Refactor daml-assitant ITs regarding yarn (#5453)

There are multiple tests that setup an environment for yarn to find
our TypeScript libraries. This PR unifies this setup by providing a
single function to set it up.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Huschenbett 2020-04-06 18:28:39 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 2a5a15d625
commit 28627a665f
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 64 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -80,12 +80,6 @@ da_haskell_test(
srcs = glob(["src/**/*.hs"]),
args = [
"$(location //:yarn)",
# The JS codegen test which needs this next arg is not
# run on Windows but we need to pass something on Windows
# to make the test harness happy. If it should be misued,
# hopefully "daml-types-not-available" will end up in the
# error message.
"daml-types-not-available" if is_windows else "$(location //language-support/ts/daml-types:npm_package)",
data = [

View File

@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Aeson ((.=), object)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Conduit.Tar.Extra as Tar.Conduit.Extra
import qualified Data.Conduit.Zlib as Zlib
import Data.List.Extra
@ -34,28 +32,23 @@ import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import qualified Web.JWT as JWT
import DA.Directory
import DA.Bazel.Runfiles
import DA.Daml.Assistant.FreePort (getFreePort,socketHints)
import DA.Daml.Helper.Run (waitForHttpServer,waitForConnectionOnPort)
import DA.Test.Daml2jsUtils (writeRootPackageJson)
import DA.Test.Daml2jsUtils
import DA.Test.Process (callCommandSilent,callProcessSilent)
import DA.Test.Util
import SdkVersion
main :: IO ()
main = do
yarn : damlTypesPath : args <- getArgs
yarn : args <- getArgs
withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
oldPath <- getSearchPath
javaPath <- locateRunfiles "local_jdk/bin"
mvnPath <- locateRunfiles "mvn_dev_env/bin"
tarPath <- locateRunfiles "tar_dev_env/bin"
yarnPath <- takeDirectory <$> locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> yarn)
damlTypesDir <-
if isWindows
then pure damlTypesPath -- Not available.
else locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> damlTypesPath)
-- NOTE: `COMSPEC` env. variable on Windows points to cmd.exe, which is required to be present
-- on the PATH as mvn.cmd executes cmd.exe
mbComSpec <- getEnv "COMSPEC"
@ -63,10 +56,10 @@ main = do
withArgs args (withEnv
[ ("PATH", Just $ intercalate [searchPathSeparator] $ (tarPath : javaPath : mvnPath : yarnPath : oldPath) ++ maybeToList mbCmdDir)
, ("TASTY_NUM_THREADS", Just "1")
] $ defaultMain (tests tmpDir damlTypesDir))
] $ defaultMain (tests tmpDir))
tests :: FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
tests tmpDir damlTypesDir = withSdkResource $ \_ -> testGroup "Integration tests"
tests :: FilePath -> TestTree
tests tmpDir = withSdkResource $ \_ -> testGroup "Integration tests"
[ testCase "daml version" $ callCommandSilent "daml version"
, testCase "daml --help" $ callCommandSilent "daml --help"
, testCase "daml new --list" $ callCommandSilent "daml new --list"
@ -74,7 +67,7 @@ tests tmpDir damlTypesDir = withSdkResource $ \_ -> testGroup "Integration tests
, quickstartTests quickstartDir mvnDir
, cleanTests cleanDir
, templateTests
, codegenTests codegenDir damlTypesDir
, codegenTests codegenDir
, createDamlAppTests
where quickstartDir = tmpDir </> "q-u-i-c-k-s-t-a-r-t"
@ -518,8 +511,8 @@ templateTests = testGroup "templates"
-- | Check we can generate language bindings.
codegenTests :: FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
codegenTests codegenDir damlTypes = testGroup "daml codegen" (
codegenTests :: FilePath -> TestTree
codegenTests codegenDir = testGroup "daml codegen" (
[ codegenTestFor "java" Nothing
, codegenTestFor "scala" (Just "com.cookiemonster.nomnomnom")
] ++
@ -540,13 +533,8 @@ codegenTests codegenDir damlTypes = testGroup "daml codegen" (
let darFile = projectDir </> ".daml/dist/proj-" ++ lang ++ "-0.0.1.dar"
outDir = projectDir </> "generated" </> lang
when (lang == "js") $ do
-- This section makes
-- 'daml-types@0.0.0-SDKVERSION' available
-- to yarn.
createDirectoryIfMissing True "generated"
withCurrentDirectory "generated" $ do
copyDirectory damlTypes "daml-types"
writeRootPackageJson Nothing [lang]
let workspaces = Workspaces [makeRelative codegenDir outDir]
setupYarnEnv codegenDir workspaces [DamlTypes]
callCommandSilent $
unwords [ "daml", "codegen", lang
, darFile ++ maybe "" ("=" ++) namespace
@ -559,18 +547,8 @@ createDamlAppTests = testGroup "create-daml-app" [gettingStartedGuideTest | not
gettingStartedGuideTest = testCase "Getting Started Guide" $
withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
let tsLibs = ["daml-types", "daml-ledger", "daml-react"]
forM_ tsLibs $ \tsLib -> do
srcDir <- locateRunfiles $ mainWorkspace </> "language-support" </> "ts" </> tsLib </> "npm_package"
copyDirectory srcDir (tmpDir </> tsLib)
BSL.writeFile (tmpDir </> "package.json") $ Aeson.encode $ object
[ "private" .= True
, "workspaces" .= ["create-daml-app/daml.js", "create-daml-app/ui" :: String]
, "resolutions" .= object
[ pkgName .= ("file:" ++ tsLib)
| tsLib <- tsLibs, let pkgName = "@" <> T.replace "-" "/" (T.pack tsLib)
let workspaces = Workspaces ["create-daml-app/daml.js", "create-daml-app/ui"]
setupYarnEnv tmpDir workspaces allTsLibraries
withCurrentDirectory tmpDir $ do
callCommandSilent "daml new create-daml-app create-daml-app"
let cdaDir = tmpDir </> "create-daml-app"

View File

@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ da_haskell_library(
src_strip_prefix = "src",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
@ -141,7 +142,6 @@ da_haskell_test(
srcs = ["src/DA/Test/Daml2js.hs"],
args = [
"$(location //:yarn)",
"$(location //language-support/ts/daml-types:npm_package)",
data = [

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import System.Process
import System.Exit
import DA.Bazel.Runfiles
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Version as LF
import DA.Directory
import DA.Test.Daml2jsUtils
import Data.List.Extra
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T
@ -32,17 +31,16 @@ typescriptEslintVersion = "^2.16.0"
main :: IO ()
main = do
yarnPath : damlTypesPath : args <- getArgs
yarnPath : args <- getArgs
damlc <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "compiler" </> "damlc" </> exe "damlc")
daml2js <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "language-support" </> "ts" </> "codegen" </> exe "daml2js")
yarn <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> yarnPath)
damlTypes <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> damlTypesPath)
davl <- locateRunfiles ("davl" </> "released")
oldPath <- getSearchPath
withArgs args $ withEnv
[ ("PATH", Just $ intercalate [searchPathSeparator] $ takeDirectory yarn : oldPath)
, ("TASTY_NUM_THREADS", Just "1")
] $ defaultMain (tests damlTypes yarn damlc daml2js davl)
] $ defaultMain (tests yarn damlc daml2js davl)
-- It may help to keep in mind for the following tests, this quick
-- refresher on the layout of a simple project:
@ -69,8 +67,8 @@ main = do
-- ...
-- daml-types <-- referred to by the "resolutions" field in package.json
tests :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
tests damlTypes yarn damlc daml2js davl = testGroup "daml2js tests"
tests :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
tests yarn damlc daml2js davl = testGroup "daml2js tests"
testCaseSteps "Different package, same name test" $ \step -> withTempDir $ \here -> do
let grover = here </> "grover"
@ -255,8 +253,7 @@ tests damlTypes yarn damlc daml2js davl = testGroup "daml2js tests"
setupYarnEnvironment :: IO ()
setupYarnEnvironment = do
copyDirectory damlTypes "daml-types"
writeRootPackageJson Nothing ["daml2js"]
setupYarnEnv "." (Workspaces ["daml2js"]) [DamlTypes]
buildProject :: [String] -> IO ()
buildProject args = callProcessSilent damlc (["build"] ++ args)

View File

@ -1,20 +1,54 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.Test.Daml2jsUtils (writeRootPackageJson) where
module DA.Test.Daml2jsUtils (
TsLibrary (..),
Workspaces (..),
) where
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
import Control.Monad
import DA.Bazel.Runfiles
import DA.Directory
import Data.Aeson
import System.FilePath
-- The need for this utility comes up in at least the assistant
-- integration and daml2js tests.
writeRootPackageJson :: Maybe FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
writeRootPackageJson dir workspaces =
BSL.writeFile (maybe "package.json" (</> "package.json") dir) $ encode $
[ "private" .= True
, "workspaces" .= map T.pack workspaces
, "resolutions" .= HMS.fromList ([ ("@daml/types", "file:daml-types") ] :: [(T.Text, T.Text)])
data TsLibrary
= DamlLedger
| DamlReact
| DamlTypes
deriving (Bounded, Enum)
newtype Workspaces = Workspaces [FilePath]
allTsLibraries :: [TsLibrary]
allTsLibraries = [minBound .. maxBound]
tsLibraryName :: TsLibrary -> String
tsLibraryName = \case
DamlLedger -> "daml-ledger"
DamlReact -> "daml-react"
DamlTypes -> "daml-types"
-- NOTE(MH): In some tests we need our TS libraries like `@daml/types` in
-- scope. We achieve this by putting a `package.json` file futrher up in the
-- directory tree. This file sets up a yarn workspace that includes the TS
-- libraries via the `resolutions` field.
setupYarnEnv :: FilePath -> Workspaces -> [TsLibrary] -> IO ()
setupYarnEnv rootDir (Workspaces workspaces) tsLibs = do
tsLibsRoot <- locateRunfiles $ mainWorkspace </> "language-support" </> "ts"
forM_ tsLibs $ \tsLib -> do
let name = tsLibraryName tsLib
copyDirectory (tsLibsRoot </> name </> "npm_package") (rootDir </> name)
BSL.writeFile (rootDir </> "package.json") $ encode $ object
[ "private" .= True
, "workspaces" .= workspaces
, "resolutions" .= object
[ pkgName .= ("file:./" ++ name)
| tsLib <- tsLibs
, let name = tsLibraryName tsLib
, let pkgName = "@" <> T.replace "-" "/" (T.pack name)