Upgrades independent of stdlib (#2222)

* language: upgrades independent of stdlib

This fixes several issues in the code generation from dalfs. As a result
we can now generate upgrades independent of the stdlib source.
This commit is contained in:
Robin Krom 2019-07-19 13:36:01 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent e2015e2ec4
commit 2b110f88e6
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 211 additions and 109 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ module DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Optics(
) where
import Control.Lens
@ -96,6 +97,16 @@ dataConsType f = \case
DataVariant cs -> DataVariant <$> (traverse . _2) f cs
DataEnum cs -> pure $ DataEnum cs
builtinType :: Traversal' Type BuiltinType
builtinType f =
TVar n -> pure $ TVar n
TCon tyCon -> pure $ TCon tyCon
TApp s t -> TApp <$> builtinType f s <*> builtinType f t
TBuiltin x -> TBuiltin <$> f x
TForall b body -> TForall b <$> builtinType f body
TTuple fs -> TTuple <$> (traverse . _2) (builtinType f) fs
type ModuleRef = (PackageRef, ModuleName)
-- | Traverse all the module references contained in 'Qualified's in a 'Package'.

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module DA.Daml.Compiler.Upgrade
, generateGenInstancesModule
, generateSrcFromLf
, generateSrcPkgFromLf
, DontQualify(..)
) where
import "ghc-lib-parser" BasicTypes
@ -119,24 +120,50 @@ generateSrcPkgFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap pkg = do
toNormalizedFilePath $
(joinPath $ map T.unpack $ LF.unModuleName $ LF.moduleName mod) <.>
pure ( fp
, unlines header ++
(showSDocForUser fakeDynFlags alwaysQualify $
ppr $ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap mod))
( fp
, unlines header ++
(showSDocForUser fakeDynFlags alwaysQualify $
ppr $ generateSrcFromLf (DontQualify False) thisPkgId pkgMap mod) ++
unlines (builtins mod))
header = ["{-# LANGUAGE NoDamlSyntax #-}", "{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}"]
header =
[ "{-# LANGUAGE NoDamlSyntax #-}"
, "{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}"
, "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}"
builtins m
| LF.unModuleName (LF.moduleName m) == ["DA", "Internal", "LF"] =
[ ""
, "data TextMap a = TextMap GHC.Types.Opaque"
, "data Time = Time GHC.Types.Opaque"
, "data Date = Date GHC.Types.Opaque"
, "data ContractId a = ContractId GHC.Types.Opaque"
, "data Update a = Update GHC.Types.Opaque"
, "data Scenario a = Scenario GHC.Types.Opaque"
, "data Party = Party GHC.Types.Opaque"
| LF.unModuleName (LF.moduleName m) == ["DA", "Internal", "Template"] =
[ ""
, "class Template c where"
, " signatory :: c -> [DA.Internal.LF.Party]"
| otherwise = []
newtype DontQualify = DontQualify Bool
-- | Extract all data defintions from a daml-lf module and generate a haskell source file from it.
generateSrcFromLf ::
-> LF.PackageId
-> MS.Map GHC.UnitId LF.PackageId
-> LF.Module
-> ParsedSource
generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
generateSrcFromLf (DontQualify dontQualify) thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
pkgMapInv = MS.fromList $ map swap $ MS.toList pkgMap
getUnitId :: LF.PackageRef -> UnitId
getUnitId pkgRef =
getUnitId pkgRef =
fromMaybe (error $ "Unknown package: " <> show pkgRef) $
case pkgRef of
LF.PRSelf -> MS.lookup thisPkgId pkgMapInv
@ -158,7 +185,7 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
templateTy =
noLoc $
HsTyVar NoExt NotPromoted $
HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted $
noLoc $
mkRdrQual (mkModuleName "DA.Internal.Template") $
mkOccName varName "Template" :: LHsType GhcPs
@ -178,6 +205,7 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
decls =
concat $ do
LF.DefDataType {..} <- NM.toList $ LF.moduleDataTypes m
guard $ not $ isTypeClass dataCons
let numberOfNameComponents = length (LF.unTypeConName dataTypeCon)
-- we should never encounter more than two name components in dalfs.
unless (numberOfNameComponents <= 2) $
@ -192,13 +220,13 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
let occName = mkOccName varName $ T.unpack $ sanitize dataTypeCon0
let dataDecl =
noLoc $
TyClD NoExt $
TyClD noExt $
{ tcdDExt = NoExt
{ tcdDExt = noExt
, tcdLName = noLoc $ mkRdrUnqual occName
, tcdTyVars =
{ hsq_ext = NoExt
{ hsq_ext = noExt
, hsq_explicit =
[ mkUserTyVar $ LF.unTypeVarName tyVarName
| (tyVarName, _kind) <- dataParams
@ -207,7 +235,7 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
, tcdFixity = Prefix
, tcdDataDefn =
{ dd_ext = NoExt
{ dd_ext = noExt
, dd_ND = DataType
, dd_ctxt = noLoc []
, dd_cType = Nothing
@ -220,9 +248,9 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
-- file
let templInstDecl =
noLoc $
InstD NoExt $
InstD noExt $
{ cid_ext = noExt
, cid_poly_ty =
@ -280,7 +308,7 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
(noLoc $
NoExt $
noExt $
NoSourceText $
@ -305,13 +333,25 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
let templateDataCons = NM.names $ LF.moduleTemplates m
pure $ dataDecl : [templInstDecl | dataTypeCon `elem` templateDataCons]
isTypeClass :: LF.DataCons -> Bool
isTypeClass =
LF.DataRecord fields ->
not $
null $
[ T.stripPrefix "_" $ LF.unFieldName fieldName
| (fieldName, _ty) <- fields
LF.DataVariant _cons -> False
LF.DataEnum _cons -> False
convDataCons :: T.Text -> LF.DataCons -> [LConDecl GhcPs]
convDataCons dataTypeCon0 =
LF.DataRecord fields ->
[ noLoc $
{ con_ext = NoExt
{ con_ext = noExt
, con_name =
noLoc $
mkRdrUnqual $
@ -325,12 +365,12 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
[ noLoc $
{ cd_fld_ext = NoExt
{ cd_fld_ext = noExt
, cd_fld_doc = Nothing
, cd_fld_names =
[ noLoc $
{ extFieldOcc = NoExt
{ extFieldOcc = noExt
, rdrNameFieldOcc =
mkRdrName $
LF.unFieldName fieldName
@ -345,7 +385,7 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
LF.DataVariant cons ->
[ noLoc $
{ con_ext = NoExt
{ con_ext = noExt
, con_name =
noLoc $
mkRdrUnqual $
@ -369,7 +409,7 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
LF.DataEnum cons ->
[ noLoc $
{ con_ext = NoExt
{ con_ext = noExt
, con_name =
noLoc $
mkRdrUnqual $
@ -387,16 +427,16 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
mkUserTyVar :: T.Text -> LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs
mkUserTyVar =
noLoc .
UserTyVar NoExt . noLoc . mkRdrUnqual . mkOccName tvName . T.unpack
UserTyVar noExt . noLoc . mkRdrUnqual . mkOccName tvName . T.unpack
convType :: LF.Type -> HsType GhcPs
convType =
LF.TVar tyVarName ->
HsTyVar NoExt NotPromoted $ mkRdrName $ LF.unTypeVarName tyVarName
HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted $ mkRdrName $ LF.unTypeVarName tyVarName
LF.TCon LF.Qualified {..} ->
case LF.unTypeConName qualObject of
[name] ->
HsTyVar NoExt NotPromoted $
HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted $
noLoc $
@ -413,7 +453,7 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
in HsRecTy
[ noLoc $
{ cd_fld_ext = noExt
@ -434,17 +474,19 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
cs -> errTooManyNameComponents cs
LF.TApp ty1 ty2 ->
HsParTy noExt $
noLoc $ HsAppTy NoExt (noLoc $ convType ty1) (noLoc $ convType ty2)
noLoc $ HsAppTy noExt (noLoc $ convType ty1) (noLoc $ convType ty2)
LF.TBuiltin builtinTy -> convBuiltInTy builtinTy
LF.TForall {..} ->
HsParTy noExt $
noLoc $
[mkUserTyVar $ LF.unTypeVarName $ fst forallBinder]
(noLoc $ convType forallBody)
-- TODO (drsk): Is this the correct tuple type? What about the field names?
LF.TTuple fls ->
[noLoc $ convType ty | (_fldName, ty) <- fls]
convBuiltInTy :: LF.BuiltinType -> HsType GhcPs
@ -456,63 +498,47 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
LF.BTTimestamp -> mkLfInternalType "Time"
LF.BTDate -> mkLfInternalType "Date"
LF.BTParty -> mkLfInternalType "Party"
LF.BTUnit -> mkTyConType unitTyCon
LF.BTUnit -> mkTyConTypeUnqual unitTyCon
LF.BTBool -> mkTyConType boolTyCon
LF.BTList -> mkTyConType listTyCon
LF.BTList -> mkTyConTypeUnqual listTyCon
LF.BTUpdate -> mkLfInternalType "Update"
LF.BTScenario -> mkLfInternalType "Scenario"
LF.BTContractId -> mkLfInternalType "ContractId"
LF.BTOptional -> mkLfInternalPrelude "Optional"
LF.BTMap -> mkLfInternalType "TextMap"
LF.BTArrow -> mkTyConType funTyCon
LF.BTArrow -> mkTyConTypeUnqual funTyCon
mkGhcType =
HsTyVar NoExt NotPromoted .
HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted .
noLoc . mkOrig gHC_TYPES . mkOccName varName
damlStdlibUnitId = stringToUnitId "daml-stdlib"
mkLfInternalType =
HsTyVar NoExt NotPromoted .
HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted .
noLoc .
mkOrig (mkModule damlStdlibUnitId $ mkModuleName "DA.Internal.LF") .
mkOccName varName
mkLfInternalPrelude =
HsTyVar NoExt NotPromoted .
HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted .
noLoc .
mkOrig (mkModule damlStdlibUnitId $ mkModuleName "DA.Internal.Prelude") .
mkOccName varName
mkTyConType :: TyCon -> HsType GhcPs
mkTyConType tyCon =
let name = getName tyCon
in HsTyVar NoExt NotPromoted . noLoc $
mkOrig (nameModule name) (occName name)
mkGhcPrimImport :: Bool -> String -> LImportDecl GhcPs
mkGhcPrimImport qualified modName = noLoc $
{ ideclExt = NoExt
, ideclSourceSrc = NoSourceText
, ideclName = noLoc $ mkModuleName modName
, ideclPkgQual =
Just $ StringLiteral NoSourceText $ mkFastString "daml-prim"
, ideclSource = False
, ideclSafe = False
, ideclImplicit = False
, ideclQualified = qualified
, ideclAs = Nothing
, ideclHiding = Nothing
imports =
-- first, imports that we need in any case
map (mkGhcPrimImport True) ["GHC.Types", "GHC.Err"] ++
-- qualified imports from daml-prim
map (mkGhcPrimImport False) ["Data.String"] ++
-- unqualified importts from daml-prim
mkTyConType = mkTyConType' dontQualify
mkTyConTypeUnqual = mkTyConType' True
mkTyConType' :: Bool -> TyCon -> HsType GhcPs
mkTyConType' dontQualify tyCon
| dontQualify = HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted . noLoc $ mkRdrUnqual (occName name)
| otherwise =
HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted . noLoc $
mkRdrQual (moduleName $ nameModule name) (occName name)
name = getName tyCon
imports = declImports ++ additionalImports
additionalImports =
[ noLoc $
{ ideclExt = NoExt
{ ideclExt = noExt
, ideclSourceSrc = NoSourceText
, ideclName =
noLoc $ mkModuleName $ T.unpack $ LF.moduleNameString modRef
, ideclPkgQual =
Just $ StringLiteral NoSourceText $ unitIdFS $ getUnitId pkgRef
, ideclName = noLoc $ mkModuleName "GHC.Err"
, ideclPkgQual = Nothing
, ideclSource = False
, ideclSafe = False
, ideclImplicit = False
@ -520,8 +546,80 @@ generateSrcFromLf thisPkgId pkgMap m = noLoc mod
, ideclAs = Nothing
, ideclHiding = Nothing
} :: LImportDecl GhcPs
| (pkgRef@(LF.PRImport pkgId), modRef) <-
nubSort $ toListOf moduleModuleRef m
, pkgId /= thisPkgId
| LF.unModuleName (LF.moduleName m) /= ["GHC", "Err"]
-- imports needed by the module declarations
[ noLoc $
{ ideclExt = noExt
, ideclSourceSrc = NoSourceText
, ideclName = noLoc $ mkModuleName "GHC.CString"
, ideclPkgQual = Nothing
, ideclSource = False
, ideclSafe = False
, ideclImplicit = False
, ideclQualified = False
, ideclAs = Nothing
, ideclHiding = Nothing
} :: LImportDecl GhcPs
| LF.unModuleName (LF.moduleName m) /= ["GHC", "CString"]
-- imports needed by the module declarations
[ noLoc $
{ ideclExt = noExt
, ideclSourceSrc = NoSourceText
, ideclName =
noLoc $ mkModuleName $ T.unpack $ LF.moduleNameString modRef
, ideclPkgQual = Nothing
, ideclSource = False
, ideclSafe = False
, ideclImplicit = False
, ideclQualified = True
, ideclAs = Nothing
, ideclHiding = Nothing
} :: LImportDecl GhcPs
| (_unitId, modRef) <- modRefs
, modRef /= LF.moduleName m
, LF.unModuleName modRef /= ["GHC", "Prim"]
modRefs =
nubSort $
[ (getUnitId pkg, modRef)
| (pkg, modRef) <- toListOf moduleModuleRef m
] ++
(map builtinToModuleRef $
concat $ do
dataTy <- NM.toList $ LF.moduleDataTypes m
case LF.dataCons dataTy of
LF.DataRecord fs -> map (toListOf builtinType . snd) fs
LF.DataVariant vs -> map (toListOf builtinType . snd) vs
LF.DataEnum _es -> pure [])
builtinToModuleRef = \case
LF.BTInt64 -> (primUnitId, translateModName intTyCon)
LF.BTDecimal -> (primUnitId, LF.ModuleName ["GHC", "Types"])
LF.BTText -> (primUnitId, LF.ModuleName ["GHC", "Types"])
LF.BTTimestamp -> (stdlibUnitId, LF.ModuleName ["DA", "Internal", "LF"])
LF.BTDate -> (stdlibUnitId, LF.ModuleName ["DA", "Internal", "LF"])
LF.BTParty -> (stdlibUnitId, LF.ModuleName ["DA", "Internal", "LF"])
LF.BTUnit -> (primUnitId, translateModName unitTyCon)
LF.BTBool -> (primUnitId, translateModName boolTyCon)
LF.BTList -> (primUnitId, translateModName listTyCon)
LF.BTUpdate -> (stdlibUnitId, LF.ModuleName ["DA", "Internal", "LF"])
LF.BTScenario -> (stdlibUnitId, LF.ModuleName ["DA", "Internal", "LF"])
LF.BTContractId -> (stdlibUnitId, LF.ModuleName ["DA", "Internal", "LF"])
LF.BTOptional -> (stdlibUnitId, LF.ModuleName ["DA", "Internal", "Prelude"])
LF.BTMap -> (stdlibUnitId, LF.ModuleName ["DA", "Internal", "LF"])
LF.BTArrow -> (primUnitId, translateModName funTyCon)
stdlibUnitId = stringToUnitId "daml-stdlib"
translateModName ::
forall a. NamedThing a
=> a
-> LF.ModuleName
translateModName =
LF.ModuleName .
map T.pack . split (== '.') . moduleNameString . moduleName . nameModule . getName

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@ -700,44 +700,39 @@ execMigrate projectOpts opts0 inFile1_ inFile2_ mbDir = do
pure (src, iuid, depends pkgInfo)
let unitIdsTopoSorted = reverse $ topSort depGraph
createDirectoryIfMissing True genDir
projectPkgDb <- makeAbsolute projectPackageDatabase
forM_ unitIdsTopoSorted $ \vertex -> withCurrentDirectory genDir $ do
forM_ unitIdsTopoSorted $ \vertex -> do
let (src, iuid, _) = vertexToNode vertex
let iuidString = installedUnitIdString iuid
let workDir = genDir </> iuidString
createDirectoryIfMissing True workDir
-- we change the working dir so that we get correct file paths for the interface files.
withCurrentDirectory workDir $ do
-- TODO (drsk) remove this filter
(iuid `elem`
map stringToInstalledUnitId ["daml-prim", "daml-stdlib"]) $ do
(iuid `elem` map stringToInstalledUnitId ["daml-prim"]) $
-- typecheck and generate interface files
forM_ src $ \(fp, content) -> do
let path = fromNormalizedFilePath fp
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory path
writeFile path content
opts' <-
mkOptions $
{ optWriteInterface = True
, optPackageDbs = [projectPkgDb]
, optIfaceDir =
(dbPath </> installedUnitIdString iuid)
, optIsGenerated = True
, optMbPackageName =
Just $ installedUnitIdString iuid
withDamlIdeState opts' loggerH diagnosticsLogger $ \ide ->
forM_ src $ \(fp, _content) -> do
mbCore <-
runAction ide $
getGhcCore fp
case mbCore of
Nothing ->
ioError $
userError $
"Compilation of generated source for " <>
installedUnitIdString iuid <>
" failed."
Just _core -> pure ()
forM_ src $ \(fp, content) -> do
let path = fromNormalizedFilePath fp
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory path
writeFile path content
opts' <-
mkOptions $
{ optWriteInterface = True
, optPackageDbs = [projectPkgDb]
, optIfaceDir = Just (dbPath </> installedUnitIdString iuid)
, optIsGenerated = True
, optMbPackageName = Just $ installedUnitIdString iuid
withDamlIdeState opts' loggerH diagnosticsLogger $ \ide ->
forM_ src $ \(fp, _content) -> do
mbCore <- runAction ide $ getGhcCore fp
when (isNothing mbCore) $
fail $
"Compilation of generated source for " <> installedUnitIdString iuid <>
" failed."
-- get the package name and the lf-package
[(pkgName1, pkgId1, lfPkg1), (pkgName2, pkgId2, lfPkg2)] <-
forM [inFile1, inFile2] $ \inFile -> do
@ -763,7 +758,7 @@ execMigrate projectOpts opts0 inFile1_ inFile2_ mbDir = do
forM_ eqModNames $ \m@(LF.ModuleName modName) -> do
[genSrc1, genSrc2] <-
forM [(pkgId1, lfPkg1), (pkgId2, lfPkg2)] $ \(pkgId, pkg) -> do
generateSrcFromLf pkgId pkgMap0 <$> getModule m pkg
generateSrcFromLf (DontQualify True) pkgId pkgMap0 <$> getModule m pkg
let upgradeModPath =
(joinPath $ fromMaybe "" mbDir : map T.unpack modName) <>
@ -800,13 +795,11 @@ execMigrate projectOpts opts0 inFile1_ inFile2_ mbDir = do
"Cannot decode daml-lf archive"
(Archive.decodeArchive dalf)
getEntry fp dar =
maybe (ioError $ userError $ "Package does not contain " <> fp) pure $
maybe (fail $ "Package does not contain " <> fp) pure $
findEntryByPath fp dar
getModule modName pkg =
(ioError $
userError $
T.unpack $ "Can't find module" <> LF.moduleNameString modName)
(fail $ T.unpack $ "Can't find module" <> LF.moduleNameString modName)
pure $
NM.lookup modName $ LF.packageModules pkg