBool True) <$> convertExpr env x
| NameIn GHC_Types "False" <- con = CaseAlternative (CPBool False) <$> convertExpr env x
| NameIn GHC_Types "[]" <- con = CaseAlternative CPNil <$> convertExpr env x
| NameIn GHC_Tuple "()" <- con = CaseAlternative CPUnit <$> convertExpr env x
| NameIn GHC_Types "True" <- con = GCA (GCPNormal (CPBool True)) <$> convertExpr env x
| NameIn GHC_Types "False" <- con = GCA (GCPNormal (CPBool False)) <$> convertExpr env x
| NameIn GHC_Types "[]" <- con = GCA (GCPNormal CPNil) <$> convertExpr env x
| NameIn GHC_Tuple "()" <- con = GCA (GCPNormal CPUnit) <$> convertExpr env x
| NameIn DA_Internal_Prelude "None" <- con
= CaseAlternative CPNone <$> convertExpr env x
= GCA (GCPNormal CPNone) <$> convertExpr env x
-- Rounding mode constructors do not have built-in LF support for pattern matching,
-- but we get the same result with equality tests.
| NameIn GHC_Types (RoundingModeName roundingModeLit) <- con
= GCA (GCPEquality (EBuiltin (BERoundingMode roundingModeLit))) <$> convertExpr env x
convertAlt env ty (DataAlt con, [a,b], x)
| NameIn GHC_Types ":" <- con = CaseAlternative (CPCons (convVar a) (convVar b)) <$> convertExpr env x
| NameIn GHC_Types ":" <- con
= GCA (GCPNormal (CPCons (convVar a) (convVar b))) <$> convertExpr env x
convertAlt env ty (DataAlt con, [a], x)
| NameIn DA_Internal_Prelude "Some" <- con
= CaseAlternative (CPSome (convVar a)) <$> convertExpr env x
= GCA (GCPNormal (CPSome (convVar a))) <$> convertExpr env x
convertAlt env (TConApp tcon targs) alt@(DataAlt con, vs, x) = do
let patTypeCon = tcon
@ -1463,7 +1529,7 @@ convertAlt env (TConApp tcon targs) alt@(DataAlt con, vs, x) = do
case classifyDataCon con of
EnumCon ->
CaseAlternative (CPEnum patTypeCon patVariant) <$> convertExpr env x
GCA (GCPNormal (CPEnum patTypeCon patVariant)) <$> convertExpr env x
SimpleVariantCon -> do
when (length vs /= dataConRepArity con) $
@ -1472,7 +1538,7 @@ convertAlt env (TConApp tcon targs) alt@(DataAlt con, vs, x) = do
unsupported "Data constructor with multiple unnamed fields" alt
let patBinder = maybe vArg convVar (listToMaybe vs)
CaseAlternative CPVariant{..} <$> convertExpr env x
GCA (GCPNormal CPVariant{..}) <$> convertExpr env x
SimpleRecordCon ->
unhandled "unreachable case -- convertAlt with simple record constructor" ()
@ -1485,10 +1551,7 @@ convertAlt env (TConApp tcon targs) alt@(DataAlt con, vs, x) = do
Just vsFlds -> do
x' <- convertExpr env x
projBinds <- mkProjBindings env (EVar vArg) (TypeConApp (synthesizeVariantRecord patVariant <$> tcon) targs) vsFlds x'
pure $ CaseAlternative CPVariant{..} projBinds
convertAlt _ TRoundingMode alt@(DataAlt con, _, _) = do
unsupported "Pattern matching on RoundingMode is not currently supported. Please use (==) instead" con
pure $ GCA (GCPNormal CPVariant{..}) projBinds
convertAlt _ _ x = unsupported "Case alternative of this form" x
@ -1734,7 +1797,6 @@ convertTyCon env t
"BigNumeric" -> pure TBigNumeric
"RoundingMode" -> pure TRoundingMode
_ -> defaultTyCon
-- TODO(DEL-6953): We need to add a condition on the package name as well.
| NameIn DA_Internal_LF n <- t =
case n of
"Scenario" -> pure (TBuiltin BTScenario)
@ -1965,6 +2027,7 @@ convVar = mkVar . varPrettyPrint
convVarWithType :: Env -> Var -> ConvertM (ExprVarName, LF.Type)
convVarWithType env v = (convVar v,) <$> convertType env (varType v)
convVal :: Var -> ExprValName
convVal = mkVal . varPrettyPrint

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@ -437,31 +437,6 @@ convertPrim _ "UTryCatch" ((TUnit :-> TUpdate t1) :-> (TBuiltin BTAnyException :
(mkVar "x")
(EVar (mkVar "c") `ETmApp` EVar (mkVar "x"))
convertPrim version "BERoundingUp" TRoundingMode =
whenRuntimeSupports version featureBigNumeric TRoundingMode $
EBuiltin $ BERoundingMode LitRoundingUp
convertPrim version "BERoundingDown" TRoundingMode =
whenRuntimeSupports version featureBigNumeric TRoundingMode $
EBuiltin $ BERoundingMode LitRoundingDown
convertPrim version "BERoundingCeiling" TRoundingMode =
whenRuntimeSupports version featureBigNumeric TRoundingMode $
EBuiltin $ BERoundingMode LitRoundingCeiling
convertPrim version "BERoundingFloor" TRoundingMode =
whenRuntimeSupports version featureBigNumeric TRoundingMode $
EBuiltin $ BERoundingMode LitRoundingFloor
convertPrim version "BERoundingHalfUp" TRoundingMode =
whenRuntimeSupports version featureBigNumeric TRoundingMode $
EBuiltin $ BERoundingMode LitRoundingHalfUp
convertPrim version "BERoundingHalfDown" TRoundingMode =
whenRuntimeSupports version featureBigNumeric TRoundingMode $
EBuiltin $ BERoundingMode LitRoundingHalfDown
convertPrim version "BERoundingHalfEven" TRoundingMode =
whenRuntimeSupports version featureBigNumeric TRoundingMode $
EBuiltin $ BERoundingMode LitRoundingHalfEven
convertPrim version "BERoundingUnnecessary" TRoundingMode =
whenRuntimeSupports version featureBigNumeric TRoundingMode $
EBuiltin $ BERoundingMode LitRoundingUnnecessary
convertPrim (V1 PointDev) (L.stripPrefix "$" -> Just builtin) typ =
EExperimental (T.pack builtin) typ

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@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ import "ghc-lib-parser" Class as GHC
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
@ -32,7 +30,8 @@ import GHC.Ptr(Ptr(..))
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MS
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Ast as LF
-- GHC utility functions
@ -192,6 +191,23 @@ pattern ConstraintTupleProjection :: Int -> Int -> GHC.Expr Var
pattern ConstraintTupleProjection index arity <-
Var (ConstraintTupleProjectionName index arity)
pattern RoundingModeName :: LF.RoundingModeLiteral -> FastString
pattern RoundingModeName lit <- (toRoundingModeLiteral . fsToText -> Just lit)
toRoundingModeLiteral :: T.Text -> Maybe LF.RoundingModeLiteral
toRoundingModeLiteral x = MS.lookup x roundingModeLiteralMap
roundingModeLiteralMap :: MS.Map T.Text LF.RoundingModeLiteral
roundingModeLiteralMap = MS.fromList
[ ("RoundingUp", LF.LitRoundingUp)
, ("RoundingDown", LF.LitRoundingDown)
, ("RoundingCeiling", LF.LitRoundingCeiling)
, ("RoundingFloor", LF.LitRoundingFloor)
, ("RoundingHalfUp", LF.LitRoundingHalfUp)
, ("RoundingHalfDown", LF.LitRoundingHalfDown)
, ("RoundingHalfEven", LF.LitRoundingHalfEven)
, ("RoundingUnnecessary", LF.LitRoundingUnnecessary)
subst :: [(TyVar, GHC.Type)] -> GHC.Type -> GHC.Type
subst env = transform $ \t ->
@ -243,12 +259,16 @@ hasDamlExceptionCtx t
varPrettyPrint :: Var -> T.Text
varPrettyPrint (varName -> x) = getOccText x <> (if isSystemName x then "_" <> T.pack (show $ nameUnique x) else "")
-- | Move DEFAULT case to end of the alternatives list.
-- GHC always puts the DEFAULT case at the front of the list
-- (see
-- We move the DEFAULT case to the back because LF gives earlier
-- patterns priority, so the DEFAULT case needs to be last.
defaultLast :: [Alt Var] -> [Alt Var]
defaultLast = uncurry (++) . partition ((/=) DEFAULT . fst3)
isLitAlt :: Alt Var -> Bool
isLitAlt (LitAlt{},_,_) = True
isLitAlt _ = False
defaultLast = \case
alt@(DEFAULT,_,_) : alts -> alts ++ [alt]
alts -> alts
untick :: GHC.Expr b -> GHC.Expr b
untick = \case

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@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import GHC.CString (fromString)
import GHC.Err (error)
import GHC.Integer.Type
import GHC.Real
import GHC.Show
import GHC.Types
default () -- Double isn't available yet,
@ -177,9 +176,6 @@ instance Signed BigNumeric where
signum x = if x == aunit then aunit else if x <= aunit then negate munit else munit
abs x = if x <= aunit then negate x else x
instance Show BigNumeric where
show = primitive @"BEToTextBigNumeric"
-- | Use the `Divisible` class for types that can be divided.

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@ -122,6 +122,21 @@ instance Show Decimal where
show = primitive @"BEToText"
instance Show BigNumeric where
show = primitive @"BEToTextBigNumeric"
instance Show RoundingMode where
show = \case
RoundingUp -> "RoundingUp"
RoundingDown -> "RoundingDown"
RoundingCeiling -> "RoundingCeiling"
RoundingFloor -> "RoundingFloor"
RoundingHalfUp -> "RoundingHalfUp"
RoundingHalfDown -> "RoundingHalfDown"
RoundingHalfEven -> "RoundingHalfEven"
RoundingUnnecessary -> "RoundingUnnecessary"
instance Show Text where
show x = "\"" ++ x ++ "\""

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@ -224,19 +224,19 @@ data BigNumeric =
-- | Rounding modes for `BigNumeric` operations like `div` and `round` from `DA.BigNumeric`.
data RoundingMode
= RoundingCeiling -- ^ Round towards positive infinity.
| RoundingFloor -- ^ Round towards negative infinity.
= RoundingUp -- ^ Round away from zero.
| RoundingDown -- ^ Round towards zero.
| RoundingUp -- ^ Round away from zero.
| RoundingCeiling -- ^ Round towards positive infinity.
| RoundingFloor -- ^ Round towards negative infinity.
| RoundingHalfUp
-- ^ Round towards the nearest neighbor unless both neighbors
-- are equidistant, in which case round away from zero.
| RoundingHalfDown
-- ^ Round towards the nearest neighbor unless both neighbors
-- are equidistant, in which case round towards zero.
| RoundingHalfEven
-- ^ Round towards the nearest neighbor unless both neighbors
-- are equidistant, in which case round towards the even neighbor.
| RoundingHalfUp
-- ^ Round towards the nearest neighbor unless both neighbors
-- are equidistant, in which case round away from zero.
| RoundingUnnecessary
-- ^ Do not round. Raises an error if the result cannot
-- be represented without rounding at the targeted scale.

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@ -3,10 +3,28 @@
-- @SINCE-LF 1.13
-- | Test that you get errors when trying to pattern match on rounding mode.
-- | Test that pattern matching for RoundingMode works.
module RoundingModeMatch where
-- @ERROR Pattern matching on RoundingMode is not currently supported
import DA.Assert ((===))
foo : RoundingMode -> Int
foo RoundingCeiling = 10
foo _ = 20
foo = \case
RoundingUp -> 1
RoundingDown -> 2
RoundingCeiling -> 3
RoundingFloor -> 4
RoundingHalfUp -> 5
RoundingHalfDown -> 6
RoundingHalfEven -> 7
RoundingUnnecessary -> 8
test = scenario do
foo RoundingUp === 1
foo RoundingDown === 2
foo RoundingCeiling === 3
foo RoundingFloor === 4
foo RoundingHalfUp === 5
foo RoundingHalfDown === 6
foo RoundingHalfEven === 7
foo RoundingUnnecessary === 8

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2021, Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates.
-- All rights reserved.
-- @SINCE-LF 1.13
-- | Test that rounding mode order matches the order in GHC.Types
module RoundingModeOrder where
import DA.Assert ((===))
import qualified DA.List
import qualified DA.List.BuiltinOrder
roundingModes =
[ RoundingUp
, RoundingDown
, RoundingCeiling
, RoundingFloor
, RoundingHalfUp
, RoundingHalfDown
, RoundingHalfEven
, RoundingUnnecessary
test1 = scenario do
roundingModes === DA.List.sort roundingModes
test2 = scenario do
roundingModes === DA.List.BuiltinOrder.sort roundingModes

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@ -3807,13 +3807,17 @@ BigNumeric functions
the given scale, the result is rounded accordingly the
``roundingMode`` as follows:
- ``'ROUNDING_UP'`` : Round away from zero
- ``'ROUNDING_DOWN'`` : Rounds towards zero
- ``'ROUNDING_CEILING'`` : Rounds towards positive infinity.
- ``'ROUNDING_FLOOR'`` : Rounds towards negative infinity
- ``'ROUNDING_DOWN'`` : Rounds towards towards zero
- ``'ROUNDING_UP'`` : Round towards away from zero
- ``'ROUNDING_HALF_UP'`` : Round towards the nearest neighbor unless
both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round away from
- ``'ROUNDING_HALF_DOWN'`` : Round towards the nearest neighbor
unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round towards
@ -3823,10 +3827,6 @@ BigNumeric functions
unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round towards
the even neighbor.
- ``'ROUNDING_HALF_UP'`` : Round towards the nearest neighbor unless
both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round away from
- ``'ROUNDING_UNNECESSARY'`` : Throw `ArithmeticError` if the exact result cannot be