Add interfaces & interface choices to coverage report (#15563)

* extract interface info for coverage

* Remove commented out Summary monoid code

* DRY up identifier creator

* remove unused summarize usage

* Disambiguate template/interface identifiers & choices via Variety

* Redesign extractors & start printing reports

* Reformat, begin proper counting of implementation choices

* Fix filter for interface archives choices to exclude, not include

* Remove commented code in printTestCoverage

* Fix lint

* Add external report

* Add percentages to coverage report

* Complete `External interface choices` report section

* Forgot to extract sizes from implementationChoices

* Remove unused allExercisedImplementationChoices

* Improve pctage reporter

* Report uncovered templates/choices when getShowCoverage is True

* Flip getShowCoverage check

* Fix width of percentages in coverage report

* Update damlc tests for coverage report

* Fix filter & text for external interface implementations

* Remove unused / misused Variant, Report, and interfaceChoices extractor

* add section header to never created/exercised summaries
This commit is contained in:
dylant-da 2022-11-21 13:27:39 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3627b62d00
commit 1f998f95e8
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 288 additions and 140 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2022 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
-- | Main entry-point of the Daml compiler
module DA.Cli.Damlc.Test (
@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ module DA.Cli.Damlc.Test (
, UseColor(..)
, ShowCoverage(..)
, RunAllTests(..)
-- , Summarize(..)
) where
import Control.Monad.Except
@ -25,7 +27,6 @@ import Data.List.Extra
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.NameMap as NM
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Tuple.Extra
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath
import qualified Text.XML.Light as XML
import Text.Printf
newtype UseColor = UseColor {getUseColor :: Bool}
@ -169,127 +171,205 @@ printSummary color res =
printScenarioResults color res
data TemplateIdentifier = TemplateIdentifier
data ContractIdentifier = ContractIdentifier
{ package :: Maybe T.Text -- `package == Nothing` means local package
, qualifiedTemplate :: T.Text
, qualifiedName :: T.Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ChoiceIdentifier = ChoiceIdentifier
{ packageTemplate :: TemplateIdentifier
{ packageContract :: ContractIdentifier
, choice :: T.Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Report = Report
{ groupName :: String
, definedChoicesInside :: S.Set ChoiceIdentifier
, internalExercisedAnywhere :: S.Set ChoiceIdentifier
, internalExercisedInternal :: S.Set ChoiceIdentifier
, externalExercisedInternal :: S.Set ChoiceIdentifier
, definedTemplatesInside :: S.Set TemplateIdentifier
, internalCreatedAnywhere :: S.Set TemplateIdentifier
, internalCreatedInternal :: S.Set TemplateIdentifier
, externalCreatedInternal :: S.Set TemplateIdentifier
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
lfTemplateIdentifier :: LF.Qualified LF.Template -> ContractIdentifier
lfTemplateIdentifier = lfMkNameIdentifier . fmap LF.tplTypeCon
lfInterfaceIdentifier :: LF.Qualified LF.DefInterface -> ContractIdentifier
lfInterfaceIdentifier = lfMkNameIdentifier . fmap LF.intName
lfMkNameIdentifier :: LF.Qualified LF.TypeConName -> ContractIdentifier
lfMkNameIdentifier LF.Qualified { qualPackage, qualModule, qualObject } =
let package =
case qualPackage of
LF.PRSelf -> Nothing
LF.PRImport (LF.PackageId pid) -> Just pid
qualifiedName =
LF.moduleNameString qualModule
<> ":"
<> T.concat (LF.unTypeConName qualObject)
ContractIdentifier { package, qualifiedName }
ssIdentifierToIdentifier :: SS.Identifier -> ContractIdentifier
ssIdentifierToIdentifier SS.Identifier {SS.identifierPackage, SS.identifierName} =
let package = do
pIdSumM <- identifierPackage
pIdSum <- SS.packageIdentifierSum pIdSumM
case pIdSum of
SS.PackageIdentifierSumSelf _ -> Nothing
SS.PackageIdentifierSumPackageId pId -> Just $ TL.toStrict pId
qualifiedName = TL.toStrict identifierName
ContractIdentifier { package, qualifiedName }
printTestCoverage ::
-> [LocalOrExternal]
-> [(LocalOrExternal, [(VirtualResource, Either SSC.Error SS.ScenarioResult)])]
-> IO ()
printTestCoverage ShowCoverage {getShowCoverage} allPackages results
printTestCoverage ShowCoverage{getShowCoverage} allPackages results
| any (isLeft . snd) $ concatMap snd results = pure ()
| otherwise = do
printReport $ report "defined in local modules" isLocal
printReport $ report "defined in external modules" (not . isLocal)
printReport $ report "defined anywhere" (const True)
| otherwise = printReport
report :: String -> (LocalOrExternal -> Bool) -> Report
report groupName pred =
let allMatchingPackages = filter pred allPackages
allMatchingResults = map snd $ filter (pred . fst) results
definedTemplatesInside = M.keysSet $ templatesDefinedIn allMatchingPackages
definedChoicesInside = M.keysSet $ choicesDefinedIn allMatchingPackages
exercisedInside = foldMap exercisedChoices allMatchingResults
createdInside = foldMap createdTemplates allMatchingResults
internalExercisedAnywhere = allExercisedChoices `S.intersection` definedChoicesInside
internalExercisedInternal = exercisedInside `S.intersection` definedChoicesInside
externalExercisedInternal = exercisedInside `S.difference` definedChoicesInside
internalCreatedAnywhere = allCreatedTemplates `S.intersection` definedTemplatesInside
internalCreatedInternal = createdInside `S.intersection` definedTemplatesInside
externalCreatedInternal = createdInside `S.difference` definedTemplatesInside
{ groupName
, definedChoicesInside
, internalExercisedAnywhere
, internalExercisedInternal
, externalExercisedInternal
, definedTemplatesInside
, internalCreatedAnywhere
, internalCreatedInternal
, externalCreatedInternal
printReport :: IO ()
printReport =
let countWhere pred = M.size . M.filter pred
pctage :: Int -> Int -> Double
pctage _ 0 = 100
pctage n d = max 0 $ min 100 $ 100 * fromIntegral n / fromIntegral d
printReport :: Report -> IO ()
{ groupName
, definedChoicesInside
, internalExercisedAnywhere
, definedTemplatesInside
, internalCreatedAnywhere
} =
let percentage i j
| j > 0 = show (round @Double $ 100.0 * (fromIntegral i / fromIntegral j) :: Int) <> "%"
| otherwise = "100%"
frac msg a b = msg ++ ": " ++ show a ++ " / " ++ show b
pct msg a b = frac msg a b ++ " (" ++ percentage a b ++ ")"
indent = (" " ++)
header = groupName ++ ":"
body1 =
[ pct "choices" (S.size internalExercisedAnywhere) (S.size definedChoicesInside)
, pct "templates" (S.size internalCreatedAnywhere) (S.size definedTemplatesInside)
allTemplates = templatesDefinedIn allPackages
localTemplates = M.filterWithKey pred allTemplates
pred (ContractIdentifier Nothing _) _ = True
pred _ _ = False
localTemplatesCreated = M.intersection allCreatedContracts localTemplates
allTemplateChoices = templateChoicesDefinedIn allPackages
localTemplateChoices = M.filterWithKey pred allTemplateChoices
pred (ChoiceIdentifier (ContractIdentifier Nothing _) _) _ = True
pred _ _ = False
localTemplateChoicesExercised = M.intersection allExercisedChoices localTemplateChoices
allInterfaces = interfacesDefinedIn allPackages
allImplementations = interfaceImplementationsDefinedIn allPackages
fillInImplementation (ifaceId, _) (loe, instanceBody) = (loe, instanceBody, M.lookup ifaceId allInterfaces)
allImplementationChoices = M.fromList $ do
(k@(_, contractId), (loe, body, mdef)) <- M.toList $ M.mapWithKey fillInImplementation allImplementations
def <- maybeToList mdef
choice <- NM.toList $ LF.intChoices $ LF.qualObject def
let name = LF.unChoiceName $ LF.chcName choice
guard (name /= "Archive")
pure (ChoiceIdentifier contractId name, (k, loe, body, def, choice))
localImplementationChoices = M.filter pred allImplementationChoices
pred (_, loe, _, _, _) = isLocal loe
localImplementationChoicesExercised = M.intersection allExercisedChoices localImplementationChoices
externalImplementationChoices = M.filter pred allImplementationChoices
pred (_, loe, _, _, _) = not (isLocal loe)
externalImplementationChoicesExercised = M.intersection allExercisedChoices externalImplementationChoices
externalTemplates = M.filterWithKey pred allTemplates
pred (ContractIdentifier (Just _) _) _ = True
pred _ _ = False
externalTemplatesCreated = M.intersection allCreatedContracts externalTemplates
externalTemplateChoices = M.filterWithKey pred allTemplateChoices
pred (ChoiceIdentifier (ContractIdentifier (Just _) _) _) _ = True
pred _ _ = False
externalTemplateChoicesExercised = M.intersection allExercisedChoices externalTemplateChoices
showCoverageReport :: (k -> String) -> String -> M.Map k a -> [String]
showCoverageReport printer variety names
| not getShowCoverage = []
| otherwise =
[ "templates never created:" ] <>
map (indent . printTemplateIdentifier) (S.toList $ definedTemplatesInside `S.difference` internalCreatedAnywhere) <>
["choices never executed:"] <>
map (indent . printChoiceIdentifier) (S.toList $ definedChoicesInside `S.difference` internalExercisedAnywhere)
msg = unlines $ header : map indent (body1 ++ body2)
[ printf " %s: %d" variety (M.size names)
] ++ [ " " ++ printer id | id <- M.keys names ]
putStrLn msg
putStrLn $
unlines $
[ [ printf "Modules internal to this package:" ]
-- Can't have any external tests that exercise internals, as that would
-- require a circular dependency, so we only report local test results
, let defined = M.size localTemplates
created = M.size localTemplatesCreated
neverCreated = M.difference localTemplates localTemplatesCreated
[ printf "- Internal templates"
, printf " %d defined" defined
, printf " %d (%5.1f%%) created" created (pctage created defined)
] ++ showCoverageReport printContractIdentifier "internal templates never created" neverCreated
, let defined = M.size localTemplateChoices
exercised = M.size localTemplateChoicesExercised
neverExercised = M.difference localTemplateChoices localTemplateChoicesExercised
[ printf "- Internal template choices"
, printf " %d defined" defined
, printf " %d (%5.1f%%) exercised" exercised (pctage exercised defined)
] ++ showCoverageReport printChoiceIdentifier "internal template choices never exercised" neverExercised
, let defined = countWhere (isLocal . fst) allImplementations
internal = countWhere (isLocal . fst) allImplementations
external = countWhere (not . isLocal . fst) allImplementations
[ printf "- Internal interface implementations"
, printf " %d defined" defined
, printf " %d internal interfaces" internal
, printf " %d external interfaces" external
, let defined = M.size localImplementationChoices
exercised = M.size localImplementationChoicesExercised
neverExercised = M.difference localImplementationChoices localImplementationChoicesExercised
[ printf "- Internal interface choices"
, printf " %d defined" defined
, printf " %d (%5.1f%%) exercised" exercised (pctage exercised defined)
] ++ showCoverageReport printChoiceIdentifier "internal interface choices never exercised" neverExercised
, [ printf "Modules external to this package:" ]
-- Here, interface instances can only refer to external templates and
-- interfaces, so we only report external interface instances
, let defined = M.size externalTemplates
createdAny = M.size externalTemplatesCreated
createdInternal = countWhere (any isLocal) externalTemplatesCreated
createdExternal = countWhere (not . all isLocal) externalTemplatesCreated
neverCreated = M.difference externalTemplates externalTemplatesCreated
[ printf "- External templates"
, printf " %d defined" defined
, printf " %d (%5.1f%%) created in any tests" createdAny (pctage createdAny defined)
, printf " %d (%5.1f%%) created in internal tests" createdInternal (pctage createdInternal defined)
, printf " %d (%5.1f%%) created in external tests" createdExternal (pctage createdExternal defined)
] ++ showCoverageReport printContractIdentifier "external templates never created" neverCreated
, let defined = M.size externalTemplateChoices
exercisedAny = M.size externalTemplateChoicesExercised
exercisedInternal = countWhere (any isLocal) externalTemplateChoicesExercised
exercisedExternal = countWhere (not . all isLocal) externalTemplateChoicesExercised
neverExercised = M.difference externalTemplateChoices externalTemplateChoicesExercised
[ printf "- External template choices"
, printf " %d defined" defined
, printf " %d (%5.1f%%) exercised in any tests" exercisedAny (pctage exercisedAny defined)
, printf " %d (%5.1f%%) exercised in internal tests" exercisedInternal (pctage exercisedInternal defined)
, printf " %d (%5.1f%%) exercised in external tests" exercisedExternal (pctage exercisedExternal defined)
] ++ showCoverageReport printChoiceIdentifier "external template choices never exercised" neverExercised
, let defined = countWhere (not . isLocal . fst) allImplementations
[ printf "- External interface implementations"
, printf " %d defined" defined
, let defined = M.size externalImplementationChoices
exercisedAny = M.size externalImplementationChoicesExercised
exercisedInternal = countWhere (any isLocal) externalImplementationChoicesExercised
exercisedExternal = countWhere (not . all isLocal) externalImplementationChoicesExercised
neverExercised = M.difference externalImplementationChoices externalImplementationChoicesExercised
[ printf "- External interface choices"
, printf " %d defined" defined
, printf " %d (%5.1f%%) exercised in any tests" exercisedAny (pctage exercisedAny defined)
, printf " %d (%5.1f%%) exercised in internal tests" exercisedInternal (pctage exercisedInternal defined)
, printf " %d (%5.1f%%) exercised in external tests" exercisedExternal (pctage exercisedExternal defined)
] ++ showCoverageReport printChoiceIdentifier "external interface choices never exercised" neverExercised
lfTemplateIdentifier :: LF.Qualified LF.Template -> TemplateIdentifier
lfTemplateIdentifier LF.Qualified { qualPackage, qualModule, qualObject } =
let package =
case qualPackage of
LF.PRSelf -> Nothing
LF.PRImport (LF.PackageId pid) -> Just pid
qualifiedTemplate =
LF.moduleNameString qualModule
<> ":"
<> T.concat (LF.unTypeConName (LF.tplTypeCon qualObject))
TemplateIdentifier { package, qualifiedTemplate }
ssIdentifierToIdentifier :: SS.Identifier -> TemplateIdentifier
ssIdentifierToIdentifier SS.Identifier {SS.identifierPackage, SS.identifierName} =
let package = do
pIdSumM <- identifierPackage
pIdSum <- SS.packageIdentifierSum pIdSumM
case pIdSum of
SS.PackageIdentifierSumSelf _ -> Nothing
SS.PackageIdentifierSumPackageId pId -> Just $ TL.toStrict pId
qualifiedTemplate = TL.toStrict identifierName
TemplateIdentifier { package, qualifiedTemplate }
templatesDefinedIn :: [LocalOrExternal] -> M.Map TemplateIdentifier (LF.Qualified LF.Template)
templatesDefinedIn :: [LocalOrExternal] -> M.Map ContractIdentifier (LF.Qualified LF.Template)
templatesDefinedIn localOrExternals = M.fromList
[ (lfTemplateIdentifier templateInfo, templateInfo)
| localOrExternal <- localOrExternals
@ -298,24 +378,48 @@ printTestCoverage ShowCoverage {getShowCoverage} allPackages results
, let templateInfo = qualifier template
choicesDefinedIn :: [LocalOrExternal] -> M.Map ChoiceIdentifier (LF.Qualified LF.Template, LF.TemplateChoice)
choicesDefinedIn localOrExternals = M.fromList
interfacesDefinedIn :: [LocalOrExternal] -> M.Map ContractIdentifier (LF.Qualified LF.DefInterface)
interfacesDefinedIn localOrExternals = M.fromList
[ (lfInterfaceIdentifier interfaceInfo, interfaceInfo)
| localOrExternal <- localOrExternals
, (module_, qualifier) <- loeGetModules localOrExternal
, interface <- NM.toList $ LF.moduleInterfaces module_
, let interfaceInfo = qualifier interface
templateChoicesDefinedIn :: [LocalOrExternal] -> M.Map ChoiceIdentifier (LF.Qualified LF.Template, LF.TemplateChoice)
templateChoicesDefinedIn localOrExternals = M.fromList
[ (ChoiceIdentifier templateIdentifier name, (templateInfo, choice))
| (templateIdentifier, templateInfo) <- M.toList $ templatesDefinedIn localOrExternals
, choice <- NM.toList $ LF.tplChoices $ LF.qualObject templateInfo
, let name = LF.unChoiceName $ LF.chcName choice
allCreatedTemplates :: S.Set TemplateIdentifier
allCreatedTemplates = foldMap (createdTemplates . snd) results
interfaceImplementationsDefinedIn :: [LocalOrExternal] -> M.Map (ContractIdentifier, ContractIdentifier) (LocalOrExternal, LF.InterfaceInstanceBody)
interfaceImplementationsDefinedIn localOrExternals = M.fromList $
[ ((lfMkNameIdentifier tpiInterface, templateIdentifier), (loe, tpiBody))
| loe <- localOrExternals
, (templateIdentifier, templateInfo) <- M.toList $ templatesDefinedIn [loe]
, LF.TemplateImplements { tpiInterface, tpiBody }
<- NM.toList $ LF.tplImplements $ LF.qualObject templateInfo
] ++
[ ((interfaceIdentifier, lfMkNameIdentifier iciTemplate), (loe, iciBody))
| loe <- localOrExternals
, (interfaceIdentifier, interfaceInfo) <- M.toList $ interfacesDefinedIn [loe]
, LF.InterfaceCoImplements { iciTemplate, iciBody }
<- NM.toList $ LF.intCoImplements $ LF.qualObject interfaceInfo
allExercisedChoices :: S.Set ChoiceIdentifier
allExercisedChoices = foldMap (exercisedChoices . snd) results
allCreatedContracts :: M.Map ContractIdentifier [LocalOrExternal]
allCreatedContracts = M.unionsWith (<>) $ map (uncurry createdContracts) results
createdTemplates :: [(VirtualResource, Either SSC.Error SS.ScenarioResult)] -> S.Set TemplateIdentifier
createdTemplates results =
S.fromList $
[ ssIdentifierToIdentifier identifier
allExercisedChoices :: M.Map ChoiceIdentifier [LocalOrExternal]
allExercisedChoices = M.unionsWith (<>) $ map (uncurry exercisedChoices) results
createdContracts :: LocalOrExternal -> [(VirtualResource, Either SSC.Error SS.ScenarioResult)] -> M.Map ContractIdentifier [LocalOrExternal]
createdContracts loe results =
M.fromList $
[ (ssIdentifierToIdentifier identifier, [loe])
| n <- scenarioNodes results
, Just (SS.NodeNodeCreate SS.Node_Create {SS.node_CreateContractInstance}) <-
[SS.nodeNode n]
@ -323,15 +427,16 @@ printTestCoverage ShowCoverage {getShowCoverage} allPackages results
, Just identifier <- [SS.contractInstanceTemplateId contractInstance]
exercisedChoices :: [(VirtualResource, Either SSC.Error SS.ScenarioResult)] -> S.Set ChoiceIdentifier
exercisedChoices results =
S.fromList $
[ ChoiceIdentifier (ssIdentifierToIdentifier identifier) (TL.toStrict node_ExerciseChoiceId)
exercisedChoices :: LocalOrExternal -> [(VirtualResource, Either SSC.Error SS.ScenarioResult)] -> M.Map ChoiceIdentifier [LocalOrExternal]
exercisedChoices loe results =
M.fromList $
[ (choiceIdentifier, [loe])
| n <- scenarioNodes results
, Just (SS.NodeNodeExercise SS.Node_Exercise { SS.node_ExerciseTemplateId
, SS.node_ExerciseChoiceId
}) <- [SS.nodeNode n]
, Just identifier <- [node_ExerciseTemplateId]
, let choiceIdentifier = ChoiceIdentifier (ssIdentifierToIdentifier identifier) (TL.toStrict node_ExerciseChoiceId)
scenarioNodes :: [(VirtualResource, Either SSC.Error SS.ScenarioResult)] -> [SS.Node]
@ -355,16 +460,16 @@ printTestCoverage ShowCoverage {getShowCoverage} allPackages results
| otherwise
= Nothing
printTemplateIdentifier :: TemplateIdentifier -> String
printTemplateIdentifier TemplateIdentifier { package, qualifiedTemplate } =
printContractIdentifier :: ContractIdentifier -> String
printContractIdentifier ContractIdentifier { package, qualifiedName } =
T.unpack $ maybe
(\pId -> pkgIdToPkgName pId <> ":" <> qualifiedTemplate)
(\pId -> pkgIdToPkgName pId <> ":" <> qualifiedName)
printChoiceIdentifier :: ChoiceIdentifier -> String
printChoiceIdentifier ChoiceIdentifier { packageTemplate, choice } =
printTemplateIdentifier packageTemplate <> ":" <> T.unpack choice
printChoiceIdentifier ChoiceIdentifier { packageContract, choice } =
printContractIdentifier packageContract <> ":" <> T.unpack choice
printScenarioResults :: UseColor -> [(VirtualResource, Either SSC.Error SS.ScenarioResult)] -> IO ()
printScenarioResults color results = do

View File

@ -319,7 +319,16 @@ testsForDamlcTest damlc scriptDar _ = testGroup "damlc test" $
exitCode @?= ExitSuccess
let out = lines stdout
assertBool ("test coverage is reported correctly: " <> stdout)
("defined in local modules:\n choices: 1 / 3 (33%)\n templates: 1 / 2 (50%)" `isInfixOf` stdout)
( unlines
[ "Modules internal to this package:"
, "- Internal templates"
, " 2 defined"
, " 1 ( 50.0%) created"
, "- Internal template choices"
, " 3 defined"
, " 1 ( 33.3%) exercised"
`isInfixOf` stdout)
assertBool ("test summary is reported correctly: " <> out!!1)
("Test Summary" `isPrefixOf` (out!!1))
assertBool ("test summary is reported correctly: " <> out!!3)
@ -358,13 +367,18 @@ testsForDamlcTest damlc scriptDar _ = testGroup "damlc test" $
exitCode @?= ExitSuccess
("test coverage is reported correctly: " <> stdout)
("template creation coverage is reported correctly: " <> stdout)
[ " templates never created:"
[ " internal templates never created: 1"
, " Foo:S"
, " choices never executed:"
] `isInfixOf`
("template choice coverage is reported correctly: " <> stdout)
[ " internal template choices never exercised: 2"
, " Foo:S:Archive"
, " Foo:T:Archive\n"
, " Foo:T:Archive"
] `isInfixOf`
-- TODO:
@ -511,16 +525,37 @@ testsForDamlcTest damlc scriptDar _ = testGroup "damlc test" $
, "a:testA: ok, 0 active contracts, 2 transactions."
] `isInfixOf`
assertBool ("Test coverage is reported correctly: " <> stdout)
assertBool ("Internal module test coverage is reported correctly: " <> stdout)
[ "defined anywhere:"
, " choices: 2 / 5 (40%)"
, " templates: 2 / 3 (67%)"
, " templates never created:"
[ "Modules internal to this package:"
, "- Internal templates"
, " 2 defined"
, " 1 ( 50.0%) created"
, " internal templates never created: 1"
, " B:S"
, " choices never executed:"
, "- Internal template choices"
, " 3 defined"
, " 1 ( 33.3%) exercised"
, " internal template choices never exercised: 2"
, " B:S:Archive"
, " B:T:Archive"
] `isInfixOf`
assertBool ("External module test coverage is reported correctly: " <> stdout)
[ "Modules external to this package:"
, "- External templates"
, " 1 defined"
, " 1 (100.0%) created in any tests"
, " 0 ( 0.0%) created in internal tests"
, " 1 (100.0%) created in external tests"
, " external templates never created: 0"
, "- External template choices"
, " 2 defined"
, " 1 ( 50.0%) exercised in any tests"
, " 0 ( 0.0%) exercised in internal tests"
, " 1 ( 50.0%) exercised in external tests"
, " external template choices never exercised: 1"
, " a:A:U:Archive"
] `isInfixOf`
@ -579,9 +614,13 @@ testsForDamlcTest damlc scriptDar _ = testGroup "damlc test" $
["B.daml:needleHaystack: ok, 0 active contracts, 0 transactions."
, "a:test_needleHaystack: ok, 0 active contracts, 0 transactions."
, "defined in local modules:"
, " choices: 0 / 0 (100%)"
, " templates: 0 / 0 (100%)"
, "Modules internal to this package:"
, "- Internal templates"
, " 0 defined"
, " 0 (100.0%) created"
, "- Internal template choices"
, " 0 defined"
, " 0 (100.0%) exercised"
] `isInfixOf` stdout)
exitCode @?= ExitSuccess
, testCase "Full test coverage report without --all set (but imports)" $ withTempDir $ \projDir -> do
@ -649,14 +688,18 @@ testsForDamlcTest damlc scriptDar _ = testGroup "damlc test" $
assertBool ("Test coverage is reported correctly: " <> stdout)
[ "B.daml:x: ok, 0 active contracts, 2 transactions."
, "defined in local modules:"
, " choices: 1 / 3 (33%)"
, " templates: 1 / 2 (50%)"
, " templates never created:"
, "Modules internal to this package:"
, "- Internal templates"
, " 2 defined"
, " 1 ( 50.0%) created"
, " internal templates never created: 1"
, " B:S"
, " choices never executed:"
, "- Internal template choices"
, " 3 defined"
, " 1 ( 33.3%) exercised"
, " internal template choices never exercised: 2"
, " B:S:Archive"
, " B:T:Archive\n"
, " B:T:Archive"
] `isInfixOf`
exitCode @?= ExitSuccess