Merge pull request #220 from digital-asset/leo-1123-dar-reader

DarReader fat dar support
This commit is contained in:
Leonid Shlyapnikov 2019-04-04 14:19:17 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 2517fdcb2f
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 362 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.digitalasset.daml.lf
case class Dar[A](main: A, dependencies: List[A]) {
def all: List[A] = main :: dependencies

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.digitalasset.daml.lf
import java.util.jar.{Attributes, Manifest}
import scala.collection.breakOut
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
object DarManifestReader {
private val supportedFormat = "daml-lf"
def dalfNames(is: InputStream): Try[Dar[String]] = {
val manifest = new Manifest(is)
val attributes = value(manifest.getMainAttributes) _
for {
mainDalf <- attributes("Main-Dalf")
allDalfs <- attributes("Dalfs")
format <- attributes("Format")
_ <- checkFormat(format)
} yield Dar(mainDalf, dependencies(allDalfs, mainDalf))
private def dependencies(other: String, main: String): List[String] = {
val deps: List[String] = other.split(',').map(_.trim)(breakOut)
deps.filter(x => x != main)
private def value(attributes: Attributes)(key: String): Try[String] =
Option(attributes.getValue(key)) match {
case None => failure(s"Cannot find attribute: $key")
case Some(x) => Success(x.trim)
private def checkFormat(format: String): Try[Unit] =
if (format == supportedFormat) Success(())
else failure(s"Unsupported format: $format")
private def failure(msg: String) = Failure(DarManifestReaderException(msg))
case class DarManifestReaderException(msg: String) extends IllegalStateException(msg)

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@ -2,36 +2,59 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.digitalasset.daml.lf.archive
import java.util
import{BufferedInputStream, InputStream}
import{ZipEntry, ZipFile}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.{Dar, DarManifestReader}
import com.digitalasset.daml_lf.DamlLf
import scala.util.Try
class DarReader[A](parse: InputStream => A) {
def readArchive(darFile: ZipFile): Try[List[A]] = {
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.archive.TryOps.sequence
val collector =[Try[A]]
val list: util.List[Try[A]] =
.map[Try[A]](e => parseEntry(darFile, e))
class DarReader[A](
readDalfNamesFromManifest: InputStream => Try[Dar[String]],
parseDalf: InputStream => Try[A]) {
private def isDalfEntry(e: ZipEntry): Boolean = e.getName.endsWith(".dalf")
private val manifestEntry = new ZipEntry("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")
private def parseEntry(f: ZipFile, e: ZipEntry): Try[A] = Try {
val is = f.getInputStream(e)
try {
} finally {
def readArchive(darFile: ZipFile): Try[Dar[A]] =
for {
names <- parseDalfNamesFromManifest(darFile): Try[Dar[String]]
main <- parseOne(darFile)(names.main): Try[A]
deps <- parseAll(darFile)(names.dependencies): Try[List[A]]
} yield Dar(main, deps)
private def parseDalfNamesFromManifest(darFile: ZipFile): Try[Dar[String]] =
.flatMap(is => readDalfNamesFromManifest(is))
private def parseAll(f: ZipFile)(names: List[String]): Try[List[A]] =
private def parseOne(f: ZipFile)(s: String): Try[A] =
bracket(getZipEntryInputStream(f, s))(close).flatMap(parseDalf)
private def getZipEntryInputStream(f: ZipFile, name: String): Try[InputStream] =
for {
e <- Try(new ZipEntry(name))
is <- Try(new BufferedInputStream(f.getInputStream(e)))
} yield is
private def close(is: InputStream): Try[Unit] = Try(is.close())
object DarReader extends DarReader(Reader.decodeArchiveFromInputStream)
object DarReader {
def apply(): DarReader[(Ref.PackageId, DamlLf.ArchivePayload)] =
new DarReader(DarManifestReader.dalfNames, a => Try(Reader.decodeArchiveFromInputStream(a)))
object DarReaderWithVersion extends DarReader(Reader.readArchiveAndVersion)
def apply[A](parseDalf: InputStream => Try[A]): DarReader[A] =
new DarReader(DarManifestReader.dalfNames, parseDalf)
object DarReaderWithVersion
extends DarReader[((Ref.PackageId, DamlLf.ArchivePayload), LanguageMajorVersion)](
a => Try(Reader.readArchiveAndVersion(a)))

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.digitalasset.daml.lf.archive
import scala.util.{Success, Try}
private[archive] object TryOps {
def sequence[A](list: List[Try[A]]): Try[List[A]] = {
val zero: Try[List[A]] = Success(List.empty[A])
list.foldRight(zero)((a, as) => map2(a, as)(_ :: _))
def map2[A, B, C](ta: Try[A], tb: Try[B])(f: (A, B) => C): Try[C] =
for {
a <- ta
b <- tb
} yield f(a, b)

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.digitalasset.daml.lf
import{ByteArrayInputStream, InputStream}
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.DarManifestReader.DarManifestReaderException
import org.scalatest.{Inside, Matchers, WordSpec}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
class DarManifestReaderTest extends WordSpec with Matchers with Inside {
private val unicode = Charset.forName("UTF-8")
"should read dalf names from manifest, real scenario with Dalfs line split" in {
val manifest = """Manifest-Version: 1.0
|Created-By: Digital Asset packager (DAML-GHC)
|Main-Dalf: com.digitalasset.daml.lf.archive:DarReaderTest:0.1.dalf
|Dalfs: com.digitalasset.daml.lf.archive:DarReaderTest:0.1.dalf, daml-pri
| m.dalf
|Format: daml-lf
|Encryption: non-encrypted""".stripMargin
val inputStream: InputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(manifest.getBytes(unicode))
val actual = DarManifestReader.dalfNames(inputStream)
actual shouldBe Success(
Dar("com.digitalasset.daml.lf.archive:DarReaderTest:0.1.dalf", List("daml-prim.dalf")))
"should read dalf names from manifest, Main-Dalf returned in the head" in {
val manifest = """Main-Dalf: A.dalf
|Dalfs: B.dalf, C.dalf, A.dalf, E.dalf
|Format: daml-lf
|Encryption: non-encrypted""".stripMargin
val inputStream: InputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(manifest.getBytes(unicode))
val actual = DarManifestReader.dalfNames(inputStream)
actual shouldBe Success(Dar("A.dalf", List("B.dalf", "C.dalf", "E.dalf")))
"should read dalf names from manifest, can handle one Dalf per manifest" in {
val manifest = """Main-Dalf: A.dalf
|Dalfs: A.dalf
|Format: daml-lf
|Encryption: non-encrypted""".stripMargin
val inputStream: InputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(manifest.getBytes(unicode))
val actual = DarManifestReader.dalfNames(inputStream)
actual shouldBe Success(Dar("A.dalf", List.empty))
"should return failure if Format is not daml-lf" in {
val manifest = """Main-Dalf: A.dalf
|Dalfs: B.dalf, C.dalf, A.dalf, E.dalf
|Format: anything-different-from-daml-lf
|Encryption: non-encrypted""".stripMargin
val inputStream: InputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(manifest.getBytes(unicode))
val actual = DarManifestReader.dalfNames(inputStream)
inside(actual) {
case Failure(DarManifestReaderException(msg)) =>
msg shouldBe "Unsupported format: anything-different-from-daml-lf"

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@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ package com.digitalasset.daml.lf.archive
import com.digitalasset.daml_lf.DamlLf
import com.digitalasset.daml_lf.DamlLf1
import com.digitalasset.daml.lf.Dar
import com.digitalasset.daml_lf.{DamlLf, DamlLf1}
import org.scalatest.{Inside, Matchers, WordSpec}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.{Success, Try}
class DarReaderTest extends WordSpec with Matchers with Inside {
@ -25,30 +25,42 @@ class DarReaderTest extends WordSpec with Matchers with Inside {
s"should read dar file: $darFile" in {
val archives: Try[List[((SimpleString, DamlLf.ArchivePayload), LanguageMajorVersion)]] =
s"should read dar file: $darFile, main archive: DarReaderTest returned first" in {
val archives: Try[Dar[((Ref.PackageId, DamlLf.ArchivePayload), LanguageMajorVersion)]] =
DarReaderWithVersion.readArchive(new ZipFile(darFile))
inside(archives) {
case Success(
((packageId1, archive1), LanguageMajorVersion.V1) ::
((packageId2, archive2), LanguageMajorVersion.V1) :: Nil) =>
((packageId1, archive1), LanguageMajorVersion.V1),
((packageId2, archive2), LanguageMajorVersion.V1) :: Nil)) =>
packageId1.underlyingString shouldNot be('empty)
packageId2.underlyingString shouldNot be('empty)
archive1.getDamlLf1.getModulesCount should be > 0
archive2.getDamlLf1.getModulesCount should be > 0
val archive1Modules = archive1.getDamlLf1.getModulesList.asScala
val archive2Modules = archive2.getDamlLf1.getModulesList.asScala
.find(m => name(m.getName) == "DarReaderTest")
.orElse(archive2Modules.find(m => name(m.getName) == "DarReaderTest"))) {
inside(archive1Modules.find(m => name(m.getName) == "DarReaderTest")) {
case Some(module) =>
val actualTypes: Set[String] =
.map((t: DamlLf1.DefDataType) => name(t.getName)) DamlLf1.DefDataType) => name(t.getName))
actualTypes shouldBe Set("Transfer", "Call2", "CallablePayout", "PayOut")
val archive2Modules = archive2.getDamlLf1.getModulesList.asScala
val archive2ModuleNames: Set[String] = => name(m.getName)).toSet
archive2ModuleNames shouldBe Set(

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
private[lf] object TryOps {
def sequence[A](list: List[Try[A]]): Try[List[A]] = {
val zero: Try[List[A]] = Success(List.empty[A])
list.foldRight(zero)((a, as) => map2(a, as)(_ :: _))
def map2[A, B, C](ta: Try[A], tb: Try[B])(f: (A, B) => C): Try[C] =
for {
a <- ta
b <- tb
} yield f(a, b)
object Bracket {
* The following description borrowed from
* {{{
* Generalized abstracted pattern of safe resource acquisition and release in the face of errors.
* The first action "acquires" some value, which is "released" by the second action at the end.
* The third action "uses" the value and its result is the result of the bracket.
* If an error is thrown during the use, the release still happens before the error is rethrown.
* }}}
* If cleanup fails, it's error returned. If you don't like this behavior, don't return a Failure from the cleanup.
* If both flatMap and cleanup fail, flatMap's Failure returned.
* Examples:
* {{{
* private def parseDalfNamesFromManifest(darFile: ZipFile): Try[Dar[String]] =
* bracket(Try(darFile.getInputStream(manifestEntry)))(close)
* .flatMap(is => readDalfNamesFromManifest(is))
* private def parseOne(f: ZipFile)(s: String): Try[A] =
* bracket(getZipEntryInputStream(f, s))(close).flatMap(parseDalf)
* private def close(is: InputStream): Try[Unit] = Try(is.close())
* }}}
* @see
* @param fa acquired resource
* @param cleanup cleanup function that releases the acquired resource
def bracket[A, B](fa: Try[A])(cleanup: A => Try[B]): Bracket[A, B] = new Bracket(fa, cleanup)
final class Bracket[A, B](fa: Try[A], cleanup: A => Try[B]) {
def flatMap[C](f: A => Try[C]): Try[C] = {
val fc = fa.flatMap(a => f(a))
val fb = fa.flatMap(a => cleanup(a))
(fc, fb) match {
case (Success(_), Success(_)) => fc
case (e @ Failure(_), _) => e
case (Success(_), Failure(e)) => Failure(e)
def map[C](f: A => C): Try[C] = flatMap(a => Try(f(a)))

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
class TryOpsTest extends WordSpec with Matchers with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks {
"bracket should call clean after successful calculation" in forAll { (a: Int, b: Int) =>
var calls = List.empty[String]
def clean(x: Int): Try[Unit] = {
calls = s"clean $x" :: calls
def add(x: Int)(y: Int): Try[Int] = {
calls = s"add $x $y" :: calls
Success(x + y)
val actual = bracket(Try(a))(clean).flatMap(add(b))
actual shouldBe Success(a + b)
calls.reverse shouldBe List(s"add $b $a", s"clean $a")
"bracket should fail if clean failed" in forAll { (a: Int, b: Int, e: Throwable) =>
var calls = List.empty[String]
def clean(x: Int): Try[Unit] = {
calls = s"clean $x $e" :: calls
def add(x: Int)(y: Int): Try[Int] = {
calls = s"add $x $y" :: calls
Success(x + y)
val actual = bracket(Try(a))(clean).flatMap(add(b))
actual shouldBe Failure(e)
calls.reverse shouldBe List(s"add $b $a", s"clean $a $e")
"bracket should call clean if calculation fails" in forAll { (a: Int, b: Int, e: Throwable) =>
var calls = List.empty[String]
def clean(x: Int): Try[Unit] = {
calls = s"clean $x" :: calls
def add(x: Int)(y: Int): Try[Int] = {
calls = s"add $x $y" :: calls
val actual = bracket(Try(a))(clean).flatMap(add(b))
actual shouldBe Failure(e)
calls.reverse shouldBe List(s"add $b $a", s"clean $a")
"bracket should return calculation error if if both calculation and clean fail" in forAll {
(a: Int, b: Int, e1: Throwable, e2: Throwable) =>
var calls = List.empty[String]
def clean(x: Int): Try[Unit] = {
calls = s"clean $x $e2" :: calls
def add(x: Int)(y: Int): Try[Int] = {
calls = s"add $x $y" :: calls
val actual = bracket(Try(a))(clean).flatMap(add(b))
actual shouldBe Failure(e1)
calls.reverse shouldBe List(s"add $b $a", s"clean $a $e2")

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import com.digitalasset.daml_lf.DamlLf.Archive
import scala.collection.breakOut
import scala.collection.immutable.Iterable
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.Try
case class DamlPackageContainer(files: List[File] = Nil, devAllowed: Boolean = false) {
@ -31,10 +32,9 @@ case class DamlPackageContainer(files: List[File] = Nil, devAllowed: Boolean = f
private def archivesFromDar(file: File): List[Archive] = {
new DarReader[Archive](Archive.parseFrom)
DarReader[Archive](x => Try(Archive.parseFrom(x)))
.readArchive(new ZipFile(file))
.fold(t => throw new RuntimeException(s"Failed to parse DAR from $file", t), identity)
.fold(t => throw new RuntimeException(s"Failed to parse DAR from $file", t), dar => dar.all)
private def archivesFromDalf(file: File): List[Archive] = {