Replace damlpatterns tarballs by a proper template (#5273)

There is no reason why patterns should be a tarball and the current
tarballs are broken anyway. Why do we even have 2 …

This commit is contained in:
Moritz Kiefer 2020-03-30 14:35:22 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 38a5fea7a0
commit 19496482f6
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 48 additions and 652 deletions

View File

@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ tests tmpDir damlTypesDir = withSdkResource $ \_ -> testGroup "Integration tests
, packagingTests , packagingTests
, quickstartTests quickstartDir mvnDir , quickstartTests quickstartDir mvnDir
, cleanTests cleanDir , cleanTests cleanDir
, templateTests
, deployTest deployDir , deployTest deployDir
, fetchTest tmpDir , fetchTest tmpDir
, codegenTests codegenDir damlTypesDir , codegenTests codegenDir damlTypesDir
@ -466,6 +467,29 @@ cleanTests baseDir = testGroup "daml clean"
, unlines (map (" "++) filesAtEnd) , unlines (map (" "++) filesAtEnd)
] ]
templateTests :: TestTree
templateTests = testGroup "templates"
[ testCase name $ do
withTempDir $ \dir -> withCurrentDirectory dir $ do
callCommandQuiet $ unwords ["daml", "new", "foobar", name]
withCurrentDirectory (dir </> "foobar") $ callCommandQuiet "daml build"
| name <- templateNames
-- NOTE (MK) We might want to autogenerate this list at some point but for now
-- this should be good enough.
where templateNames =
[ "copy-trigger"
-- daml-intro-1 - daml-intro-6 are not full projects.
, "daml-intro-7"
, "daml-patterns"
, "quickstart-java"
, "quickstart-scala"
, "script-example"
, "skeleton"
-- | Check we can generate language bindings. -- | Check we can generate language bindings.
codegenTests :: FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree codegenTests :: FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
codegenTests codegenDir damlTypes = testGroup "daml codegen" ( codegenTests codegenDir damlTypes = testGroup "daml codegen" (

View File

@ -570,6 +570,13 @@ daml_test(
srcs = glob(["source/daml/patterns/daml/**/*.daml"]), srcs = glob(["source/daml/patterns/daml/**/*.daml"]),
) )
name = "daml-patterns",
srcs = glob(["source/daml/patterns/daml/**/*.daml"]) + ["source/daml/patterns/daml.yaml.template"],
strip_prefix = "/docs/source/daml/patterns",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
daml_test( daml_test(
name = "daml-studio-daml-test", name = "daml-studio-daml-test",
srcs = glob(["source/daml/daml-studio/daml/**/*.daml"]), srcs = glob(["source/daml/daml-studio/daml/**/*.daml"]),

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Good design patterns
Patterns have been useful in the programming world, as both a source of design inspiration, and a document of good design practices. This document is a catalog of DAML patterns intended to provide the same facility in the DA/DAML application world. Patterns have been useful in the programming world, as both a source of design inspiration, and a document of good design practices. This document is a catalog of DAML patterns intended to provide the same facility in the DA/DAML application world.
:download:`Download all the example code <patterns/damlpatterns.tar.gz>` You can checkout the examples locally via ``daml new daml-patterns daml-patterns``.
:doc:`patterns/initaccept` :doc:`patterns/initaccept`
The Initiate and Accept pattern demonstrates how to start a bilateral workflow. One party initiates by creating a proposal or an invite contract. This gives another party the chance to accept, reject or renegotiate. The Initiate and Accept pattern demonstrates how to start a bilateral workflow. One party initiates by creating a proposal or an invite contract. This gives another party the chance to accept, reject or renegotiate.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
sdk-version: __VERSION__
name: daml-patterns
source: daml
- Alice
- Bob
version: 0.0.1
- daml-prim
- daml-stdlib
- --wall-clock-time

View File

@ -1,651 +0,0 @@
daml/0000755000076500000240000000000013420147215010616 5ustar paulstaffdaml/CoinDelegation.daml0000644000076500000240000000407313420146362014347 0ustar paulstaff
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
daml 1.2
module CoinDelegation where
import CoinIssuance
import Utilities
-- Delegation pattern gives A the right to exercise a choice on behalf of B
-- Party A can control a contract instance on the ledger that allows an action
-- to be performed on behalf of a second party B without B explicitly committing the action.
-- Before such delegation takes place, DAML obligable computation will make sure party B has agreed to it.
-- This is to ensure all contracts on the ledger are well-authroized
template CoinPoA
attorney: Party
principal: Party
signatory principal
controller principal can
: ()
do return ()
-- attorney has the delegated right to Transfer
-- principle as the signatory on this contract ensures the right to Transfer is delegated voluntarily
controller attorney can
nonconsuming TransferCoin
: ContractId TransferProposal
coinId: ContractId Coin
newOwner: Party
exercise coinId Transfer with newOwner
delegate : Scenario () -- test
delegate =
scenario do
[issuer, owner, receiver, attorney] <- makePartiesFrom ["Bank", "Me", "You", "Lawyer"]
--coin is created without attorney
newCoinId <- createCoin issuer owner 100.0
--poa is created between owner and attorney
poa <- owner `submit` do create CoinPoA with principal = owner; attorney
--owner chooses to disclose coin to the attorney. This is how he devulge his coin to attorney
disclosedCoinId <- owner `submit` do exercise newCoinId Disclose with p = attorney
--attorney now can Transfer coin on behalf of the owner
tprop <- attorney `submit` do exercise poa TransferCoin with coinId = disclosedCoinId; newOwner = receiver
--receives can accept
receiver `submit` do
newCoinId <- exercise tprop AcceptTransfer
newCoin <- fetch newCoinId
assert (newCoin.owner == receiver)
assert (newCoin.issuer == issuer)
assert (newCoin.amount == 100.0)
daml/MultiplePartyAgreement.daml0000644000076500000240000000343313420153260016120 0ustar paulstaff
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
daml 1.2
module MultiplePartyAgreement where
import Utilities
import DA.List
-- start snippet: agreement template
template ContractPlaceholder
signatories: [Party]
signatory signatories
unique signatories
-- The rest of the template to be agreed to would follow here
-- end snippet: agreement template
-- start snippet: first half pending template
template Pending
finalContract: ContractPlaceholder
alreadySigned: [Party]
signatory alreadySigned
observer finalContract.signatories
-- Can't have duplicate signatories
unique alreadySigned
-- The parties who need to sign is the finalContract.signatories with alreadySigned filtered out
let toSign = filter (`notElem` alreadySigned) finalContract.signatories
choice Sign : ContractId Pending with
signer : Party
controller signer
-- Check the controller is in the toSign list, and if they are, sign the Pending contract
assert (signer `elem` toSign)
create this with alreadySigned = signer :: alreadySigned
-- end snippet: first half pending template
-- start snippet: second half pending template
choice Finalize : ContractId ContractPlaceholder with
signer : Party
controller signer
-- Check that all the required signatories have signed Pending
assert (sort alreadySigned == sort finalContract.signatories)
create finalContract
-- end snippet: second half pending template
multiplePartyAgreementTest : Scenario (ContractId ContractPlaceholder) -- test
multiplePartyAgreementTest = do
-- start snippet: testing setup
parties@[person1, person2, person3, person4] <- makePartiesFrom ["Alice", "Bob", "Clare", "Dave"]
let finalContract = ContractPlaceholder with signatories = parties
-- Parties cannot create a contract already signed by someone else
initialFailTest <- person1 `submitMustFail` do
create Pending with finalContract; alreadySigned = [person1, person2]
-- Any party can create a Pending contract provided they list themselves as the only signatory
pending <- person1 `submit` do
create Pending with finalContract; alreadySigned = [person1]
-- end snippet: testing setup
-- start snippet: testing add agreements
-- Each signatory of the finalContract can Sign the Pending contract
pending <- person2 `submit` do
exercise pending Sign with signer = person2
pending <- person3 `submit` do
exercise pending Sign with signer = person3
pending <- person4 `submit` do
exercise pending Sign with signer = person4
-- A party can't sign the Pending contract twice
pendingFailTest <- person3 `submitMustFail` do
exercise pending Sign with signer = person3
-- A party can't sign on behalf of someone else
pendingFailTest <- person3 `submitMustFail` do
exercise pending Sign with signer = person4
-- end snippet: testing add agreements
-- start snippet: testing finalize
person1 `submit` do
exercise pending Finalize with signer = person1
-- end snippet: testing finalize
daml/CoinCommitment.daml0000644000076500000240000000205113420144747014407 0ustar paulstaff
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
daml 1.2
module CoinCommitment where
import CoinIssuance
--owner can commit to lock. Once he commits, the original coin is archived.
template CoinCommitment
owner: Party
issuer: Party
amount: Decimal
signatory issuer
controller owner can
nonconsuming LockCoin
: ContractId LockedCoin
with coinCid: ContractId Coin
maturity: Time
locker: Party
inputCoin <- fetch coinCid
assert (inputCoin.owner == owner && inputCoin.issuer == issuer && inputCoin.amount == amount )
--the original coin firstly transferred to issuer and then archivaed
prop <- exercise coinCid Transfer with newOwner = issuer
id <- exercise prop AcceptTransfer
exercise id Archives
--create a lockedCoin to represent the coin in locked state
create LockedCoin with
coin=inputCoin with owner; issuer; amount
maturity; locker
daml/CoinIssuance.daml0000644000076500000240000001042513420152016014035 0ustar paulstaff
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
daml 1.2
module CoinIssuance where
import DA.Time
import Utilities
template CoinMaster
issuer: Party
signatory issuer
controller issuer can
nonconsuming Invite : ContractId CoinIssueProposal
with owner: Party
do create CoinIssueProposal
with coinAgreement = CoinIssueAgreement with issuer; owner
--the initiate/accept pattern moves the workflow forward
template CoinIssueProposal
coinAgreement: CoinIssueAgreement
signatory coinAgreement.issuer
controller coinAgreement.owner can
: ContractId CoinIssueAgreement
do create coinAgreement
--the result contract of Initiate/Accept pattern
template CoinIssueAgreement
issuer: Party
owner: Party
signatory issuer, owner
controller issuer can
nonconsuming Issue : ContractId Coin
with amount: Decimal
do create Coin with issuer; owner; amount; delegates = []
--the original contract
template Coin
owner: Party
issuer: Party
amount: Decimal
delegates : [Party]
signatory issuer, owner
observer delegates
controller owner can
Transfer : ContractId TransferProposal
with newOwner: Party
create TransferProposal
with coin=this; newOwner
Lock : ContractId LockedCoin
with maturity: Time; locker: Party
do create LockedCoin with coin=this; maturity; locker
Disclose : ContractId Coin
with p : Party
do create this with delegates = p :: delegates
--a coin can only be archived by the issuer under the condition that the issuer is the owner of the coin. This ensures the issuer cannot archive coins at will.
controller issuer can
: ()
do assert (issuer == owner)
--the Coin contract in the locked state
template LockedCoin
coin: Coin
maturity: Time
locker: Party
signatory coin.issuer, coin.owner
controller locker can
: ContractId Coin
do create coin
controller coin.owner can
: ContractId Coin
currTime <- getTime
assert (currTime >= maturity)
create coin
template TransferProposal
coin: Coin
newOwner: Party
signatory coin.owner, coin.issuer
controller coin.owner can
: ContractId Coin
do create coin
controller newOwner can
: ContractId Coin
do create coin with owner = newOwner
: ()
do return ()
createCoin : Party -> Party -> Decimal -> Scenario (ContractId Coin)
createCoin issuer owner amount =
masterId <- issuer `submit` create CoinMaster with issuer
coinAgmProp <- issuer `submit` exercise masterId Invite with owner
coinAgmId <- owner `submit` exercise coinAgmProp AcceptCoinProposal
coinId <- issuer `submit` exercise coinAgmId Issue with amount
return coinId
coinIssuance : Scenario (ContractId TransferProposal) -- test
coinIssuance =
[issuer, owner, newOwner] <- makePartiesFrom ["Bank", "Me", "You"]
now <- pass (days 0)
masterId <- issuer `submit` do create CoinMaster with issuer
coinAgmProp <- issuer `submit` do exercise masterId Invite with owner
coinAgmId <- owner `submit` do exercise coinAgmProp AcceptCoinProposal
coinId <- issuer `submit` do exercise coinAgmId Issue with amount = 100.0
--Coin transfer test
coinTransferPropId <- owner `submit` do exercise coinId Transfer with newOwner
coinId <- newOwner `submit` do exercise coinTransferPropId AcceptTransfer
--Coin lock test
lockedCoinId <- newOwner `submit` do exercise coinId Lock with maturity= (addRelTime now (days 2)); locker=issuer
--since it is locked and maturity time hasn't elapsed yet, owner cannot clawback
newOwner `submitMustFail` do exercise lockedCoinId Clawback
--only after unlock, owner can access the coin
unlockedCoin <- issuer `submit` do exercise lockedCoinId Unlock
newOwner `submit` do exercise unlockedCoin Transfer with newOwner=owner
daml/LockingByChangingState.daml0000644000076500000240000000507613420147507016012 0ustar paulstaff
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
daml 1.2
module LockingByChangingState where
import Utilities
template LockableCoin
owner: Party
issuer: Party
amount: Decimal
locker: Party
signatory issuer
signatory owner
ensure amount > 0.0
--Transfer can happen only if it is not locked
controller owner can
Transfer : ContractId TransferProposal
with newOwner: Party
assert (locker == owner)
create TransferProposal
with coin=this; newOwner
--Lock can be done if owner decides to bring a locker on board
Lock : ContractId LockableCoin
with newLocker: Party
assert (newLocker /= owner)
create this with locker = newLocker
--Unlock only makes sense if the coin is in locked state
controller locker can
: ContractId LockableCoin
assert (locker /= owner)
create this with locker = owner
template TransferProposal
coin: LockableCoin
newOwner: Party
signatory coin.owner, coin.issuer
controller coin.owner can
: ContractId LockableCoin
do create coin
controller newOwner can
: ContractId LockableCoin
do create coin with owner = newOwner; locker = newOwner
: ()
do return ()
template CoinProposal
owner: Party
issuer: Party
amount: Decimal
signatory issuer
controller owner can
: ContractId LockableCoin
do create LockableCoin with issuer; owner; amount; locker=owner
locking : Scenario (ContractId LockableCoin) -- test
locking =
[issuer, owner, newOwner, locker] <- makePartiesFrom ["Bank", "Me", "You", "Custodian Bank"]
--when coin is created, owner = locker. it is unlocked
propId <- issuer `submit` do create CoinProposal with owner; issuer; amount=100.0
coinCid <- owner `submit` do exercise propId AcceptProposal
--owner can choose to lock it with his custodian bank
lockedCid <- owner `submit` do exercise coinCid Lock with newLocker=locker
--since coin is locked, owner cannot transfer
owner `submitMustFail` do exercise lockedCid Transfer with newOwner
unlockedCid <- locker `submit` do exercise lockedCid Unlock
propId <- owner `submit` do exercise unlockedCid Transfer with newOwner
newOwner `submit` do exercise propId AcceptTransfer
daml/Utilities.daml0000644000076500000240000000020513420127526013430 0ustar paulstaffdaml 1.2
module Utilities where
makePartiesFrom names =
mapA getParty names
makeParties =
makePartiesFrom ["Me", "You", "Bank"]daml/LockingBySafekeeping.daml0000644000076500000240000000511113420152352015474 0ustar paulstaff
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
daml 1.2
module LockingBySafekeeping where
import CoinIssuance
import Utilities
import DA.Time
data LockResult = LockResult {
coinCid : ContractId Coin;
lockCid : ContractId LockedCoinV2
template LockedCoinV2
coin: Coin
maturity: Time
locker: Party
signatory locker, coin.owner
controller locker can
: ContractId Coin
with coinCid : ContractId Coin
inputCoin <- fetch coinCid
assert (inputCoin.owner == locker)
tpCid <- exercise coinCid Transfer with newOwner = coin.owner
exercise tpCid AcceptTransfer
controller coin.owner can
: ContractId Coin
with coinCid : ContractId Coin
currTime <- getTime
assert (currTime >= maturity)
inputCoin <- fetch coinCid
assert (inputCoin == coin with owner=locker)
tpCid <- exercise coinCid Transfer with newOwner = coin.owner
exercise tpCid AcceptTransfer
template LockRequest
locker: Party
maturity: Time
coin: Coin
signatory locker
controller coin.owner can
Accept : LockResult
with coinCid : ContractId Coin
inputCoin <- fetch coinCid
assert (inputCoin == coin)
tpCid <- exercise coinCid Transfer with newOwner = locker
coinCid <- exercise tpCid AcceptTransfer
lockCid <- create LockedCoinV2 with locker; maturity; coin
return LockResult {coinCid; lockCid}
locking : Scenario (ContractId Coin) -- test
locking =
scenario do
[issuer, owner, newOwner, locker] <- makePartiesFrom ["Bank", "Me", "You", "Custodian Bank"]
now <- pass (days 0)
--when coin is created, owner = locker. it is unlocked
coinId <- createCoin issuer owner 100.0
coin <- issuer `submit` do fetch coinId
lockRequestCid <- locker `submit` do
create LockRequest with locker; maturity= (addRelTime now (days 2)); coin
lockResult <- owner `submit` do exercise lockRequestCid Accept with coinCid = coinId
--since it is locked and maturity time hasn't elapsed yet, owner cannot clawback
owner `submitMustFail` do exercise lockResult.lockCid ClawbackV2 with coinCid = lockResult.coinCid
--only after unlock, owner can access the coin
unlockedCoin <- locker `submit` exercise lockResult.lockCid UnlockV2 with coinCid = lockResult.coinCid
propId <- owner `submit` exercise unlockedCoin Transfer with newOwner
newOwner `submit` exercise propId AcceptTransfer
daml/CoinTransferWithAuthorization.daml0000644000076500000240000000562613420147167017506 0ustar paulstaff
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
daml 1.2
module CoinTransferWithAuthorization where
import Utilities
--authorization contract allows more control on a choice
--in the example below, issuer grants access to the newOwner. which is checked on Accept choice to ensure he is legit coin owner.
-- original contract with no changes needed.
template Coin
owner: Party
issuer: Party
amount: Decimal
signatory issuer
signatory owner
ensure amount > 0.0
controller owner can
Transfer : ContractId TransferProposal
with newOwner: Party
do create TransferProposal
with coin=this; newOwner
template CoinProposal
owner: Party
issuer: Party
amount: Decimal
signatory issuer
controller owner can
: ContractId Coin
do create Coin with issuer; owner; amount
-- authorization contract
template CoinOwnerAuthorization
owner: Party
issuer: Party
signatory issuer
observer owner
controller issuer can
: ()
do return ()
-- TransferProposal contract needs additional logic to ensure the newOwner is authorized to exercise Accept
template TransferProposal
coin: Coin
newOwner: Party
signatory coin.owner
signatory coin.issuer
controller coin.owner can
: ContractId Coin
do create coin
controller newOwner can
: ContractId Coin
with token: ContractId CoinOwnerAuthorization
t <- fetch token
assert (coin.issuer == t.issuer)
assert (newOwner == t.owner)
create coin with owner = newOwner
tokenAccept : Scenario () -- test
tokenAccept =
scenario do
[issuer, owner, newOwner] <- makePartiesFrom ["Bank", "Me", "You"]
--test 1: token is active, allowing new owner to accept
creatProp <- issuer `submit` do create CoinProposal with owner; issuer; amount=100.0
coinId <- owner `submit` do exercise creatProp AcceptProposal
coinProp <- owner `submit` do exercise coinId Transfer with newOwner
tokenId <- issuer `submit` do create CoinOwnerAuthorization with owner = newOwner; issuer
newOwner `submit` do exercise coinProp AcceptTransfer with token = tokenId
--test 2: token is withdraw before new owner accpet. Hence the accept will fail
creatProp <- issuer `submit` do create CoinProposal with owner; issuer; amount=100.0
coinId <- owner `submit` do exercise creatProp AcceptProposal
coinProp <- owner `submit` do exercise coinId Transfer with newOwner
tokenId <- issuer `submit` do create CoinOwnerAuthorization with owner = newOwner; issuer
issuer `submit` do exercise tokenId WithdrawAuthorization
newOwner `submitMustFail` do exercise coinProp AcceptTransfer with token = tokenId

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ genrule(
]) + [ ]) + [
"//docs:quickstart-java.tar.gz", "//docs:quickstart-java.tar.gz",
"//docs:daml-intro-templates", "//docs:daml-intro-templates",
"//docs:copy-trigger-template", "//docs:copy-trigger-template",
"//docs:script-example-template", "//docs:script-example-template",
"//language-support/scala/examples:quickstart-scala-dir", "//language-support/scala/examples:quickstart-scala-dir",
@ -49,6 +50,9 @@ genrule(
mkdir -p $$OUT/script-example mkdir -p $$OUT/script-example
tar xf $(location //docs:script-example-template) -C $$OUT/script-example tar xf $(location //docs:script-example-template) -C $$OUT/script-example
mkdir -p $$OUT/daml-patterns
tar xf $(location //docs:daml-patterns) --strip-components=1 -C $$OUT/daml-patterns
tar zcf $(location :templates-tarball.tar.gz) templates-tarball tar zcf $(location :templates-tarball.tar.gz) templates-tarball
""", """,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"],