WIP: Draft version constraint generation (#5472)

First version of static verification tool.

The current state of the tool: 
- Reads DAR files.
- Partially evaluates the code.
- Generates constraints for the field and choice to be verified.
- Passes the constraints to an SMT solver.
- Some basic tests.
This commit is contained in:
Gert-Jan Bottu 2020-05-20 08:08:18 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent d7cc5e07c3
commit 2af134ca69
No known key found for this signature in database
16 changed files with 2656 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -896,6 +896,15 @@ nixpkgs_package(
repositories = dev_env_nix_repos,
name = "z3_nix",
attribute_path = "z3",
fail_not_supported = False,
nix_file = "//nix:bazel.nix",
nix_file_deps = common_nix_file_deps,
repositories = dev_env_nix_repos,
) if not is_windows else None
name = "postgresql_dev_env",
nix_include = [

View File

@ -640,6 +640,7 @@ exports_files(["stack.exe"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"])

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-- | DAML-LF Numeric literals, with scale attached.
module DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Numeric
( Numeric
( Numeric (..)
, NumericError (..)
, E10
, numeric

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
load("//rules_daml:daml.bzl", "daml_compile")
load("//bazel_tools:haskell.bzl", "da_haskell_binary", "da_haskell_library", "da_haskell_test")
load("@os_info//:os_info.bzl", "is_windows")
name = "daml-lf-verify",
srcs = glob(["src/**/*.hs"]),
data = [
] if not is_windows else [],
hackage_deps = [
main_function = "DA.Daml.LF.Verify.main",
src_strip_prefix = "src",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
name = "daml-lf-verify-lib",
srcs = glob(["src/**/*.hs"]),
data = [
] if not is_windows else [],
hackage_deps = [
src_strip_prefix = "src",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
name = "quickstart",
srcs = glob(["daml/quickstart/**/*.daml"]),
version = "1.0.0",
name = "conditionals",
srcs = glob(["daml/conditionals/**/*.daml"]),
version = "1.0.0",
name = "verify-tests",
srcs = glob(["tests/**/*.hs"]),
data = [
] if not is_windows else [],
hackage_deps = [
main_function = "DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Tests.mainTest",
src_strip_prefix = "tests",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
) if not is_windows else None

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module Iou where
template Iou with
owner: Party
content: Int
signatory owner
choice SuccA: ContractId Iou
controller owner
if False
then create Iou with owner; content = content
else create Iou with owner; content = content
choice SuccB: ContractId Iou
controller owner
if 1 == 1
then create Iou with owner; content = content
else create Iou with owner; content = 0
choice SuccC: ContractId Iou
controller owner
if True
then do
_ <- create Iou with owner; content = content
create Iou with owner; content = 0
else create Iou with owner; content = content
choice SuccD: ContractId Iou
controller owner
if True
then do
cid1 <- create Iou with owner; content = content
archive cid1
create Iou with owner; content = content
else create Iou with owner; content = content
choice FailA: ContractId Iou
controller owner
if 1 == 1
then create Iou with owner; content = 0
else create Iou with owner; content = content
choice FailB: ContractId Iou
controller owner
if False
then create Iou with owner; content = content
else do
_ <- create Iou with owner; content = content
create Iou with owner; content = content

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module Iou where
type IouCid = ContractId Iou
template Iou
issuer : Party
owner : Party
currency : Text
amount : Decimal
observers : [Party]
ensure amount > 0.0
signatory issuer, owner
observer observers
controller owner can
-- Split the IOU by dividing the amount.
Iou_Split : (IouCid, IouCid)
splitAmount: Decimal
let restAmount = amount - splitAmount
splitCid <- create this with amount = splitAmount
restCid <- create this with amount = restAmount
return (splitCid, restCid)
-- Merge two IOUs by aggregating their amounts.
Iou_Merge : IouCid
otherCid: IouCid
otherIou <- fetch otherCid
-- Check the two IOU's are compatible
assert (
currency == otherIou.currency &&
owner == otherIou.owner &&
issuer == otherIou.issuer
-- Retire the old Iou
archive otherCid
-- Return the merged Iou
create this with amount = amount + otherIou.amount
Iou_Transfer : ContractId IouTransfer
newOwner : Party
do create IouTransfer with iou = this; newOwner
Iou_AddObserver : IouCid
newObserver : Party
do create this with observers = newObserver :: observers
Iou_RemoveObserver : IouCid
oldObserver : Party
do create this with observers = filter (/= oldObserver) observers
template IouTransfer
iou : Iou
newOwner : Party
signatory iou.issuer, iou.owner
controller iou.owner can
IouTransfer_Cancel : IouCid
do create iou
controller newOwner can
IouTransfer_Reject : IouCid
do create iou
IouTransfer_Accept : IouCid
create iou with
owner = newOwner
observers = []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module IouTrade where
import DA.Assert
import Iou
template IouTrade
buyer : Party
seller : Party
baseIouCid : IouCid
baseIssuer : Party
baseCurrency : Text
baseAmount : Decimal
quoteIssuer : Party
quoteCurrency : Text
quoteAmount : Decimal
signatory buyer
controller seller can
IouTrade_Accept : (IouCid, IouCid)
quoteIouCid : IouCid
baseIou <- fetch baseIouCid
baseIssuer === baseIou.issuer
baseCurrency === baseIou.currency
baseAmount === baseIou.amount
buyer === baseIou.owner
quoteIou <- fetch quoteIouCid
quoteIssuer === quoteIou.issuer
quoteCurrency === quoteIou.currency
quoteAmount === quoteIou.amount
seller === quoteIou.owner
quoteIouTransferCid <- exercise quoteIouCid Iou_Transfer with
newOwner = buyer
transferredQuoteIouCid <- exercise quoteIouTransferCid IouTransfer_Accept
baseIouTransferCid <- exercise baseIouCid Iou_Transfer with
newOwner = seller
transferredBaseIouCid <- exercise baseIouTransferCid IouTransfer_Accept
return (transferredQuoteIouCid, transferredBaseIouCid)
TradeProposal_Reject : ()
do return ()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- | Static verification of DAML packages.
module DA.Daml.LF.Verify
( main
, verify
) where
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.NameMap as NM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.String
import Options.Applicative
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Base
import DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Generate
import DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Solve
import DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Read
import DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Context
import DA.Bazel.Runfiles
getSolver :: IO FilePath
getSolver = locateRunfiles "z3_nix/bin/z3"
main :: IO ()
main = do
Options{..} <- execParser optionsParserInfo
let choiceTmpl = TypeConName [T.pack optChoiceTmpl]
choiceName = ChoiceName (T.pack optChoiceName)
fieldTmpl = TypeConName [T.pack optFieldTmpl]
fieldName = FieldName (T.pack optFieldName)
result <- verify optInputDar putStrLn choiceTmpl choiceName fieldTmpl fieldName
print result
outputError :: Error
-- ^ The error message.
-> String
-- ^ An additional message providing context.
-> IO a
outputError err msg = do
hPutStrLn stderr msg
hPrint stderr err
-- | Execute the full verification pipeline.
verify :: FilePath
-- ^ The DAR file to load.
-> (String -> IO ())
-- ^ Function for debugging printouts.
-> TypeConName
-- ^ The template in which the given choice is defined.
-> ChoiceName
-- ^ The choice to be verified.
-> TypeConName
-- ^ The template in which the given field is defined.
-> FieldName
-- ^ The field to be verified.
-> IO Result
verify dar debug choiceTmplName choiceName fieldTmplName fieldName = do
-- Read the packages to analyse, and initialise the provided solver.
pkgs <- readPackages [dar]
solver <- getSolver
-- Find the given template names in the packages.
choiceTmpl <- findTemplate pkgs choiceTmplName
fieldTmpl <- findTemplate pkgs fieldTmplName
-- Start reading data type and value definitions. References to other
-- values are just stored as references at this point.
debug "Start value gathering"
case runEnv (genPackages pkgs) (emptyEnv :: Env 'ValueGathering) of
Left err-> outputError err "Value phase finished with error: "
Right env1 -> do
-- All value definitions have been handled. Start computing closures of
-- the stored value references. After this phase, all value references
-- should be inlined.
debug "Start value solving"
let env2 = solveValueReferences env1
-- Start reading template definitions. References to choices are just
-- stored as references at this point.
debug "Start choice gathering"
case runEnv (genPackages pkgs) env2 of
Left err -> outputError err "Choice phase finished with error: "
Right env3 -> do
-- All choice definitions have been handled. Start computing closures
-- of the stored choice references. After this phase, all choice
-- references should be inlined.
debug "Start choice solving"
let env4 = solveChoiceReferences env3
-- Construct the actual constraints to be solved by the SMT solver.
debug "Start constraint solving phase"
let cset = constructConstr env4 choiceTmpl choiceName fieldTmpl fieldName
debug $ renderString $ layoutCompact ("Create: " <+> pretty (_cCres cset))
debug $ renderString $ layoutCompact ("Archive: " <+> pretty (_cArcs cset))
-- Pass the constraints to the SMT solver.
solveConstr solver debug cset
-- | Lookup the first package that defines the given template. This avoids
-- having to pass in the package reference manually when using the tool.
findTemplate :: [(PackageId, (Package, Maybe PackageName))]
-- ^ The package from the DAR file.
-> TypeConName
-- ^ The template name.
-> IO (Qualified TypeConName)
findTemplate pkgs tem = maybe
(outputError (UnknownTmpl tem) "Parsing phase finished with error: ")
(\(pacid, mod) -> return $ Qualified (PRImport pacid) mod tem)
(listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (templateInPackage tem) pkgs)
-- | Return the package id and the name of the module containing the given
-- template, if it exists.
templateInPackage :: TypeConName
-- ^ The template to look for.
-> (PackageId, (Package, Maybe PackageName))
-- ^ The package to look in.
-> Maybe (PackageId, ModuleName)
templateInPackage tem (id, (pac,_)) =
case templateInModules tem $ NM.toList $ packageModules pac of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just mod -> Just (id, mod)
-- | Return the name of the module containing the given template, if it
-- exists.
templateInModules :: TypeConName
-- ^ The template to look for.
-> [Module]
-- ^ The modules to look in.
-> Maybe ModuleName
templateInModules tem mods =
listToMaybe $
mapMaybe ( \Module{..} ->
let tmpls = NM.toList moduleTemplates
in if not (any (\Template{..} -> tplTypeCon == tem) tmpls)
then Nothing
else Just moduleName )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,900 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- | Contexts for DAML LF static verification
module DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Context
( Phase(..)
, GenPhase
, BoolExpr(..)
, Cond(..)
, Env(..)
, Error(..)
, MonadEnv
, UpdateSet(..)
, Upd(..)
, ChoiceData(..)
, UpdChoice(..)
, Skolem(..)
, getEnv
, runEnv
, genRenamedVar
, emptyEnv
, extVarEnv, extRecEnv, extValEnv, extChEnv, extDatsEnv, extCidEnv, extCtrRec
, extRecEnvLvl1
, lookupVar, lookupRec, lookupVal, lookupChoice, lookupDataCon, lookupCid
, concatEnv
, emptyUpdateSet
, concatUpdateSet
, addUpd
, conditionalUpdateSet
, solveValueReferences
, solveChoiceReferences
, fieldName2VarName
, recTypConFields, recTypFields, recExpFields
) where
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError (..), throwError)
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Hashable
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Bifunctor
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Debug.Trace
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast hiding (lookupChoice)
import DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Subst
-- TODO: Move these data types to a seperate file?
-- | Data type denoting the phase of the constraint generator.
data Phase
= ValueGathering
-- ^ The value phase gathers all value and data type definitions across modules.
| ChoiceGathering
-- ^ The choice phase gathers the updates performed in choice definitions.
| Solving
-- ^ During the solving phase, all definitions have been loaded and updates
-- have been inlined.
-- | Data type denoting a boolean condition expression. This data type was
-- introduced as DAML-LF does not have build-in boolean operators, and using
-- prelude functions gets messy.
data BoolExpr
= BExpr Expr
-- ^ A daml-lf expression.
| BAnd BoolExpr BoolExpr
-- ^ And operator.
| BNot BoolExpr
-- ^ Not operator.
deriving Show
-- | Data type denoting a potentially conditional value.
data Cond a
= Determined a
-- ^ Non-conditional value.
| Conditional BoolExpr [Cond a] [Cond a]
-- ^ Conditional value, with a (Boolean) condition, at least one value in case
-- the condition holds, and at least one value in case it doesn't.
-- Note that these branch lists should not be empty.
-- TODO: Encode this invariant in the type system?
deriving (Show, Functor)
-- | Construct a simple conditional.
createCond :: BoolExpr
-- ^ The condition to depend on.
-> a
-- ^ The value in case the condition holds.
-> a
-- ^ The value in case the condition does not hold.
-> Cond a
createCond cond x y = Conditional cond [Determined x] [Determined y]
-- | Shift the conditional inside the update set.
introCond :: Cond (UpdateSet ph) -> UpdateSet ph
introCond (Determined upds) = upds
introCond (Conditional e updx updy) = case getPhase updx of
UpdateSetVG{} -> UpdateSetVG
(buildCond updx updy _usvgUpdate)
(buildCond updx updy _usvgChoice)
(buildCond updx updy _usvgValue)
UpdateSetCG{} -> UpdateSetCG
(buildCond updx updy _uscgUpdate)
(buildCond updx updy _uscgChoice)
UpdateSetS{} -> UpdateSetS
(buildCond updx updy _ussUpdate)
-- | Construct a single conditional, if the input is not empty.
buildCond :: [Cond (UpdateSet ph)]
-- ^ The input for the true case.
-> [Cond (UpdateSet ph)]
-- ^ The input for the false case.
-> (UpdateSet ph -> [Cond a])
-- ^ The fetch function.
-> [Cond a]
buildCond updx updy get =
let xs = concatCond updx get
ys = concatCond updy get
in [Conditional e xs ys | not (null xs && null ys)]
-- TODO: Temporary solution. Make introCond a part of the GenPhase class instead.
getPhase :: [Cond (UpdateSet ph)] -> UpdateSet ph
getPhase lst = case head lst of
Determined upds -> upds
Conditional _ xs _ -> getPhase xs
-- | Fetch the conditionals from the conditional update set, and flatten the
-- two layers into one.
concatCond :: [Cond (UpdateSet ph)]
-- ^ The conditional update set to fetch from.
-> (UpdateSet ph -> [Cond a])
-- ^ The fetch function.
-> [Cond a]
concatCond upds get =
let upds' = map introCond upds
in concatMap get upds'
-- | Data type denoting an update.
data Upd
= UpdCreate
-- ^ Data type denoting a create update.
{ _creTemp :: !(Qualified TypeConName)
-- ^ Qualified type constructor corresponding to the contract template.
, _creField :: ![(FieldName, Expr)]
-- ^ The fields to be verified, together with their value.
| UpdArchive
-- ^ Data type denoting an archive update.
{ _arcTemp :: !(Qualified TypeConName)
-- ^ Qualified type constructor corresponding to the contract template.
, _arcField :: ![(FieldName, Expr)]
-- ^ The fields to be verified, together with their value.
deriving Show
-- | Data type denoting an exercised choice.
data UpdChoice = UpdChoice
{ _choTemp :: !(Qualified TypeConName)
-- ^ Qualified type constructor corresponding to the contract template.
, _choName :: !ChoiceName
-- ^ The name of the choice.
deriving (Eq, Generic, Hashable, Show)
-- | The collection of updates being performed.
data UpdateSet (ph :: Phase) where
UpdateSetVG ::
{ _usvgUpdate :: ![Cond Upd]
-- ^ The list of updates.
, _usvgChoice :: ![Cond UpdChoice]
-- ^ The list of exercised choices.
, _usvgValue :: ![Cond (Qualified ExprValName)]
-- ^ The list of referenced values.
} -> UpdateSet 'ValueGathering
UpdateSetCG ::
{ _uscgUpdate :: ![Cond Upd]
-- ^ The list of updates.
, _uscgChoice :: ![Cond UpdChoice]
-- ^ The list of exercised choices.
} -> UpdateSet 'ChoiceGathering
UpdateSetS ::
{ _ussUpdate :: ![Cond Upd]
-- ^ The list of updates.
} -> UpdateSet 'Solving
class GenPhase ph where
emptyUpdateSet :: UpdateSet ph
emptyEnv :: Env ph
instance GenPhase 'ValueGathering where
emptyUpdateSet = UpdateSetVG [] [] []
emptyEnv = EnvVG [] HM.empty HM.empty HM.empty []
instance GenPhase 'ChoiceGathering where
emptyUpdateSet = UpdateSetCG [] []
emptyEnv = EnvCG [] HM.empty HM.empty HM.empty [] HM.empty
instance GenPhase 'Solving where
emptyUpdateSet = UpdateSetS []
emptyEnv = EnvS [] HM.empty HM.empty HM.empty [] HM.empty
-- | Combine two update sets.
concatUpdateSet :: UpdateSet ph
-- ^ The first update set to be combined.
-> UpdateSet ph
-- ^ The second update set to be combined.
-> UpdateSet ph
concatUpdateSet (UpdateSetVG upd1 cho1 val1) (UpdateSetVG upd2 cho2 val2) =
UpdateSetVG (upd1 ++ upd2) (cho1 ++ cho2) (val1 ++ val2)
concatUpdateSet (UpdateSetCG upd1 cho1) (UpdateSetCG upd2 cho2) =
UpdateSetCG (upd1 ++ upd2) (cho1 ++ cho2)
concatUpdateSet (UpdateSetS upd1) (UpdateSetS upd2) =
UpdateSetS (upd1 ++ upd2)
-- | Add a single Upd to an UpdateSet
addUpd :: UpdateSet ph
-- ^ The update set to extend.
-> Upd
-- ^ The update to add.
-> UpdateSet ph
addUpd upds@UpdateSetVG{..} upd = upds{_usvgUpdate = Determined upd : _usvgUpdate}
addUpd upds@UpdateSetCG{..} upd = upds{_uscgUpdate = Determined upd : _uscgUpdate}
addUpd upds@UpdateSetS{..} upd = upds{_ussUpdate = Determined upd : _ussUpdate}
-- | Make an update set conditional. A second update set can also be introduced
-- for the case where the condition does not hold.
conditionalUpdateSet :: Expr
-- ^ The condition on which to combine the two update sets.
-> UpdateSet ph
-- ^ The update set in case the condition holds.
-> UpdateSet ph
-- ^ The update set in case the condition does not hold.
-> UpdateSet ph
conditionalUpdateSet exp upd1 upd2 =
introCond $ createCond (BExpr exp) upd1 upd2
-- | Refresh a given expression variable by producing a fresh renamed variable.
-- TODO: when a renamed var gets renamed again, it might overlap again.
-- We should have an additional field in VarName to denote its number.
genRenamedVar :: MonadEnv m ph
=> ExprVarName
-- ^ The variable to be renamed.
-> m ExprVarName
genRenamedVar (ExprVarName x) = ExprVarName . T.append x . T.pack <$> fresh
-- | Data type denoting a skolemized variable.
data Skolem
= SkolVar ExprVarName
-- ^ Skolemised term variable.
| SkolRec ExprVarName [FieldName]
-- ^ List of skolemised field names, with their variable.
-- e.g. `this.field`
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Data type denoting a contract id.
data Cid
= CidVar ExprVarName
-- ^ An expression variable denoting a contract id.
| CidRec ExprVarName FieldName
-- ^ A record projection denoting a contract id.
deriving (Generic, Hashable, Eq, Show)
-- | Convert an expression to a contract id, if possible.
expr2cid :: MonadEnv m ph
=> Expr
-- ^ The expression to be converted.
-> m Cid
expr2cid (EVar x) = return $ CidVar x
expr2cid (ERecProj _ f (EVar x)) = return $ CidRec x f
expr2cid (EStructProj f (EVar x)) = return $ CidRec x f
expr2cid _ = throwError ExpectCid
-- | Data type containing the data stored for a choice definition.
data ChoiceData (ph :: Phase) = ChoiceData
{ _cdSelf :: ExprVarName
-- ^ The variable denoting `self`.
, _cdThis :: ExprVarName
-- ^ The variable denoting `this`.
, _cdArgs :: ExprVarName
-- ^ The variable denoting `args`.
, _cdUpds :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> UpdateSet ph
-- ^ Function from self, this and args to the updates performed by this choice.
, _cdType :: Type
-- ^ The return type of this choice.
-- TODO: Could we alternatively just declare the variables that occur in the updates and drop the skolems?
-- | The environment for the DAML-LF verifier
data Env (ph :: Phase) where
EnvVG ::
{ _envvgskol :: ![Skolem]
-- ^ The skolemised term variables and fields.
, _envvgvals :: !(HM.HashMap (Qualified ExprValName) (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering))
-- ^ The bound values.
, _envvgdats :: !(HM.HashMap TypeConName DefDataType)
-- ^ The set of data constructors.
, _envvgcids :: !(HM.HashMap Cid (ExprVarName, [ExprVarName]))
-- ^ The set of fetched cid's mapped to their current variable name, along
-- with a list of any potential old variable names.
, _envvgctrs :: ![(Expr, Expr)]
-- ^ Additional equality constraints.
} -> Env 'ValueGathering
EnvCG ::
{ _envcgskol :: ![Skolem]
-- ^ The skolemised term variables and fields.
, _envcgvals :: !(HM.HashMap (Qualified ExprValName) (Expr, UpdateSet 'ChoiceGathering))
-- ^ The bound values.
, _envcgdats :: !(HM.HashMap TypeConName DefDataType)
-- ^ The set of data constructors.
, _envcgcids :: !(HM.HashMap Cid (ExprVarName, [ExprVarName]))
-- ^ The set of fetched cid's mapped to their current variable name, along
-- with a list of any potential old variable names.
, _envcgctrs :: ![(Expr, Expr)]
-- ^ Additional equality constraints.
, _envcgchs :: !(HM.HashMap UpdChoice (ChoiceData 'ChoiceGathering))
-- ^ The set of relevant choices.
} -> Env 'ChoiceGathering
EnvS ::
{ _envsskol :: ![Skolem]
-- ^ The skolemised term variables and fields.
, _envsvals :: !(HM.HashMap (Qualified ExprValName) (Expr, UpdateSet 'Solving))
-- ^ The bound values.
, _envsdats :: !(HM.HashMap TypeConName DefDataType)
-- ^ The set of data constructors.
, _envscids :: !(HM.HashMap Cid (ExprVarName, [ExprVarName]))
-- ^ The set of fetched cid's mapped to their current variable name, along
-- with a list of any potential old variable names.
, _envsctrs :: ![(Expr, Expr)]
-- ^ Additional equality constraints.
, _envschs :: !(HM.HashMap UpdChoice (ChoiceData 'Solving))
-- ^ The set of relevant choices.
} -> Env 'Solving
-- | Combine two environments.
concatEnv :: Env ph
-- ^ The first environment to be combined.
-> Env ph
-- ^ The second environment to be combined.
-> Env ph
concatEnv (EnvVG vars1 vals1 dats1 cids1 ctrs1) (EnvVG vars2 vals2 dats2 cids2 ctrs2) =
EnvVG (vars1 ++ vars2) (vals1 `HM.union` vals2) (dats1 `HM.union` dats2)
(cids1 `HM.union` cids2) (ctrs1 ++ ctrs2)
concatEnv (EnvCG vars1 vals1 dats1 cids1 ctrs1 chos1) (EnvCG vars2 vals2 dats2 cids2 ctrs2 chos2) =
EnvCG (vars1 ++ vars2) (vals1 `HM.union` vals2) (dats1 `HM.union` dats2)
(cids1 `HM.union` cids2) (ctrs1 ++ ctrs2) (chos1 `HM.union` chos2)
concatEnv (EnvS vars1 vals1 dats1 cids1 ctrs1 chos1) (EnvS vars2 vals2 dats2 cids2 ctrs2 chos2) =
EnvS (vars1 ++ vars2) (vals1 `HM.union` vals2) (dats1 `HM.union` dats2)
(cids1 `HM.union` cids2) (ctrs1 ++ ctrs2) (chos1 `HM.union` chos2)
-- TODO: union makes me slightly nervous, as it allows overlapping keys
-- (and just uses the first). `unionWith concatUpdateSet` would indeed be better,
-- but this still makes me nervous as the expr and exprvarnames wouldn't be merged.
-- | Convert a fieldname into an expression variable name.
fieldName2VarName :: FieldName -> ExprVarName
fieldName2VarName = ExprVarName . unFieldName
-- | Type class constraint with the required monadic effects for functions
-- manipulating the verification environment.
type MonadEnv m ph = (MonadError Error m, MonadState (Int,Env ph) m)
-- | Fetch the current environment.
getEnv :: MonadEnv m ph => m (Env ph)
getEnv = snd <$> get
-- | Set the current environment.
putEnv :: MonadEnv m ph => Env ph -> m ()
putEnv env = get >>= \(uni,_) -> put (uni,env)
-- | Generate a new unique name.
fresh :: MonadEnv m ph => m String
fresh = do
(cur,env) <- get
put (cur + 1,env)
return $ show cur
-- | Evaluate the MonadEnv to produce an error message or the final environment.
runEnv :: StateT (Int, Env ph) (Either Error) ()
-- ^ The monadic computation to be evaluated.
-> Env ph
-- ^ The initial environment to start from.
-> Either Error (Env ph)
runEnv comp env0 = do
(_res, (_uni,env1)) <- runStateT comp (0,env0)
return env1
-- | Skolemise an expression variable and extend the environment.
extVarEnv :: MonadEnv m ph
=> ExprVarName
-- ^ The expression variable to be skolemised.
-> m ()
extVarEnv x = extSkolEnv (SkolVar x)
-- | Skolemise a list of record projection and extend the environment.
extRecEnv :: MonadEnv m ph
=> ExprVarName
-- ^ The variable on which is being projected.
-> [FieldName]
-- ^ The fields which should be skolemised.
-> m ()
extRecEnv x fs = extSkolEnv (SkolRec x fs)
-- | Extend the environment with a new skolem variable.
extSkolEnv :: MonadEnv m ph
=> Skolem
-- ^ The skolem variable to add.
-> m ()
extSkolEnv skol = getEnv >>= \case
env@EnvVG{..} -> putEnv env{_envvgskol = skol : _envvgskol}
env@EnvCG{..} -> putEnv env{_envcgskol = skol : _envcgskol}
env@EnvS{..} -> putEnv env{_envsskol = skol : _envsskol}
-- | Extend the environment with a new value definition.
extValEnv :: MonadEnv m ph
=> Qualified ExprValName
-- ^ The name of the value being defined.
-> Expr
-- ^ The (partially) evaluated value definition.
-> UpdateSet ph
-- ^ The updates performed by this value.
-> m ()
extValEnv val expr upd = getEnv >>= \case
env@EnvVG{..} -> putEnv env{_envvgvals = HM.insert val (expr, upd) _envvgvals}
env@EnvCG{..} -> putEnv env{_envcgvals = HM.insert val (expr, upd) _envcgvals}
env@EnvS{..} -> putEnv env{_envsvals = HM.insert val (expr, upd) _envsvals}
-- | Extends the environment with a new choice.
extChEnv :: MonadEnv m ph
=> Qualified TypeConName
-- ^ The type of the template on which this choice is defined.
-> ChoiceName
-- ^ The name of the new choice.
-> ExprVarName
-- ^ Variable to bind the ContractId on which this choice is exercised on to.
-> ExprVarName
-- ^ Variable to bind the contract on which this choice is exercised on to.
-> ExprVarName
-- ^ Variable to bind the choice argument to.
-> UpdateSet ph
-- ^ The updates performed by the new choice.
-> Type
-- ^ The result type of the new choice.
-> m ()
extChEnv tc ch self this arg upd typ =
let substUpd sExp tExp aExp = substituteTm (createExprSubst [(self,sExp),(this,tExp),(arg,aExp)]) upd
in getEnv >>= \case
EnvVG{} -> error "Impossible: extChEnv is not used in the value gathering phase"
env@EnvCG{..} -> putEnv env{_envcgchs = HM.insert (UpdChoice tc ch) (ChoiceData self this arg substUpd typ) _envcgchs}
env@EnvS{..} -> putEnv env{_envschs = HM.insert (UpdChoice tc ch) (ChoiceData self this arg substUpd typ) _envschs}
-- | Extend the environment with a list of new data type definitions.
extDatsEnv :: MonadEnv m ph
=> HM.HashMap TypeConName DefDataType
-- ^ A hashmap of the data constructor names, with their corresponding definitions.
-> m ()
extDatsEnv hmap = getEnv >>= \case
env@EnvVG{..} -> putEnv env{_envvgdats = hmap `HM.union` _envvgdats}
env@EnvCG{..} -> putEnv env{_envcgdats = hmap `HM.union` _envcgdats}
env@EnvS{..} -> putEnv env{_envsdats = hmap `HM.union` _envsdats}
-- | Extend the environment with a new contract id, and the variable to which
-- the fetched contract is bound.
extCidEnv :: MonadEnv m ph
=> Expr
-- ^ The contract id expression.
-> ExprVarName
-- ^ The variable name to which the fetched contract is bound.
-> m ()
extCidEnv exp var = do
prev <- do
{ (cur, old) <- lookupCid exp
; return $ cur : old }
`catchError` (\_ -> return [])
cid <- expr2cid exp
let new = (var, prev)
getEnv >>= \case
env@EnvVG{..} -> putEnv env{_envvgcids = HM.insert cid new _envvgcids}
env@EnvCG{..} -> putEnv env{_envcgcids = HM.insert cid new _envcgcids}
env@EnvS{..} -> putEnv env{_envscids = HM.insert cid new _envscids}
-- | Extend the environment with additional equality constraints, between a
-- variable and its field values.
extCtrRec :: MonadEnv m ph
=> ExprVarName
-- ^ The variable to be asserted.
-> [(FieldName, Expr)]
-- ^ The fields with their values.
-> m ()
extCtrRec var fields = do
let ctrs = map (\(f, e) -> (EStructProj f (EVar var), e)) fields
getEnv >>= \case
env@EnvVG{..} -> putEnv env{_envvgctrs = ctrs ++ _envvgctrs}
env@EnvCG{..} -> putEnv env{_envcgctrs = ctrs ++ _envcgctrs}
env@EnvS{..} -> putEnv env{_envsctrs = ctrs ++ _envsctrs}
-- TODO: Is one layer of recursion enough?
-- | Recursively skolemise the given record fields, when they have a record
-- type. Note that this only works 1 level deep.
extRecEnvLvl1 :: MonadEnv m ph
=> [(FieldName, Type)]
-- ^ The record fields to skolemise, together with their types.
-> m ()
extRecEnvLvl1 = mapM_ step
step :: MonadEnv m ph => (FieldName, Type) -> m ()
step (f,typ) = do
{ fsRec <- recTypFields typ
; extRecEnv (fieldName2VarName f) fsRec
-- TODO: Temporary fix
`catchError` (\_ -> return ())
-- | Lookup an expression variable in the environment. Returns `True` if this variable
-- has been skolemised, or `False` otherwise.
lookupVar :: MonadEnv m ph
=> ExprVarName
-- ^ The expression variable to look up.
-> m Bool
lookupVar x = getEnv >>= \case
EnvVG{..} -> return $ elem (SkolVar x) _envvgskol
EnvCG{..} -> return $ elem (SkolVar x) _envcgskol
EnvS{..} -> return $ elem (SkolVar x) _envsskol
-- | Lookup a record project in the environment. Returns a boolean denoting
-- whether or not the record projection has been skolemised.
lookupRec :: MonadEnv m ph
=> ExprVarName
-- ^ The expression variable on which is being projected.
-> FieldName
-- ^ The field name which is being projected.
-> m Bool
lookupRec x f = do
skols <- getEnv >>= \case
EnvVG{..} -> return _envvgskol
EnvCG{..} -> return _envcgskol
EnvS{..} -> return _envsskol
let fields = [ fs | SkolRec y fs <- skols, x == y ]
if not (null fields)
then return (elem f $ head fields)
else return False
-- | Lookup a value name in the environment. Returns its (partially) evaluated
-- definition, together with the updates it performs.
lookupVal :: MonadEnv m ph
=> Qualified ExprValName
-- ^ The value name to lookup.
-> m (Expr, UpdateSet ph)
lookupVal val = do
vals <- getEnv >>= \case
EnvVG{..} -> return _envvgvals
EnvCG{..} -> return _envcgvals
EnvS{..} -> return _envsvals
case HM.lookup val vals of
Just res -> return res
Nothing -> throwError (UnknownValue val)
-- | Lookup a choice name in the environment. Returns a function which, once
-- self, this and args have been instantiated, returns the set of updates it
-- performs. Also returns the return type of the choice.
lookupChoice :: MonadEnv m ph
=> Qualified TypeConName
-- ^ The template name in which this choice is defined.
-> ChoiceName
-- ^ The choice name to lookup.
-> m (Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> UpdateSet ph, Type)
lookupChoice tem ch = do
chs <- getEnv >>= \case
EnvVG{..} -> return HM.empty
EnvCG{..} -> return _envcgchs
EnvS{..} -> return _envschs
case HM.lookup (UpdChoice tem ch) chs of
Nothing -> throwError (UnknownChoice ch)
Just ChoiceData{..} -> return (_cdUpds, _cdType)
-- | Lookup a data type definition in the environment.
lookupDataCon :: MonadEnv m ph
=> TypeConName
-- ^ The data constructor to lookup.
-> m DefDataType
lookupDataCon tc = do
dats <- getEnv >>= \case
EnvVG{..} -> return _envvgdats
EnvCG{..} -> return _envcgdats
EnvS{..} -> return _envsdats
case HM.lookup tc dats of
Nothing -> throwError (UnknownDataCons tc)
Just def -> return def
-- | Lookup a contract id in the environment. Returns the variable its fetched
-- contract is bound to, along with a list of any previous bindings.
lookupCid :: MonadEnv m ph
=> Expr
-- ^ The contract id to lookup.
-> m (ExprVarName, [ExprVarName])
lookupCid exp = do
cid <- expr2cid exp
cids <- getEnv >>= \case
EnvVG{..} -> return _envvgcids
EnvCG{..} -> return _envcgcids
EnvS{..} -> return _envscids
case HM.lookup cid cids of
Nothing -> throwError $ UnknownCid cid
Just var -> return var
-- | Solves the value references by computing the closure of all referenced
-- values, for each value in the environment.
-- It thus empties `_usValue` by collecting all updates made by this closure.
solveValueReferences :: Env 'ValueGathering -> Env 'ChoiceGathering
solveValueReferences EnvVG{..} =
let valhmap = foldl (\hmap ref -> snd $ solveReference lookup_ref get_refs ext_upds intro_cond empty_upds [] hmap ref) _envvgvals (HM.keys _envvgvals)
in EnvCG _envvgskol (convertHMap valhmap) _envvgdats _envvgcids _envvgctrs HM.empty
lookup_ref :: Qualified ExprValName
-> HM.HashMap (Qualified ExprValName) (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering)
-> (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering)
lookup_ref ref hmap = fromMaybe (error "Impossible: Undefined value ref while solving")
(HM.lookup ref hmap)
get_refs :: (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering)
-> ([Cond (Qualified ExprValName)], (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering))
get_refs (e, upds@UpdateSetVG{..}) = (_usvgValue, (e, upds{_usvgValue = []}))
ext_upds :: (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering) -> (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering)
-> (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering)
ext_upds (e, upds1) (_, upds2) = (e, concatUpdateSet upds1 upds2)
intro_cond :: Cond (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering)
-> (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering)
-- Note that the expression is not important here, as it will be ignored in
-- `ext_upds` later on.
intro_cond (Determined x) = x
intro_cond (Conditional cond cx cy) =
let xs = map intro_cond cx
ys = map intro_cond cy
e = fst $ head xs
updx = foldl concatUpdateSet emptyUpdateSet $ map snd xs
updy = foldl concatUpdateSet emptyUpdateSet $ map snd ys
in (e, introCond $ createCond cond updx updy)
empty_upds :: (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering)
-> (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering)
empty_upds (e, _) = (e, emptyUpdateSet)
convertHMap :: HM.HashMap (Qualified ExprValName) (Expr, UpdateSet 'ValueGathering)
-> HM.HashMap (Qualified ExprValName) (Expr, UpdateSet 'ChoiceGathering)
convertHMap = HM.map (second updateSetVG2CG)
updateSetVG2CG :: UpdateSet 'ValueGathering -> UpdateSet 'ChoiceGathering
updateSetVG2CG UpdateSetVG{..} = if null _usvgValue
then UpdateSetCG _usvgUpdate _usvgChoice
else error "Impossible: There should be no references remaining after value solving"
-- | Solves the choice references by computing the closure of all referenced
-- choices, for each choice in the environment.
-- It thus empties `_usChoice` by collecting all updates made by this closure.
solveChoiceReferences :: Env 'ChoiceGathering -> Env 'Solving
solveChoiceReferences EnvCG{..} =
let chhmap = foldl (\hmap ref -> snd $ solveReference lookup_ref get_refs ext_upds intro_cond empty_upds [] hmap ref) _envcgchs (HM.keys _envcgchs)
chshmap = convertChHMap chhmap
valhmap = HM.map (inlineChoices chshmap) _envcgvals
in EnvS _envcgskol valhmap _envcgdats _envcgcids _envcgctrs chshmap
lookup_ref :: UpdChoice
-> HM.HashMap UpdChoice (ChoiceData 'ChoiceGathering)
-> ChoiceData 'ChoiceGathering
lookup_ref upd hmap = fromMaybe (error "Impossible: Undefined choice ref while solving")
(HM.lookup upd hmap)
get_refs :: ChoiceData 'ChoiceGathering
-> ([Cond UpdChoice], ChoiceData 'ChoiceGathering)
-- TODO: This is gonna result in a ton of substitutions
get_refs chdat@ChoiceData{..} =
-- TODO: This seems to be a rather common pattern. Abstract to reduce duplication.
let chos = _uscgChoice $ _cdUpds (EVar _cdSelf) (EVar _cdThis) (EVar _cdArgs)
updfunc1 (selfexp :: Expr) (thisexp :: Expr) (argsexp :: Expr) =
let upds@UpdateSetCG{..} = _cdUpds selfexp thisexp argsexp
in upds{_uscgChoice = []}
in (chos, chdat{_cdUpds = updfunc1})
ext_upds :: ChoiceData 'ChoiceGathering
-> ChoiceData 'ChoiceGathering
-> ChoiceData 'ChoiceGathering
ext_upds chdat1 chdat2 =
let updfunc (selfexp :: Expr) (thisexp :: Expr) (argsexp :: Expr) =
_cdUpds chdat1 selfexp thisexp argsexp `concatUpdateSet`
_cdUpds chdat2 selfexp thisexp argsexp
in chdat1{_cdUpds = updfunc}
intro_cond :: GenPhase ph
=> Cond (ChoiceData ph)
-> ChoiceData ph
-- Note that the expression and return type is not important here, as it
-- will be ignored in `ext_upds` later on.
intro_cond (Determined x) = x
intro_cond (Conditional cond cdatxs cdatys) =
let datxs = map intro_cond cdatxs
datys = map intro_cond cdatys
updfunc (selfexp :: Expr) (thisexp :: Expr) (argsexp :: Expr) =
introCond (createCond cond
(\upd dat -> upd `concatUpdateSet` _cdUpds dat selfexp thisexp argsexp)
emptyUpdateSet datxs)
(\upd dat -> upd `concatUpdateSet` _cdUpds dat selfexp thisexp argsexp)
emptyUpdateSet datys))
in (head datxs){_cdUpds = updfunc}
empty_upds :: ChoiceData 'ChoiceGathering
-> ChoiceData 'ChoiceGathering
empty_upds dat = dat{_cdUpds = \ _ _ _ -> emptyUpdateSet}
inlineChoices :: HM.HashMap UpdChoice (ChoiceData 'Solving)
-> (Expr, UpdateSet 'ChoiceGathering)
-> (Expr, UpdateSet 'Solving)
inlineChoices chshmap (exp, UpdateSetCG{..}) =
let lookupRes = map
(intro_cond . fmap (\ch -> fromMaybe (error "Impossible: missing choice while solving") (HM.lookup ch chshmap)))
chupds = concatMap (\ChoiceData{..} -> _ussUpdate $ _cdUpds (EVar _cdSelf) (EVar _cdThis) (EVar _cdArgs)) lookupRes
in (exp, UpdateSetS (_uscgUpdate ++ chupds))
convertChHMap :: HM.HashMap UpdChoice (ChoiceData 'ChoiceGathering)
-> HM.HashMap UpdChoice (ChoiceData 'Solving)
convertChHMap = HM.map (\chdat@ChoiceData{..} ->
chdat{_cdUpds = \(selfExp :: Expr) (thisExp :: Expr) (argsExp :: Expr) ->
updateSetCG2S $ _cdUpds selfExp thisExp argsExp})
updateSetCG2S :: UpdateSet 'ChoiceGathering -> UpdateSet 'Solving
updateSetCG2S UpdateSetCG{..} = if null _uscgChoice
then UpdateSetS _uscgUpdate
else error "Impossible: There should be no references remaining after choice solving"
-- | Solves a single reference by recursively inlining the references into updates.
solveReference :: forall updset ref. (Eq ref, Hashable ref)
=> (ref -> HM.HashMap ref updset -> updset)
-- ^ Function for looking up references in the update set.
-> (updset -> ([Cond ref], updset))
-- ^ Function popping the references from the update set.
-> (updset -> updset -> updset)
-- ^ Function for concatinating update sets.
-> (Cond updset -> updset)
-- ^ Function for moving conditionals inside the update set.
-> (updset -> updset)
-- ^ Function for emptying a given update set of all updates.
-> [ref]
-- ^ The references which have already been visited.
-> HM.HashMap ref updset
-- ^ The hashmap mapping references to update sets.
-> ref
-- ^ The reference to be solved.
-> (updset, HM.HashMap ref updset)
solveReference lookup getRefs extUpds introCond emptyUpds vis hmap0 ref0 =
-- Lookup updates performed by the given reference, and split in new
-- references and reference-free updates.
let upd0 = lookup ref0 hmap0
(refs, upd1) = getRefs upd0
-- Check for loops. If the references has already been visited, then the
-- reference should be flagged as recursive.
in if ref0 `elem` vis
-- TODO: Recursion!
then trace "Recursion!" (upd1, hmap0) -- TODO: At least remove the references?
-- When no recursion has been detected, continue inlining the references.
else let (upd2, hmap1) = foldl handle_ref (upd1, hmap0) refs
in (upd1, HM.insert ref0 upd2 hmap1)
-- | Extend the closure by computing and adding the reference closure for
-- the given reference.
handle_ref :: (updset, HM.HashMap ref updset)
-- ^ The current closure (update set) and the current map for reference to update.
-> Cond ref
-- ^ The reference to be computed and added.
-> (updset, HM.HashMap ref updset)
-- For a simple reference, the closure is computed straightforwardly.
handle_ref (upd_i0, hmap_i0) (Determined ref_i) =
let (upd_i1, hmap_i1) =
solveReference lookup getRefs extUpds introCond emptyUpds (ref0:vis) hmap_i0 ref_i
in (extUpds upd_i0 upd_i1, hmap_i1)
-- A conditional reference is more involved, as the conditional needs to be
-- preserved in the computed closure (update set).
handle_ref (upd_i0, hmap_i0) (Conditional cond refs_ia refs_ib) =
-- Construct an update set without any updates.
let upd_i0_empty = emptyUpds upd_i0
-- Compute the closure for the true-case.
(upd_ia, hmap_ia) = foldl handle_ref (upd_i0_empty, hmap_i0) refs_ia
-- Compute the closure for the false-case.
(upd_ib, hmap_ib) = foldl handle_ref (upd_i0_empty, hmap_ia) refs_ib
-- Move the conditional inwards, in the update set.
upd_i1 = extUpds upd_i0 $ introCond $ createCond cond upd_ia upd_ib
in (upd_i1, hmap_ib)
-- TODO: This should work recursively
-- | Lookup the field names and corresponding types, for a given record type
-- constructor name.
recTypConFields :: MonadEnv m ph
=> TypeConName
-- ^ The record type constructor name to lookup.
-> m [(FieldName,Type)]
recTypConFields tc = lookupDataCon tc >>= \dat -> case dataCons dat of
DataRecord fields -> return fields
_ -> throwError ExpectRecord
-- | Lookup the fields for a given record type.
recTypFields :: MonadEnv m ph
=> Type
-- ^ The type to lookup.
-> m [FieldName]
recTypFields (TCon tc) = do
fields <- recTypConFields $ qualObject tc
return $ map fst fields
recTypFields (TStruct fs) = return $ map fst fs
recTypFields _ = throwError ExpectRecord
-- | Lookup the record fields and corresponding values from a given expression.
recExpFields :: MonadEnv m ph
=> Expr
-- ^ The expression to lookup.
-> m [(FieldName, Expr)]
recExpFields (EVar x) = do
skols <- getEnv >>= \case
EnvVG{..} -> return _envvgskol
EnvCG{..} -> return _envcgskol
EnvS{..} -> return _envsskol
let fss = [ fs | SkolRec y fs <- skols, x == y ]
if not (null fss)
-- TODO: I would prefer `this.amount` here
then return $ zip (head fss) (map (EVar . fieldName2VarName) $ head fss)
else throwError $ UnboundVar x
recExpFields (ERecCon _ fs) = return fs
recExpFields (EStructCon fs) = return fs
recExpFields (ERecUpd _ f recExp fExp) = do
fs <- recExpFields recExp
unless (isJust $ find (\(n, _) -> n == f) fs) (throwError $ UnknownRecField f)
return $ (f, fExp) : [(n, e) | (n, e) <- fs, n /= f]
recExpFields (ERecProj _ f e) = do
fields <- recExpFields e
case lookup f fields of
Just e' -> recExpFields e'
Nothing -> throwError $ UnknownRecField f
recExpFields (EStructProj f e) = do
fields <- recExpFields e
case lookup f fields of
Just e' -> recExpFields e'
Nothing -> throwError $ UnknownRecField f
recExpFields _ = throwError ExpectRecord
instance SubstTm BoolExpr where
substituteTm s (BExpr e) = BExpr (substituteTm s e)
substituteTm s (BAnd e1 e2) = BAnd (substituteTm s e1) (substituteTm s e2)
substituteTm s (BNot e) = BNot (substituteTm s e)
instance SubstTm a => SubstTm (Cond a) where
substituteTm s (Determined x) = Determined $ substituteTm s x
substituteTm s (Conditional e x y) =
Conditional (substituteTm s e) (map (substituteTm s) x) (map (substituteTm s) y)
instance SubstTm (UpdateSet ph) where
substituteTm s UpdateSetVG{..} = UpdateSetVG susUpdate _usvgChoice _usvgValue
where susUpdate = map (substituteTm s) _usvgUpdate
substituteTm s UpdateSetCG{..} = UpdateSetCG susUpdate _uscgChoice
where susUpdate = map (substituteTm s) _uscgUpdate
substituteTm s UpdateSetS{..} = UpdateSetS susUpdate
where susUpdate = map (substituteTm s) _ussUpdate
instance SubstTm Upd where
substituteTm s UpdCreate{..} = UpdCreate _creTemp
(map (second (substituteTm s)) _creField)
substituteTm s UpdArchive{..} = UpdArchive _arcTemp
(map (second (substituteTm s)) _arcField)
-- | Data type representing an error.
data Error
= UnknownValue (Qualified ExprValName)
| UnknownDataCons TypeConName
| UnknownChoice ChoiceName
| UnboundVar ExprVarName
| UnknownRecField FieldName
| UnknownCid Cid
| UnknownTmpl TypeConName
| ExpectRecord
| ExpectCid
| CyclicModules [ModuleName]
instance Show Error where
show (UnknownValue qname) = "Impossible: Unknown value definition: "
++ (show $ unExprValName $ qualObject qname)
show (UnknownDataCons tc) = "Impossible: Unknown data constructor: " ++ show tc
show (UnknownChoice ch) = "Impossible: Unknown choice definition: " ++ show ch
show (UnboundVar name) = "Impossible: Unbound term variable: " ++ show name
show (UnknownRecField f) = "Impossible: Unknown record field: " ++ show f
show (UnknownCid cid) = "Impossible: Unknown contract id: " ++ show cid
show (UnknownTmpl tem) = "Impossible: Unknown template: " ++ show tem
show ExpectRecord = "Impossible: Expected a record type"
show ExpectCid = "Impossible: Expected a contract id"
show (CyclicModules mods) = "Cyclic modules: " ++ show mods

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@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
-- | Constraint generator for DAML LF static verification
module DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Generate
( genPackages
, Phase(..)
) where
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.NameMap as NM
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast hiding (lookupChoice)
import DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Context
import DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Subst
-- | Data type denoting the output of the constraint generator.
data Output (ph :: Phase) = Output
{ _oExpr :: Expr
-- ^ The expression, evaluated as far as possible.
, _oUpdate :: UpdateSet ph
-- ^ The updates, performed by this expression.
-- | Construct an output with no updates.
emptyOut :: GenPhase ph
=> Expr
-- ^ The evaluated expression.
-> Output ph
emptyOut expr = Output expr emptyUpdateSet
-- | Extend a generator output with the updates of the second generator output.
-- Note that the end result will contain only the first expression.
combineOut :: Output ph -> Output ph -> Output ph
combineOut out1 out2 = extendOutUpds (_oUpdate out2) out1
-- | Update an output with a new evaluated expression.
updateOutExpr :: Expr
-- ^ The new output expression.
-> Output ph
-- ^ The generator output to be updated.
-> Output ph
updateOutExpr expr out = out{_oExpr = expr}
-- | Update an output with additional updates.
extendOutUpds :: UpdateSet ph
-- ^ The extension of the update set.
-> Output ph
-- ^ The generator output to be updated.
-> Output ph
extendOutUpds upds out@Output{..} = out{_oUpdate = concatUpdateSet upds _oUpdate}
-- | Update an output with an additional Archive update.
addArchiveUpd :: Qualified TypeConName
-- ^ The template to be archived.
-> [(FieldName, Expr)]
-- ^ The fields to be archived, with their respective values.
-> Output 'ChoiceGathering
-- ^ The generator output to be updated.
-> Output 'ChoiceGathering
addArchiveUpd temp fs (Output expr upds) =
Output expr (addUpd upds $ UpdArchive temp fs)
-- | Generate an environment for a given list of packages.
-- Depending on the generator phase, this either adds all value and data type
-- definitions to the environment, or all template definitions with their
-- respective choices.
genPackages :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> [(PackageId, (Package, Maybe PackageName))]
-- ^ The list of packages, as produced by `readPackages`.
-> m ()
genPackages inp = mapM_ genPackage inp
-- | Generate an environment for a given package.
-- Depending on the generator phase, this either adds all value and data type
-- definitions to the environment, or all template definitions with their
-- respective choices.
genPackage :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> (PackageId, (Package, Maybe PackageName))
-- ^ The package, as produced by `readPackages`.
-> m ()
genPackage (id, (pac, _)) = mapM_ (genModule (PRImport id)) (NM.toList $ packageModules pac)
-- | Generate an environment for a given module.
-- Depending on the generator phase, this either adds all value and data type
-- definitions to the environment, or all template definitions with their
-- respective choices.
genModule :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> PackageRef
-- ^ A reference to the package in which this module is defined.
-> Module
-- ^ The module to analyse.
-> m ()
genModule pac mod = getEnv >>= \case
EnvVG{} -> do
extDatsEnv (NM.toHashMap (moduleDataTypes mod))
mapM_ (genValue pac (moduleName mod)) (NM.toList $ moduleValues mod)
EnvCG{} ->
mapM_ (genTemplate pac (moduleName mod)) (NM.toList $ moduleTemplates mod)
EnvS{} -> error "Impossible: genModule can't be used in the solving phase"
-- | Analyse a value definition and add to the environment.
genValue :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> PackageRef
-- ^ A reference to the package in which this value is defined.
-> ModuleName
-- ^ The name of the module in which this value is defined.
-> DefValue
-- ^ The value to be analysed and added.
-> m ()
genValue pac mod val = do
expOut <- genExpr True (instPRSelf pac $ dvalBody val)
let qname = Qualified pac mod (fst $ dvalBinder val)
extValEnv qname (_oExpr expOut) (_oUpdate expOut)
-- | Analyse a choice definition and add to the environment.
-- TODO: Handle annotated choices, by returning a set of annotations.
genChoice :: MonadEnv m 'ChoiceGathering
=> PackageRef
-- ^ A reference to the package in which this choice is defined.
-> Qualified TypeConName
-- ^ The template in which this choice is defined.
-> (ExprVarName,ExprVarName)
-- ^ The original and renamed variable `this` referencing the contract on
-- which this choice is called.
-> [FieldName]
-- ^ The list of fields available in the template.
-> TemplateChoice
-- ^ The choice to be analysed and added.
-> m ()
genChoice pac tem (this',this) temFs TemplateChoice{..} = do
let self' = chcSelfBinder
arg' = fst chcArgBinder
self <- genRenamedVar self'
arg <- genRenamedVar arg'
extVarEnv self
extVarEnv arg
argFs <- recTypFields (snd chcArgBinder)
extRecEnv arg argFs
expOut <- genExpr True
$ substituteTm (createExprSubst [(self',EVar self),(this',EVar this),(arg',EVar arg)])
$ instPRSelf pac chcUpdate
let out = if chcConsuming
then addArchiveUpd tem fields expOut
else expOut
extChEnv tem chcName self this arg (_oUpdate out) chcReturnType
fields = map (\f -> (f, ERecProj (TypeConApp tem []) f (EVar this))) temFs
-- | Analyse a template definition and add all choices to the environment.
genTemplate :: MonadEnv m 'ChoiceGathering
=> PackageRef
-- ^ A reference to the package in which this template is defined.
-> ModuleName
-- ^ The module in which this template is defined.
-> Template
-- ^ The template to be analysed and added.
-> m ()
-- TODO: Take preconditions into account?
genTemplate pac mod Template{..} = do
let name = Qualified pac mod tplTypeCon
fields <- recTypConFields tplTypeCon
let fs = map fst fields
this <- genRenamedVar tplParam
extVarEnv this
extRecEnv this fs
extRecEnvLvl1 fields
mapM_ (genChoice pac name (tplParam,this) fs) (archive : NM.toList tplChoices)
archive :: TemplateChoice
archive = TemplateChoice Nothing (ChoiceName "Archive") True
(ENil (TBuiltin BTParty)) (ExprVarName "self")
(ExprVarName "arg", TStruct []) (TBuiltin BTUnit)
(EUpdate $ UPure (TBuiltin BTUnit) (EBuiltin BEUnit))
-- | Analyse an expression, and produce an Output storing its (partial)
-- evaluation result and the set of performed updates.
genExpr :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Bool
-- ^ Argument denoting whether updates should be analysed.
-> Expr
-- ^ The expression to be analysed.
-> m (Output ph)
genExpr updFlag = \case
ETmApp fun arg -> genForTmApp updFlag fun arg
ETyApp expr typ -> genForTyApp updFlag expr typ
ELet bind body -> genForLet updFlag bind body
EVar name -> genForVar updFlag name
EVal w -> genForVal updFlag w
ERecProj tc f e -> genForRecProj updFlag tc f e
EStructProj f e -> genForStructProj updFlag f e
ELocation _ expr -> genExpr updFlag expr
ECase e cs -> genForCase updFlag e cs
EUpdate upd -> if updFlag
then do
(out, _, _) <- genUpdate upd
return out
else return $ emptyOut $ EUpdate upd
-- TODO: Extend additional cases
e -> return $ emptyOut e
-- | Analyse an update expression, and produce both an Output, its return type
-- and potentially the field values of any created contracts.
genUpdate :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Update
-- ^ The update expression to be analysed.
-> m (Output ph, Type, Maybe Expr)
genUpdate = \case
UCreate tem arg -> genForCreate tem arg
UExercise tem ch cid par arg -> genForExercise tem ch cid par arg
UBind bind expr -> genForBind bind expr
UPure typ expr -> do
out <- genExpr True expr
return (out, typ, Nothing)
-- TODO: Extend additional cases
UGetTime -> return (emptyOut (EUpdate UGetTime), TBuiltin BTTimestamp, Nothing)
u -> error ("Update not implemented yet: " ++ show u)
-- | Analyse a term application expression.
genForTmApp :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Bool
-- ^ Flag denoting whether updates should be analysed.
-> Expr
-- ^ The function expression.
-> Expr
-- ^ The argument expression.
-> m (Output ph)
genForTmApp updFlag fun arg = do
funOut <- genExpr updFlag fun
arout <- genExpr updFlag arg
case _oExpr funOut of
-- TODO: Should we rename here?
ETmLam bndr body -> do
let subst = singleExprSubst (fst bndr) (_oExpr arout)
resExpr = substituteTm subst body
resOut <- genExpr updFlag resExpr
return $ combineOut resOut
$ combineOut funOut arout
fun' -> return $ updateOutExpr (ETmApp fun' (_oExpr arout))
$ combineOut funOut arout
-- | Analyse a type application expression.
genForTyApp :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Bool
-- ^ Flag denoting whether updates should be analysed.
-> Expr
-- ^ The function expression.
-> Type
-- ^ The argument type.
-> m (Output ph)
genForTyApp updFlag expr typ = do
exprOut <- genExpr updFlag expr
case _oExpr exprOut of
ETyLam bndr body -> do
let subst = singleTypeSubst (fst bndr) typ
resExpr = substituteTy subst body
resOut <- genExpr updFlag resExpr
return $ combineOut resOut exprOut
expr' -> return $ updateOutExpr (ETyApp expr' typ) exprOut
-- | Analyse a let binding expression.
genForLet :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Bool
-- ^ Flag denoting whether updates should be analysed.
-> Binding
-- ^ The binding to be bound.
-> Expr
-- ^ The expression in which the binding should be available.
-> m (Output ph)
genForLet updFlag bind body = do
bindOut <- genExpr updFlag (bindingBound bind)
let subst = singleExprSubst (fst $ bindingBinder bind) (_oExpr bindOut)
resExpr = substituteTm subst body
resOut <- genExpr updFlag resExpr
return $ combineOut resOut bindOut
-- | Analyse an expression variable.
genForVar :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Bool
-- ^ Flag denoting whether updates should be analysed.
-> ExprVarName
-- ^ The expression variable to be analysed.
-> m (Output ph)
genForVar _updFlag name = lookupVar name >> return (emptyOut (EVar name))
-- | Analyse a value reference.
genForVal :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Bool
-- ^ Flag denoting whether updates should be analysed.
-> Qualified ExprValName
-- ^ The value reference to be analysed.
-> m (Output ph)
genForVal _updFlag w = getEnv >>= \case
EnvVG{} -> return $ Output (EVal w) (emptyUpdateSet{_usvgValue = [Determined w]})
EnvCG{} -> lookupVal w >>= \ (expr, upds) -> return (Output expr upds)
EnvS{} -> error "Impossible: genForVal can't be used in the solving phase"
-- | Analyse a record projection expression.
genForRecProj :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Bool
-- ^ Flag denoting whether updates should be analysed.
-> TypeConApp
-- ^ The type constructor of the record which is projected.
-> FieldName
-- ^ The field which is projected.
-> Expr
-- ^ The record expression which is projected.
-> m (Output ph)
genForRecProj updFlag tc f body = do
bodyOut <- genExpr updFlag body
case _oExpr bodyOut of
-- TODO: I think we can reduce duplication a bit more here
EVar x -> do
skol <- lookupRec x f
if skol
then return $ updateOutExpr (ERecProj tc f (EVar x)) bodyOut
else error ("Impossible: expected skolem record: " ++ show x ++ "." ++ show f)
expr -> do
fs <- recExpFields expr
case lookup f fs of
Just expr -> genExpr updFlag expr
Nothing -> throwError $ UnknownRecField f
-- | Analyse a struct projection expression.
genForStructProj :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Bool
-- ^ Flag denoting whether updates should be analysed.
-> FieldName
-- ^ The field which is projected.
-> Expr
-- ^ The record expression which is projected.
-> m (Output ph)
genForStructProj updFlag f body = do
bodyOut <- genExpr updFlag body
case _oExpr bodyOut of
-- TODO: I think we can reduce duplication a bit more here
EVar x -> do
skol <- lookupRec x f
if skol
then return $ updateOutExpr (EStructProj f (EVar x)) bodyOut
else error ("Impossible: expected skolem record: " ++ show x ++ "." ++ show f)
expr -> do
fs <- recExpFields expr
case lookup f fs of
Just expr -> genExpr updFlag expr
Nothing -> throwError $ UnknownRecField f
-- | Analyse a case expression.
-- TODO: Atm only boolean cases are supported
genForCase :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Bool
-- ^ Flag denoting whether updates should be analysed.
-> Expr
-- ^ The expression to match on.
-> [CaseAlternative]
-- ^ The list of alternatives.
-> m (Output ph)
genForCase updFlag exp cs = do
expOut <- genExpr updFlag exp
case findBool True of
Just tru -> do
truOut <- genExpr updFlag tru
case findBool False of
Just fal -> do
falOut <- genExpr updFlag fal
let resExp = ECase (_oExpr expOut)
[ CaseAlternative (CPBool True) (_oExpr truOut)
, CaseAlternative (CPBool False) (_oExpr falOut) ]
resUpd = _oUpdate expOut `concatUpdateSet`
conditionalUpdateSet (_oExpr expOut) (_oUpdate truOut) (_oUpdate falOut)
return $ Output resExp resUpd
Nothing -> error "Impossible: Missing False-case in if statement"
Nothing -> return $ emptyOut (ECase exp cs)
findBool :: Bool -> Maybe Expr
findBool b1 = listToMaybe $ [e | CaseAlternative (CPBool b2) e <- cs, b1 == b2]
-- | Analyse a create update expression.
-- Returns both the generator output and the return type.
genForCreate :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Qualified TypeConName
-- ^ The template of which a new instance is being created.
-> Expr
-- ^ The argument expression.
-> m (Output ph, Type, Maybe Expr)
genForCreate tem arg = do
arout <- genExpr True arg
fs <- recExpFields (_oExpr arout)
return ( Output (EUpdate (UCreate tem $ _oExpr arout)) $ addUpd emptyUpdateSet (UpdCreate tem fs)
, TCon tem
, Just $ EStructCon fs )
-- TODO: We could potentially filter here to only store the interesting fields?
-- | Analyse an exercise update expression.
-- Returns both the generator output and the return type of the choice.
genForExercise :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Qualified TypeConName
-- ^ The template on which a choice is being exercised.
-> ChoiceName
-- ^ The choice which is being exercised.
-> Expr
-- ^ The contract id on which the choice is being exercised.
-> Maybe Expr
-- ^ The party which exercises the choice.
-> Expr
-- ^ The arguments with which the choice is being exercised.
-> m (Output ph, Type, Maybe Expr)
genForExercise tem ch cid par arg = do
cidOut <- genExpr True cid
arout <- genExpr True arg
(updSubst, resType) <- lookupChoice tem ch
this <- fst <$> lookupCid (_oExpr cidOut)
-- TODO: Should we further eval after subst? But how to eval an update set?
let updSet = updSubst (_oExpr cidOut) (EVar this) (_oExpr arout)
return ( Output (EUpdate (UExercise tem ch (_oExpr cidOut) par (_oExpr arout))) updSet
, resType
, Nothing ) -- TODO!
-- | Analyse a bind update expression.
-- Returns both the generator output and the return type.
genForBind :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Binding
-- ^ The binding being bound with this update.
-> Expr
-- ^ The expression in which this binding is being made available.
-> m (Output ph, Type, Maybe Expr)
genForBind bind body = do
bindOut <- genExpr False (bindingBound bind)
bindUpd <- case _oExpr bindOut of
EUpdate (UFetch tc cid) -> do
bindCids (TContractId (TCon tc)) cid (EVar $ fst $ bindingBinder bind) Nothing
return emptyUpdateSet
EUpdate upd -> do
(updOut, updTyp, creFs) <- genUpdate upd
this <- genRenamedVar (ExprVarName "this")
bindCids updTyp (EVar $ fst $ bindingBinder bind) (EVar this) creFs
return $ _oUpdate updOut
_ -> return emptyUpdateSet
extVarEnv (fst $ bindingBinder bind)
bodyOut <- genExpr False body
case _oExpr bodyOut of
EUpdate bodyUpd -> do
(bodyUpdOut, bodyTyp, creFs) <- genUpdate bodyUpd
return ( Output
(_oExpr bodyUpdOut)
(_oUpdate bindOut
`concatUpdateSet` bindUpd
`concatUpdateSet` _oUpdate bodyOut
`concatUpdateSet` _oUpdate bodyUpdOut)
, bodyTyp
, creFs )
_ -> error "Impossible: The body of a bind should be an update expression"
bindCids :: (GenPhase ph, MonadEnv m ph)
=> Type
-- ^ The type of the contract id's being bound.
-> Expr
-- ^ The contract id's being bound.
-> Expr
-- ^ The variables to bind them to.
-> Maybe Expr
-- ^ The field values for any created contracts, if available.
-> m ()
bindCids (TContractId (TCon tc)) cid (EVar this) fsExp = do
fs <- recTypConFields $ qualObject tc
extRecEnv this (map fst fs)
cidOut <- genExpr True cid
extCidEnv (_oExpr cidOut) this
creFs <- maybe (pure []) recExpFields fsExp
extCtrRec this creFs
bindCids (TCon tc) cid (EVar this) fsExp = do
fs <- recTypConFields $ qualObject tc
extRecEnv this (map fst fs)
cidOut <- genExpr True cid
extCidEnv (_oExpr cidOut) this
creFs <- maybe (pure []) recExpFields fsExp
extCtrRec this creFs
bindCids (TBuiltin BTUnit) _ _ _ = return ()
bindCids (TBuiltin BTTimestamp) _ _ _ = return ()
-- TODO: Extend additional cases, like tuples.
bindCids typ _ _ _ =
error ("Binding contract id's for this particular type has not been implemented yet: " ++ show typ)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-- TODO: There is a lot of copying going on here from TsCodeGenMain.hs.
-- A nicer alternative would be to just change the exports from this module.
-- | Reading dar files for DAML LF verification.
module DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Read
( readPackages
, optionsParserInfo
, Options(..)
) where
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Proto3.Archive as Archive
import qualified DA.Daml.LF.Reader as DAR
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T
import qualified "zip-archive" Codec.Archive.Zip as Zip
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Options.Applicative
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast
data Options = Options
{ optInputDar :: FilePath
, optChoiceTmpl :: String
, optChoiceName :: String
, optFieldTmpl :: String
, optFieldName :: String
optionsParser :: Parser Options
optionsParser = Options
<$> argument str
( metavar "DAR-FILE"
<> help "DAR file to analyse"
<*> argument str
<> help "Template of the choice to analyse"
<*> argument str
( metavar "CHOICE-NAME"
<> help "Name of the choice to analyse"
<*> argument str
( metavar "FIELD-TEMPLATE"
<> help "Template of the field to verify"
<*> argument str
( metavar "FIELD-NAME"
<> help "Name of the field to verify"
optionsParserInfo :: ParserInfo Options
optionsParserInfo = info (optionsParser <**> helper)
( fullDesc
<> progDesc "Perform static analysis on a DAR"
-- Build a list of packages from a list of DAR file paths.
readPackages :: [FilePath] -> IO [(PackageId, (Package, Maybe PackageName))]
readPackages dars = concatMapM darToPackages dars
darToPackages :: FilePath -> IO [(PackageId, (Package, Maybe PackageName))]
darToPackages dar = do
dar <- B.readFile dar
let archive = Zip.toArchive $ BSL.fromStrict dar
dalfs <- either fail pure $ DAR.readDalfs archive
DAR.DalfManifest{packageName} <- either fail pure $ DAR.readDalfManifest archive
packageName <- pure (PackageName . T.pack <$> packageName)
forM ((DAR.mainDalf dalfs, packageName) : map (, Nothing) (DAR.dalfs dalfs)) $
\(dalf, mbPkgName) -> do
(pkgId, pkg) <- either (fail . show) pure $ Archive.decodeArchive Archive.DecodeAsMain (BSL.toStrict dalf)
pure (pkgId, (pkg, mbPkgName))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- | Constraint solver for DAML LF static verification
module DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Solve
( constructConstr
, solveConstr
, ConstraintSet(..)
, Result(..)
) where
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.List.Extra (nubOrd)
import Data.Tuple.Extra (both)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified SimpleSMT as S
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Base
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Numeric
import DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Context
-- TODO: Since S.SExpr is so similar, we could just drop this.
-- | A simple form of expressions featuring basic arithmetic.
data ConstraintExpr
-- | Boolean value.
= CBool !Bool
-- | Integer value.
| CInt !Integer
-- | Real value.
| CReal !Rational
-- | Reference to an expression variable.
| CVar !ExprVarName
-- | Sum of two expressions.
| CAdd !ConstraintExpr !ConstraintExpr
-- | Subtraction of two expressions.
| CSub !ConstraintExpr !ConstraintExpr
-- | Equals operator.
| CEq !ConstraintExpr !ConstraintExpr
-- | Boolean and operator.
| CAnd !ConstraintExpr !ConstraintExpr
-- | Boolean not operator.
| CNot !ConstraintExpr
-- | If then else expression.
| CIf !ConstraintExpr !ConstraintExpr !ConstraintExpr
deriving Show
instance Pretty ConstraintExpr where
pretty (CBool b) = pretty b
pretty (CInt i) = pretty i
pretty (CReal i) = pretty $ show i
pretty (CVar x) = pretty $ unExprVarName x
pretty (CAdd e1 e2) = pretty e1 <+> " <+> " <+> pretty e2
pretty (CSub e1 e2) = pretty e1 <+> " - " <+> pretty e2
pretty (CEq e1 e2) = pretty e1 <+> " == " <+> pretty e2
pretty (CAnd e1 e2) = pretty e1 <+> " and " <+> pretty e2
pretty (CNot e) = "not " <+> pretty e
pretty (CIf e1 e2 e3) = "if " <+> pretty e1 <+> " then " <+> pretty e2
<+> " else " <+> pretty e3
-- | Add a bunch of constraint expressions.
addMany :: [ConstraintExpr] -> ConstraintExpr
addMany [] = CReal 0.0
addMany [x] = x
addMany (x:xs) = CAdd x (addMany xs)
-- | Class covering the types convertible to constraint expressions.
class ConstrExpr a where
-- | Convert the given data type to a constraint expression.
toCExp :: [(ExprVarName, ExprVarName)]
-- ^ The contract name synonyms, along with their current alias.
-> a
-- ^ The data to convert to a constraint expression.
-> ConstraintExpr
instance ConstrExpr BoolExpr where
toCExp syns (BExpr e) = toCExp syns e
toCExp syns (BAnd b1 b2) = CAnd (toCExp syns b1) (toCExp syns b2)
toCExp syns (BNot b) = CNot (toCExp syns b)
instance ConstrExpr Expr where
toCExp syns (EVar x) = case lookup x syns of
Just y -> CVar y
Nothing -> CVar x
toCExp syns (ERecProj _ f (EVar x)) = case lookup x syns of
Just y -> CVar $ recProj2Var y f
Nothing -> CVar $ recProj2Var x f
toCExp syns (EStructProj f (EVar x)) = case lookup x syns of
Just y -> CVar $ recProj2Var y f
Nothing -> CVar $ recProj2Var x f
toCExp syns (ETmApp (ETmApp op e1) e2) = case op of
(EBuiltin (BEEqual _)) -> CEq (toCExp syns e1) (toCExp syns e2)
(EBuiltin BEAddInt64) -> CAdd (toCExp syns e1) (toCExp syns e2)
(EBuiltin BESubInt64) -> CSub (toCExp syns e1) (toCExp syns e2)
(ETyApp (EBuiltin BEAddNumeric) _) -> CAdd (toCExp syns e1) (toCExp syns e2)
(ETyApp (EBuiltin BESubNumeric) _) -> CSub (toCExp syns e1) (toCExp syns e2)
(ETmApp (ETyApp (EVal (Qualified _ _ (ExprValName "+"))) _) _) ->
CAdd (toCExp syns e1) (toCExp syns e2)
(ETmApp (ETyApp (EVal (Qualified _ _ (ExprValName "-"))) _) _) ->
CSub (toCExp syns e1) (toCExp syns e2)
_ -> error ("Builtin: " ++ show op)
toCExp syns (ELocation _ e) = toCExp syns e
toCExp _syns (EBuiltin (BEBool b)) = CBool b
toCExp _syns (EBuiltin (BEInt64 i)) = CInt $ toInteger i
toCExp _syns (EBuiltin (BENumeric i)) = CReal $ toRational $ numericDecimal i
toCExp _syns e = error ("Conversion: " ++ show e)
instance ConstrExpr a => ConstrExpr (Cond a) where
toCExp syns (Determined x) = toCExp syns x
-- TODO: Can we assume this should always be a sum?
toCExp syns (Conditional b x y) = CIf (toCExp syns b)
(addMany $ map (toCExp syns) x)
(addMany $ map (toCExp syns) y)
-- | Gather all free variables in a constraint expression.
gatherFreeVars :: ConstraintExpr
-- ^ The constraint expression to traverse.
-> [ExprVarName]
gatherFreeVars (CBool _) = []
gatherFreeVars (CInt _) = []
gatherFreeVars (CReal _) = []
gatherFreeVars (CVar x) = [x]
gatherFreeVars (CAdd e1 e2) = gatherFreeVars e1 `union` gatherFreeVars e2
gatherFreeVars (CSub e1 e2) = gatherFreeVars e1 `union` gatherFreeVars e2
gatherFreeVars (CEq e1 e2) = gatherFreeVars e1 `union` gatherFreeVars e2
gatherFreeVars (CAnd e1 e2) = gatherFreeVars e1 `union` gatherFreeVars e2
gatherFreeVars (CNot e) = gatherFreeVars e
gatherFreeVars (CIf e1 e2 e3) = gatherFreeVars e1 `union`
gatherFreeVars e2 `union` gatherFreeVars e3
-- | Gather the variable names bound within a skolem variable.
skol2var :: Skolem
-- ^ The skolem variable to handle.
-> [ExprVarName]
skol2var (SkolVar x) = [x]
skol2var (SkolRec x fs) = map (recProj2Var x) fs
-- | Squash a record projection into a single variable name.
recProj2Var :: ExprVarName
-- ^ The variable on which is being projected.
-> FieldName
-- ^ The field name which is being projected.
-> ExprVarName
recProj2Var (ExprVarName x) (FieldName f) = ExprVarName (x `T.append` "." `T.append` f)
-- | The set of constraints to be solved.
data ConstraintSet = ConstraintSet
{ _cVars :: ![ExprVarName]
-- ^ The variables to be declared.
, _cCres :: ![ConstraintExpr]
-- ^ The field values of all newly created contracts.
, _cArcs :: ![ConstraintExpr]
-- ^ The field values of all archived contracts.
, _cCtrs :: ![(ConstraintExpr, ConstraintExpr)]
-- ^ Additional equality constraints.
deriving Show
-- | Filters a single update to match the given template, and takes out the
-- field of interest. The update gets converted into a constraint expression.
-- It returns either a create or an archive update.
filterUpd :: Qualified TypeConName
-- ^ The template name to filter against.
-> [(ExprVarName, ExprVarName)]
-- ^ The contract name synonyms, along with their current alias.
-> FieldName
-- ^ The field name to be verified.
-> Upd
-- ^ The update expression to convert and filter.
-> (Maybe ConstraintExpr, Maybe ConstraintExpr)
filterUpd tem syns f UpdCreate{..} = if tem == _creTemp
then (Just (toCExp syns $ fromJust $ lookup f _creField), Nothing)
else (Nothing, Nothing)
filterUpd tem syns f UpdArchive{..} = if tem == _arcTemp
then (Nothing, Just (toCExp syns $ fromJust $ lookup f _arcField))
else (Nothing, Nothing)
-- | Filters and converts a conditional update into (possibly two) constraint
-- expressions, while splitting it into create and archive updates.
filterCondUpd :: Qualified TypeConName
-- ^ The template name to filter against
-> [(ExprVarName, ExprVarName)]
-- ^ The contract name synonyms, along with their current alias.
-> FieldName
-- ^ The field name to be verified.
-> Cond Upd
-- ^ The conditional update expression to convert and filter.
-> ([ConstraintExpr], [ConstraintExpr])
filterCondUpd tem syns f (Determined x) = both maybeToList $ filterUpd tem syns f x
filterCondUpd tem syns f (Conditional b xs ys) =
let cb = toCExp syns b
(cxcre,cxarc) = both (addMany . concat) $ unzip $ map (filterCondUpd tem syns f) xs
(cycre,cyarc) = both (addMany . concat) $ unzip $ map (filterCondUpd tem syns f) ys
in ( [CIf cb cxcre cycre]
, [CIf cb cxarc cyarc] )
-- | Filter the given set of skolems, to only include those that occur in the
-- given constraint expressions. Remove duplicates in the process.
filterVars :: [ExprVarName]
-- ^ The list of skolems to filter.
-> [ConstraintExpr]
-- ^ The constraint expressions in which the skolems should occur.
-> [ExprVarName]
filterVars vars cexprs =
let freevars = foldl' (\fv e -> fv `union` gatherFreeVars e) [] cexprs
in freevars `intersect` vars
-- | Construct a list of all contract name synonyms, along with their current
-- alias.
constructSynonyms :: [(ExprVarName, [ExprVarName])]
-- ^ The current contract names, along with any previous synonyms.
-> [(ExprVarName, ExprVarName)]
constructSynonyms = foldl step []
step :: [(ExprVarName, ExprVarName)] -> (ExprVarName, [ExprVarName])
-> [(ExprVarName, ExprVarName)]
step acc (cur, prevs) = acc ++ map (, cur) prevs
-- | Constructs a constraint set from the generator environment, together with
-- the template name, the choice and field to be verified.
constructConstr :: Env 'Solving
-- ^ The generator environment to convert.
-> Qualified TypeConName
-- ^ The template name of the choice to be verified.
-> ChoiceName
-- ^ The choice name to be verified.
-> Qualified TypeConName
-- ^ The template name of the field to be verified.
-> FieldName
-- ^ The field name to be verified.
-> ConstraintSet
constructConstr env chtem ch ftem f =
case HM.lookup (UpdChoice chtem ch) (_envschs env) of
Just ChoiceData{..} ->
let upds = _ussUpdate $ _cdUpds (EVar _cdSelf) (EVar _cdThis) (EVar _cdArgs)
vars = concatMap skol2var (_envsskol env)
syns = constructSynonyms $ HM.elems $ _envscids env
ctrs = map (both (toCExp syns)) $ _envsctrs env
(cres, arcs) = foldl
(\(cs,as) upd -> let (cs',as') = filterCondUpd ftem syns f upd in (cs ++ cs',as ++ as'))
([],[]) upds
in ConstraintSet vars cres arcs ctrs
Nothing -> error ("Choice not found " ++ show ch)
-- | Convert a constraint expression into an SMT expression from the solving library.
cexp2sexp :: [(ExprVarName,S.SExpr)]
-- ^ The set of variable names, mapped to their corresponding SMT counterparts.
-> ConstraintExpr
-- ^ The constraint expression to convert.
-> IO S.SExpr
cexp2sexp _vars (CBool b) = return $ S.bool b
cexp2sexp _vars (CInt i) = return $ S.int i
cexp2sexp _vars (CReal i) = return $ S.real i
cexp2sexp vars (CVar x) = case lookup x vars of
Just exp -> return exp
Nothing -> error ("Impossible: variable not found " ++ show x)
cexp2sexp vars (CAdd ce1 ce2) = do
se1 <- cexp2sexp vars ce1
se2 <- cexp2sexp vars ce2
return $ S.add se1 se2
cexp2sexp vars (CSub ce1 ce2) = do
se1 <- cexp2sexp vars ce1
se2 <- cexp2sexp vars ce2
return $ S.sub se1 se2
cexp2sexp vars (CEq ce1 ce2) = do
se1 <- cexp2sexp vars ce1
se2 <- cexp2sexp vars ce2
return $ S.eq se1 se2
cexp2sexp vars (CAnd ce1 ce2) = do
se1 <- cexp2sexp vars ce1
se2 <- cexp2sexp vars ce2
return $ S.and se1 se2
cexp2sexp vars (CNot ce) = do
se <- cexp2sexp vars ce
return $ S.not se
cexp2sexp vars (CIf ce1 ce2 ce3) = do
se1 <- cexp2sexp vars ce1
se2 <- cexp2sexp vars ce2
se3 <- cexp2sexp vars ce3
return $ S.ite se1 se2 se3
-- | Declare a list of variables for the SMT solver. Returns a list of the
-- declared variables, together with their corresponding SMT counterparts.
declareVars :: S.Solver
-- ^ The SMT solver.
-> [ExprVarName]
-- ^ The variables to be declared.
-> IO [(ExprVarName,S.SExpr)]
declareVars s xs = zip xs <$> mapM (\x -> S.declare s (var2str x) S.tReal) xs
var2str :: ExprVarName -> String
var2str (ExprVarName x) = T.unpack x
-- | Assert the additional equality constraints. Binds and returns any
-- additional required variables.
declareCtrs :: S.Solver
-- ^ The SMT solver.
-> (String -> IO ())
-- ^ Function for debugging printouts.
-> [(ExprVarName,S.SExpr)]
-- ^ The set of variable names, mapped to their corresponding SMT counterparts.
-> [(ConstraintExpr, ConstraintExpr)]
-- ^ The equality constraints to be declared.
-> IO [(ExprVarName,S.SExpr)]
declareCtrs sol debug cvars1 ctrs = do
let edges = map (\(l,r) -> (l,r,gatherFreeVars l ++ gatherFreeVars r)) ctrs
components = conn_comp edges
useful_nodes = map fst cvars1
useful_components = filter
(\comp -> let comp_vars = concatMap (\(_,_,vars) -> vars) comp
in not $ null $ intersect comp_vars useful_nodes)
useful_equalities = concatMap (map (\(l,r,_) -> (l,r))) useful_components
required_vars =
nubOrd (concatMap (concatMap (\(_,_,vars) -> vars)) useful_components)
\\ useful_nodes
cvars2 <- declareVars sol required_vars
mapM_ (declare $ cvars1 ++ cvars2) useful_equalities
return cvars2
-- | Compute connected components of the equality constraints graph.
-- Two edges are adjacent when at least one of their nodes shares a variable.
conn_comp :: [(ConstraintExpr,ConstraintExpr,[ExprVarName])]
-- ^ The edges of the graph, annotated with the contained variables.
-> [[(ConstraintExpr,ConstraintExpr,[ExprVarName])]]
conn_comp [] = []
conn_comp (edge:edges) = let (comp,rem) = cc_step edges edge
in comp : conn_comp rem
-- | Compute the strongly connected component containing a given edge from
-- the graph, as well as the remaining edges which do not belong to this
-- component.
cc_step :: [(ConstraintExpr,ConstraintExpr,[ExprVarName])]
-- ^ The edges of the graph, which do not yet belong to any component.
-> (ConstraintExpr,ConstraintExpr,[ExprVarName])
-- ^ The current edge for which the component is being computed.
-> ( [(ConstraintExpr,ConstraintExpr,[ExprVarName])]
-- ^ The computed connected component.
, [(ConstraintExpr,ConstraintExpr,[ExprVarName])] )
-- ^ The remaining edges which do not belong to the connected component.
cc_step [] _ = ([],[])
cc_step edges0 (l,r,vars) =
let (neighbors,edges1) = partition (\(_,_,vars') -> not $ null $ intersect vars vars') edges0
in foldl (\(conn,edges2) edge -> first (conn ++) $ cc_step edges2 edge)
((l,r,vars):neighbors,edges1) neighbors
declare :: [(ExprVarName,S.SExpr)] -> (ConstraintExpr, ConstraintExpr) -> IO ()
declare vars (cexp1, cexp2) = do
sexp1 <- cexp2sexp vars cexp1
sexp2 <- cexp2sexp vars cexp2
debug ("Assert: " ++ S.ppSExpr sexp1 (" = " ++ S.ppSExpr sexp2 ""))
S.assert sol (sexp1 `S.eq` sexp2)
-- | Data type denoting the outcome of the solver.
data Result
= Success
-- ^ The total field amount remains preserved.
| Fail [(S.SExpr, S.Value)]
-- ^ The total field amound does not remain the same. A counter example is
-- provided.
| Unknown
-- ^ The result is inconclusive.
deriving Eq
instance Show Result where
show Success = "Success!"
show (Fail cs) = "Fail. Counter example:" ++ foldl (flip step) "" cs
step :: (S.SExpr, S.Value) -> String -> String
step (var, val) str = ("\n" ++) $ S.ppSExpr var $ (" = " ++) $ S.ppSExpr (S.value val) str
show Unknown = "Inconclusive."
-- | Solve a give constraint set. Prints 'unsat' when the constraint set is
-- valid. It asserts that the set of created and archived contracts are not
-- equal.
solveConstr :: FilePath
-- ^ The path to the constraint solver.
-> (String -> IO ())
-- ^ Function for debugging printouts.
-> ConstraintSet
-- ^ The constraint set to solve.
-> IO Result
solveConstr spath debug ConstraintSet{..} = do
log <- S.newLogger 1
sol <- S.newSolver spath ["-in"] (Just log)
vars1 <- declareVars sol $ filterVars _cVars (_cCres ++ _cArcs)
vars2 <- declareCtrs sol debug vars1 _cCtrs
let vars = vars1 ++ vars2
cre <- foldl S.add (S.real 0.0) <$> mapM (cexp2sexp vars) _cCres
arc <- foldl S.add (S.real 0.0) <$> mapM (cexp2sexp vars) _cArcs
S.assert sol (S.not (cre `S.eq` arc))
S.check sol >>= \case
S.Sat -> do
counter <- S.getExprs sol $ map snd vars
return $ Fail counter
S.Unsat -> return Success
S.Unknown -> return Unknown

View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-- | Term substitions for DAML LF static verification
module DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Subst
( ExprSubst
, singleExprSubst
, singleTypeSubst
, createExprSubst
, SubstTm(..)
, SubstTy(..)
, InstPR(..)
) where
import Control.Lens hiding (Context)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Type
-- | Substitution of expressions for expression variables.
type ExprSubst = Map.Map ExprVarName Expr
-- | Create an expression substitution from a single variable and expression.
singleExprSubst :: ExprVarName
-- ^ The expression variable to substitute.
-> Expr
-- ^ The expression to substitute with.
-> ExprSubst
singleExprSubst = Map.singleton
-- | Create a type substitution from a single type variable and type.
singleTypeSubst :: TypeVarName
-- ^ The type variable to substitute.
-> Type
-- ^ The type to substitute with.
-> Subst
singleTypeSubst = Map.singleton
-- | Create an expression substitution from a list of variables and expressions.
createExprSubst :: [(ExprVarName,Expr)]
-- ^ The variables to substitute, together with the expressions to replace them with.
-> ExprSubst
createExprSubst = Map.fromList
-- | Get the domain from an expression substitution.
substDom :: ExprSubst
-- ^ The substitution to analyse.
-> [ExprVarName]
substDom = Map.keys
-- | A class covering the data types to which an expression substitution can be applied.
class SubstTm a where
-- | Apply an expression substitution.
substituteTm :: ExprSubst
-- ^ The expression substitution to apply.
-> a
-- ^ The data to apply the substitution to.
-> a
-- | A class covering the data types to which a type substitution can be applied.
class SubstTy a where
-- | Apply an type substitution.
substituteTy :: Subst
-- ^ The type substitution to apply.
-> a
-- ^ The data to apply the substitution to.
-> a
-- TODO: We assume that for any substitution x |-> e : x notin e
-- and a |-> t : a notin t.
instance SubstTm Expr where
substituteTm s = \case
EVar x
| Just e <- Map.lookup x s -> e
| otherwise -> EVar x
ERecCon t fs -> ERecCon t $ map (over _2 (substituteTm s)) fs
ERecProj t f e -> ERecProj t f $ substituteTm s e
ERecUpd t f e1 e2 -> ERecUpd t f (substituteTm s e1) (substituteTm s e2)
EVariantCon t v e -> EVariantCon t v (substituteTm s e)
EStructCon fs -> EStructCon $ map (over _2 (substituteTm s)) fs
EStructProj f e -> EStructProj f (substituteTm s e)
EStructUpd f e1 e2 -> EStructUpd f (substituteTm s e1) (substituteTm s e2)
ETmApp e1 e2 -> ETmApp (substituteTm s e1) (substituteTm s e2)
ETyApp e t -> ETyApp (substituteTm s e) t
ETmLam (x,t) e -> if x `elem` substDom s
then ETmLam (x,t) e
else ETmLam (x,t) (substituteTm s e)
ETyLam (a,k) e -> ETyLam (a,k) (substituteTm s e)
ECase e cs -> ECase (substituteTm s e)
$ map (\CaseAlternative{..} -> CaseAlternative altPattern (substituteTm s altExpr)) cs
ELet Binding{..} e -> ELet (Binding bindingBinder $ substituteTm s bindingBound)
(substituteTm s e)
ECons t e1 e2 -> ECons t (substituteTm s e1) (substituteTm s e2)
ESome t e -> ESome t (substituteTm s e)
EToAny t e -> EToAny t (substituteTm s e)
EFromAny t e -> EFromAny t (substituteTm s e)
EUpdate u -> EUpdate $ substituteTm s u
ELocation l e -> ELocation l (substituteTm s e)
e -> e
instance SubstTm Update where
substituteTm s = \case
UPure t e -> UPure t $ substituteTm s e
UBind Binding{..} e -> UBind (Binding bindingBinder $ substituteTm s bindingBound)
(substituteTm s e)
UCreate t e -> UCreate t $ substituteTm s e
UExercise t c e1 a e2 -> UExercise t c (substituteTm s e1) a (substituteTm s e2)
UFetch t e -> UFetch t $ substituteTm s e
UEmbedExpr t e -> UEmbedExpr t $ substituteTm s e
u -> u
instance SubstTm a => SubstTm (Maybe a) where
substituteTm s m = substituteTm s <$> m
instance SubstTy Expr where
substituteTy s = \case
ERecCon t fs -> ERecCon (substituteTy s t) $ map (over _2 (substituteTy s)) fs
ERecProj t f e -> ERecProj (substituteTy s t) f $ substituteTy s e
ERecUpd t f e1 e2 -> ERecUpd (substituteTy s t) f (substituteTy s e1)
(substituteTy s e2)
EVariantCon t v e -> EVariantCon (substituteTy s t) v (substituteTy s e)
EStructCon fs -> EStructCon $ map (over _2 (substituteTy s)) fs
EStructProj f e -> EStructProj f $ substituteTy s e
EStructUpd f e1 e2 -> EStructUpd f (substituteTy s e1) (substituteTy s e2)
ETmApp e1 e2 -> ETmApp (substituteTy s e1) (substituteTy s e2)
ETyApp e t -> ETyApp (substituteTy s e) (substitute s t)
ETmLam (n, t) e -> ETmLam (n, substitute s t) (substituteTy s e)
ETyLam b e -> ETyLam b $ substituteTy s e
ECase e cs -> ECase (substituteTy s e) (map (substituteTy s) cs)
ELet Binding{..} e -> ELet (Binding (over _2 (substitute s) bindingBinder) (substituteTy s bindingBound))
(substituteTy s e)
ENil t -> ENil (substitute s t)
ECons t e1 e2 -> ECons (substitute s t) (substituteTy s e1) (substituteTy s e2)
ESome t e -> ESome (substitute s t) (substituteTy s e)
ENone t -> ENone (substitute s t)
EToAny t e -> EToAny (substitute s t) (substituteTy s e)
EFromAny t e -> EFromAny (substitute s t) (substituteTy s e)
ETypeRep t -> ETypeRep (substitute s t)
EUpdate u -> EUpdate (substituteTy s u)
ELocation l e -> ELocation l (substituteTy s e)
e -> e
instance SubstTy Update where
substituteTy s = \case
UPure t e -> UPure (substitute s t) (substituteTy s e)
UBind Binding{..} e -> UBind (Binding (over _2 (substitute s) bindingBinder) (substituteTy s bindingBound))
(substituteTy s e)
UCreate n e -> UCreate n (substituteTy s e)
UExercise n c e1 a e2 -> UExercise n c (substituteTy s e1) a (substituteTy s e2)
UFetch n e -> UFetch n (substituteTy s e)
UEmbedExpr t e -> UEmbedExpr (substitute s t) (substituteTy s e)
u -> u
instance SubstTy TypeConApp where
substituteTy s (TypeConApp n ts) = TypeConApp n (map (substitute s) ts)
instance SubstTy CaseAlternative where
substituteTy s (CaseAlternative p e) = CaseAlternative p (substituteTy s e)
-- | A class covering the data types containing package references which can be
-- instantiated..
class InstPR a where
-- | Instantiate `PRSelf` with the given package reference.
instPRSelf :: PackageRef
-- ^ The package reference to substitute with.
-> a
-- ^ The data type to substitute in.
-> a
instance InstPR (Qualified a) where
instPRSelf pac qx@(Qualified pac' mod x) = case pac' of
PRSelf -> Qualified pac mod x
_ -> qx
instance InstPR Expr where
instPRSelf pac = \case
EVal val -> EVal (instPRSelf pac val)
ERecCon t fs -> ERecCon t $ map (over _2 (instPRSelf pac)) fs
ERecProj t f e -> ERecProj t f $ instPRSelf pac e
ERecUpd t f e1 e2 -> ERecUpd t f (instPRSelf pac e1) (instPRSelf pac e2)
EVariantCon t v e -> EVariantCon t v (instPRSelf pac e)
EStructCon fs -> EStructCon $ map (over _2 (instPRSelf pac)) fs
EStructProj f e -> EStructProj f (instPRSelf pac e)
EStructUpd f e1 e2 -> EStructUpd f (instPRSelf pac e1) (instPRSelf pac e2)
ETmApp e1 e2 -> ETmApp (instPRSelf pac e1) (instPRSelf pac e2)
ETyApp e t -> ETyApp (instPRSelf pac e) t
ETmLam b e -> ETmLam b (instPRSelf pac e)
ETyLam b e -> ETyLam b (instPRSelf pac e)
ECase e cs -> ECase (instPRSelf pac e)
$ map (\CaseAlternative{..} -> CaseAlternative altPattern (instPRSelf pac altExpr)) cs
ELet Binding{..} e -> ELet (Binding bindingBinder $ instPRSelf pac bindingBound)
(instPRSelf pac e)
ECons t e1 e2 -> ECons t (instPRSelf pac e1) (instPRSelf pac e2)
ESome t e -> ESome t (instPRSelf pac e)
EToAny t e -> EToAny t (instPRSelf pac e)
EFromAny t e -> EFromAny t (instPRSelf pac e)
EUpdate u -> EUpdate $ instPRSelf pac u
ELocation l e -> ELocation l (instPRSelf pac e)
e -> e
instance InstPR Update where
instPRSelf pac = \case
UPure t e -> UPure t (instPRSelf pac e)
UBind Binding{..} e -> UBind (Binding bindingBinder $ instPRSelf pac bindingBound)
(instPRSelf pac e)
UCreate tem arg -> UCreate (instPRSelf pac tem) (instPRSelf pac arg)
UExercise tem ch cid act arg -> UExercise (instPRSelf pac tem) ch
(instPRSelf pac cid) (instPRSelf pac <$> act) (instPRSelf pac arg)
UFetch tem cid -> UFetch (instPRSelf pac tem) (instPRSelf pac cid)
UEmbedExpr t e -> UEmbedExpr t (instPRSelf pac e)
u -> u

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Tests
( mainTest
) where
import System.FilePath
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Base
import DA.Daml.LF.Verify
import DA.Daml.LF.Verify.Solve
import DA.Bazel.Runfiles
mainTest :: IO ()
mainTest = defaultMain $ testGroup "DA.Daml.LF.Verify"
[ quickstartTests
, conditionalTests
quickstartTests :: TestTree
quickstartTests = testGroup "Quickstart"
[ testCase "Iou_Split" $ do
quickstartDar <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "compiler/daml-lf-verify/quickstart.dar")
let tmpl = TypeConName ["Iou"]
choice = ChoiceName "Iou_Split"
field = FieldName "amount"
result <- verify quickstartDar debug tmpl choice tmpl field
assertEqual "Verification failed for Iou_Split - amount"
Success result
, testCase "Iou_Merge" $ do
quickstartDar <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "compiler/daml-lf-verify/quickstart.dar")
let tmpl = TypeConName ["Iou"]
choice = ChoiceName "Iou_Merge"
field = FieldName "amount"
result <- verify quickstartDar debug tmpl choice tmpl field
assertEqual "Verification failed for Iou_Merge - amount"
Success result
conditionalTests :: TestTree
conditionalTests = testGroup "Conditionals"
[ testCase "Success A" $ do
condDar <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "compiler/daml-lf-verify/conditionals.dar")
let tmpl = TypeConName ["Iou"]
choice = ChoiceName "SuccA"
field = FieldName "content"
result <- verify condDar debug tmpl choice tmpl field
assertEqual "Verification failed for SuccA - content"
Success result
, testCase "Success B" $ do
condDar <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "compiler/daml-lf-verify/conditionals.dar")
let tmpl = TypeConName ["Iou"]
choice = ChoiceName "SuccB"
field = FieldName "content"
result <- verify condDar debug tmpl choice tmpl field
assertEqual "Verification failed for SuccB - content"
Success result
, testCase "Success C" $ do
condDar <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "compiler/daml-lf-verify/conditionals.dar")
let tmpl = TypeConName ["Iou"]
choice = ChoiceName "SuccC"
field = FieldName "content"
result <- verify condDar debug tmpl choice tmpl field
assertEqual "Verification failed for SuccC - content"
Success result
, testCase "Success D" $ do
condDar <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "compiler/daml-lf-verify/conditionals.dar")
let tmpl = TypeConName ["Iou"]
choice = ChoiceName "SuccD"
field = FieldName "content"
result <- verify condDar debug tmpl choice tmpl field
assertEqual "Verification failed for SuccD - content"
Success result
, testCase "Fail A" $ do
condDar <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "compiler/daml-lf-verify/conditionals.dar")
let tmpl = TypeConName ["Iou"]
choice = ChoiceName "FailA"
field = FieldName "content"
verify condDar debug tmpl choice tmpl field >>= \case
Success -> assertFailure "Verification wrongfully passed for FailA - content"
Unknown -> assertFailure "Verification inconclusive for FailA - content"
Fail _ -> return ()
, testCase "Fail B" $ do
condDar <- locateRunfiles (mainWorkspace </> "compiler/daml-lf-verify/conditionals.dar")
let tmpl = TypeConName ["Iou"]
choice = ChoiceName "FailB"
field = FieldName "content"
verify condDar debug tmpl choice tmpl field >>= \case
Success -> assertFailure "Verification wrongfully passed for FailB - content"
Unknown -> assertFailure "Verification inconclusive for FailB - content"
Fail _ -> return ()
debug :: String -> IO ()
debug _ = return ()

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@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ let shared = rec {
z3 = pkgs.z3;
bazel-cc-toolchain = pkgs.callPackage ./tools/bazel-cc-toolchain {};
in shared // (if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then {

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ packages:
- regex-base-
- regex-tdfa-
- shake-0.18.5
- simple-smt-0.9.4
# Core packages, need to be listed for integer-simple flags.
- integer-simple-
- text-